313 resultados para Meditação Transcendental
Tomando como ponto de partida o diálogo "Clara", escrito por Schelling, o autor faz da conexão da Natureza com o Espírito o fio condutor da trajetória do pensamento schellinguiano. É, antes de tudo, na disputa com as filosofias de Fichte e Hegel, que se revela a convergência entre a concepção transcendental do Espírito e a filosofia da Natureza, dando-se assim a entender a importância de um conceito especulativo da Natureza como acesso ao mundo real.
RESUMO Este trabalho desenvolve aspectos da controvérsia entre Fichte e Schelling em relação aos elementos estéticos, linguístico-filosóficos e da filosofia da religião de ambos, que é foco das "Investigações sobre a liberdade humana de Schelling", assim como das exposições da doutrina da ciência e da ética do Fichte tardio (1810-1813). As divergências entre Fichte e Schelling não envolvem apenas problemas especulativos, mas sim variadas implicações e consequências dos seus sistemas filosóficos, que podem ser destacadas por uma análise da função da analogia nos dois autores. A analogia é uma figura que agrega a estética, a filosofia da linguagem e a filosofia da religião nos dois autores; ela é um significante que põe o problema do significado, ou seja, põe o problema da relação entre finito e infinito (Schelling) e da relação entre saber absoluto e saber particular (Fichte). Essa relação vai ser investigada a partir de algumas passagens das "Investigações" de Schelling (§2); num segundo momento, será analisada a função do conceito de analogia e de símbolo nesse contexto (§3); e, no final, a diferente compreensão da Igreja como símbolo do absoluto na "Filosofia da arte" de Schelling e na "Doutrina moral" fichtiana de 1798 e 1812 (§4).
The main aim of the study is to elucidate the meaning and dimensions of the concept of „virtue‟, and to find the place of virtue in a caritative caring ethics, i.e. a caring ethics based on human love and mercy. The intention is to create a theory model which utilizes the possibilities of virtue in developing the caritative caring ethics as a whole. The caritative caring ethics has a universal potential – it is primarily not a professional ethics, but it may form a frame of reference and basis for formulating ethical codes, and for ethical discussions within different caring contexts. The hermeneutic approach of the study is inspired by Gadamer‟s philosophical hermeneutics combined with the view of hermeneutics as a hypothetical-deductive process. The study is guided by Eriksson‟s model of definition of concepts. The concept of „virtue‟ is studied focusing on its ethical dimensions. These ethical dimensions of virtue are seen as anchored to an inner ethos, whereas ethos stands for the ontological goodness, a basic notion of the Good that permeates the entity of the human being, and forms the base of the culture where he lives and acts. The overarching research questions are: 1. What is virtue? 2. What is „virtue‟ as a basic concept in caring science? 3. What place does virtue have in caritative caring ethics? The answer of the first question is mainly searched for by an ontological determination comprising partly an etymologic and semantic analysis of „virtue‟, and partly a determination of the essence of virtue. The answer to the second and third questions are mainly searched for using a contextual determination, where the purposive context and pragmatic features of virtue are studied in relation to caring ethics. The ontological and contextual determinations are brought together through hermeneutical interpretation, forming a new whole, which constitutes the results of the study. The results of the study are depicted in a theory model, in which the movement of virtue from ethos to deed is moulded as caritative caring ethics. The material of the study consists of dictionaries, texts written by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, articles, dissertations, and books, as well as parts of a pilot survey answered by 33 nurses. The results of the study show that the essence of virtue is primarily functional, not ethical. The ethical emerges when virtue is contextualized in a human communion. Virtue makes something fulfil its function well; makes the human being good, and gives him morals and morality. The human being needs prudence, love, and humility to acquire and develop the moral virtues. Virtue is a power, related to a value, which considering a caritative caring ethics consists of the caritas motif. Human love is shown through deeds, making the human being do what he is expected to do. Virtue, as an active power of becoming, affirms and clarifies the human being‟s ability to develop in the direction of the Good. Virtue becomes essential and unifying when morality appears in the human mind as auctoritas, an inner, prompting power based on divinity or a transcendental ethos. Together ethos and virtue create opportunities for an inner ethics based on voluntariness and joy in being and doing the true, the good, and the beautiful.
In this article I deal with time as a notion of epistemological content associated though with the notion of a subjective consciousness co-constitutive of physical reality. In this phenomenologically grounded approach I attempt to establish a 'metaphysical' aspect of time, within a strictly epistemological context, in the sense of an underlying absolute subjectivity which is non-objectifiable within objective temporality and thus non-susceptible of any ontological designation. My arguments stem, on the one hand, from a version of quantum-mechanical theory (History Projection Operator theory, HPO theory) in view of its formal treatment of two different aspects of time within a quantum context. The discrete, partial-ordering properties (the notions of before and after) and the dynamical-parameter properties reflected in the wave equations of motion. On the other hand, to strengthen my arguments for a transcendental factor of temporality, I attempt an interpretation of some relevant conclusions in the work of J. Eccles ([5]) and of certain results of experimental research of S. Deahaene et al. ([2]) and others.
Neste artigo, procuro avaliar o sentido para o projeto dedutivo da Crítica da Razão Pura da distinção, apresentada no 18 dessa obra, entre unidade objetiva e unidade subjetiva da apercepção. Primeiramente, apresento o objetivo geral e os passos fundamentais da dedução transcendental das categorias do entendimento. Em seguida, identifico o esboço de uma estratégia argumentativa, inaugurada no
18 da Dedução, fundada na compreensão da unidade subjetiva da apercepção como um juízo de percepção acerca de "objetos subjetivos". Finalmente, defendo que uma dedução assim construída não é uma prova consistente da possibilidade do conhecimento objetivo, na medida em que pretende se furtar à tarefa de demonstrar que as categorias do entendimento são condições da possibilidade da nossa percepção pré-judicativa de objetos sensivelmente intuídos.
O artigo examina a noção de extensão conceitual em Kant, a fim de determinar uma visão de predicação que possa integrar, de forma coerente, compromissos teóricos básicos da lógica geral como ele a concebia e os fundamentos de sua lógica transcendental. Após um breve panorama das diversas caracterizações da noção no corpus kantiano, distingo três modelos interpretativos acerca da mesma na literatura. Tais modelos são criticados e suas perspectivas de integrar os compromissos de Kant de modo inteiramente satisfatório são rejeitadas. Finalmente, esboço um tratamento alternativo da concepção kantiana de extensão conceitual, o qual respeita os critérios de adequação que guiaram o exame dos modelos anteriores. Ele aponta, por sua vez, para uma reavaliação da noção kantiana de conteúdo conceitual.
The aim of this study is to explore longing and its implication for health. The overall purpose is to develop a theory model of longing. The research question is: What is the substance of longing in a caring science perspective? The model is developed based on theoretical and empirical studies, which contains three different research materials; hermeneutic reading of texts by Augustine and Kierkegaard, and interpretation of research interviews with nine women in a cancer context. The design of the study is explorative and the ontological hermeneutics of Gadamer is chosen as a guidance for understanding. The main standpoint of the study is performed within the systematic caring science, which through basic research, generates knowledge about the human desire as crucial for the deeper health processes. Through the contextual study there is a link to the clinical caring science. In the ontology of the systematic caring science, the character of longing is in touch with two different aspects. Longing is rooted in the inner source of love of the ethos of the human where the inscrutable depth exists and contains the reality beyond the visible. Further, longing is essential for human being becoming in health and suffering, through holiness as a unit of body, soul and spirit. The results of the study are presented in a theory model. The model has by abduction provided new and deeper understanding of dimensions of longing related to health. On a general level the forces in longing unfolds in two perspectives; suffering and the basis of love. There appears to be a relationship between human and the source of love in all three materials. When human opens up his life in a larger perspective, resting in love, he can manage to stand in the thrill, and acknowledge loss and emptiness. In the transparency of an inner dialogue unfolding dispair, deeper longing can be opened up so that lives are released from the source of love. The holiness of the human desire has such appeal because the holiness of the source of love is always more than the suffering and the particular. The holiness in longing seems to satisfy the hearts deepest searching. The directon of longing is performed in relation to human and the source of love. The study reveals how longing is associated with the source of love, where the holiness of longing seems to drag the human and by that gives the answer to the seeking of the heart. Dynamics forces have direction from the human suffering in the foundation and a release of the power is given back to transform, deepen and reconcile life and suffering. The movements of the power released by longing are keys to understand the suffering of human in relation to the source of love, becoming in health. By this study, results contribute to deepen the ontological core of caring science. Firstly, human in his longing is connected to the inner ethos and by that the most sacred and absolute in itself so that parts of the potential of love can be released to health. Secondly, longing is the road of reconciliation and can further expand to authentic reconciliation, where human is becoming towards unity and holiness. Thirdly, the spirituality is unfolding through longing and the transcendental is received. In longing, human is in touch with the mystery, the longing exceeds the present and moving towards eternity and infinity, and is in what is yet to come. Such deep experience of longing moments leave an impression and show the longing fulfilled.
With caring science as its foundation and by means of the perioperative dialogue, the intended contribution and overall aim of this present thesis is to describe what play is and could be in the caring reality, an ideal model. The perioperative dialogue is the nurse anaesthetists’ pre-, intra- and post-operative dialogues with the children they care for in connection with anesthesia. The thesis is composed according to Schopenhauer’s notion that the road to science presupposes the world seen as performances, and has an all-pervading hermeneutic approach. The performances of the thesis are: the performance of all performances, the empirical performance, the transcendental performance and the universal performance. The performance of all performances originates in the theoretical perspective of the thesis and describes what play and its characteristics are. This performance is realized through the hermeneutic interpretation of the etymology and original meaning of the word play along with texts from caring science, philosophy, anthropology and the history of religion. The empirical performance originates in four empirical studies where caring is organized as a perioperative dialogue. In study I, the material was collected with the help of participating observations and semi-structured interviews, in study II, with the help of the critical incident method and in study III, with the help of conversation interviews. In study IV, play develops into a clinical caring science research method. The research participants consist of children with special needs, children with a pronounced fear of anaesthesia, parents of children with severe autism and nurse anaesthetists. The empirical performance relates in what way play manifests in a perioperative child context by interpreting the results from the empiric in the light of the characteristics of play. The transcendental performance is enacted in the playhouse of health and presents a picture of the essence of play, the playing. In the playhouse of health, the light, winged movement of play is actualized when what was previously too difficult, too heavy and pinioned instead is as easy as anything. The eye of love and compassion knows the art of deciphering the secret script where the Other’s holiness resides, even if mere glimpses of it appear. The universal performance depicts three caring acts where the entrance consists of entering play, the ideal of which is realized in the unmasked openness face to face, that which protects the playing human being against encroachment and an unwanted audience. In the second caring act, entering play plays on to the finely-tuned interplay between human beings in the winged play of beauty and dignity. In the third caring act, the world’s deepest plays are staged on the stage of caring, in the sense that the innermost being of each individual, the universal will joins in and allows individuals to live as playing human beings who are at home with themselves and the world. The captivating, graceful and friendly play works from within itself, as long as it illumined by the light of claritas can play undisturbed on the stage of caring where it – like an unclouded mirror of its own ideal watches over children’s health.
Este artigo descreve e analisa uma prática característica de grupos argentina devotos de Sai Baba, também conhecida como Meditação na Luz. Caracterizamos-a como uma performance ritual onde, também, encontramos representações simbólicas em torno á corporalidade que chamamos geografia corporal. Examinamos como se constrói a eficácia ritual em dita pratica, e se argumenta que esta performance é eficaz porque contribui para modificar a pessoa á lograr seu objetivo espiritual fundamental (a fusão com Deus). Neste ponto, contrastamos este tipo de meditação com as clássicas meditações metafísicas cartesianas. Finalmente, destaca se a relevância da inclusão da dimensão corporal performática na analise dos fenômenos religiosos.
Neste artigo, analisamos o aspecto fenomenológico do ritual zen na Argentina, especificamente nas práticas e representações relacionadas ao corpo, ao sofrimento e à intersubjetividade. Em primeiro lugar, enfocamos o modo como os praticantes da meditação experimentam e significam a dor e o sofrimento. Em seguida, analisamos o propiciamento de um habitus psicofísico social e construído culturalmente por meio da participação nos centros budistas daquele país, em que as modalidades somáticas da atenção representam um papel de grande importância. Concluindo, questionamos o âmbito da intersubjetividade e da intercorporalidade das comunidades zen, uma vez que é no marco da interrelação em determinado contexto pautado ritualmente que se produz o habitus religioso mencionado anteriormente.
O presente artigo discute as relações entre a perspectiva transcendental inscrita na análise Kantiana das Idéias da Razão (principalmente a Idéia de Unidade) e a herança metafísica tradicional. Para tanto ensaia-se uma leitura da 1ª parte do Apêndice da Dialética Transcendental à luz da reelaboração critica do temário metafísico, com especial ênfase na noção escolástica de atributo transcendental do Ser.
Apresentamos uma breve reconstrução das duas primeiras seções de Vorlensungen zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins, de Edmund Husserl, em que analisamos a maneira pela qual ele desenvolve uma teoria transcendental do tempo, trazendo-a para o campo de seu método fenomenológico. A partir de uma reavaliação do significado de "percepção do tempo", ele oferece critérios que, a nosso ver, seriam capazes de dar conta de uma das características mais discutidas do tempo, sua assimetria ou unidirecionalidade. Discutimos também as principais dificuldades enfrentadas por este projeto.
Habermas relê Adorno e Horkheimer à luz do seu próprio modelo, isto é, do "paradigma lingüístico" que substitui a práxis transformadora pela argumentação. Assim, Habermas não percebe que, em Adorno, a competência comunicativa subordina-se a algo essencialmente diferente, a um impulso emancipatório. As características deste a priori transcendental racionalmente mediado devem ser buscadas não na Dialética do esclarecimento, mas em Minima moralia.
Trata-se de uma abordagem introdutória à doutrina do esquematismo, segundo o contexto de seu surgimento na Crítica da Razão Pura.
O texto salienta a importância da sátira lucianesca no pensamento das Luzes, em especial nos textos de Voltaire. Ao mesmo tempo, ele busca criticar a carência de humor na filosofia de nossa época, a partir de uma análise comparativa da prosa iluminista com a fala sibilina das correntes filosóficas irracionalistas, em especial as de Martin Heidegger e de seus epígonos.