306 resultados para Muistitietotutkimus : metodologisia kysymyksiä
Teemanumero: Terrence Malick.
Päiväys: Kuopiossa, kesäkuulla 1874. A. G. Borg.
This thesis is about young people's views and mental images of the Finnish National Theatre (FNT). Research was needed into the views of young people about the FNT. The results would also be useful for FNT's marketing operations. The research was executed as a qualitative interview (based on a structured questionnaire) among 16 young people in January and February 2006. Four different high schools were involved: Ressun Lukio, Mäkelänrinteen Lukio, Kallion Lukio and Helsingin Kaupungin Kuvataidelukio (which together represented art-oriented high schools) and Vuosaaren Lukio. From each high school two boys and two girls were selected for interview. FNT's marketing director was also interviewed. The questions for the interview were formulated in co-operation with the FNT. The structural questionnaire was basically broken down into three different sections. The first section concentrated on the interviewee's hobbies and his/her past and present relationship to theatre. The second section consisted of questions about his/her views on the FNT. There were different sets of questions regarding whether or not the interviewee had visited the FNT. The last section was about the interviewee's use of media. This thesis focuses on the second section of questions. The answers revealed that, out of the group of sixteen, all but one had visited the FNT. Most of them saw the FNT as a traditional and valuable institution which is easier to approach than Finnish National Opera. Eleven of the interviewees reported that the main reason for their visit was a school project, and that without it they probably wouldn't have gone to the FNT at all. The thesis contemplates co-operation between the FNT and schools, and the meaning of art education for children's and young people's positive cultural development.
This thesis concerns organizing a workshop about interaction in the various communities represented by Helsinki city's social welfare department. There were seventeen workshops altogether and they were organized in different communities; for example, in a children's daycare centre. The aim was to gain experience in the planning and organizing of these kinds of workshop. The workshops focused on dealing with interactive quetions arising out of the very community which was taking part in the workshop. These questions were discussed and handled using a technique called forum-statues. This means that the problems arising from the community were presented as living pictures to the group. There was also a short theoretical element concerning interactions between people, self-esteem, the different phases in developing a group, and the effects of conflicts in groups. There was a high degree of interest in the research and places were soon filled. The workshops consisted of a warming part with a lot of playing, a deepening part with questions arising out of the group, and a relaxation and feedback part at the end. The basis of the workshop was similar for all seventeen workshops. The athmosphere in workshops was discussive and open. The participants were engouraged to express there opinions and point of views. Feedback from the participantswas very positive. The participants obtained new points of view, according there fellow workers, and the community spirit improved. Shortage of time was, unfortunately, a problem. With more time, it would have been possible to go deeper into the problems of interaction within the community. Ceratinly, the research proved that there would be great demand for this kind of workshop in future.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how and why an art competition was arranged to select pieces for the parliamentary annexe building in Helsinki. There is an emphasis on the cultural production aspects of the research. For the purpose of comparison, the thesis also examines how art acquisition takes place in the cities of Helsinki, Salo and Vantaa, and how the so-called percentage principle has been used in these cities The research method involved thematic interviewing of four persons with central positions on the competition jury. Questions were also sent by e-mail to experts and other people with knowledge of the subject area. Although art competitions have been arranged in Finland for decades, very little relevant literature exists. In addition to the interviews, other relevant literature was also referred to, including parliamentary records. The crucial questions concerned why the art competition for the parliamentary annexe was arranged and whether, indeed, it is possible to compete artistically in this manner. The thesis also examined the relationship between art and architecture and how the best works were selected from the vast range of submissions. The answers were both honest and interesting. The thesis presents a step-by-step analysis of the competition's progress over two stages, and according to the specific rules for such competitions as laid out in Suomen Taiteilijaseura. Strict adherence to the rules of the competition created a number of problems, some of which are also studied. The primary reason for staging a competition was to be as democratic as possible, and eliminating any possibility of nominating a particular artist or artists to realise their own work within the annexe. The competition opened up the possibility to consider various artistic proposals, and no genres were ruled out in advance. This format ensured a good response and a total of 1719 proposals were received, of which six were eventually selected. One conclusion was that open competition may not be the best way to gather artistic proposals in such circumstances, but it is very democratic.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää elintapoja kartoittava neuvontalomake työterveyshoitajan käyttöön. Tavoitteena oli kehittää elintapaneuvontaa lisäämällä työterveyshoitajan tietoja elintapojen muutosta tukevan terveysneuvonnan rakentumisesta. Opinnäytetyö oli kehittämistyö Diacor terveyspalvelut Oy:n työterveyshuoltoon. Opinnäytetyön aineistona käytettiin ajankohtaista kirjallisuutta ja tutkimuksia terveysneuvonnan toteutumisesta, suomalaisten työikäisten elintavoista ja työterveyshoitajan työstä. Teoreettisena pohjana elintapojen muutokselle toimi transteoreettinen muutosvaihemalli, joka erottaa asiakkaan elintapamuutoksen eri vaiheet. Kerätyn aineiston pohjalta tehtiin elintapoja kartoittava neuvontalomake sekä koottiin elintapaneuvonnan tueksi voimavaralähtöisiä kysymyksiä. Neuvontalomakkeessa yhdistyvät työikäisen terveyden edistämisen kannalta tärkeimmät elintavat, kansalliset elintapasuositukset sekä elintapamuutoksen vaiheet. Voimavaralähtöiset kysymykset laadittiin koskemaan kutakin elintapamuutoksen vaihetta. Neuvontalomakkeella saadaan esille asiakkaan itsensä ilmoittamat elintapojen muutostarpeet. Yhdessä asiakkaan kanssa työterveyshoitaja voi lomaketta apunaan käyttäen kartoittaa asiakkaan muutosvalmiuden elintapamuutokseen. Muutosvalmiuden kartoittamisen jälkeen elintapaneuvonta voidaan kohdentaa elintapamuutoksiin sitoutuneisiin ja motivoituneisiin asiakkaisiin. Muutokselle asetetaan tavoite ja seurataan tavoitteen saavuttamista. Voimavaralähtöisten kysymykset antavat työterveyshoitajalle apuvälineen tukea eri muutosvaiheissa olevia asiakkaita. Elintapoja kartoittava neuvontalomake soveltuu käytettäväksi työikäisten elintapojen kartoitukseen ja elintapaneuvontaan. Lomaketta voidaan käyttää osana terveystarkastusta, terveyden seurantatarkastusta sekä todettaessa tarve elintapojen muutokseen. Elintapoja kartoittava neuvontalomake tulee pilotoida ennen sen varsinaista käyttöön ottamista.