978 resultados para Matrix Material


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a influência do material de confecção das matrizes, traçando um perfil da conversão monomérica de um compósito micro-híbrido, além de avaliar qual dos materiais testados mais se assemelha a uma matriz de dentina. A avaliação foi feita através da análise do grau de conversão (GC). Foram confeccionadas 3 matrizes bipartidas, sendo estas de teflon negro, tefon branco e aço inoxidável, ambas com 10mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de profundidade. Para o grupo controle foi utilizado um incisivo central bovino, o qual teve sua face vestibular aplainada em uma lixadeira sob refrigeração constante, com o auxílio de uma lixa de carbeto de silício, número 800. Após, este dente foi preparado com uma broca diamantada número 2294 (KG Sorensen) em alta rotação, própria para a preparação de cavidades padronizadas para ensaios de laboratório, apresentando um limitador de penetração. Em seguida, com um motor de baixa rotação foi realizado o acabamento das paredes, obtendo-se uma cavidade de 2,0 mm de profundidade por 9,0 mm de diâmetro. Pela palatina desse dente, com uma broca carbide cilíndrica de numeração 2056 (KG Sorensen), fez-se uma penetração até se obter uma parede de dentina extremamente fina, porém sem que esta fosse rompida. Assim, com uma agulha, fez-se uma pequena perfuração no centro dessa dentina para que este instrumental servisse como um pino para remoção do corpo de prova de dentro da matriz de dente. Os corpos de prova (CP) foram obtidos a partir da inserção do compósito no interior da perfuração das matrizes em um único incremento e cobertos na superfície externa com uma matriz de poliéster mais uma lamínula de vidro. Os CP foram fotopolimerizados por 40 s pela fonte de luz halógena Optilux 501 (Demetron), com 500 mW/cm. Imediatamente após a polimerização, os corpos de prova eram submetidos no topo e na base para a análise de espectrometria no infravermelho para a determinação da profundidade de polimerização, pela técnica do filme vazado para o compósito não polimerizado e pela técnica da pastilha de brometo de potássio (KBr) para o compósito polimerizado. Foram confeccionados 5 CP de cada grupo. Em cada grupo, o compósito da base e do topo das amostras foi moído até se obter de 1,5 a 2,0 mg de pó e misturado com 70 mg de KBr, para obtenção da pastilha de KBr. Foi feita a análise de espectrofotometria no infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). As absorções selecionadas para o cálculo foram 1610 cm-1 e 1637 cm-1, os picos dos espectros das ligações dos carbonos aromáticos e alifáticos, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente. Os grupos Gr1B, Gr2B, Gr3B e Gr4B representam, respectivamente, as bases dos CP confeccionados pelas matrizes de DB, TN, TB e AI. Já os Gr1T, Gr2T, Gr3T e Gr4T representam os topos. Médias (%) e DP: Gr1T (46,461,99), Gr2T (39,864,51), Gr3T (44,053,44) e Gr4T (38,045,08). Gr1B (40,441,49), Gr2B (36,153,81), Gr3B (40,093,18) e Gr4B (35,593,35). Em posse dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que os grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não apresentaram diferenças entre o grau de conversão do topo e da base, enquanto que o grupo da dentina apresentou maior conversão do topo. Comparando as matrizes entre elas, pôde-se perceber que no topo, o GC do dente bovino é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro, o GC do teflon branco é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro. Já o topo dos grupos de dente bovino e teflon banco foram semelhantes. Nas bases dos CPs, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos testados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no experimento, pôde-se concluir que nos grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não houve diferença entre 0 e 2 mm, ou seja, topo e base, o que mostra que o material de confecção da matriz não influênciou o grau de conversão do compósito. Já para o grupo da matriz de dentina, o topo apresentou valor de conversão monomérica maior, mostrando que, neste caso, o material da matriz interferiu no grau de conversão. Pode-se perceber também que existe uma tendência da matriz de teflon branco se assemelhar mais a matriz de dentina, pois foi o único grupo que apresentou semelhança nos valores de conversão monomérica no topo das amostras. Porém analisando a base das amostras, percebe-se que todos os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante, obtendo valores do grau de conversão sem diferença significante.


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Bone is a complex material with a hierarchical multi-scale organization from the molecule to the organ scale. The genetic bone disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, is primarily caused by mutations in the collagen type I genes, resulting in bone fragility. Because the basis of the disease is molecular with ramifications at the whole bone level, it provides a platform for investigating the relationship between structure, composition, and mechanics throughout the hierarchy. Prior studies have individually shown that OI leads to: 1. increased bone mineralization, 2. decreased elastic modulus, and 3. smaller apatite crystal size. However, these have not been studied together and the mechanism for how mineral structure influences tissue mechanics has not been identified. This lack of understanding inhibits the development of more accurate models and therapies. To address this research gap, we used a mouse model of the disease (oim) to measure these outcomes together in order to propose an underlying mechanism for the changes in properties. Our main finding was that despite increased mineralization, oim bones have lower stiffness that may result from the poorly organized mineral matrix with significantly smaller, highly packed and disoriented apatite crystals. Using a composite framework, we interpret the lower oim bone matrix elasticity observed as the result of a change in the aspect ratio of apatite crystals and a disruption of the crystal connectivity.


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The classification of a concrete mixture as self-compacting (SCC) is performed by a series of empirical characterization tests that have been designed to assess not only the flowability of the mixture but also its segregation resistance and filling ability. The objective of the present work is to correlate the rheological parameters of SCC matrix, yield stress and plastic viscosity, to slump flow measurements. The focus of the slump flow test investigation was centered on the fully yielded flow regime and an empirical model relating the yield stress to material and flow parameters is proposed. Our experimental data revealed that the time for a spread of 500 mm which is used in engineering practice as reference for measurement parameters, is an arbitrary choice. Our findings indicate that the non-dimensional final spread is linearly related to the non-dimensional yield-stress. Finally, there are strong indications that the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture is associated with the non-dimensional final spread as well as the stopping time of the slump flow; this experimental data set suggests an exponential decay of the final spread and stopping time with viscosity. © Appl. Rheol.


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SOI (silicon-on-insulator) is a new material with a lot of important performances such as large index difference, low transmission loss. Fabrication processes for SOI based optoelectronic devices are compatible with conventional IC processes. Having the potential of OEIC monolithic integration, SOI based optoelectronic devices have shown many good characteristics and become more and more attractive recently. In this paper, the recent progresses of SOI waveguide devices in our research group are presented. By highly effective numerical simulation, the single mode conditions for SOI rib waveguides with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-section were accurately investigated. Using both chemical anisotropic wet etching and plasma dry etching techniques, SOI single mode rib waveguide, MMI coupler, VOA (variable optical attenuator), 2X2 thermal-optical switch were successfully designed and fabricated. Based on these, 4X4 and 8X8 SOI optical waveguide integrated switch matrixes are demonstrated for the first time.


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The interface state recombination effect from the quantum confinement effect in PL signals from the SRO material system was studied. The results show that the larger the size of Si NCs, the more beneficial for the interface state recombination process to surpass the quantum confinement process, in support of Qin's model.


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In this work, the excel lent catalytic activity of highly ordered mesoporous carbons (OMCs) to the electrooxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was described for the construction of electrochemical alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and glucose oxidase (GOD)-based biosensors.


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A novel isomeric polyimide/SiO2 hybrid material was successfully prepared through sol-gel technique, and its structure, thermal properties and nano-indenter properties were investigated. First, 3-[(4-phenylethynyl)phthalimide]propyl triethoxysilane (PEIPTES) was successfully synthesized, its structure was characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR and C-13 NMR. The researches on solubility and thermal properties of PEIPTES show that it can be used for modifying nano-SiO2 precursor. Nano-SiO2 precursor was synthesized by tetraethoxysilane (TECS) through sol-gel technique. Then the PEIPTES solution and the nano-SiO2 precursor were mixed for 6 h to let the PEIPTES molecules react with the nano-SiO2 precursor, and modified nano-SiO2 precursor was obtained. The modified reaction was confirmed by the analyses of FT-IR. At last, isomeric polyimide/SiO2 hybrid material was produced by using isomeric polyimide resin solution and the modified nano-SiO2 precursor after heat treatment process. The structure analysis by SEM indicated that SiO2 particles dispersed in isomeric polyimide matrix homogeneously with nanoscale. Thermogravimetric analyzer, dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer and nano-indenter XP was employed to detect the properties of the materials, the results demonstrated that isomeric polyimide/SiO2 hybrid material has much better thermal properties and nano-indenter properties than those of isomeric polyimide.


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Hybrid materials, containing in-situ synthesized lanthanide complexes with intense green light, have been prepared via sol-gel process. The luminescence properties and the decay times of as-synthesized samples were investigated. The excitation spectrum of the samples indicates the formation of complexes between terbium (III) and P-Sulfosalicylic acid. The hybrid materials that contain in-situ synthesized terbium complexes exhibit the characteristic emission bands of the rare earth ions. In addition, the effect of concentration of terbium on the luminescence properties as well as the thermal stability were also studied.


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A new kind of luminescent organic-inorganic hybrid material (denoted Hybrid I) consisting of europium 1,10-phenanthroline complexes covalently attached to a silica-based network was prepared by a sol-gel process. 1,10-Phenanthroline grafted to 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate was used as one of the precursors for the preparation of an organic-inorganic hybrid materials. For comparison purposes, the hybrid material (denoted Hybrid II) in which phenanthroline was not grafted onto the silica backbone of the frameworks was also prepared. Elemental analysis; NMR, FT-IR, UV/vis absorption, and luminescence spectroscopies, and luminescence decay analysis were used to characterize the obtained hybrid materials. It is shown that the homogeneity of Hybrid I is superior to that of Hybrid II, and a higher concentration europium can be incorporated into Hybrid I than Hybrid II. Excitation at the ligand absorption wavelength (283 nm) resulted in the strong emission of the Eu3+ D-5(0)-F-7(J) (J = 0-4) transition lines as a result of the efficient energy transfer from the ligands to the EU3+ in Hybrid I. The number of water molecules coordinated to the europium ion was estimated, and the structure of the as-synthesized Hybrid I was predicted on the basis of the experimental results.


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The conductive alpha (2)-K7P2W17VO62/graphite/organoceramic composite was prepared by dispersing alpha (2)-K7P2W17VO62 and graphite powder in a propyltrimethoxysilane-based sol-gel solution; it was used as the electrode material for an amperometric hydrogen peroxide sensor. The modified electrode had a homogeneous mirror-like surface and showed well defined cyclic voltammograms. Square-wave voltammetry was employed to study the pH-dependent electrochemical behavior of c alpha (2)-K7P2W17VO62 doped in the graphite organoceramic matrix, and the experiment showed that both protons and sodium cations participated in the odor process. A hydrodynamic voltammetric experiment was performed to characterize the electrode as an amperometric sensor for the determination of hydrogen peroxide. The sensor can be renewed easily in a repeatable manner by a mechanical polishing step and has a long operational lifetime. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The europium complex, Eu(TTA)(3)phen (TTA = thenoyltrifluoroacetone, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) was successfully doped into organically modified silicate (ormosil) matrix-SiO2/(VTMOS+PMMA) (VTMOS = vinyltrimethoxysilane, PMMA = polymethylmethacrylate) via sol-gel process, and the luminescence properties of the resultant ormosil composite phosphors [ormosil: Eu(TTA)(3)phen were investigated compared with those of the pure Eu(TTA)(3)phen complex powder. The ormosil composite materials incorporated with Eu(TTA)(3)phen show the characteristic red emission of Eu3+ ion. The Eu3+ possesses fewer emission lines and longer lifetime in the hybrid phosphor than in the pure Eu(TTA)(3)phen complex. This has been explained from the viewpoint of the surrounding environment where the Eu3+ ion lies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rare earth complex Eu(phen)(2)Cl-3 was introduced into a SiO2-PEG-400 hybrid material by a sol-ger method. The result indicated that Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) could associate with Eu3+ and change the surroundings of Eu3+ in the hybrid material, greatly improving the decay time. Transparent SiO2-PEG400 hybrid doped with a very small amount of Eu(phen)(2)Cl-3 has better mechanical properties and can retain excellent luminescence properties of the rare earth complex. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An amperometric tyrosinase enzyme electrode for the determination of phenols was developed by a simple and effective immobilization method using sol-gel techniques. A grafting copolymer was introduced into sol-gel solution and the composition of the resultant organic-inorganic composite material was optimized, the tyrosinase retained its activity in the sol-gel thin film and its response to several phenol compounds was determined at 0 mV vs. Ag/AgCl (sat. KCI). The dependences of the current response on pH, oxygen level and temperature were studied, and the stability of the biosensor was also evaluated. The sensitivity of the biosensor for catechol, phenol and p-cresol was 59.6, 23.1 and 39.4 muA/mM, respectively. The enzyme electrode maintained 73% of its original activity after intermittent use for three weeks when storing in a dry state at 4 degreesC. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A method for the analysis of mussel standard reference material by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry( ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was developed. K, Na, Ca, Mg, P, Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Sr were determined by ICP-AES and As, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, U and V by ICP-MS, The interference coefficients at the Mn-55, Se-78, Cu-63, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, As-75, Se-77, V-51, Cr-53 and Cr-52 originating from polyatomic ion of the matrix elements (KO)-K-39-O-16, K-39(2), (ArNa)-Ar-40-Na-23, (CaO)-Ca-43-O-16, (CaO)-Ca-42-O-16, (CaO)-Ca-44-O-16, (PO2)-P-31-O-16, (ArCl)-Ar-40-Cl-35, (ArCl)-Ar-40-Cl-37, (ClO)-Cl-35-O-16, (ClO)-Cl-37-O-16 and (ArC)-Ar-40-C-12 were determined under the selected operation parameters. The major matrix elements, such as K, Na and Ca, result in the suppression of analytes signals. The apparent concentration at the significant biological element which was produced by the different digestion methods, (.) HNO3 + H2O2 (3 + 2), HNO3 + HClO4 (3 + 0.5) and HNO3 + H2SO4 (3 + 0.5),was determined. The sample digested by HNO3 + H2O2 did not give rise to interfere on the analyte, and the backgrounds of Se-77, Ga-69, Zn-67, As-75, V-51, Cr-53 and Cr-52 were increased by HNO3 + HClO4 digestion method, that affected the determination of these elements, especially the monoisotope As and V. Sample digested by HNO3 + H2SO4 increased the backgrounds at Cu-65, Zn-64 and Zn-67. Detection limits of ICP-AES are 0.001 similar to 0.75 mg/L and those of ICP-MS are 0.005 similar to 1.01 mu g/L. The relative standard derivations of ICP-AES and ICP-MS are 2.7% similar to 12.8%, 3.4% similar to 24.8%, respectively.


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A new type of sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid material was developed and used for the production of biosensors. This material is composed of silica sol and a grafting copolymer of poly(vinyl alcohol) with 4-vinylpyridine. It prevents the cracking of conventional sol-gel-derived glasses and eliminates the swelling of the hydrogel. The optimum composition of the hybrid material was first examined, and then glucose oxidase was immobilized in this matrix to demonstrate its application. The characteristics of the biosensor were studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The biosensor exhibited a series of good properties: high sensitivity (600 nA mmol(-1)L(-1)), short response time (11 s) and remarkable long-term stability in storage (at least 5 months). In addition, the characteristics of the second-generation biosensor with the use of tetrathiafulvalene as a mediator mere discussed.