942 resultados para Non-uniform heat intensity
A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by a disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming non-uniform flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is tested under different parameterizations of turbulence models and validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit and turbulence intensity.
Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. The spectral irradiance distributions are especially affected with thermal effects on Silicone-on-Glass (SoG) CPV systems. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.
Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. The spectral irradiance distributions are especially affected with thermal effects on Silicone-on-Glass (SoG) CPV systems. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.
GaN y AlN son materiales semiconductores piezoeléctricos del grupo III-V. La heterounión AlGaN/GaN presenta una elevada carga de polarización tanto piezoeléctrica como espontánea en la intercara, lo que genera en su cercanía un 2DEG de grandes concentración y movilidad. Este 2DEG produce una muy alta potencia de salida, que a su vez genera una elevada temperatura de red. Las tensiones de puerta y drenador provocan un stress piezoeléctrico inverso, que puede afectar a la carga de polarización piezoeléctrica y así influir la densidad 2DEG y las características de salida. Por tanto, la física del dispositivo es relevante para todos sus aspectos eléctricos, térmicos y mecánicos. En esta tesis se utiliza el software comercial COMSOL, basado en el método de elementos finitos (FEM), para simular el comportamiento integral electro-térmico, electro-mecánico y electro-térmico-mecánico de los HEMTs de GaN. Las partes de acoplamiento incluyen el modelo de deriva y difusión para el transporte electrónico, la conducción térmica y el efecto piezoeléctrico. Mediante simulaciones y algunas caracterizaciones experimentales de los dispositivos, hemos analizado los efectos térmicos, de deformación y de trampas. Se ha estudiado el impacto de la geometría del dispositivo en su auto-calentamiento mediante simulaciones electro-térmicas y algunas caracterizaciones eléctricas. Entre los resultados más sobresalientes, encontramos que para la misma potencia de salida la distancia entre los contactos de puerta y drenador influye en generación de calor en el canal, y así en su temperatura. El diamante posee une elevada conductividad térmica. Integrando el diamante en el dispositivo se puede dispersar el calor producido y así reducir el auto-calentamiento, al respecto de lo cual se han realizado diversas simulaciones electro-térmicas. Si la integración del diamante es en la parte superior del transistor, los factores determinantes para la capacidad disipadora son el espesor de la capa de diamante, su conductividad térmica y su distancia a la fuente de calor. Este procedimiento de disipación superior también puede reducir el impacto de la barrera térmica de intercara entre la capa adaptadora (buffer) y el substrato. La muy reducida conductividad eléctrica del diamante permite que pueda contactar directamente el metal de puerta (muy cercano a la fuente de calor), lo que resulta muy conveniente para reducir el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo con polarización pulsada. Por otra parte se simuló el dispositivo con diamante depositado en surcos atacados sobre el sustrato como caminos de disipación de calor (disipador posterior). Aquí aparece una competencia de factores que influyen en la capacidad de disipación, a saber, el surco atacado contribuye a aumentar la temperatura del dispositivo debido al pequeño tamaño del disipador, mientras que el diamante disminuiría esa temperatura gracias a su elevada conductividad térmica. Por tanto, se precisan capas de diamante relativamente gruesas para reducer ele efecto de auto-calentamiento. Se comparó la simulación de la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado cercano al drenador con estructuras de puerta estándar y con field plate, que podrían ser muy relevantes respecto a fallos mecánicos del dispositivo. Otras simulaciones se enfocaron al efecto de la deformación intrínseca de la capa de diamante en el comportamiento eléctrico del dispositivo. Se han comparado los resultados de las simulaciones de la deformación y las características eléctricas de salida con datos experimentales obtenidos por espectroscopía micro-Raman y medidas eléctricas, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran el stress intrínseco en la capa producido por la distribución no uniforme del 2DEG en el canal y la región de acceso. Además de aumentar la potencia de salida del dispositivo, la deformación intrínseca en la capa de diamante podría mejorar la fiabilidad del dispositivo modulando la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado del drenador. Finalmente, también se han simulado en este trabajo los efectos de trampas localizados en la superficie, el buffer y la barrera. Las medidas pulsadas muestran que tanto las puertas largas como las grandes separaciones entre los contactos de puerta y drenador aumentan el cociente entre la corriente pulsada frente a la corriente continua (lag ratio), es decir, disminuir el colapse de corriente (current collapse). Este efecto ha sido explicado mediante las simulaciones de los efectos de trampa de superficie. Por su parte, las referidas a trampas en el buffer se enfocaron en los efectos de atrapamiento dinámico, y su impacto en el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo. Se presenta también un modelo que describe el atrapamiento y liberación de trampas en la barrera: mientras que el atrapamiento se debe a un túnel directo del electrón desde el metal de puerta, el desatrapamiento consiste en la emisión del electrón en la banda de conducción mediante túnel asistido por fonones. El modelo también simula la corriente de puerta, debida a la emisión electrónica dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. Además, también se ilustra la corriente de drenador dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. ABSTRACT GaN and AlN are group III-V piezoelectric semiconductor materials. The AlGaN/GaN heterojunction presents large piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization charge at the interface, leading to high 2DEG density close to the interface. A high power output would be obtained due to the high 2DEG density and mobility, which leads to elevated lattice temperature. The gate and drain biases induce converse piezoelectric stress that can influence the piezoelectric polarization charge and further influence the 2DEG density and output characteristics. Therefore, the device physics is relevant to all the electrical, thermal, and mechanical aspects. In this dissertation, by using the commercial finite-element-method (FEM) software COMSOL, we achieved the GaN HEMTs simulation with electro-thermal, electro-mechanical, and electro-thermo-mechanical full coupling. The coupling parts include the drift-diffusion model for the electron transport, the thermal conduction, and the piezoelectric effect. By simulations and some experimental characterizations, we have studied the device thermal, stress, and traps effects described in the following. The device geometry impact on the self-heating was studied by electro-thermal simulations and electrical characterizations. Among the obtained interesting results, we found that, for same power output, the distance between the gate and drain contact can influence distribution of the heat generation in the channel and thus influence the channel temperature. Diamond possesses high thermal conductivity. Integrated diamond with the device can spread the generated heat and thus potentially reduce the device self-heating effect. Electro-thermal simulations on this topic were performed. For the diamond integration on top of the device (top-side heat spreading), the determinant factors for the heat spreading ability are the diamond thickness, its thermal conductivity, and its distance to the heat source. The top-side heat spreading can also reduce the impact of thermal boundary resistance between the buffer and the substrate on the device thermal behavior. The very low electrical conductivity of diamond allows that it can directly contact the gate metal (which is very close to the heat source), being quite convenient to reduce the self-heating for the device under pulsed bias. Also, the diamond coated in vias etched in the substrate as heat spreading path (back-side heat spreading) was simulated. A competing mechanism influences the heat spreading ability, i.e., the etched vias would increase the device temperature due to the reduced heat sink while the coated diamond would decrease the device temperature due to its higher thermal conductivity. Therefore, relative thick coated diamond is needed in order to reduce the self-heating effect. The simulated local stress at the gate edge of the drain side for the device with standard and field plate gate structure were compared, which would be relevant to the device mechanical failure. Other stress simulations focused on the intrinsic stress in the diamond capping layer impact on the device electrical behaviors. The simulated stress and electrical output characteristics were compared to experimental data obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy and electrical characterization, respectively. Results showed that the intrinsic stress in the capping layer caused the non-uniform distribution of 2DEG in the channel and the access region. Besides the enhancement of the device power output, intrinsic stress in the capping layer can potentially improve the device reliability by modulating the local stress at the gate edge of the drain side. Finally, the surface, buffer, and barrier traps effects were simulated in this work. Pulsed measurements showed that long gates and distances between gate and drain contact can increase the gate lag ratio (decrease the current collapse). This was explained by simulations on the surface traps effect. The simulations on buffer traps effects focused on illustrating the dynamic trapping/detrapping in the buffer and the self-heating impact on the device transient drain current. A model was presented to describe the trapping and detrapping in the barrier. The trapping was the electron direct tunneling from the gate metal while the detrapping was the electron emission into the conduction band described by phonon-assisted tunneling. The reverse gate current was simulated based on this model, whose mechanism can be attributed to the temperature and electric field dependent electron emission in the barrier. Furthermore, the mechanism of the device bias via the self-heating and electric field impact on the electron emission and the transient drain current were also illustrated.
El autor ha trabajado como parte del equipo de investigación en mediciones de viento en el Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER), España, en cooperación con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca. El presente reporte recapitula el trabajo de investigación realizado durante los últimos 4.5 años en el estudio de las fuentes de error de los sistemas de medición remota de viento, basados en la tecnología lidar, enfocado al error causado por los efectos del terreno complejo. Este trabajo corresponde a una tarea del paquete de trabajo dedicado al estudio de sistemas remotos de medición de viento, perteneciente al proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco WAUDIT. Adicionalmente, los datos de viento reales han sido obtenidos durante las campañas de medición en terreno llano y terreno complejo, pertenecientes al también proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco SAFEWIND. El principal objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es determinar los efectos del terreno complejo en el error de medición de la velocidad del viento obtenida con los sistemas de medición remota lidar. Con este conocimiento, es posible proponer una metodología de corrección del error de las mediciones del lidar. Esta metodología está basada en la estimación de las variaciones del campo de viento no uniforme dentro del volumen de medición del lidar. Las variaciones promedio del campo de viento son predichas a partir de los resultados de las simulaciones computacionales de viento RANS, realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. La metodología de corrección es verificada con los resultados de las simulaciones RANS y validadas con las mediciones reales adquiridas en la campaña de medición en terreno complejo. Al inicio de este reporte, el marco teórico describiendo el principio de medición de la tecnología lidar utilizada, es presentado con el fin de familiarizar al lector con los principales conceptos a utilizar a lo largo de este trabajo. Posteriormente, el estado del arte es presentado en donde se describe los avances realizados en el desarrollo de la la tecnología lidar aplicados al sector de la energía eólica. En la parte experimental de este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado los datos adquiridos durante las dos campañas de medición realizadas. Estas campañas has sido realizadas en terreno llano y complejo, con el fin de complementar los conocimiento adquiridos en casa una de ellas y poder comparar los efectos del terreno en las mediciones de viento realizadas con sistemas remotos lidar. La primer campaña experimental se desarrollo en terreno llano, en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores H0vs0re, propiedad de DTU Wind Energy (anteriormente Ris0). La segunda campaña experimental se llevó a cabo en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores Alaiz, propiedad de CENER. Exactamente los mismos dos equipos lidar fueron utilizados en estas campañas, haciendo de estos experimentos altamente relevantes en el contexto de evaluación del recurso eólico. Un equipo lidar está basado en tecnología de onda continua, mientras que el otro está basado en tecnología de onda pulsada. La velocidad del viento fue medida, además de con los equipos lidar, con anemómetros de cazoletas, veletas y anemómetros verticales, instalados en mástiles meteorológicos. Los sensores del mástil meteorológico son considerados como las mediciones de referencia en el presente estudio. En primera instancia, se han analizado los promedios diez minútales de las medidas de viento. El objetivo es identificar las principales fuentes de error en las mediciones de los equipos lidar causadas por diferentes condiciones atmosféricas y por el flujo no uniforme de viento causado por el terreno complejo. El error del lidar ha sido estudiado como función de varias propiedades estadísticas del viento, como lo son el ángulo vertical de inclinación, la intensidad de turbulencia, la velocidad vertical, la estabilidad atmosférica y las características del terreno. El propósito es usar este conocimiento con el fin de definir criterios de filtrado de datos. Seguidamente, se propone una metodología para corregir el error del lidar causado por el campo de viento no uniforme, producido por la presencia de terreno complejo. Esta metodología está basada en el análisis matemático inicial sobre el proceso de cálculo de la velocidad de viento por los equipos lidar de onda continua. La metodología de corrección propuesta hace uso de las variaciones de viento calculadas a partir de las simulaciones RANS realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. Una ventaja importante que presenta esta metodología es que las propiedades el campo de viento real, presentes en las mediciones instantáneas del lidar de onda continua, puede dar paso a análisis adicionales como parte del trabajo a futuro. Dentro del marco del proyecto, el trabajo diario se realizó en las instalaciones de CENER, con supervisión cercana de la UPM, incluyendo una estancia de 1.5 meses en la universidad. Durante esta estancia, se definió el análisis matemático de las mediciones de viento realizadas por el equipo lidar de onda continua. Adicionalmente, los efectos del campo de viento no uniforme sobre el error de medición del lidar fueron analíticamente definidos, después de asumir algunas simplificaciones. Adicionalmente, durante la etapa inicial de este proyecto se desarrollo una importante trabajo de cooperación con DTU Wind Energy. Gracias a esto, el autor realizó una estancia de 1.5 meses en Dinamarca. Durante esta estancia, el autor realizó una visita a la campaña de medición en terreno llano con el fin de aprender los aspectos básicos del diseño de campañas de medidas experimentales, el estudio del terreno y los alrededores y familiarizarse con la instrumentación del mástil meteorológico, el sistema de adquisición y almacenamiento de datos, así como de el estudio y reporte del análisis de mediciones. ABSTRACT The present report summarizes the research work performed during last 4.5 years of investigation on the sources of lidar bias due to complex terrain. This work corresponds to one task of the remote sensing work package, belonging to the FP7 WAUDIT project. Furthermore, the field data from the wind velocity measurement campaigns of the FP7 SafeWind project have been used in this report. The main objective of this research work is to determine the terrain effects on the lidar bias in the measured wind velocity. With this knowledge, it is possible to propose a lidar bias correction methodology. This methodology is based on an estimation of the wind field variations within the lidar scan volume. The wind field variations are calculated from RANS simulations performed from the Alaiz test site. The methodology is validated against real scale measurements recorded during an eight month measurement campaign at the Alaiz test site. Firstly, the mathematical framework of the lidar sensing principle is introduced and an overview of the state of the art is presented. The experimental part includes the study of two different, but complementary experiments. The first experiment was a measurement campaign performed in flat terrain, at DTU Wind Energy H0vs0re test site, while the second experiment was performed in complex terrain at CENER Alaiz test site. Exactly the same two lidar devices, based on continuous wave and pulsed wave systems, have been used in the two consecutive measurement campaigns, making this a relevant experiment in the context of wind resource assessment. The wind velocity was sensed by the lidars and standard cup anemometry and wind vanes (installed on a met mast). The met mast sensors are considered as the reference wind velocity measurements. The first analysis of the experimental data is dedicated to identify the main sources of lidar bias present in the 10 minute average values. The purpose is to identify the bias magnitude introduced by different atmospheric conditions and by the non-uniform wind flow resultant of the terrain irregularities. The lidar bias as function of several statistical properties of the wind flow like the tilt angle, turbulence intensity, vertical velocity, atmospheric stability and the terrain characteristics have been studied. The aim of this exercise is to use this knowledge in order to define useful lidar bias data filters. Then, a methodology to correct the lidar bias caused by non-uniform wind flow is proposed, based on the initial mathematical analysis of the lidar measurements. The proposed lidar bias correction methodology has been developed focusing on the the continuous wave lidar system. In a last step, the proposed lidar bias correction methodology is validated with the data of the complex terrain measurement campaign. The methodology makes use of the wind field variations obtained from the RANS analysis. The results are presented and discussed. The advantage of this methodology is that the wind field properties at the Alaiz test site can be studied with more detail, based on the instantaneous measurements of the CW lidar. Within the project framework, the daily basis work has been done at CENER, with close guidance and support from the UPM, including an exchange period of 1.5 months. During this exchange period, the mathematical analysis of the lidar sensing of the wind velocity was defined. Furthermore, the effects of non-uniform wind fields on the lidar bias were analytically defined, after making some assumptions for the sake of simplification. Moreover, there has been an important cooperation with DTU Wind Energy, where a secondment period of 1.5 months has been done as well. During the secondment period at DTU Wind Energy, an important introductory learning has taken place. The learned aspects include the design of an experimental measurement campaign in flat terrain, the site assessment study of obstacles and terrain conditions, the data acquisition and processing, as well as the study and reporting of the measurement analysis.
The first feasibility study of using dual-probe heated fiber optics with distributed temperature sensing to measure soil volumetric heat capacity and soil water content is presented. Although results using different combinations of cables demonstrate feasibility, further work is needed to gain accuracy, including a model to account for the finite dimension and the thermal influence of the probes. Implementation of the dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) approach for measurement of volumetric heat capacity (C) and water content (θ) with distributed temperature sensing heated fiber optic (FO) systems presents an unprecedented opportunity for environmental monitoring (e.g., simultaneous measurement at thousands of points). We applied uniform heat pulses along a FO cable and monitored the thermal response at adjacent cables. We tested the DPHP method in the laboratory using multiple FO cables at a range of spacings. The amplitude and phase shift in the heat signal with distance was found to be a function of the soil volumetric heat capacity. Estimations of C at a range of moisture contents (θ = 0.09– 0.34 m3 m−3) suggest the feasibility of measurement via responsiveness to the changes in θ, although we observed error with decreasing soil water contents (up to 26% at θ = 0.09 m3 m−3). Optimization will require further models to account for the finite radius and thermal influence of the FO cables. Although the results indicate that the method shows great promise, further study is needed to quantify the effects of soil type, cable spacing, and jacket configurations on accuracy.
Non-Fourier models of heat conduction are increasingly being considered in the modeling of microscale heat transfer in engineering and biomedical heat transfer problems. The dual-phase-lagging model, incorporating time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient, and some of its particular cases and approximations, result in heat conduction modeling equations in the form of delayed or hyperbolic partial differential equations. In this work, the application of difference schemes for the numerical solution of lagging models of heat conduction is considered. Numerical schemes for some DPL approximations are developed, characterizing their properties of convergence and stability. Examples of numerical computations are included.
Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction, that incorporate time lags in the heat flux and/or the temperature gradient, have been increasingly considered in the last years to model microscale heat transfer problems in engineering. Numerical schemes to obtain approximate solutions of constant coefficients lagging models of heat conduction have already been proposed. In this work, an explicit finite difference scheme for a model with coefficients variable in time is developed, and their properties of convergence and stability are studied. Numerical computations showing examples of applications of the scheme are presented.
Dual-phase-lagging (DPL) models constitute a family of non-Fourier models of heat conduction that allow for the presence of time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient. These lags may need to be considered when modeling microscale heat transfer, and thus DPL models have found application in the last years in a wide range of theoretical and technical heat transfer problems. Consequently, analytical solutions and methods for computing numerical approximations have been proposed for particular DPL models in different settings. In this work, a compact difference scheme for second order DPL models is developed, providing higher order precision than a previously proposed method. The scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable and convergent, and its accuracy is illustrated with numerical examples.
In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Molecular transport in phase space is crucial for chemical reactions because it defines how pre-reactive molecular configurations are found during the time evolution of the system. Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulated atomistic trajectories we test the assumption of the normal diffusion in the phase space for bulk water at ambient conditions by checking the equivalence of the transport to the random walk model. Contrary to common expectations we have found that some statistical features of the transport in the phase space differ from those of the normal diffusion models. This implies a non-random character of the path search process by the reacting complexes in water solutions. Our further numerical experiments show that a significant long period of non-stationarity in the transition probabilities of the segments of molecular trajectories can account for the observed non-uniform filling of the phase space. Surprisingly, the characteristic periods in the model non-stationarity constitute hundreds of nanoseconds, that is much longer time scales compared to typical lifetime of known liquid water molecular structures (several picoseconds).
It has never been easy for manufacturing companies to understand their confidence level in terms of how accurate and to what degree of flexibility parts can be made. This brings uncertainty in finding the most suitable manufacturing method as well as in controlling their product and process verification systems. The aim of this research is to develop a system for capturing the company’s knowledge and expertise and then reflect it into an MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning) system. A key activity here is measuring manufacturing and machining capabilities to a reasonable confidence level. For this purpose an in-line control measurement system is introduced to the company. Using SPC (Statistical Process Control) not only helps to predict the trend in manufacturing of parts but also minimises the human error in measurement. Gauge R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) study identifies problems in measurement systems. Measurement is like any other process in terms of variability. Reducing this variation via an automated machine probing system helps to avoid defects in future products.Developments in aerospace, nuclear, oil and gas industries demand materials with high performance and high temperature resistance under corrosive and oxidising environments. Superalloys were developed in the latter half of the 20th century as high strength materials for such purposes. For the same characteristics superalloys are considered as difficult-to-cut alloys when it comes to formation and machining. Furthermore due to the sensitivity of superalloy applications, in many cases they should be manufactured with tight tolerances. In addition superalloys, specifically Nickel based, have unique features such as low thermal conductivity due to having a high amount of Nickel in their material composition. This causes a high surface temperature on the work-piece at the machining stage which leads to deformation in the final product.Like every process, the material variations have a significant impact on machining quality. The main cause of variations can originate from chemical composition and mechanical hardness. The non-uniform distribution of metal elements is a major source of variation in metallurgical structures. Different heat treatment standards are designed for processing the material to the desired hardness levels based on application. In order to take corrective actions, a study on the material aspects of superalloys has been conducted. In this study samples from different batches of material have been analysed. This involved material preparation for microscopy analysis, and the effect of chemical compositions on hardness (before and after heat treatment). Some of the results are discussed and presented in this paper.
The utilization of solar energy by photovoltaic (PV) systems have received much research and development (R&D) attention across the globe. In the past decades, a large number of PV array have been installed. Since the installed PV arrays often operate in harsh environments, non-uniform aging can occur and impact adversely on the performance of PV systems, especially in the middle and late periods of their service life. Due to the high cost of replacing aged PV modules by new modules, it is appealing to improve energy efficiency of aged PV systems. For this purpose, this paper presents a PV module reconfiguration strategy to achieve the maximum power generation from non-uniformly aged PV arrays without significant investment. The proposed reconfiguration strategy is based on the cell-unit structure of PV modules, the operating voltage limit of gird-connected converter, and the resulted bucket-effect of the maximum short circuit current. The objectives are to analyze all the potential reorganization options of the PV modules, find the maximum power point and express it in a proposition. This proposition is further developed into a novel implementable algorithm to calculate the maximum power generation and the corresponding reconfiguration of the PV modules. The immediate benefits from this reconfiguration are the increased total power output and maximum power point voltage information for global maximum power point tracking (MPPT). A PV array simulation model is used to illustrate the proposed method under three different cases. Furthermore, an experimental rig is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method will open an effective approach for condition-based maintenance of emerging aging PV arrays.
Present work examines numerically the asymmetric behavior of hydrogen/air flame in a micro-channel subjected to a non-uniform wall temperature distribution. A high resolution (with cell size of 25 μm × 25 μm) of two-dimensional transient Navier–Stokes simulation is conducted in the low-Mach number formulation using detailed chemistry evolving 9 chemical species and 21 elementary reactions. Firstly, effects of hydrodynamic and diffusive-thermal instabilities are studied by performing the computations for different Lewis numbers. Then, the effects of preferential diffusion of heat and mass transfer on the asymmetric behavior of the hydrogen flame are analyzed for different inlet velocities and equivalence ratios. Results show that for the flames in micro-channels, interactions between thermal diffusion and molecular diffusion play major role in evolution of a symmetric flame into an asymmetric one. Furthermore, the role of Darrieus–Landau instability found to be minor. It is also found that in symmetric flames, the Lewis number decreases behind the flame front. This is related to the curvature of flame which leads to the inclination of thermal and mass fluxes. The mass diffusion vectors point toward the walls and the thermal diffusion vectors point toward the centerline. Asymmetric flame is observed when the length of flame front is about 1.1–1.15 times of the channel width.
La construction des biosystèmes d’oxydation passive du méthane (BOPM) est une option économique et durable pour réduire les émissions de méthane des sites d’enfouissement de déchets et des effets subséquents du réchauffement climatique. Les BOPM sont constitués de deux couches principales: la couche d'oxydation du méthane (MOL) et la couche de distribution du gaz (GDL). L'oxydation du méthane se produit dans la MOL par les réactions biochimiques des bactéries méthanotrophes, et la GDL est construite sous la MOL pour intercepter et distribuer les émissions fugitives de biogaz à la base de la MOL. Fondamentalement, l'efficacité d'un BOPM est définie en fonction de l'efficacité d'oxydation du méthane dans la MOL. Par conséquent, il est indispensable de fournir des conditions adéquates pour les activités bactériennes des méthanotrophes. En plus des paramètres environnementaux, l'intensité et la distribution du biogaz influencent l'efficacité des BOPM, et ils peuvent rendre le matériau de la MOL - avec une grande capacité d'accueillir les activités bactériennes - inutilisables en termes d'oxydation du méthane sur place. L'effet de barrière capillaire le long de l'interface entre la GDL et la MOL peut provoquer des émissions localisées de méthane, due à la restriction ou la distribution non uniforme de l’écoulement ascendant du biogaz à la base de la MOL. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'incorporer le comportement hydraulique non saturé des BOPM dans la conception des BOPM, afin d’assurer la facilité et la distribution adéquates de l'écoulement du biogaz à la base de la MOL. Les fonctions de perméabilité à l'air des matériaux utilisés pour construire la MOL des BOPM expérimentaux au site d’enfouissement des déchets de St Nicéphore (Québec, Canada), ainsi que celles d'autres de la littérature technique, ont été étudiés pour évaluer le comportement d'écoulement non saturé du gaz dans les matériaux et pour identifier le seuil de migration sans restriction du gaz. Ce dernier seuil a été introduit en tant que un paramètre de conception avec lequel le critère de conception recommandé ici, c’est à dire la longueur de la migration sans restriction de gaz (LMSG), a été défini. La LMSG est considérée comme la longueur le long de l'interface entre la GDL et la MOL où le biogaz peut migrer à travers la MOL sans restriction. En réalisant des simulations numériques avec SEEP/W, les effets de la pente de l'interface, des paramètres définissant la courbe de rétention d'eau, de la fonction de la conductivité hydraulique du matériau de la MOL sur la valeur de la LMSG (représentant la facilité d'écoulement du biogaz à l'interface) et de la distribution de l'humidité (et par conséquent celle du biogaz) ont été évalués. Selon les résultats des simulations, la conductivité hydraulique saturée et la distribution des tailles de pores du matériau de la MOL sont les paramètres les plus importants sur la distribution de l'humidité le long de l'interface. Ce dernier paramètre influe également sur la valeur du degré de saturation et donc la facilité du biogaz à la base de la MOL. La densité sèche du matériau de MOL est un autre paramètre qui contrôle la facilité d'écoulement ascendant du biogaz. Les limitations principales de la présente étude sont associées au nombre de matériaux de MOL testés et à l'incapacité de SEEP/W de considérer l'évapotranspiration. Toutefois, compte tenu des hypothèses raisonnables dans les simulations et en utilisant les données de la littérature, on a essayé de réduire ces limitations. En utilisant les résultats des expériences et des simulations numériques, des étapes et des considérations de conception pour la sélection du matériau de MOL et de la pente d'interface ont été proposées. En effet,le comportement hydraulique non saturé des matériaux serait intégré dans les nécessités de conception pour un BOPM efficace, de sorte que la capacité maximale possible d'oxydation du méthane du matériau de la MOL soit exploitée.