641 resultados para Multicultural Education|Education Policy|Higher education
En este trabajo se expone e ilustra un modelo teórico para entender las funciones de la identidad, así como los mecanismospsicosociales asociados a su construcción: “Modelo Evolutivo y Funcional de la Identidad Mediada” (MEBIM). La identidad, mediada narrativamente, cumple una función personal orientada a la dirección de la propia vida, así como una función sociocultural vinculada a la búsqueda de reconocimiento de los derechos de los grupos sociales a los que uno se siente apegado. Se ilustran los factores asociados a la construcción de la identidad personal (sí mismos posibles, transiciones vitales, vínculo afectivo) y sociocultural (acción-transformación e identificación simbólica) a partir de 12 historias de vida realizadas con mestizos e indígenasde la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (México). Se sugiere que en contextos educativos formales, como la escuela o la Universidad, se deben propiciar narrativas personales y socioculturales con el objetivo de optimizar la identidad en un mundo a la vez globalizado y plural
L"apport de cet article réside dans le concept de « laïcité multiculturelle ». Dans les sociétés du XXIe siècle, ce concept représente un progrès vers une égalité de différences où toutes les croyances et religions seraient traitées de façon égalitaire. Le principe de laïcité a constitué un pas en avant vers une plus grande égalité des droits, en Europe la démarche a été au début du XXe siècle. Un siècle plus tard, l"impact sans précédents du phénomène international des migrations a rendu les sociétés européennes multiculturelles de nouveau. Dans ce nouveau cadre, la conception traditionnelle de la laïcité, au lieu d"assurer l"égalité des droits, est devenu un principe arbitraire nuisant, plus particulièrement à la communauté musulmane. Pour surmonter le trait discriminatoire de la conception traditionnelle de laïcité envers certaines confessions, un nouveau concept s"avère nécessaire, celui d"une « laïcité multiculturelle » fondée sur l"égalité de différences et le dialogue égalitaire entre les différentes cultures.
El concepte de ciutadania constitueix un d"aquells exemples en els quals l"evolució del significat del terme es vincula a processos d"interacció que han modificat l"essència de les relacions socials, tot i que de vegades no se sap ben bé si són els discursos els que s"adapten a la realitat o si és la realitat la que està construïda a partir de canvis en el discurs. De fet, en el context de la Grècia clàssica o de la Roma imperial, el concepte de ciutadania, portava aparellat una situació de privilegi, ja fos per diferenciar-se d"altres grups amb menor quota de poder social -el cas dels esclaus- ja fos per establir diferències en funció del lloc de naixement -els nascuts a Roma- que descrivia situacions diferenciades a les d"altres períodes històrics
En el marco de un curso de formación para maestros de educación infantil en activo que requerían el postgrado de especialización, se desarrolló un módulo específico de atención a la diversidad de necesidades educativas especiales
That contribution shows a categorisation system in order to analyse the psicosocial setup of people inside a group. It implies a kind of information analysis more qualitative and dinamic than the traditional and well known sociometric indexes. The categories present not only the quantity of recieved choices, rejections and perceptions, but the quality of established relations. Studied the intern consistency by different analistds, the elaborated categorical system can by applied to the study of sociometric tests to the primary students in multicultural classroom, in order to study the level and nature of integration among different ethnic minorities. A least, that contribution ofers the outcomes from the analysis of the integration of a simple of 95 students (girls and boys) from several ethnic minorities and describes their limits and conclusions.
Teacher's multicultural work The purpose of the present study is to explore teachers’ conceptions of their work as teachers of multicultural students. Teachers’ experiences of multicultural work and conceptions derived from them are part of the teacher’s multicultural competence which is seen as a key component of the teacher’s multicultural teachership. The teacher’s multicultural competence consists of the teacher’s cultural knowledge, pedagogical skills and experiences and attitudes related to multiculturalism. The teacher’s multicultural competence constitutes the basis on which the teacher implements multicultural education. The foundation for the teacher’s work is laid by laws and decrees, curricula, regulations issued by authorities in charge of the education of immigrant students, resources available and other demands and expectations set by the ambient society. The study was conducted in the city of Turku, Finland. The sample consisted of class teachers who taught both immigrant and majority students. Main objects of study in the theoretical part are the multicultural and pluralistic school and the multicultural teachership. The basic assumption is that the multicultural and pluralistic school forms the frame of activity in which the teacher implements multicultural teaching. The research strategy is based on methodological triangulation. The quantitative part of the study was carried out using a questionnaire typical of survey methods. The questionnaire was returned by 71 teachers. The qualitative part was conducted using theme-based interviews typical of phenomenological philosophical research. Of the total of teachers who returned the questionnaire, twelve (12) teachers were selected for interviews. According to the results, the participating teachers enjoyed their work regardless of the ample extra work caused by the students with immigrant backgrounds. The teachers experienced their work as teachers of multicultural student groups as strenuous, yet challenging. Students with immigrant backgrounds had caused many changes in the teacher’s work. The teachers regarded their multicultural skills as inadequate in relation to the demands of the work. They had not received education related to teaching students with immigrant backgrounds, but they were ready for in-service education. The teachers’ previous attitudes concerning immigrant students had been enforced. Teaching experiences strengthened the earlier, both positive and negative, attitudes. The central problems related to multiculturalism in the teacher’s work were caused by the deficient Finnish skills of the students with immigrant background. This was apparent in both teaching and learning as well as in contacts with parents. The teachers reported on relatively few inclusions of multicultural angles in their teaching. However, they believed that they could aid students with different cultural backgrounds in their integration process. At the same time they felt that their own chances to enhance the students’ cultural identities were slim. On the basis of the interviews conducted in connection with the teacher’s multicultural competence, the teachers were divided into three groups: assimilative, indeterminate and integrating multicultural teachers. The present study provides a strong indication that teachers tend to interpret multiculturalism in narrow terms. School activities, such as Finnish as a second language, first language and religious instruction, which were targeted exclusively at immigrant students were in most cases considered adequate. A holistic, cross-disciplinary, all-inclusive multicultural education that would permeate all school activities remains largely unimplemented.
A partir de diversas sesiones de debate contrastado, en las que se presentaban realidades muy diferentes bajo el análisis de una concepción educativa atenta a la diversidad y basada en la perspectiva contextual y en la propuesta de respuestas inclusivas, ofrecemos a continuación una síntesis de algunos aspectos fundamentales para avanzar hacia la mejora.
Propomos neste artigo uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de uma educação pautada pelos princípios da interculturalidade, no sentido de uma cidadania ativa, crítica e participativa. Para tanto, discutimos as contribuições de duas pesquisas realizadas por investigadores vinculados ao Grupo de Investigación en Educación Intercultural (GREDI Universidade de Barcelona). Os critérios que orientaram tal escolha se pautaram: por oferecer um enfoque privilegiado na formação de professores para a cidadania intercultural; pelo desenvolvimento de um programa de formação para a cidadania intercultural; pelo contexto de execução da pesquisa marcado por características multiculturais e pela atualidade do trabalho. Para além das estratégias consagradas de coleta de dados na pesquisa em educação, comumente as pesquisas produzidas no âmbito do GREDI apresentam propostas de intervenção traduzidas em programas, projetos e ações que são acompanhadas, avaliadas, analisadas e problematizadas conforme preconizam os princípios da metodologia adotada como referência. Assim, nosso objetivo centra-se em compreender como se desencadeiam os processos de construção de cidadania intercultural nas práticas educativas propostas pelos pesquisadores em suas investigações.
Les implicacions dels conceptes 'inclusió escolar' i 'educació intercultural' a l'escolarització de l'alumnat estranger
En este trabajo se expone e ilustra un modelo teórico para entender las funciones de la identidad, así como los mecanismospsicosociales asociados a su construcción: “Modelo Evolutivo y Funcional de la Identidad Mediada” (MEBIM). La identidad, mediada narrativamente, cumple una función personal orientada a la dirección de la propia vida, así como una función sociocultural vinculada a la búsqueda de reconocimiento de los derechos de los grupos sociales a los que uno se siente apegado. Se ilustran los factores asociados a la construcción de la identidad personal (sí mismos posibles, transiciones vitales, vínculo afectivo) y sociocultural (acción-transformación e identificación simbólica) a partir de 12 historias de vida realizadas con mestizos e indígenasde la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (México). Se sugiere que en contextos educativos formales, como la escuela o la Universidad, se deben propiciar narrativas personales y socioculturales con el objetivo de optimizar la identidad en un mundo a la vez globalizado y plural
Esta ponencia se enmarca en la línea de anteriores trabajos nuestros, en los que se ha intentado ofrecer el panorama general de la investigación llevada a cabo en el campo de la diferenciación educativa, y, más en concreto de la educación intercultural. En «Diseños y metodologías de investigación desde la perspectiva de la educación intercultural » (Bartolomé, 1992), tras una breve clarificación de términos asociados a la educación multicultural, analizábamos los principales métodos de investigación y campos de estudio que se habían desarrollado a lo largo de este siglo en el ámbito mundial. En «Modelos de investigación en la intervención educativa diferencial» (Bartolomé, Cabrera, F., Espín, J., Marín, M.A., Del Rincón, D. y Rodríguez, M., 1993) nos centrábamos en un marco más amplio, intentando abordar el estado de la investigación en ese momento en cada una de las áreas temáticas, al tiempo que profundizábamos en los principales problemas metodológicos hallados.
L'escola tradicional s'ha vist impotent quan s'ha reconegut el dret que tenen totsels alumnes a rebre atenció educativa en els centres ordinaris, independentment de lesseves característiques individuals.Si, per una banda, la realitat escolar és -i ha estat sempre- heterogknia i desigual,per l'altra, tots els alumnes participen d'un mateix sistema educatiu que es proposa elple desenvolupament de la seva personalitat, l'adquisició d'hibits intel.lectuals, detkcniques de treball i de coneixements en tots els imbits del saber, la capacitació pera l'exercici d'activitats professionals, la preparació per participar activament en lavida social i cultural ... tal i com ha quedat escrit en l'article 1 de la LOGSEL
La escolarización de los niños que proceden de la inmigración, especialmente la extracomunitaria, comporta dificultades que, aunque a veces se niegan, son evidentes para cualquier persona que trabaja en el mundo de la educación. Así, la creciente diversidad étnica y lingüística, y otros fenómenos, como la incorporación tardía, es vista por bastantes profesoras y profesores como una "carga" suplementarias en su quehacer educativo diario. De hecho, en la concepción clásica del trabajo escolar, la consideración de un aumento de las dificultades cuando aumenta la diversidad siempre ha estado presente y, nos guste o no, nuestro sistema educativo, como la mayoría de sistemas educativos, sigue siendo bastante clásico. Sin embargo, es de justicia señalar que las modificaciones , incluidas las innovaciones, que los sistemas educativos han sufrido en el tiempo han ido de la mano de adaptarlos a la creciente diversidad social que se iba incorporando. En los últimos años, está afirmación debe relativizarse, al menos en el sentido que toma en el texto. Así, en muchos países occidentales, las actuales reformas educativas buscan su adaptabilidad sobre la base de la segregación
L’evidència de la multiplicitat de cultures a l’escola planteja molts interrogants sobre la manera com han de ser-hi presents aquestes cultures. Si volem que contribueixin a construir una cultura comuna plenament inserida en el nostre país, com podem convertir les dificultats d’aquest objectiu en clau d’oportunitat?
The aim of this dissertation was to examine the skills and knowledge that pre-service teachers and teachers have and need about working with multilingual and multicultural students from immigrant backgrounds. The specific goals were to identify pre-service teachers’ and practising teachers’ current knowledge and awareness of culturally and linguistically responsive teaching, identify a profile of their strengths and needs, and devise appropriate professional development support and ways to prepare teachers to become equitable culturally responsive practitioners. To investigate these issues, the dissertation reports on six original empirical studies within two groups of teachers: international pre-service teacher education students from over 25 different countries as well as pre-service and practising Finnish teachers. The international pre-service teacher sample consisted of (n = 38, study I; and n = 45, studies II-IV) and the pre-service and practising Finnish teachers sample encompassed (n = 89, study V; and n = 380, study VI). The data used were multi-source including both qualitative (students’ written work from the course including journals, final reflections, pre- and post-definition of key terms, as well as course evaluation and focus group transcripts) and quantitative (multi-item questionnaires with open-ended options), which enhanced the credibility of the findings resulting in the triangulation of data. Cluster analytic procedures, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and qualitative analyses mostly Constant Comparative Approach were used to understand pre-service teachers’ and practising teachers’ developing cultural understandings. The results revealed that the mainly white / mainstream teacher candidates in teacher education programmes bring limited background experiences, prior socialisation, and skills about diversity. Taking a multicultural education course where identity development was a focus, positively influenced teacher candidates’ knowledge and attitudes toward diversity. The results revealed approaches and strategies that matter most in preparing teachers for culturally responsive teaching, including but not exclusively, small group activities and discussions, critical reflection, and field immersion. This suggests that there are already some tools to address the need for the support needed to teach successfully a diversity of pupils and provide in-service training for those already practising the teaching profession. The results provide insight into aspects of teachers’ knowledge about both the linguistic and cultural needs of their students, as well as what constitutes a repertoire of approaches and strategies to assure students’ academic success. Teachers’ knowledge of diversity can be categorised into sound awareness, average awareness, and low awareness. Knowledge of diversity was important in teachers’ abilities to use students’ language and culture to enhance acquisition of academic content, work effectively with multilingual learners’ parents/guardians, learn about the cultural backgrounds of multilingual learners, link multilingual learners’ prior knowledge and experience to instruction, and modify classroom instruction for multilingual learners. These findings support the development of a competency based model and can be used to frame the studies of pre-service teachers, as well as the professional development of practising teachers in increasingly diverse contexts. The present set of studies take on new significance in the current context of increasing waves of migration to Europe in general and Finland in particular. They suggest that teacher education programmes can equip teachers with the necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge to enable them work effectively with students from different ethnic and language backgrounds as they enter the teaching profession. The findings also help to refine the tools and approaches to measuring the competencies of teachers teaching in mainstream classrooms and candidates in preparation.