939 resultados para PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS
O objetivo deste trabalho ?? o de construir um ??ndice de gest??o municipal em cultura, com o potencial de servir de balizador para as a????es nesta ??rea tanto no ??mbito municipal quanto no das esferas estaduais e federal. Para tanto s??o utilizados dados do ???Perfil dos Munic??pios Brasileiros ??? Cultura 2006???, publicado pelo IBGE, o qual disp??e das respostas de 5.562 munic??pios sobre cultura e gest??o cultural. As respostas foram tabuladas e combinadas de forma a produzir vari??veis espec??ficas para a constru????o do ??ndice. O m??todo utilizado para a constru????o do ??ndice de Gest??o Municipal em Cultura (IGMC) foi o de an??lise de componentes principais, que permite ?? pr??pria amostra definir os pesos que cada vari??vel exercer?? na computa????o do ??ndice final. Al??m do IGMC geral, foram computados no processo tr??s sub??ndices, cada um deles procurando refletir um aspecto espec??fico da gest??o municipal em cultura, a saber: fortalecimento institucional e gest??o democr??tica, infraestrutura e recursos humanos, e a????o cultural. Os resultados obtidos permitem diversos tipos de compara????es intermunicipais e regionais, bem como a prescri????o de a????es locais na ??rea de gest??o que visem ?? melhoria da administra????o cultural dos munic??pios.
A combinação da agricultura de precisão e do Sistema Integrado de Recomendação Foliar (DRIS) possibilita monitorar espacialmente o balanço nutricional dos cafezais para fornecer recomendações de adubação mais equilibradas e mais ajustadas economicamente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial do estado nutricional do cafeeiro conilon, utilizando o Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN) e sua relação com a produtividade. A produtividade das plantas em cada ponto amostral foi determinada e construiu-se o seu mapa considerando a variabilidade espacial; determinou-se o Índice de Equilíbrio Nutricional (IBN) das plantas em cada ponto amostral e construiu-se o seu mapa; e utilizou-se a análise de componentes principais (ACP) para estimar o IBN do cafeeiro por cokrigagem. Os dados do cafeeiro conilon foram coletados em fazenda experimental, no município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim-ES. O IBN do cafeeiro e a sua produtividade foram analisados por meio de geoestatística, com base nos modelos e parâmetros dos semivariogramas, utilizando o método de interpolação krigagem ordinária para estimar valores para locais não amostrados. O índice de Balanço Nutricional da lavoura do cafeeiro conilon apresentou dependência espacial, porém não apresentou correlação linear e nem espacial com a produtividade. A lavoura em estudo se encontra em desequilíbrio nutricional, sendo que entre os macronutrientes, o Potássio foi o que apresentou maior desequilíbrio na área, entre os micronutrientes, o Zinco e o Ferro foram os que apresentaram menores concentrações nas folhas. A confecção dos mapas possibilitou a distinção de regiões com maior e menor desequilíbrio nutricional e produtividade, o que possibilita adotar o manejo de forma diferenciada e localizada. A análise multivariada baseada em componentes principais fornece componentes com alta correlação com as variáveis originais P, Ca, Zn , Cu, K e B. A cokrigagem utilizando as componentes principais permite estimar o IBN e a produtividade da área.
This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of multiple centroids to study the adaptability of alfalfa genotypes (Medicago sativa L.). In this method, the genotypes are compared with ideotypes defined by the bissegmented regression model, according to the researcher's interest. Thus, genotype classification is carried out as determined by the objective of the researcher and the proposed recommendation strategy. Despite the great potential of the method, it needs to be evaluated under the biological context (with real data). In this context, we used data on the evaluation of dry matter production of 92 alfalfa cultivars, with 20 cuttings, from an experiment in randomized blocks with two repetitions carried out from November 2004 to June 2006. The multiple centroid method proved efficient for classifying alfalfa genotypes. Moreover, it showed no unambiguous indications and provided that ideotypes were defined according to the researcher's interest, facilitating data interpretation.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
This paper presents a proposal for an automatic vehicle detection and classification (AVDC) system. The proposed AVDC should classify vehicles accordingly to the Portuguese legislation (vehicle height over the first axel and number of axels), and should also support profile based classification. The AVDC should also fulfill the needs of the Portuguese motorway operator, Brisa. For the classification based on the profile we propose:he use of Eigenprofiles, a technique based on Principal Components Analysis. The system should also support multi-lane free flow for future integration in this kind of environments.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional em Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde
OBJECTIVE To analyze evidence of the validity and reliability of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Quality of Care Scale from the perspective of people with physical and intellectual disabilities.METHODS There were 162 people with physical disabilities and 156 with intellectual disabilities from Porto Alegre and metropolitan region, who participated in the study in 2008. Classical psychometrics was used to independently analyze the two samples. Hypotheses for evidence of criterion validity (concurrent type) were tested with the Mann-Whitney test for non-normal distributions. Principal components analysis was used to explore factorial models. Evidence of reliability was calculated with Cronbach alpha for the scales and subscales. Test-retest reliability was analyzed for individuals with intellectual disabilities through intra-class correlation coefficient and the Willcoxon test.RESULTS The principal components in the group with physical disabilities replicated the original model presented as a solution to the international project data. Evidence of discriminant validity and test-retest reliability was found.CONCLUSIONS The transcultural factor model found within the international sample project seems appropriate for the samples investigated in this study, especially the physical disabilities group. Depression, pain, satisfaction with life and disability may play a mediating role in the evaluation of quality of care. Additional research is needed to add to evidence of the validity of the instruments.
In this paper a new PCA-based positioning sensor and localization system for mobile robots to operate in unstructured environments (e. g. industry, services, domestic ...) is proposed and experimentally validated. The inexpensive positioning system resorts to principal component analysis (PCA) of images acquired by a video camera installed onboard, looking upwards to the ceiling. This solution has the advantage of avoiding the need of selecting and extracting features. The principal components of the acquired images are compared with previously registered images, stored in a reduced onboard image database, and the position measured is fused with odometry data. The optimal estimates of position and slippage are provided by Kalman filters, with global stable error dynamics. The experimental validation reported in this work focuses on the results of a set of experiments carried out in a real environment, where the robot travels along a lawn-mower trajectory. A small position error estimate with bounded co-variance was always observed, for arbitrarily long experiments, and slippage was estimated accurately in real time.
One of the most important measures to prevent wild forest fires is the use of prescribed and controlled burning actions as it reduce the fuel mass availability. The impact of these management activities on soil physical and chemical properties varies according to the type of both soil and vegetation. Decisions in forest management plans are often based on the results obtained from soil-monitoring campaigns. Those campaigns are often man-labor intensive and expensive. In this paper we have successfully used the multivariate statistical technique Robust Principal Analysis Compounds (ROBPCA) to investigate on the sampling procedure effectiveness for two different methodologies, in order to reflect on the possibility of simplifying and reduce the sampling collection process and its auxiliary laboratory analysis work towards a cost-effective and competent forest soil characterization.
Portugal, as well as the Mediterranean basin, is favorable to the occurrence of forest fires. In this work a statistical analysis was carried out based on the official information, considering the forest fires occurrences and the corresponding burned area for each of the districts of the mainland Portugal, between 1996 and 2010. Concerning to the forest fires occurrence it was possible to identify three main regions in mainland Portugal, while the burned area can be characterized in two main regions. Associations between districts and years are different in the two approaches. The results obtained provide a synthetic analysis of the phenomenon of forest fires in continental Portugal, based on all the official information available to date.
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Annals of Microbiology, 59 (4) 705-713 (2009)
Eight depositional sequences (DS) delimited by regional disconformities had been recognized in the Miocene of Lisbon and Setúbal Peninsula areas. In the case of the western coast of the Setúbal Peninsula, outcrops consisting of Lower Burdigalian to Lower Tortonian sediments were studied. The stratigraphic zonography and the environmental considerations are mainly supported on data concerning to foraminifera, ostracoda, vertebrates and palynomorphs. The first mineralogical and geochemical data determined for Foz da Fonte, Penedo Sul and Penedo Norte sedimentary sequences are presented. These analytical data mainly correspond to the sediments' fine fractions. Mineralogical data are based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), carried out on both the less than 38 nm and 2 nm fractions. Qualitative and semi-quantitative determinations of clay and non-clay minerals were obtained for both fractions. The clay minerals assemblages complete the lithostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental data obtained by stratigraphic and palaeontological studies. Some palaeomagnetic and isotopic data are discussed and correlated with the mineralogical data. Multivariate data analysis (Principal Components Analysis) of the mineralogical data was carried out using both R-mode and Q-mode factor analysis.
Trabalho de Projecto de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil