958 resultados para Numbers, Divisibility of.
This work presents a contribution for the studies reffering to the use of the History of Mathematics focusing on the improvement of the Teaching and Learning Process. It considers that the History of Matematics, as a way of giving meaning to the discipline and improve the quality of the Teaching and Learning Process. This research focuses on the questions of the students, classified in three categories of whys: the chronological, the logical and the pedagogical ones. Therefore, it is investigated the teaching of the Complex Numbers, from the questions of the students of the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (Educational Institution of Professional and Technology Education from Rio Grande do Norte). The work has the following goals: To classify and to analyse the questions of the students about the Complex Numbers in the classes of second grade of the High School, and to collate with the pointed categories used by Jones; To disccus what are the possible guidings that teachers of Mathematics can give to these questions; To present the resources needed to give support to the teacher in all things involving the History of Mathematics. Finally, to present a bibliographic research, trying to reveal supporting material to the teacher, with contents that articulate the Teaching of Mathematics with the History of Mathematics. It was found that the questionings of the pupils reffers more to the pedagogical whys, and the didatic books little contemplate other aspects of the history and little say about the sprouting and the evolution of methods of calculations used by us as well
The present study seeks to present a historico-epistemological analysis of the development of the mathematical concept of negative number. In order to do so, we analyzed the different forms and conditions of the construction of mathematical knowledge in different mathematical communities and, thus, identified the characteristics in the establishment of this concept. By understanding the historically constructed barriers, especially, the ones having ontologicas significant, that made the concept of negative number incompatible with that of natural number, thereby hindering the development of the concept of negative, we were able to sketch the reasons for the rejection of negative numbers by the English author Peter Barlow (1776 -1862) in his An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers, published in 1811. We also show the continuity of his difficulties with the treatment of negative numbers in the middle of the nineteenth century
The aim of the present work is to contribute to the teaching-learning process in Mathematics through an alternative which tries to motivate the student so that he/she will learn the basic concepts of Complex Numbers and realize that they are not pointless. Therefore, this work s general objective is to construct a didactic sequence which contains structured activities that intends to build up, in each student s thought, the concept of Complex Numbers. The didactic sequence is initially based on a review of the main historical aspects which begot the construction of those numbers. Based on these aspects, and the theories of Richard Skemp, was elaborated a sequence of structured activities linked with Maths history, having the solution of quadratic equations as a main starting point. This should make learning more accessible, because this concept permeates the students previous work and, thus, they should be more familiar with it. The methodological intervention began with the application of that sequence of activities with grade students in public schools who did not yet know the concept of Complex Numbers. It was performed in three phases: a draft study, a draft study II and the final study. Each phase was applied in a different institution, where the classes were randomly divided into groups and each group would discuss and write down the concepts they had developed about Complex Numbers. We also use of another instrument of analysis which consisted of a recorded interview of a semi-structured type, trying to find out the ways the students thought in order to construct their own concepts, i.e. the solutions of the previous activity. Their ideas about Complex Numbers were categorized according to their similarities and then analyzed. The results of the analysis show that the concepts constructed by the students were pertinent and that they complemented each other this supports the conclusion that the use of structured activities is an efficient alternative for the teaching of mathematics
Avaliar o desenvolvimento do processo de compostagem utilizando como substrato à fração sólida da água residuária de suinocultura foi o objetivo deste trabalho. Para a obtenção da fração sólida, a água residuária de suinocultura foi submetida ao peneiramento, utilizando-se de peneira com malha de 1 milímetro. Após separação, a fração sólida foi utilizada para a confecção de três leiras de compostagem, em pátio com piso de concreto e cobertura plástica. Durante a compostagem da fração sólida da água residuária de suinocultura, foram avaliados: temperatura, reduções de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), carbono orgânico, matéria orgânica compostável (MOC), matéria orgânica resistente à compostagem (MORC), números mais prováveis (NMPs) de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes, além do volume e dos teores de nutrientes no composto. A compostagem mostrou-se eficiente no tratamento da fração sólida da água residuária de suinocultura devido à elevada minimização do poder poluente dos dejetos, observando-se reduções de 71,24% nos teores de ST, 64,55% no volume, 56,89% no teor de DQO e 56,89% na MOC. Foram verificadas reduções de 100% nos NMPs de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, o que possibilita seu uso como adubo orgânico.
We address the different "personalities" of the rational number and the concept of proportionality, analyzing the possibilities for using the Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Problem-solving Method. This method is based on the principle that knowledge can be constructed through the use of problems that generate new concepts and new contents. The different meanings of rational number - rational point, quotient, fraction, ratio, and operator - are constructs that depend on mathematical theories in which they are imbedded and the situations that evoke them in problem-solving. Some data will be presented from continuing education courses for teachers, aiming to contribute to understanding regarding the different "personalities" of the rational number. In general, these "personalities" are not easily identified by teachers and students, which is the reason for the many difficulties encountered during problem-solving involving rational numbers. One of these "personalities", the ratio, provides the basis for the concept of proportionality, which is relevant because it is a unifying idea in mathematics.
Embora exista uma grande diversidade de complementos cromossômicos em Leptodactylidae (2n = 18 a 2n = 26) e Hylidae (2n = 20 a 2n = 32), a elevada fragmentação de dados limita o acesso a informações sobre as origens e os mecanismos responsáveis por esta diversidade. Isto provavelmente tem influenciado que os dados citogenéticos tenham sido principalmente utilizados na caracterização do status de espécies mais do que incluídos amplamente em análises filogenéticas. Este trabalho aborda, por meio de dados citogenéticos, aspectos evolutivos de três grandes grupos de anuros de ampla distribuição na região Neotropical. O gênero Leptodactylus é agrupado com Hydrolaetare, Paratelmatobius e Scythrophrys na família Leptodactylidae. Os antecedentes cromossômicos neste gênero indicam variações nos números diplóides de 2n = 18 a 2n = 26, assim como variações nos números fundamentais (número de braços autossômicos, NF) e nas posições das Regiões Organizadoras do Nucléolo (NOR). Os resultados das análises de 26 espécies de Leptodactylus empregando diversas técnicas representa, provavelmente, a análise citogenética mais inclusiva realizada no gênero Leptodactylus até o momento, e os resultados constituem um marco para a proposição de hipóteses consistentes de evolução cromossômica no gênero. A tribo Lophyiohylini agrupa atualmente 81 espécies distribuídas em 10 gêneros. A informação citogenética é escassa e restrita apenas a 12 espécies. São aqui apresentados comparativamente dados citogenéticos em espécies dos gêneros Argenteohyla, Itapotihyla, Phyllodytes, Trachycephalus e Osteocephalus. Os resultados indicam que, com exceção de O. buckleyi (2n = 26; NF = 50) e P. edelmoi (2n = 22; NF = 44), todas as demais espécies analisadas coincidem com os dados citogenéticos disponíveis, que indicam um 2n = 24 (NF = 48) na maioria das espécies cariotipadas, com NOR e constrições secundarias (CS) localizadas no par 11. Entretanto, em Phyllodytes edelmoi e Argentohyla siemersi pederseni, essas regiões localizam-se nos pares 2 e 5, respectivamente. Blocos heterocromáticos foram associados às CS adicionais (sítios frágeis) em Osteocephalus, mas não em Trachycephalus. Dados citogenéticos nos gêneros Nyctimantis e Tepuihyla, assim como técnicas com maior poder de resolução e estudos mais inclusivos, são necessários para compreender melhor a evolução cromossômica da tribo. A tribo Dendropsophini atualmente agrupa os gêneros Scinax, Pseudis, Scarthyla, Sphaenorhynchus, Xenohyla e Dendropsophus. Os dados citogenéticos registrados em todos os gêneros revelaram uma elevada diversidade cariotípica com grandes variações nos números diplóides (2n = 22 em Scarthyla; 2n = 24 em Scinax e Xenohyla; 2n = 24, 24 +1-2B e 26 em Sphaenorhynchus; 2n = 24 e 28 em Pseudis; e, 2n = 30 em Dendropsophus). O 2n = 24 observado em X. truncata indica que o 2n = 30constitui uma sinapomorfia do gênero Dendropsophus. A localização das NOR no par 7 é uma característica compartilhada por espécies dos gêneros Scarthyla, Xenohyla, Pseudis e Sphaenorhynchus, com algumas exceções nos dois últimos (P. caraya e S. carneus). Entretanto, o gênero Dendropsophus exibe uma interessante diversidade em relação a número e localização das NOR. Por outro lado, a distribuição de heterocromatina apresentou padrões variáveis, particularmente gênero Pseudis. Embora exista uma excepcional variação cromossômica neste grupo, a informação fragmentária em alguns gêneros dificulta a formulação de hipóteses consistentes sobre o papel dos cromossomos na evolução do grupo.
As análises citogenéticas de diversos Falconiformes mostraram que os acipitrídeos têm uma organização cromossômica atípica na classe Aves, com um número diplóide relativamente baixo (média de 2n= 66) e poucos pares de microcromossomos (4 a 6 pares). Propostas baseadas em citogenética clássica sugeriram que esse fato devia-se à fusão de microcromossomos presentes no cariótipo ancestral das Aves. No intuito de contribuir para o esclarecimento das questões referentes à evolução cromossômica e filogenética dessa família, três espécies da subfamília Buteoninae (Rupornis magnirostris, Buteogallus meridionales e Asturina nitida) e duas espécies da subfamília Harpiinae (Harpia harpyja e Morphnus guianensis) foram analisados citogeneticamente através da aplicação de técnicas de citogenética clássica e molecular. As espécies de Buteoninae apresentaram cariótipos muito semelhantes, com número diplóide igual a 68; o número de cromossomos de dois braços entre 17 e 21, o cromossomo Z submetacêntrico e o W metacêntrico em R. magnirostris e submetacêntrico em Asturina nitida. O uso de sondas de 18/28S rDNA mostrou a localização de regiões organizadoras de nucléolo em um par submetacêntrico médio nas três espécies, correspondendo ao braço curto do par 7. Sequências teloméricas foram mapeadas não só na região terminal dos braços, mas também em algumas posições intersticiais. Sondas de cromossomo inteiro derivadas dos pares 1 a 10 de Gallus gallus (GGA) produziram o mesmo número de sinais nessas três espécies. A disponibilidade das sondas de cromossomos totais derivadas de Leucopternis albicollis confirmou a existência de uma assinatura citogenética comum para as espécies de Buteoninae analisadas por FISH, que se trata da associação entre GGA1p e GGA6, inclusive com um sítio de sequência telomérica intersticial reforçando esse fato. As espécies de Harpiinae analisadas mostraram que o número diplóide das espécies de H. harpyja e M. guianensis foi igual a 58 e 54, respectivamente, e que ambas as espécies apresentam vinte e dois pares de cromossomos de dois braços, mesmo Harpia apresentando dois pares a mais. 18/28S rDNA produziram sinais no braço curto do par 1 em M. guianensis e em dois pares em H. harpyja (pares 6 e 25). Sequências teloméricas intersticiais também foram observadas em alguns pares. Apesar da similaridade na morfologia cromossômica, não foram observadas associações compartilhadas por essas duas espécies. As diferentes associações observadas em Morphnus e Harpia mostram que essas espécies sofreram uma reorganização genômica expressiva após sua separação em linhagens independentes. Além disso, ausência de associações semelhantes sugere que houve fissões nos macrocromossomos do ancestral em comum desse grupo, e as fusões foram subsequentes ao seu isolamento como linhagens diferentes. Os resultados aqui apresentados, somados àqueles publicados anteriormente com outras espécies de Accipitridae indicam que os processos de fissões envolvendo os macrocromossomos de GGA e fusões entre esses segmentos e entre esses e microcromossomos são rearranjos recorrentes nesse grupo. Apesar dos Falconidae também apresentarem cariótipos atípicos, e números diploides baixos, os dados globais da citogenética de Accipitridae indicam que, assim como postulado para as semelhanças morfológicas entre esses dois grupos, os cariótipos rearranjados corresponderiam a homoplasias, do ponto de vista evolutivo, apoiando que essas duas famílias não formam um grupo monofilético.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Plans and instructions for building a “Two-chamber Rocket Box” bat-house to accommodate large numbers (>200) of bats. See further: http://www.batcon.org/educatorsK/pdfs/fof_bathouse.pdf
Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Synthese, physikochemischen und polymerspezifischen Charakterisierung und insbesondere der impedanzspektroskopischen Untersuchung von sowohl neuartigen, solvensfreien lithiumionen- als auch protonenleitfähigen Polymermaterialien für potentielle Anwendungen in sekundären Lithiumionenbatterien bzw. in Hochtemperatur-Protonenaustauschmembran-Brennstoffzellen (engl.: proton exchange membrane fuel cell, auch: polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, PEMFC). Beiden Typen von ionenleitfähigen Membranen liegt das gängige Prinzip der chemischen Anbindung einer für den Ionentransport verantwortlichen Seitengruppe an eine geeignete Polymerhauptkette zugrunde („Entkopplung“; auch Immobilisierung), welcher hinsichtlich Glasübergangstemperatur (Tg), elektrochemischer und thermischer Stabilität (Td) eine dynamisch entkoppelte, aber nicht minder bedeutsame Rolle zukommt. Die Transportaktivierung erfolgt in beiden Fällen thermisch. Im Falle der Protonenleiter liegt die zusätzliche Intention darin, eine Alternative aufzuzeigen, in der die Polymerhauptkette gekoppelt direkt am Protonentransportmechanismus beteiligt ist, d.h., dass der translatorisch diffusive Ionentransport entlang der Hauptkette stattfindet und nicht zwischen benachbarten Seitenketten. Ein Hauptaugenmerk der Untersuchungen liegt sowohl bei den lithiumionen- als auch den protonenleitfähigen Polymermembranen auf temperaturabhängigen dynamischen Prozessen der jeweiligen Ionenspezies in der polymeren Matrix, was die Ionenleitfähigkeit selbst, Relaxationsphänomene, die translatorische Ionendiffusion und im Falle der Protonenleiter etwaige mesomere Grenzstrukturübergänge umfasst. Lithiumionenleiter: Poly(meth)acrylate mit (2-Oxo-1,3-dioxolan)resten (Cyclocarbonat-) in der Seitenkette unterschiedlicher Spacerlänge wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Die Leitfähigkeit s(,T) erreicht bei Poly(2-oxo-[1,3]dioxolan-4-yl)methylacrylat (PDOA): Lithium-bis-trifluormethansulfonimid (LiTFSI) (10:3) ca. 10^-3,5 S cm^-1 bei 150 °C. Weichmachen (Dotieren) mit äquimolaren Mengen an Propylencarbonat (PC) bewirkt in allen Fällen einen enormen Anstieg der Leitfähigkeit. Die höchsten Leitfähigkeiten von Mischungen dieser Polymere mit LiTFSI (und LiBOB) werden nicht beim System mit der niedrigsten Tg gefunden. Auch dient Tg nicht als Referenztemperatur (Tref) nach Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF), so dass eine WLF-Anpassung der Leitfähigkeitsdaten nur über einen modifizierten WLF-Algorithmus gelingt. Die ermittelten Tref liegen deutlich unterhalb von Tg bei Temperaturen, die charakteristisch für die Seitenkettenrelaxation sind („Einfrieren“). Dies legt nahe, dass der Relaxation der Seitenketten eine entscheidende Rolle im Li^+-Leitfähigkeitsmechanismus zukommt. Die Li^+-Überführungszahlen tLi^+ in diesen Systemen schwanken zwischen 0,13 (40 °C) und 0,55 (160 °C). Protonenleiter: Polymere mit Barbitursäure- bzw. Hypoxanthinresten in der Seitenkette und Polyalkylenbiguanide unterschiedlicher Spacerlänge wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Die Leitfähigkeit s(,T) erreicht bei Poly(2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)methacrylat (PTPMA) maximal ca. 10^-4,4 S cm^-1 bei 140 °C. Höhere Leitfähigkeiten sind nur durch Mischen mit aprotischen Lösungsmitteln erreichbar. Die höchste Leitfähigkeit wird im Falle der Polyalkylenbiguanide bei Polyethylenbiguanid (PEB) erzielt. Sie erreicht 10^-2,4 S cm^-1 bei 190 °C. Die Aktivierungsenergien EA der Polyalkylenbiguanide liegen (jeweils unterhalb von Tg) zwischen ca. 3 – 6 kJ mol^-1. In allen beobachteten Fällen dient Tg als Tref, so dass eine konventionelle WLF-Behandlung möglich ist und davon auszugehen ist, dass die Leitfähigkeit mit dem freien Volumen Vf korreliert.
This study is based on a former student’s work, aimed at examining the influence of handedness on conference interpreting. In simultaneous interpreting (IS) both cerebral hemispheres participate in the decoding of the incoming message and in the activation of the motor functions for the production of the output signal. In right-handers language functions are mainly located in the left hemisphere, while left-handers have a more symmetrical representation of language functions. Given that with the development of interpreting skills and a long work experience the interpreters’ brain becomes less lateralized for language functions, in an initial phase left-handers may be «neurobiologically better suited for interpreting tasks» (Gran and Fabbro 1988: 37). To test this hypothesis, 9 students (5 right-handers and 4 left-handers) participated in a dual test of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation (CI) from English into Italian. The subjects were asked to interpret one text with their preferred ear and the other with the non-preferred one, since according neuropsychology aural symmetry reflects cerebral symmetry. The aim of this study was to analyze:1) the differences between the number of errors in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 2) the differences in performance (in terms of number of errors) between right-handed and left-handed, both with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 3) the most frequent types of errors in right and left-handers; 4) the influence of the degree of handedness on interpreting quality. The students’ performances were analyzed in terms of errors of meaning, errors of numbers, omissions of text, omissions of numbers, inaccuracies, errors of nexus, and unfinished sentences. The results showed that: 1) in SI subjects committed fewer errors interpreting with the preferred ear, whereas in CI a slight advantage of the non-preferred ear was observed. Moreover, in CI, right-handers committed fewer mistakes with the non-preferred ear than with the preferred one. 2) The total performance of left-handers proved to be better than that of right-handers. 3) In SI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and fewer errors of number than right-handers, whereas in CI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and more errors of number than right-handers 4) As the degree of left-handedness increases, the number of errors committed also increases. Moreover, there is a statistically significant left-ear advantage for right-handers and a right-ear one for left-handers. Finally, those who interpreted with their right ear committed fewer errors of number than those who have used their left ear or both ears.
Active head turns to the left and right have recently been shown to influence numerical cognition by shifting attention along the mental number line. In the present study, we found that passive whole-body motion influences numerical cognition. In a random-number generation task (Experiment 1), leftward and downward displacement of participants facilitated small number generation, whereas rightward and upward displacement facilitated the generation of large numbers. Influences of leftward and rightward motion were also found for the processing of auditorily presented numbers in a magnitude-judgment task (Experiment 2). Additionally, we investigated the reverse effect of the number-space association (Experiment 3). Participants were displaced leftward or rightward and asked to detect motion direction as fast as possible while small or large numbers were auditorily presented. When motion detection was difficult, leftward motion was detected faster when hearing small number and rightward motion when hearing large number. We provide new evidence that bottom-up vestibular activation is sufficient to interact with the higher-order spatial representation underlying numerical cognition. The results show that action planning or motor activity is not necessary to influence spatial attention. Moreover, our results suggest that self-motion perception and numerical cognition can mutually influence each other.
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5 nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.