871 resultados para Ligas Al-Ec-Si
The paradox of strength and ductility is now well established and denotes the difficulty of simultaneously achieving both high strength and high ductility. This paradox was critically examined using a cast Al-7% Si alloy processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) for up to 10 turns at a temperature of either 298 or 445 K. This processing reduces the grain size to a minimum of similar to 0.4 mu m and also decreases the average size of the Si particles. The results show that samples processed to high numbers of HPT turns exhibit both high strength and high ductility when tested at relatively low strain rates and the strain rate sensitivity under these conditions is similar to 0.14 which suggests that flow occurs by some limited grain boundary sliding and crystallographic slip. The results are also displayed on the traditional diagram for strength and ductility and they demonstrate the potential for achieving high strength and high ductility by increasing the number of turns in HPT.
An as-cast Al-7 % Si alloy was processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) for up to 10 turns at temperatures of 298 or 445 K. The HPT-processed samples had ultrafine-grained structures and they were tested in tension at room temperature at various strain rates in the range from 1.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-2) s(-1). The contributions of grain boundary sliding (GBS) to the total strain were measured directly using atomic force microscopy. Samples simultaneously showing both high strength and high ductility contained the highest fractions of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGB) and exhibited the highest contributions from GBS, whereas samples showing high strength but low ductility gave negligible values for the sliding contributions. It is concluded that high strength and high ductility require both an ultrafine grain size and a high fraction of HAGB.
Titanium dioxide thin films were deposited by RF reactive magnetron sputtering technique on p-type silicon(100) substrates held at temperatures in the range 303-673 K. The influence of substrate temperature on the core level binding energies, chemical bonding configuration, crystallographic structure and dielectric properties was investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies and Fourier transform infrared transmittance data confirmed the formation of stoichiometric films with anatase phase at a substrate temperature of 673 K. The films formed at 303 K were nanocrystalline with amorphous matrix while those deposited at 673 K were transformed in to crystalline phase and growth of grains in pyramidal like structure as confirmed by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy respectively. Metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors were fabricated with the configuration of Al/TiO2/Si structures. The current voltage, capacitance voltage and conductance voltage characteristics were studied to understand the electrical conduction and dielectric properties of the MOS devices. The leakage current density (at gate voltage of 2 V) decreased from 2.2 x 10(-6) to 1.7 x 10(-7) A/cm(2), the interface trap density decreased from 1.2 x 10(13) to 2.1 x 10(12) cm(-2) eV(-1) and the dielectric constant increased from 14 to 36 with increase of substrate temperature from 303 to 673 K.
This paper reports the fabrication and electrical characterization of high tuning range AlSi RF MEMS capacitors. We present experimental results obtained by a surface micromachining process that uses dry etching of sacrificial amorphous silicon to release Al-1%Si membranes and has a low thermal budget (<450 °C) being compatible with CMOS post-processing. The proposed silicon sacrificial layer dry etching (SSLDE) process is able to provide very high Si etch rates (3-15 μm/min, depending on process parameters) with high Si: SiO2 selectivity (>10,000:1). Single- and double-air-gap MEMS capacitors, as well as some dedicated test structures needed to calibrate the electro-mechanical parameters and explore the reliability of the proposed technology, have been fabricated with the new process. S-parameter measurements from 100 MHz up to 2 GHz have shown a capacitance tuning range higher than 100% with the double-air-gap architecture. The tuning range can be enlarged with a proper DC electrical bias of the capacitor electrodes. Finally, the reported results make the proposed MEMS tuneable capacitor a good candidate for above-IC integration in communications applications. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
El presente estudio de Análisis de Riesgos de Plagas fue realizado en Managua. durante los meses de Noviembre-98 a Noviembre-99 y se basó en una recopilación bibliográfica de plagas con el objeto de proporcionar elementos técnicos a Cuarentena Vegetal. para la toma de decisiones y la aplicación de medidas fitosanitarias en la importación a Nicaragua de bulbos de cebolla para consumo procedentes de Estados Unidos. La información fue obtenida de Bases de datos Internacionales de Plagas. Centros de Documentación. Organismos Internacionales. consulta a especialistas en Fitoprotección listados de plagas presentes en los cultivos de Nicaragua y búsquedas en Internet. Se obtuvo un listado de 16 plagas asociadas al cultivo de cebolla presentes en Estados Unidos (Ver listado de plagas en Anexos 1) y fueron analizadas las plagas cuarentenarias para Nicaragua. Después de revisar la información obtenida de cada una de las plagas se descartaron del análisis aquellas plagas que no presentaban posibilidades de sobrevivir a las condiciones ambientales del país debido a su biología y comportamiento y porque no se reportaban causando daños en Estados Unidos al cultivo de cebolla (Allium cepa L.). A las plagas que si se les considero como posibles plagas cuarentenarias para Nicaragua y que pueden causar grandes daños al país si llegaran a introducirse son: Dvtilenchus dipsaci. Urocystis cepulae, Botryotinia squamosa, Puccinia allii, Onoin yellow dwarf potivirus y Saccharum .spontaneum. Para desarrollar este estudio se utilizó la Norma Centroamericana para Análisis de Riesgo de Plagas del OIRSA; A las plagas seleccionadas se les evaluó el riesgo de introducción, establecimiento y dispersión; además se determinaron las medidas de manejo del Riesgo de Plagas (Medidas Fitosanitarias). De todas las plagas analizadas el nematodo Ditylenchus dipsaci es la especie que presento el mayor riesgo fitosanitario. Por lo tanto las medidas para evitar su introducción fueron entre otras: Verificación en origen para constatar la ausencia de la plaga y reconocimiento de zonas libres. Como una medida preventiva al ingresar el producto (bulbo de cebolla) aplicar un tratamiento con Bromuro de Metilo en dosis de 32 gr/m3 durante dos horas de exposición y a temperatura de 32-35ºc (Alas, 1990). El bulbo de cebolla para consumo que se importa de Estados Unidos debe de venir amparado con un Certificado Fitosanitario Internacional que lo emite el país exportador. Si se encuentran evidencias de que el nematodo viene en el cargamento proceder a aplicar las medidas fitosanitarias indicadas como es la destrucción del cargamento o regresar el cargamento al país de origen para evitar la introducción de una nueva plaga al país.
De marzo 1999 a Mayo 2000 se realizó el presente estudio, en Managua, el cual se basó en la recopilación de información sobre las plagas asociadas a las semillas de cucurbitáceas. El objetivo del estudio fue proporcionar elementos técnicos a Cuarentena Vegetal para la toma de decisiones y aplicación de medidas fitosanitarias en la importación de semillas de cucurbitáceas para siembra procedente de Estados Unidos. La información fue obtenida de Bases de Datos Internacionales de Plagas, Centros de Documentación, Organismos internacionales, consultas a especialistas en foto protección, listado de plagas presentes en los cultivos de Nicaragua y búsqueda en Internet. Para el ordenamiento de la información se realizaron fichas técnicas para cada plaga. De un listado inicial de 1O plagas, solamente 8 plagas fueron sujetas a evaluación y análisis para el manejo del riesgo, después de pasar por las tres etapas de Evaluación de un Análisis de Riesgo de Plagas según la Norma Centroamericana del OIRSA. A las plagas consideradas como cuarentenarias para Nicaragua y que pueden causar grandes daños al país si se llegan a introducir, se les evaluó el riesgo de introducción, establecimiento y dispersión, además se determinaron las medidas de manejo del riesgo de plagas. De las plagas analizadas el hongo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum, el virus Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus, el virus Melón Necrotic Spot Carmovirus, la bacteria Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli y el virus Cucumber Mosaic Cucumovirus, son las especies que presentan mayor riesgo fitosanitario.
This study focuses on mechanism of ceramic coating on Al-Si alloys with bulk primary Si using plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) technology. Al-Si alloys with 27-32% Si in weight were used as substrates. The morphologies, composition and microstructure of PEO coatings were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray system (EDX). Results showed that the PEO process had four different stages. The effect of bulk Si is greatly on the morphology and composition of coatings at first three stages. Anodic oxide films formed on Al and Si phases, respectively. When the voltage exceeded 40 V, glow appeared and concentrated on the localized zone of interface of Al and Si phase. Al-Si-O compounds formed and covered on the dendrite Si phase surface, and the coating on bulk Si, which was silicon oxide, was rougher than that on other phase. If the treatment time was long enough, the coatings with uniform surface morphologies and elements distribution will be obtained but the microstructure of inner layer is looser due to the bulk Si.
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稀土对铝及铝合金具有很多良好作用。根据国内外有关铝合金发展趋势的报道,铝合金向中强高工艺高强耐热、超塑、微量元素改善合金性能等方向发展稀土在这些方面对铝合金有着很好的作用效果。因此研制新型铝合金,研究稀土对铝合金组织和性能的影响及稀土作用机现,有着重要的意义。稀土在铝合金中的应用已经引起了国内外研究工作者的关注。近几年此方面研究尤为活跃。我国是一个稀土蕴藏量较大的国家,研究稀土在铝合金中的作用,可以更好地发挥我国的资源优势,对国民经济的发展将起着重要的作用。有关稀土在铝合金中的应用研究,国外开展的较早。我国始于七十年代。合金工作者对稀土在铝合金中的作用进行了大量的研究,确认了稀土可以改善铝合金的组织和性能,改善工艺性能,表面光泽性和耐腐蚀性但是,目前的研究还没有形成系统和全面的理论,由于研究条件和目的不同,很多的研究还处于实验室阶段,对某些问题还研究得不够深入,不够全面。如:1. 稀土对金属铝组织和性能影响;2. 稀土对铝合金枝晶组织细化作用和晶体结构影响;3. 稀土如何改善铝合金的加工工艺性能,提高铝合金的成品率;4. 稀土对提高合金沉淀硬化速度,使GD区快速析出,时效峰提前;5. 铝热还原法,较低温度下制取铝稀土合金,特别是重稀土合金;6. 稀土铝合金的加工硬化过程研究;7. 稀土在变形铝合金中的存在状态和分布规律;基于上述问题和国内对铝合金的需求,本文主要做了如下几个方面的工作:1. 研制了RE-Al-Mg-Si挤压型材合金,稀土是采用向工业电解槽中加入混合稀土化合物同铝一起共电沉积,制取稀土铝合金,然后配制成RE-Al-Mg-Si合金。对其组织,晶体结构,性能,沉淀硬化过程等进行了研究得出如下结论:①. 稀土可使Al-Mg-Si合金强度提高10-20%,硬度提高10%左右;②. 稀土可以改善Al-Mg-Si合金的加工性能,在挤压温度下具有较大的高温塑性。稀土可使铝镁硅合金晶粒细化,再结晶温度和过烧温度提高,允许在较宽温度范围内进行热处理;③. 稀土可使Al-Mg-Si合金表面致密,光亮,改善耐腐蚀性和光学特性;④. 稀土可使铝基体晶胞体积减小,晶胞体积的减小值和强度、硬度提高成很好的直线关系。首次提出稀土对铝合金的“晶胞收缩效应”;⑤. 稀土在铝镁硅合金中分布规律是晶内晶界都有稀土存在,晶界多于晶内。稀土和Si,Fe等共存于晶界。⑥. 稀土可促使GP区快速析出,弥散的第二相质点在位错线上析出,起着钉扎位错,增大位错密度的作用,因而时效硬度提高,时效峰提前;为短时高温时效提供了实验依据;2.研制了RE-Al-Zn-Mg中强合金。稀土的加入是采用对掺法,对合金的组织、性能,加式硬化过程,时效工艺及稀土分布规律进行了研究,得出如下结论:①. 稀土可改善合金加工性能,尤其是高温延伸率,当稀土为0.489%时达到750%,是未加稀土的合金两倍多。该合金具有超塑性。②. 铸态或变形后,稀土对组织都有细化作用;③. 该合金加工硬化过程具有三个阶段,经过线性回归处理成很好的直线关系。④. 稀土可使Al-Zn-Mg合金的时效峰提前约4小时;⑤. 稀土合金的新相在位错密度线上析出,阻碍位错移动,使严结构组织保持较大的位错密度,从而改善合金性能;⑥. 该合金具有满意的强度,可适合挤压,轧制等变形加工。3. 研究了稀土对金属铝组织和性能的影响。用铝热还原法制得Al-RE合金。实现了较低温度下重稀土化合物的铝热还原。采用电解复膜工艺,制得金相样品;使合金的细节组织清晰可见。研究了组织和性能,得出如下结论:①. 稀土对铝的细化作用,枝晶细化更明显,这主要是稀土在铝中的溶质再分配,造成了结晶前沿的过冷区,使铝晶粒以树枝状晶长大,由于稀土元素在铝中的溶质分配系数不同而表现在细化晶粒方面有一定的差异;②. 稀土在铝中主要分布在晶界和枝晶界,晶内也有稀土存在;③. 稀土可以提高纯铝的机械性能和高温塑性;④. 通过铝热还原,可在较低温度不制得Dy、Eu、Gd、Y等重稀土铝合金。
Post-steam-treatment is a facile and effective method for improving the catalytic performances of Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts in methane dehydroaromatization under nonoxidative conditions. The treatment can enhance the stability of the catalyst and also give a higher methane conversion and a higher yield of light aromatics, as well as a decrease in the formation rate of carbonaceous deposits. (27)Al, (29)Si, and (1)H multinuclear magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis measurements as well as catalytic reaction evaluations were employed to conduct comparative studies on the properties of the catalysts before and after the post-steam-treatment. The results revealed that the number of free Bronsted acid sites per unit cell decreased, while more Mo species migrated into the HZSM-5 channels for the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts after the post-steam-treatment. In addition, the average pore diameter was also larger for the post-steam-treated catalysts, and this was advantageous for mass transport of the reaction products. However, a severe post-steam-treatment, i.e., with longer treating time, of the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst will lead to the formation of the Al(2)(MoO(4))(3) phases, which is detrimental to the reaction.