879 resultados para Ontology enterprise
Analysis and evaluation of techniques for the extraction of classes in the ontology learning process
This paper analyzes and evaluates, in the context of Ontology learning, some techniques to identify and extract candidate terms to classes of a taxonomy. Besides, this work points out some inconsistencies that may be occurring in the preprocessing of text corpus, and proposes techniques to obtain good terms candidate to classes of a taxonomy.
Although homology is a fundamental concept in biology and is one of the shared channels of communication universal to all biology, it is difficult to find a consensus definition. Indeed, the interpretations of homology have changed as biology has progressed. New terms, such as paramorphism, have been introduced into the literature with mixed success. In addition, different research fields operate with different definitions of homology, for example the mechanistic usage of evo-devo is not strictly historical and would not be acceptable in cladistics. This makes a global understanding of homology complex, whereas the integration of evolutionary concepts into bioinformatics and genomics is increasingly important. We propose an ontology organizing homology and related concepts and hope this solution will also facilitate the integration and sharing of knowledge among the community.
Collaborative activities, in which students actively interact with each other, have proved to provide significant learning benefits. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), these collaborative activities are assisted by technologies. However, the use of computers does not guarantee collaboration, as free collaboration does not necessary lead to fruitful learning. Therefore, practitioners need to design CSCL scripts that structure the collaborative settings so that they promote learning. However, not all teachers have the technical and pedagogical background needed to design such scripts. With the aim of assisting teachers in designing effective CSCL scripts, we propose a model to support the selection of reusable good practices (formulated as patterns) so that they can be used as a starting point for their own designs. This model is based on a pattern ontology that computationally represents the knowledge captured on a pattern language for the design of CSCL scripts. A preliminary evaluation of the proposed approach is provided with two examples based on a set of meaningful interrelated patters computationally represented with the pattern ontology, and a paper prototyping experience carried out with two teaches. The results offer interesting insights towards the implementation of the pattern ontology in software tools.
The aim of the present study was to develop titles of Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes (ND/NO) through the relationship between the terms of the Focus axis, limited to the Circulatory System Process, and the terms of other ICNP® axes and to integrate these terms into an ontology. Titles were developed linking 17 terms of the focus axis, which were evaluated by expert nurses in five Brazilian cities. Titles whose use concordance was above 0.80 were included in the ontology. In total, 89 titles for ND/NO were supported in the literature, and 19 were not supported; 37 were assessed as eligible for use in healthcare practice and were included in the ontology. The construction of ND/NO titles based on the ICNP® and using a formal representation of knowledge is a task that requires deepening concepts used for nursing and adequate classification revisions. The elaborated titles will facilitate the composition of diagnostics that are more consistent with practice.
This report on the Iowa Enterprise Zone Program was prepared by the Iowa Department of Economic Development in accordance with 2006 Iowa Acts, Senate File 2183, Section 9.
Introdução Hoje em dia, o conceito de ontologia (Especificação explícita de uma conceptualização [Gruber, 1993]) é um conceito chave em sistemas baseados em conhecimento em geral e na Web Semântica em particular. Entretanto, os agentes de software nem sempre concordam com a mesma conceptualização, justificando assim a existência de diversas ontologias, mesmo que tratando o mesmo domínio de discurso. Para resolver/minimizar o problema de interoperabilidade entre estes agentes, o mapeamento de ontologias provou ser uma boa solução. O mapeamento de ontologias é o processo onde são especificadas relações semânticas entre entidades da ontologia origem e destino ao nível conceptual, e que por sua vez podem ser utilizados para transformar instâncias baseadas na ontologia origem em instâncias baseadas na ontologia destino. Motivação Num ambiente dinâmico como a Web Semântica, os agentes alteram não só os seus dados mas também a sua estrutura e semântica (ontologias). Este processo, denominado evolução de ontologias, pode ser definido como uma adaptação temporal da ontologia através de alterações que surgem no domínio ou nos objectivos da própria ontologia, e da gestão consistente dessas alterações [Stojanovic, 2004], podendo por vezes deixar o documento de mapeamento inconsistente. Em ambientes heterogéneos onde a interoperabilidade entre sistemas depende do documento de mapeamento, este deve reflectir as alterações efectuadas nas ontologias, existindo neste caso duas soluções: (i) gerar um novo documento de mapeamento (processo exigente em termos de tempo e recursos computacionais) ou (ii) adaptar o documento de mapeamento, corrigindo relações semânticas inválidas e criar novas relações se forem necessárias (processo menos existente em termos de tempo e recursos computacionais, mas muito dependente da informação sobre as alterações efectuadas). O principal objectivo deste trabalho é a análise, especificação e desenvolvimento do processo de evolução do documento de mapeamento de forma a reflectir as alterações efectuadas durante o processo de evolução de ontologias. Contexto Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no contexto do MAFRA Toolkit1. O MAFRA (MApping FRAmework) Toolkit é uma aplicação desenvolvida no GECAD2 que permite a especificação declarativa de relações semânticas entre entidades de uma ontologia origem e outra de destino, utilizando os seguintes componentes principais: Concept Bridge – Representa uma relação semântica entre um conceito de origem e um de destino; Property Bridge – Representa uma relação semântica entre uma ou mais propriedades de origem e uma ou mais propriedades de destino; Service – São aplicados às Semantic Bridges (Property e Concept Bridges) definindo como as instâncias origem devem ser transformadas em instâncias de destino. Estes conceitos estão especificados na ontologia SBO (Semantic Bridge Ontology) [Silva, 2004]. No contexto deste trabalho, um documento de mapeamento é uma instanciação do SBO, contendo relações semânticas entre entidades da ontologia de origem e da ontologia de destino. Processo de evolução do mapeamento O processo de evolução de mapeamento é o processo onde as entidades do documento de mapeamento são adaptadas, reflectindo eventuais alterações nas ontologias mapeadas, tentando o quanto possível preservar a semântica das relações semântica especificadas. Se as ontologias origem e/ou destino sofrerem alterações, algumas relações semânticas podem tornar-se inválidas, ou novas relações serão necessárias, sendo por isso este processo composto por dois sub-processos: (i) correcção de relações semânticas e (ii) processamento de novas entidades das ontologias. O processamento de novas entidades das ontologias requer a descoberta e cálculo de semelhanças entre entidades e a especificação de relações de acordo com a ontologia/linguagem SBO. Estas fases (“similarity measure” e “semantic bridging”) são implementadas no MAFRA Toolkit, sendo o processo (semi-) automático de mapeamento de ontologias descrito em [Silva, 2004]. O processo de correcção de entidades SBO inválidas requer um bom conhecimento da ontologia/linguagem SBO, das suas entidades e relações, e de todas as suas restrições, i.e. da sua estrutura e semântica. Este procedimento consiste em (i) identificar as entidades SBO inválidas, (ii) a causa da sua invalidez e (iii) corrigi-las da melhor forma possível. Nesta fase foi utilizada informação vinda do processo de evolução das ontologias com o objectivo de melhorar a qualidade de todo o processo. Conclusões Para além do processo de evolução do mapeamento desenvolvido, um dos pontos mais importantes deste trabalho foi a aquisição de um conhecimento mais profundo sobre ontologias, processo de evolução de ontologias, mapeamento etc., expansão dos horizontes de conhecimento, adquirindo ainda mais a consciência da complexidade do problema em questão, o que permite antever e perspectivar novos desafios para o futuro.
In a world filled with poverty, environmental degradation, and moral injustice, social enterprises offer a ray of hope. These organizations seek to achieve social missions through business ventures. Yet social missions and business ventures are associated with divergent goals, values, norms, and identities. Attending to them simultaneously creates tensions, competing demands, and ethical dilemmas. Effectively understanding social enterprises therefore depends on insight into the nature and management of these tensions. While existing research recognizes tensions between social missions and business ventures, we lack any systematic analysis. Our paper addresses this issue. We first categorize the types of tensions that arise between social missions and business ventures, emphasizing their prevalence and variety. We then explore how four different organizational theories offer insight into these tensions, and we develop an agenda for future research. We end by arguing that a focus on social-business tensions not only expands insight into social enterprises, but also provides an opportunity for research on social enterprises to inform traditional organizational theories. Taken together, our analysis of tensions in social enterprises integrates and seeks to energize research on this expanding phenomenon.
The State of Iowa and the Hiring Practices Working Group commissioned this review of the State’s hiring practices in response to recent concerns about these practices involving racial discrimination claims against the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, and Iowa Workforce Development. The State of Iowa should be commended for undertaking this review. The State has a longstanding Affirmative Action Program and commitment to diversity – they instituted their Affirmative Action Program in 1973, and continue their commitment to its success by making the changes necessary to ensure the program is viable and sustainable. Iowa Department of Administrative Services In July 2003, the State created the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a way to manage and coordinate the major resources of state government. DAS provides human resource services through an entrepreneurial management model. Entrepreneurial management is a customer-focused approach to delivering services. The customer departments have input about what services and products they want from DAS and in turn DAS is funded by the customer departments through purchases of DAS services and products. DAS looks to offer new and additional services (for example recruitment support and coordination) to various customers on a fee-for-service basis. A customer council is charged with approving the DAS business plan, establishing the rate for services, and reviewing service delivery and complaints. Under this entrepreneurial model, human resource services are provided by DAS-HRE (Human Resources Enterprise) central staff, 12 DAS-HRE Personnel Officers located at the customer departments, and customer agency staff. The majority of the recruitment and hiring functions are done by the customer (hiring) departments and their staff. Applications for employment are submitted using the BrassRing system with applicants being qualified by DAS-HRE employees. Since the creation of Human Resources Enterprise, DAS-HRE has strived to provide human resource tools to the departments. The Screening Manual and the Supervisor’s Manual are just two examples of the resources created for the hiring departments. They also provide Supervisor Training for newly appointed supervisors. Larger departments have dedicated staff assigned to human resource activities. The staff at the departmental level may or may not have a human resources background. Iowa Population and Workforce The 2000 U.S. Census indicated that Iowa’s population was 2,926,324. According to this census, 92.6 percent of Iowa’s population identified their race as white (alone). The nonwhite alone or minority population (including Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, two or more races, or some other race) was 7.4 percent.
The Gene Ontology (GO) (http://www.geneontology.org) is a community bioinformatics resource that represents gene product function through the use of structured, controlled vocabularies. The number of GO annotations of gene products has increased due to curation efforts among GO Consortium (GOC) groups, including focused literature-based annotation and ortholog-based functional inference. The GO ontologies continue to expand and improve as a result of targeted ontology development, including the introduction of computable logical definitions and development of new tools for the streamlined addition of terms to the ontology. The GOC continues to support its user community through the use of e-mail lists, social media and web-based resources.
This file contains the complete ontology (OntoProcEDUOC_OKI_Final.owl). At loading time to edit, the OKI ontology corresponding to the implementation level (OntoOKI_DEFINITIVA.owl)must be imported.
Report on the IowaCare program administered by the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise, a division of the Department of Human Services (DHS-IME), for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2009
In this paper we propose a novel unsupervised approach to learning domain-specific ontologies from large open-domain text collections. The method is based on the joint exploitation of Semantic Domains and Super Sense Tagging for Information Retrieval tasks. Our approach is able to retrieve domain specific terms and concepts while associating them with a set of high level ontological types, named supersenses, providing flat ontologies characterized by very high accuracy and pertinence to the domain.
The discipline of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) deals with the alignment of business and information systems architectures. While EAM has long been regarded as a discipline for IT managers this book takes a different stance: It explains how top executives can use EAM for leveraging their strategic planning and controlling processes and how EAM can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. Based on the analysis of best practices from eight leading European companies from various industries the book presents crucial elements of successful EAM. It outlines what executives need to do in terms of governance, processes, methodologies and culture in order to bring their management to the next level. Beyond this, the book points how EAM might develop in the next decade allowing today's managers to prepare for the future of architecture management.
Report on the IowaCare program administered by the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise, a division of the Department of Human Services, for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012