887 resultados para Lobe Epilepsy


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Mutations in the leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 gene, LGI1, cause autosomal-dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy via unknown mechanisms. LGI1 belongs to a subfamily of leucine-rich repeat genes comprising four members (LGI1–LGI4) in mammals. In this study, both comparative developmental as well as molecular evolutionary methods were applied to investigate the evolution of the LGI gene family and, subsequently, of the functional importance of its different gene members. Our phylogenetic studies suggest that LGI genes evolved early in the vertebrate lineage. Genetic and expression analyses of all five zebrafish lgi genes revealed duplications of lgi1 and lgi2, each resulting in two paralogous gene copies with mostly nonoverlapping expression patterns. Furthermore, all vertebrate LGI1 orthologs experience high levels of purifying selection that argue for an essential role of this gene in neural development or function. The approach of combining expression and selection data used here exemplarily demonstrates that in poorly characterized gene families a framework of evolutionary and expression analyses can identify those genes that are functionally most important and are therefore prime candidates for human disorders.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Epilepsies are neurological disorders characterized by recurrent and spontaneous seizures due to an abnormal electric activity in a brain network. The mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most prevalent type of epilepsy in adulthood, and it occurs frequently in association with hippocampal sclerosis. Unfortunately, not all patients benefit from pharmacological treatment (drug-resistant patients), and therefore become candidates for surgery, a procedure of high complexity and cost. Nowadays, the most common surgery is the anterior temporal lobectomy with selective amygdalohippocampectomy, a procedure standardized by anatomical markers. However, part of patients still present seizure after the procedure. Then, to increase the efficiency of this kind of procedure, it is fundamental to know the epileptic human brain in order to create new tools for auxiliary an individualized surgery procedure. The aim of this work was to identify and quantify the occurrence of epilepticform activity -such as interictal spikes (IS) and high frequency oscillations (HFO) - in electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals acutely recorded during the surgery procedure in drug-resistant patients with MTLE. The ECoG recording (32 channels at sample rate of 1 kHz) was performed in the surface of temporal lobe in three moments: without any cortical resection, after anterior temporal lobectomy and after amygdalohippocampectomy (mean duration of each record: 10 min; N = 17 patients; ethic approval #1038/03 in Research Ethic Committee of Federal University of São Paulo). The occurrence of IS and HFO was quantified automatically by MATLAB routines and validated manually. The events rate (number of events/channels) in each recording time was correlated with seizure control outcome. In 8 hours and 40 minutes of record, we identified 36,858 IS and 1.756 HFO. We observed that seizure-free outcome patients had more HFO rate before the resection than non-seizure free, however do not differentiate in relation of frequency, morphology and distribution of IS. The HFO rate in the first record was better than IS rate on prediction of seizure-free patients (IS: AUC = 57%, Sens = 70%, Spec = 71% vs HFO: AUC = 77%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 70%). We observed the same for the difference of the rate of pre and post-resection (IS: AUC = 54%, Sens = 60%, Spec = 71%; vs HFO: AUC = 84%, Sens = 100%, Spec = 80%). In this case, the algorithm identifies all seizure-free patients (N = 7) with two false positives. To conclude, we observed that the IS and HFO can be found in intra-operative ECoG record, despite the anesthesia and the short time of record. The possibility to classify the patients before any cortical resection suggest that ECoG can be important to decide the use of adjuvant pharmacological treatment or to change for tailored resection procedure. The mechanism responsible for this effect is still unknown, thus more studies are necessary to clarify the processes related to it


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We analyzed the effect of the acylpolyaminetoxin JSTX-3 on the epileptogenic discharges induced by perfusion of human hippocampal slices with artificial cerebrospinal fluid lacking Mg2+ or N-methyl-D-aspartate. Hippocampi were surgically removed from patients with refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy, sliced in the surgical room and taken to the laboratory immersed in normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Epileptiform activity was induced by perfusion with Mg2+-free artificial cerebrospinal fluid or by iontophoretically applied N-methyl-D-aspartate and intracellular and field recordings of CAI neurons were performed. The ictal-like discharges induced by Mg2+-free artificial cerebrospinal fluid and N-methyl-D-aspartate were blocked by incubation with JSTX-3. This effect was similar to that obtained with the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist DL(-)2-amino-5 phosphonovaleric acid. Our findings suggest that in human hippocampal neurons, the antiepileptic effect of JSTX-3 is mediated by its action on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.


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The author studied the mnemonic activity from epileptic patients with complex partial seizures (CPS), with the aims: 1) to identify memory disorders; and 2) to compare the patients' with the controls' results. Fifty adult patients and 20 subjects without neuropsychiatric disorders were studied. The methods consisted in: 1) investigation of the mnemonic activity through the Wechsler Memory Test (subtests: Storage and Recall, Recent Memory, and Immediate Memory); 2) comparison among the results of both groups; association from mnemonic activity with brain SPECT. In the three subtests, the patients showed cognitive performance significantly lower than the controls (p <0,05). It was found association from reduced blood flow, mainly in left temporal region, with memory impairment of the three subtetsts. The conclusion was that the CPS are associated to memory impairment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: The fiber dissection technique provides unique 3-dimensional anatomic knowledge of the white matter. OBJECTIVE: To examine the optic radiation anatomy and its important relationship with the temporal stem and to discuss its findings in relation to the approaches to temporal lobe lesions. METHODS: We studied 40 cerebral hemispheres of 20 brains that had been fixed in formalin solution for 40 days. After removal of the arachnoid membrane, the hemispheres were frozen, and the Klingler technique was used for dissection under magnification. Stereoscopic 3-dimensional images of the dissection were obtained for illustration. RESULTS: The optic radiations are located deep within the superior and middle temporal gyri, always above the inferior temporal sulcus. The mean distance between the cortical surface and the lateral edge of the optic radiation was 21 mm. Its fibers are divided into 3 bundles after their origin. The mean distance between the anterior tip of the temporal horn and the Meyer loop was 4.5 mm, between the temporal pole and the anterior border of the Meyer loop was 28.4 mm, and between the limen insulae and the Meyer loop was 10.7 mm. The mean distance between the lateral geniculate body and the lateral margin of the central bundle of the optic radiation was 17.4 mm. CONCLUSION: The white matter fiber dissection reveals the tridimensional intrinsic architecture of the brain, and its knowledge regarding the temporal lobe is particularly important for the neurosurgeon, mostly because of the complexity of the optic radiation and related fibers.


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Systemic injection of pilocarpine in rodents induces status epilepticus (SE) and reproduces the main characteristics of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Different mechanisms are activated by SE contributing to cell death and immune system activation. We used BALB/c nude mice, a mutant that is severely immunocompromised, to characterize seizure pattern, neurochemical changes, cell death and c-Fos activation secondarily to pilocarpine-induced SE. The behavioral seizures were less severe in BALB/c nude than in BALB/c wild type mice. However, nude mice presented more tonic clonic episodes and higher mortality rate during SE. The c-Fos expression was most prominent in the caudate-putamen, CA3 (p < 0.05), dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex (p < 0.001), basolateral nucleus of amygdala (p < 0.01) and piriform cortex (p < 0.05) of BALB/c nude mice than of BALB/c. Besides, nude mice subjected to SE presented high number of Fluorojade-B (FJB) stained cells in the piriform cortex, amygdala (p < 0.05) and hilus (p < 0.05) in comparison with BALB/c mice. A significant increase in the level of glutamate and GABA was found in the hippocampus and cortex of BALB/c mice presenting SE in comparison to controls. However, the level of glutamate was higher in the brains of BALB nude mice than in the brains of BALB/c wild type mice, while the levels of GABA were unchanged. These results indicate that the brains of immunodeficient nude mice are more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of pilocarpine-induced SE as they present intense activation, increased glutamate levels and more cell death. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Computer simulations of external current stimulations of dentate gyrus granule cells of rats with Status Epilepticus induced by pilocarpine and control rats were used to evaluate whether morphological differences alone between these cells have an impact on their electrophysiological behavior. The cell models were constructed using morphological information from tridimensional reconstructions with Neurolucida software. To evaluate the effect of morphology differences alone, ion channel conductances, densities and distributions over the dendritic trees of dentate gyrus granule cells were the same for all models. External simulated currents were injected in randomly chosen dendrites belonging to one of three different areas of dentate gyrus granule cell molecular layer: inner molecular layer, medial molecular layer and outer molecular layer. Somatic membrane potentials were recorded to determine firing frequencies and inter-spike intervals. The results show that morphologically altered granule cells from pilocarpine-induced epileptic rats are less excitable than control cells, especially when they are stimulated in the inner molecular layer, which is the target area for mossy fibers that sprout after pilocarpine-induced cell degeneration. This suggests that morphological alterations may act as a protective mechanism to allow dentate gyrus granule cells to cope with the increase of stimulation caused by mossy fiber sprouting.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI) in a group of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients from a tertiary care center, correlating its scores with the presence of psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Clinical and sociodemographic data from ninety-six TLE outpatients were collected, and a neuropsychiatric evaluation was performed with the following instruments: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), structured psychiatric interview (MINI-PLUS), Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI), and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Results: Some traits evaluated by the NBI showed adequate internal consistency (mean inter-item correlation between 0.2 and 0.4) and were frequent, such as religiosity (74%) and repetitiveness (60.4%). Principal component analysis showed three factors, named here as emotions (Factor 1), hyposexuality (Factor 2), and unusual ideas (Factor 3). Depressive symptoms on HAM-D showed a strong association with emotions and hyposexuality factors. When patients with left TLE and right TLE were compared, the former exhibited more sadness (p=0.017), and the latter, a greater tendency toward sense of personal destiny (p=0.028). Conclusion: Depression influences NBI scoring, mainly emotionality and hyposexuality traits. Neurobehavior Inventory subscales can be better interpreted with an appropriate evaluation of comorbid mood and anxiety disorders. Compromise in left temporal mesial structures is associated with increased tendency toward sad affect, whereas right temporal pathology is associated with increased beliefs in personal destiny. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A computational pipeline combining texture analysis and pattern classification algorithms was developed for investigating associations between high-resolution MRI features and histological data. This methodology was tested in the study of dentate gyrus images of sclerotic hippocampi resected from refractory epilepsy patients. Images were acquired using a simple surface coil in a 3.0T MRI scanner. All specimens were subsequently submitted to histological semiquantitative evaluation. The computational pipeline was applied for classifying pixels according to: a) dentate gyrus histological parameters and b) patients' febrile or afebrile initial precipitating insult history. The pipeline results for febrile and afebrile patients achieved 70% classification accuracy, with 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity [area under the reader observer characteristics (ROC) curve: 0.89]. The analysis of the histological data alone was not sufficient to achieve significant power to separate febrile and afebrile groups. Interesting enough, the results from our approach did not show significant correlation with histological parameters (which per se were not enough to classify patient groups). These results showed the potential of adding computational texture analysis together with classification methods for detecting subtle MRI signal differences, a method sufficient to provide good clinical classification. A wide range of applications of this pipeline can also be used in other areas of medical imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In the central nervous system, zinc is released along with glutamate during neurotransmission and, in excess, can promote neuronal death. Experimental studies have shown that metallothioneins I/II (MT-I/II), which chelate free zinc, can affect seizures and reduce neuronal death after status epilepticus. Our aim was to evaluate the expression of MT-I/II in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Hippocampi from patients with pharmacoresistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) were evaluated for expression of MT-I/II and for neuronal, astroglial, and microglial populations. Compared to control cases, MTLE group displayed widespread increase in MT-I/II expression, astrogliosis and reduced neuronal population. MT-I/II levels did not correlate with any clinical variables, but patients with secondary generalized seizures (SGS) had less MT-I/II than patients without SGS. In conclusion, MT-I/II expression was increased in hippocampi from MTLE patients and our data suggest that it may be associated with different seizure spread patterns.


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Poiché la diagnosi differenziale degli episodi parossistici notturni è affidata alla VEPSG, tenendo conto dei limiti di tale metodica, il progetto attuale ha lo scopo di definire la resa diagnostica di strumenti alternativi alla VEPSG: anamnesi, home-made video ed EEG intercritico. Sono stati reclutati consecutivamente 13 pazienti, afferiti al nostro Dipartimento per episodi parossistici notturni. Ciascun paziente è stato sottoposto ad un protocollo diagnostico standardizzato. A 5 Medici Esperti in Epilessia e Medicina del Sonno è stato chiesto di formulare un orientamento diagnostico sulla base di anamnesi, EEG intercritico, home-made video e VEPSG. Attraverso l’elaborazione degli orientamenti diagnostici è stata calcolata la resa diagnostica delle procedure esaminate, a confronto con la VEPSG, attraverso il concetto di “accuratezza diagnostica”. Per 6 pazienti è stato possibile porre una diagnosi di Epilessia Frontale Notturna, per 2 di parasonnia, in 5 la diagnosi è rimasta dubbia. L’accuratezza diagnostica di ciascuna procedura è risultata moderata, con lievi differenze tra le diverse procedure (61.5% anamnesi; 66% home-made video; 69,2 % EEG intercritico). E’ essenziale migliorare ulteriormente l’accuratezza diagnostica di anamnesi, EEG intercritico ed home-made video, che possono risultare cruciali nei casi in cui la diagnosi non è certa o quando la VEPSG non è disponibile.


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L'epilessia frontale notturna (EFN) è caratterizzata da crisi motorie che insorgono durante il sonno. Scopo del progetto è studiare le cause fisiopatologiche e morfo-funzionali che sottendono ai fenomeni motori nei pazienti con EFN e identificare alterazioni strutturali e/o metaboliche mediante tecniche avanzate di Risonanza Magnetica (RM). Abbiamo raccolto una casistica di pazienti con EFN afferenti al Centro Epilessia e dei Disturbi del Sonno del Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università di Bologna. Ad ogni paziente è stato associato un controllo sano di età (± 5 anni) e sesso corrispondente. Tutti sono stati studiati mediante tecniche avanzate di RM comprendenti Spettroscopia del protone (1H-MRS), Tensore di diffusione ed imaging 3D ad alta risoluzione per analisi morfometriche. In particolare, la 1H-MRS è stata effettuata su due volumi di interesse localizzati nei talami e nel giro del cingolo anteriore. Sono stati inclusi nell’analisi finale 19 pazienti (7 M), età media 34 anni (range 19-50) e 14 controlli (6 M) età media 30 anni (range 19-40). A livello del cingolo anteriore il rapporto della concentrazione di N-Acetil-Aspartato rispetto alla Creatina (NAA/Cr) è risultato significativamente ridotto nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli (p=0,021). Relativamente all’analisi di correlazione, l'analisi tramite modelli di regressione multipla ha evidenziato che il rapporto NAA/Cr nel cingolo anteriore nei pazienti correlava con la frequenza delle crisi (p=0,048), essendo minore nei pazienti con crisi plurisettimanali/plurigiornaliere. Per interpretare il dato ottenuto è possibile solo fare delle ipotesi. L’NAA è un marker di integrità, densità e funzionalità neuronale. E’ possibile che alla base della EFN ci siano alterazioni metaboliche tessutali in precise strutture come il giro del cingolo anteriore. Questo apre nuove possibilità sull’utilizzo di strumenti di indagine basati sull’analisi di biosegnali, per caratterizzare aree coinvolte nella genesi della EFN ancora largamente sconosciute e chiarire ulteriormente l’eziologia di questo tipo di epilessia.