421 resultados para PAH


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Azken hamarkadetan, kutsatzaile organikoak ingurumenean eta izaki bizidunengan sortzen dituzten efektu negatiboak direla eta, hauen determinazioa egiteko interesa piztu da. Batez ere, hazkunde industrialak eta gizakiak eragiten dituzten aktibitate antropogenikoak sortutako hondakinak uraren egoera kaltetuta izateak eragiten dute. Izaki bizidunen ongizatea bermatzen duen eta uraren kalitate egokia kontrolatzeko Europear mailan ezarri den lege garrantzitsuenetakoa Europako Ur Esparru Zuzentarauari (Water Framework Directive, WFD 2000/60/CE) dagokio. Bertan, gaur egun kezka gehien sortzen duten konposatu organiko emergenteek uretan izan behar dituzten parametro kimikoak, biologikoak eta ekologikoak zerrendatuta agertzen dira eta konposatuek uretan izan behar dituzten kontzentrazio maximoak agertzen dira, ingurumenaren babesa eta izaki bizidunen osasuna bermatzeko.


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The management of municipal solid waste (MSW), particularly the role of incineration, is currently a subject of public debate. Incineration shows to be a good alternative of reducing the volume of waste and eliminating certain infectious components. Moreover, Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWI), are reported to be highly hygienic and apart from that MWIs are immediately effective in terms of transport (incinerators can be built close to the waste sources) and incineration's nature. Nevertheless, the emissions of many hazardous substances make the Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plants to be unpopular. Metals (especially lead, manganese, cadmium, chromium and mercury) are concentrated in fly and bottom ashes. Furthermore, incomplete combustion produces a wide variety of potentially hazardous organic compounds, such as aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated hydrocarbons including polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF), and even acid gases, including NOx. Many of these hazardous substances are carcinogenic and some have direct systemic toxicity.


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A exaustão de um veículo de motor a diesel é uma importante fonte de poluentes atmosféricos, pois forma uma matriz complexa composta de poluentes regulados e não regulados pelos órgãos governamentais. Dentre os poluentes regulados podemos citar óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx) e material particulado. Os poluentes não regulados são pouco estudados até hoje e dentre estes encontra-se a classe dos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos e seus derivados nitrados (nitro-HPA). Estes são encontrados na exaustão do diesel na forma gasosa ou agregados ao material particulado. Hoje, o interesse em estudos destes compostos vem aumentando, devido às suas atividades carcinogênicas e mutagênicas às quais estão sujeitas as populações dos centros urbanos. O impacto causado pelos nitro-HPA emitidos por motores a ciclo diesel ao ambiente não está ainda completamente estabelecido. Este estudo consiste na modelagem e simulação do processo de combustão de hidrocarbonetos na faixa de C1 a C4 com o objetivo de descrever a formação de compostos aromáticos, principalmente HPA, e óxidos de nitrogênio a partir de modelos cinéticos de combustão propostos na literatura como referência e fazendo uso do software de simulação Kintecus. Este projeto tem como objetivo em longo prazo propor um modelo cinético para combustão do óleo Diesel. Foi iniciada a construção de um modelo cinético de combustão a partir de modelos de hidrocarbonetos simples de C1 a C4, com formação de aromáticos, HPA e óxidos de nitrogênio. Os modelos originais foram avaliados e modificados a fim de estudar como parâmetros do modelo afetam a concentração das espécies de interesse. Foi observado a tendência de formação de benzeno e fulveno em baixas temperaturas e a tendência de formação de antraceno, pireno, fenantreno a temperaturas mais altas. Foi avaliado que a conversão NO-NO2 ocorre em maiores proporções em reações iniciadas a baixas temperaturas, 600 K. Os resultados indicam que propano é o maior responsável por esta conversão. O modelo final obtido resultou da união dos modelos de combustão Hori e Marinov mais inclusão do GRI-Mech 3.0 e reações adicionais de NOx retiradas da base de dados NIST


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As concentrações na exaustão e os fatores de emissão dos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) prioritários de um veículo a diesel e as suas respectivas concentrações no diesel usado durante os ensaios de emissão veicular foram determinados com a finalidade de estimar a contribuição dos HPA provenientes do combustível nas emissões. Os produtos da combustão foram coletados diretamente nas emissões brutas do escapamento, utilizando um sistema de amostragem a volume constante sem diluição dos gases da exaustão. Os HPA associados ao MP foram amostrados de forma estratificada, utilizando um impactador em cascata MOUDI e filtros de fibra de vidro como substratos, e os HPA em fase gasosa foram amostrados usando cartuchos de amberlite XAD-2. A concentração dos HPA no óleo lubrificante do motor também foi monitorada ao longo do tempo até a sua troca após 12.000 km de uso. Após a extração e tratamento das amostras, a identificação e quantificação dos HPA foram realizadas, utilizando cromatografia de fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM) com injetor de grande volume de vaporização com a temperatura programável (PTV-LVI). Cinco variáveis do PTV-LVI foram otimizadas, utilizando planejamento de experimentos, o que permitiu obter limites de detecção menores do que 2,0 g L-1. Somente 7 dos 16 HPA prioritários foram identificados na exaustão: NAP, ACY, ACE, FLU, FEN, FLT e PYR. Os ensaios de emissão veicular foram realizados com o veículo em modo estacionário, sem aplicação de carga e com baixa velocidade de rotação do motor (1500 rpm), utilizando um diesel com menor teor de enxofre (10 mg kg-1) e com 5% v/v de biodiesel. Esses fatores possivelmente contribuíram para reduzir as emissões dos outros 9 HPA a valores abaixo dos limites de detecção do método desenvolvido. Aproximadamente 80% da massa dos HPA totais associados ao MP estavam presentes em partículas com tamanho entre 1,0 m e 56 nm, e aproximadamente 4,5% estavam presentes em partículas menores do que 56 nm. Partículas menores que 2,5 m são facilmente inaladas e depositadas no trato respiratório e na região alveolar, justificando a preocupação com relação às emissões de HPA associados a partículas provenientes da exaustão veicular de motores a diesel. Somente 5 dos 7 HPA identificados na exaustão foram detectados no diesel: NAP, ACY, FLU, FEN e PYR. A razão entre os fatores de emissão (g L-1diesel) dos HPA na exaustão e suas respectivas concentrações do diesel (g L-1) variaram de 0,01 0,02 a 0,05 0,029, dependendo do HPA. Esses valores indicam que pelo menos 95 a 99% dos HPA identificados no diesel foram destruídos e/ou transformados em outros compostos durante a combustão, e/ou foram retidos no reservatório do óleo lubrificante. Por outro lado, os HPA que tiveram maiores concentrações no diesel também apresentaram maiores fatores de emissão, o que sugere que os HPA provenientes do diesel possuem uma contribuição significativa para as emissões dos HPA totais. O perfil dos HPA prioritários no óleo lubrificante mostrou-se semelhante ao perfil dos HPA no diesel e nas emissões totais, onde o NAP, FEN e PYR foram os HPA majoritários


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Marine mammals, such as dolphins, can serve as key indicator species in coastal areas by reflecting the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors. As such they are often considered sentinels of environmental and ecosystem health (Bossart 2006; Wells et al. 2004; Fair and Becker 2000). The bottlenose dolphin is an apex predator and a key component of many estuarine environments in the southeastern United States (Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1994; SCDNR 2005). Health assessments of dolphins are especially critical in areas where populations are depleted, show signs of epidemic disease and/or high mortality and/or where habitat is being altered or impacted by human activities. Recent assessments of environmental conditions in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (IRL) and the estuarine waters surrounding Charleston, South Carolina (CHS) highlight the need for studies of the health of local bottlenose dolphins. While the condition of southeastern estuaries was rated as fair in the National Coastal Condition Report (U.S. EPA 2001), it was noted that the IRL was characterized by poorer than expected benthic communities, significant sediment toxicity and increased nutrient concentrations. Similarly, portions of the CHS estuary have sediment concentrations of aliphatic aromatic hydrocarbons, select inorganic metals, and some persistent pesticides far in excess of reported bioeffect levels (Hyland et al. 1998). Long-term trends in water quality monitoring and recent scientific research suggest that waste load assimilation, non-point source runoff impacts, contaminated sediments, and toxic pollutants are key issues in the CHS estuary system. Several ‘hot spots’ with high levels of heavy metals and organic compounds have been identified (Van Dolah et al. 2004). High concentrations of anthropogenic trace metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) and pesticides have been found in the sediments of Charleston Harbor, as well as the Ashley and Cooper Rivers (Long et al. 1998). Two superfund sites are located within the CHS estuary and the key contaminants of concern associated with these sites are: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), lead, chromium, copper, arsenic, zinc and dioxin. Concerns related to the overall health of IRL dolphins and dermatologic disease observed in many dolphins in the area (Bossart et al. 2003) initiated an investigation of potential factors which may have impacted dolphin health. From May-August 2001, 35 bottlenose dolphins died in the IRL during an unusual mortality event (MMC 2003). Many of these dolphins were diagnosed with a variety of skin lesions including proliferative ulcerative dermatitis due to protozoa and fungi, dolphin pox and a vesicular dermatopathy of unknown etiology (Bossart et al. 2003). Multiple species from fish to dolphins in the IRL system have exhibited skin lesions of various known and unknown etiologies (Kane et al. 2000; Bossart et al. 2003; Reif et al. 2006). On-going photo-identification (photo-ID) studies have documented skin diseases in IRL dolphins (Mazzoil et al. 2005). In addition, up to 70% of green sea turtles in the IRL exhibit fibropapillomas, with the highest rates of occurrence being seen in turtles from the southern IRL (Hirama 2001).


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NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) collected oyster tissue and sediments for quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum associated metals before and after the landfall of oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident of 2010. These new pre- and post- landfall measurements were put into a historical context by comparing them to data collected in the region over three decades during Mussel Watch monitoring. Overall, the levels of PAHs in both sediment and oysters both pre- and post-landfall were within the range of historically observed values for the Gulf of Mexico. Some specific sites did have elevated PAH levels. While those locations generally correspond to areas in which oil reached coastal areas, it cannot be conclusively stated that the contamination is due to oiling from the Deepwater Horizon incident at these sites due to the survey nature of these sampling efforts. Instead, our data indicate locations along the coast where intensive investigation of hydrocarbon contamination should be undertaken. Post-spill concentrations of oil-related trace metals (V, Hg, Ni) were generally within historically observed ranges for a given site, however, nickel and vanadium were elevated at some sites including areas in Mississippi Sound and Galveston, Terrebonne, Mobile, Pensacola, and Apalachicola Bays. No oyster tissue metal body burden exceeded any of the United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) shellfish permissible action levels for human consumption.


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Ecological risk assessment is determination of the probability of an adverse effect occurring to an ecological system. This investigation was carried out to assess the ecological risk of sediment in coast of Bandar Abbass in 9 stations including Shilat Jetty, Hotel Amin, Poshte-Shahr, Souro, Bahonar Jetty, Powerhouse, Refinery and Rajaee Jetty from autumn 2013 to summer 2014. Results showed that Polychaete with 1177 , 1109 , 414 , 573 , ind.m2 in autumn 91 , winter 91 , spring 92 and summer 92 were the most abundant in frequency respectively. Among ecological indices, the Margalof that ranged from 4 to 7 was in a good situation while Shanoon and Berger – Parker with 1.2 (at most) and 0.32 (at least) respectively indicated an environment with probable stress. Heavy metal distribution obtained as Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn in sediment. In tissue, the distribution of heavy metals were as Crab>polychaete>Bivalve>gastropod for Pb, Gastropod>Bivalve>Polychaete>Crab for Cd, Gastropod>Crab>Polychaete>Bivalve for Cu and Gastropod>Bivalve>Crab>Polychaete for Zn. Maximum and Minimum of TOM obtained 10.16 and 1.96 percent in Posht-e-Shahr and shilat Jetty respectively and clay was the dominant grain in most area. Bioaccumulation coefficient of Zn and Cu was high in all stations. Igeo as a single index was high for Cd indicating a high risk in all stations. Potential Ecological Risk was high for Cu and Zn and goes increasingly from shilat Jetty to Rajee Jetty but goes down for Pb. Pollution index for Cu and Pb was nearly the same as Potential Ecological Risk but for Zn goes constantly. Among PAH, 5-ring and 6-ring PAhs were more concentrate comparison to other compounds in sediment. 2-ring and 3-ring, 3-ring, 4-ring and 5-ring and 5-ring PAHs were more concentrate in Gastropod, Bivalve, Crab and Polychaete respectively. HI as an index of PAH obtained 1. Ecological Risk Indices showed that the heavy metals are a serious risk for invertebrate in sediment but PAHs are not a risk for benthic community.


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Study on the biomarkers types to assess health status of marine ecosystems in environmental biomonitoring has an important value. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper(i.e. Boleophthalmus dussumieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change performed on haemocytes, stability of red blood cell membrane and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskipper. Samples were obtained from five sites along north western coast of the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan coast). Red blood cell membrane changes after different concentration of PAHs at different time was also studied to evaluate impact of PAHs compound on cell membrane. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Lysosomal membrane change was measured by NRR time method and stability of red blood cell membrane was evaluated by EOF test. Total PAH concentrations in the coastal sea water, the sediments, the liver and the gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 μg/l, 113.50-3384.34 ng g-1 (dry weight), 3.99-46.64 ng g-1 dw and 3.11-17.76 ng g-1 dw, respectively. Highest PAHs pollution was found at Jafari while the lowest was detected at Bahrakan sampling sites. The lowest enzymatic activity was identified at Bahrakan (7.19 ± 1.541 nmol/mg protein/min), while the highest was recorded at Jafari (46.96 ± 7.877 nmol/mg protein/min). Comparative analysis of GST activity in the liver of mudskippers showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between the locations of Jafari and Bahrakan, and with other sites. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the locations of Arvand, Zangi and Samayeli (p < 0.05). The mean RT was below 90 minutes in all sampling sites. Values of mean RT of the dye ranged from 34 (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Jafari site) to 78 minutes (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Bahrakan site). Spatial evaluation revealed the longest RT in fish from Bahrakan as compared with those from other sites. Preliminary results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among sampling sites except between Arvand and Zangi (p > 0.05). Osmotic fragility curves indicated that erythrocytes collected from mudskippers at Jafari were the most 009 fragile followed by Zangi> Arvand> Samayeli> and Bahrakan. The mean erythrocyte fragility was significantly higher at Jafari site (p < 0.05) when compared to other sites. Significant differences were found between the various sites (p < 0.05).The result indicated no significant differences between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to field concentrations of PAHs (P>0.05). The results further indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to acute. Potency Divisor concentrations. It is clear from the present result that chronic. Potency Divisor concentrations protect red cells against osmotic hemolysis. This study, however, showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than the available standards. The findings showed that Lysosomal membrane destabilization, liver GST activities and fragility of red cell membrane are highly sensitive in the mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organisms for PAH pollution monitoring. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating that PAH type pollutants were biologically available to fish. One of the possible risk assessment implications of this study is that biomarkers can be applied not only to characterize biological effects of pollution exposures, but also to determine the bioavailability of pollution in aquatic systems. The results also indicated that PAHs compound possess anti haemolytic property.


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以鲤鱼肝微粒体为实验体系 ,研究了被五种多环芳烃 ( PAH)化合物菲、9,1 0 -菲醌、芘、1 -羟基芘、苯并芘污染后 ,其芳烃羟化酶 ( AHH)的活性变化 ,发现多环芳烃对 AHH的诱导具有良好的剂量效应关系。 AHH活性升高的大小可以作为监测多环芳烃对水体污染程度的一种生物指标。五种多环芳烃对 AHH诱导能力的大小为 1 -羟基芘 >苯并芘 ;9,1 0 -菲醌 >芘 >菲 ,与其毒性大小相关。


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Exposure to indoor air pollution (IAP) from the combustion of biomass fuels is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. In the work discussed in this paper we evaluated the endocrine activity of soot particles from biomass fuels by using yeast bioassay. These pollutants could have beta-galactosidase activity with a relative potency (RP) about 10(-7)-10(-9) that of estradiol. Soot particles from wood and straw combustion only partially induced beta-galactosidase activity whereas others produced fully inductive activity in the yeast assay system. These pollutants did not have estrogen antagonist and progesterone agonist activity within the defined concentration range. However, these pollutants require 2-4 orders of magnitude higher IC50 to inhibit the activity of progesterone in a similar dose-response manner to mifepristone. We therefore propose that the endocrine activity of some environmental pollutants may be because of inhibition of the progesterone receptor (hPR). GC-MS results showed that substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds, substituted phenolic compounds and derivatives, aromatic carbonyl compounds, and phytosteroids in these soot particles may be mimicking endogenous hormones.


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Green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) were collected from a site in Hong Kong which is relatively free from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination, and maintained in situ at this and three other sites with different degrees of PAH contamination. The transplanted mussels were retrieved after a 30-day field exposure. DNA adducts in the gill tissues were quantified, and tissue concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene as well as total PAHs (with potential carcinogenicity) determined for individual mussels. Results indicate that (1) tissue concentration of PAHs and adduct levels in mussels collected from a single site can be highly variable; and (2) adduct levels were related to tissue concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene as well as total PAHs of individual animals.


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Sources and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Ya-Er Lake area (Hubei, China) sediment cores of 3 ponds in the shallow Ya-Er Lake were investigated for 16 PAH. Analytical procedure included extraction by ultrasonication, clean-up by gel-permeation and quantification by HPLC with fluorescence detection. The total PAH amount in sediment samples of the Ya-Er Lake ranged from 68 to 2242 mu g/kg. Concentrations decreased from pond 1 to pond 3 and from upper to lower sediment layers. In addition a soil sample from Ya-Er Lake area showed a total PAH amount of 58 mu g/kg. The PAH pattern in lower sediment layers were similar to that of the soil sample which indicates an atmospheric deposition into the sediments prior to 1970 only. The PAH profile of upper sediment samples, which differs completely from that of lower layers, may be explained by a gradually increasing input of mixed combustion and raw fuel sources since 1970. Therefore the origin of increased PAH contamination in Ya-Er Lake during the last 3 decades has been probably an industrial waste effluent in pond 1.


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纳米管是重要的一维纳米材料,在催化、分离、光电子材料、生物医药、超分子组装及复合材料等领域的应用前景广阔。探索新型的纳米管材料、研究它们的性质以及与高分子体系的杂化行为对该领域的发展具有重要意义。 Imogolite是一种纳米管状结构的硅铝酸盐,结构规整、具有独特的亲水性以及在水溶液中的分散性,是一种理想的纳米管研究对象。本论文采用正硅酸乙酯水解法合成了imogolite纳米管。使用光学显微镜,TEM,SEM,FTIR,WAXD,TGA等手段系统地研究了imogolite纳米管的生长机理、imogolite纳米管在液滴干燥过程中的自组装行为、imogolite纳米管与聚电解质的组装行为,以及imogolite纳米管/水溶性聚合物体系在液滴干燥过程中的组装行为。 Imogolite纳米管在液滴蒸发过程中可发生有序排列的自组装行为,这与液滴干燥过程中的毛细管流动、表面张力效应及润湿性质等有关。在空气中干燥imogolite液滴时,溶液浓度、pH、离子强度均会影响纳米管在液滴干燥斑中的聚集形态。低浓度液滴干燥后形成的取向纳米管束结构很好地验证了环状干燥斑的形成机理。而在乙醇气氛下干燥imogolite液滴时,毛细管流动被抑制,体系的表面能降低,因此可获得在基底上单根均匀分散的imogolite纳米管。 利用上述结果,首次实现了对合成imogolite纳米管聚合生长过程的直接观察。发现imogolite纳米管在生长过程中,直径尺寸均匀稳定;而长度的多分散性始终存在,且长度多分散性指数小于2。聚合反应初期,纳米管数量和长度均增长迅速;反应后期,纳米管长度和体系浓度的增大致使纳米管运动受限,反应为扩散控制,但体系内仍有大量imogolite短管生成并持续生长,使纳米管数量和长度在反应后期仍可继续增长。这表明合成imogolite纳米管是由扩散控制的硬棒状分子单元逐步聚合形成。 基于imogolite纳米管独特的表面性质,研究了imogolite与水溶性聚合物之间的组装行为。首次发现imogolite纳米管能够与聚电解质(PAA,PAH,PSS,PDDA)在水溶液中组装形成稳定的微米管结构。此类微米管是由椭球形的囊泡相互连接形成的超分子组装体。微米管结构稳定,骨架为无规的imogolite纳米管,聚电解质起粘结作用。微米管的形成不依赖于聚电解质的电荷性质或氢键作用,但聚电解质的浓度和分子量、聚电解质与imogolite的配比、温度、外力场以及pH均能够影响微米管的生长及最终形态。 聚阴离子聚电解质PAA和PSS与imogolite纳米管之间存在较强的相互作用,这阻碍了纳米管在液滴蒸发过程中的自组装行为,使其无法有序排列。Imogolite纳米管在PEO液滴干燥过程中的自组装行为与PEO浓度、分子量和端基性质有关。对于低浓度PEO体系,PEO能通过被氧化的端羟基与imogolite纳米管相互作用,吸附到imogolite纳米管外壁的PEO分子可以改变纳米管的排列间距。这表明在聚合物/imogolite体系中,通过改变聚合物分子的结构参数,可调控imogolite纳米管在液滴干燥过程中的排列方式。


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低介电常数材料可作为微电子器件的层间或是导线间的绝缘材料,以提高微电子芯片的信号传输速率。在聚合物材料中引入氟元素或引入空洞可以有效降低聚合物材料介电常数。本文利用层层组装的方法在聚合物中引入空洞以降低聚合物材料的介电常数。这样,不仅能够获得低介电常数材料,而且可以得到超薄膜,对于降低电子元件的尺寸、提高芯片的信号传输速率具有实际的应用价值。 对具有笼状结构的八苯代聚倍半硅氧烷(OPS)采取先用发烟硝酸硝化为带有硝基的产物ONPS,然后再以水合肼作为还原剂将硝基还原为胺基的两步反应方法,制得了带有胺基的聚倍半硅氧烷(OAPS)。用NMR、FTIR方法对合成过程从原料、中间产物、及目标产物进行跟踪分析证明反应结束后,OAPS仍然具有完整的笼状结构,并且胺基化很完全。另外,利用发烟硫酸作为磺化试剂,采用一步合成的方法制得了磺化OPS(SOPS)。经NMR、FTIR表征,确认了SOPS的结构,磺酸基是在苯环上Si的间位发生了取代。经XPS分析得知,OPS上约有91%的苯环参与了磺化反应。在合适的条件下SOPS与OAPS都可以溶于水,分别带有负电荷与正电荷。 然后,利用合成的SOPS与聚丙烯胺(PAH)进行组装。当PAH溶液的pH值小于7.5时,SOPS在PAH溶液中产生脱落现象。通过调节PAH溶液的pH值,可以控制SOPS在PAH溶液中的脱落现象。当PAH溶液的pH值为9.0时,SOPS在PAH溶液中不再脱落。紫外数据表明,尽管组装过程中SOPS在PAH溶液中会有部分脱落,但这并不影响SOPS/PAH复合多层膜的组装。当溶液的pH为3.0时,OAPS溶于水中并带有正电荷。带有负电荷的聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠(PSS)、聚丙烯酸(PAcA)分别与带有正电荷的OAPS实现层层组装。经过QCM、Contact Angle、XPS、UV等方法表征,证明OAPS/PSS与OAPS/PAcA复合多层膜组装过程中生长均匀,并且多层膜厚度可控。用椭圆偏振的方法测得OAPS/PAcA多层膜的折光指数,运用Maxwell方程将其转化为介电常数为2.01,较纯聚丙烯酸的介电常数(2.56)有明显的降低。加热处理OAPS/PAcA多层膜,红外(FTIR)光谱数据显示OAPS与PAcA间发生了交联反应,形成新的酰胺键。紫外可见(UV-Vis)光谱数据也表明,加热后的OAPS/PAcA多层膜在强酸性溶液中的稳定性较加热前的样品有极大的提高。 合成了聚酰胺酸,并将其制成可溶于水的聚酰胺酸三乙胺盐(PAAs)。调节PAAs溶液的pH值为7.5,使之带有负电荷,可以与带有正电荷的OctaAmmonium(OA-POSS)纳米粒子进行组装。QCM数据显示,当OA-POSS的pH为4.5时,PAAs与OA-POSS的组装量相当,组装量比较大。UV-Vis、XPS数据表明,OA-POSS与PAAs可以实现层层组装,并且组装均匀,可控。加热交联后,PAAs能够很容易地转化为聚酰亚胺(PI)。 调节溶液的pH值,使豇豆花叶病毒(CPMV)表面带有负电。以聚阳离子的聚二烯丙基二甲基胺盐酸盐(PDDA)和聚丙烯胺(PAH)作为插层材料可以实现PAAs与CPMV的层层组装,制得复合多层膜[PDDA/CPMV+(PDDA/PAAs)m]n和[PAH/CPMV+(PAH/PAAs)m]n。QCM、UV-Vis数据表明,多层组装膜的厚度可以通过改变[PAH/CPMV+(PAH/PAAs)m]或[PDDA/CPMV+(PDDA/PAAs)m]的组装循环层数进行调节。而且,薄膜中CPMV与PAAs的比例也可以通过改变(PAH/PAAs)或(PDDA/PAAs)的循环个数进行调节。得到组装多层膜后,将其进行加热处理。FTIR数据显示,以PAH、PDDA作为插层所制备得到的CPMV/PAAs复合多层膜经过加热处理后,PAAs向PI的转化非常完全。用椭圆偏振的方法测试加热交联前后的多层膜样品[PAH/CPMV+(PAH/PAAs)m]n的厚度及折光指数,可以得知,加热处理后,薄膜的厚度稍有降低。将折光指数用Maxwell方程转化为介电常数为2.32,这一数值比纯聚酰亚胺的介电常数值(3.40)降低很多,归因于聚酰亚胺中引入带有空洞结构的CPMV,使聚酰亚胺的密度降低,从而降低材料的介电常数。


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本文探讨了蚯蚓细胞色素P450作为生物标记物诊断土壤低剂量PAHs污染的可行性,主要以蚯蚓P450含量和AHH活性二项指标为主,开展“土壤低剂量PAHs污染敏感生态毒理诊断指标研究”,并结合其它分子毒理诊断指标,通过指示敏感性比较,最终建立土壤低剂量PAHs污染早期诊断的敏感生物标记指标或指标组合,为土壤污染早期诊断奠定基础。 蚯蚓P450含量测定方法研究表明,在强化预处理的基础上,通过微粒体增溶、物理分离和解剖后内脏直接测定等去干扰手段均可实现P450含量的测定。通过三种方法的比较,最终确定内脏直接测定法为最佳方法。在此基础上,对CO通气量进一步优化,确保P450含量的准确定性和定量。 低剂量PAHs胁迫下蚯蚓细胞色素P450响应研究表明,P450含量和AHH活性两指标随暴露时间的增加总体上表现为“先诱导后抑制”的响应规律,且响应因PAHs的不同而存在差异,对芘的指示效应最强,荧蒽次之,菲最弱,与其毒性大小相关。其中,AHH对PAHs的指示作用优于P450含量,两指标的响应情况显示了它们作为生物标记物的可行性。为增强污染诊断的灵敏性和有效性,可将蚯蚓P450含量和特异性同工酶活性联合,彼此互为补充,共同应用于土壤污染生态毒理诊断中。 低剂量PAHs胁迫下,参比指标的响应情况与P450相比结果显示,P450含量和AHH活性的指示效应最明显;SOD和POD活性的指示次之;GST和CAT活性虽表现出指示效应,但并不是对三种PAHs都具有指示效果;MDA含量对低剂量PAHs的指示性最差。不同指标对污染物的指示敏感性存在差异,因而在进行土壤污染生态毒理诊断时,应选用多指标联合,彼此相互补充,以适应不同污染状况下的污染诊断。酶活性对毒物暴露的响应在时间上是一个动态变化过程,单一时段的暴露结果可能不足以揭示污染物的毒性效应,选择多时段检测对污染暴露的灵敏指示尤为重要。 应用蚯蚓生化指标对沈阳污灌区土壤进行毒性诊断,结果表明P450、AHH、GST、POD和CAT五个指标通过不同时段的检测均可对供试土壤显示出指示效应;而SOD和MDA两指标均出现“漏诊”现象。同实验室条件下低剂量污染情况相比,P450含量和POD的指示效果在两种情况下均较好;AHH、SOD在实验室条件下的指示更为优越;而GST、CAT和MDA更适合于污染物复杂的实际土壤诊断。研究结果从实际应用的角度再一次证实,任何一种指标若采用单时段的检测均存在其污染诊断的“盲区”。在进行实际环境污染诊断时,采用多指标和多时段检测是不可或缺的。