958 resultados para Latour, Bruno


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La definizione di «scrittura dell’interpretazione» comprime in una sola locuzione la descrizione dell’oggetto principale del nostro studio, ovvero il problema della trascrizione musicale, descritta, non tanto come un determinato genere musicale, quanto come una ragione di osmosi e interferenze tra il fatto compositivo e quello interpretativo. Ad una traversata di quel territorio ci si appresta incentrando la trattazione intorno alla figura e all’opera del giovane compositore e direttore Bruno Maderna, autore di diverse trascrizioni della cosiddetta musica antica (dall’Odhecaton A, Monteverdi, Viadana, Frescobaldi, Legrenzi, ed altri ancora). Attraverso gli esempi presentati si intende mostrare come l’approccio maderniano alla trascrizione musicale si giustifichi a partire dalla sua stessa teoria e pratica dell’interpretazione musicale, più che in base a concetti forti definiti sul versante della scrittura, quali ad esempio quelli di analisi e parodia. Pari attenzione si offre al contesto storico degli anni in cui egli gravita, opera e si afferma come musicista (1946-1952 circa), dedicando ampio spazio alle figure di Gian Francesco Malipiero, Angelo Ephrikian e Luigi Nono, autori a loro volta di trascrizioni e revisioni di opere del Cinquecento, del Seicento e del Settecento. Intorno ai loro rapporti viene fornita una documentazione significativa, in buona parte inedita o poco conosciuta dagli studiosi, resa disponibile grazie alle ricerche d’archivio di cui si avvantaggia la nostra trattazione.


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Sacha Baron Cohen is a British comedian who has garnered a great deal of controversy over the years. Through his characters, Ali G, Borat, and Bruno, he attempts to trick people into letting down their guards and revealing any prejudices (racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, et cetera) that they may have. In doing so, each of his three characters has sparked a debate concerning the different issues they bring up: with Ali G, it was whether the character was racist or exposed racism; with Borat, it was whether the character was anti-Semitic or revealed anti-Semitism; and with Bruno, it is whether the character reinforces homophobia or mocks it. I am concerned with the last of these three debates, specifically in relation to Baron Cohen's film Bruno. Many say the film reinforces gay stereotypes and is thus harmful for the gay community, while a seemingly equal number of people say it effectively mocks homophobia and is thus beneficial for the gay community. Using the data I collected from thirty-one interviews conducted after five separate screenings of the film, I argue that Bruno is not harmful for the gay community as audiences understood that the Bruno character is based on exaggerated stereotypes of homosexuals. That is, the film did not reinforce any negative stereotypes. But, I also explain that the film did not change any opinions on homosexuality either. Also in this work, I argue that within the world of cinema, Bruno fails to fit into any pre-existing genre, including the 'mock-documentary' genre where it is most commonly placed. Rather, I suggest the film is better categorized as what I call a Real Fake Mock-documentary. While 'mock-documentaries' are made up of fictional characters in fictional situations, this new term encompasses the fact that Bruno involves a fictional character placed into real situations. I conclude by noting that the content, release, and debate surrounding Bruno all reveal that it is still difficult to bring up the issue of homosexuality in American society, even forty years after the Civil Rights era.


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von F. W. Ghillany


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von Gotthold Salomon


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Rede von Leopold Zunz: Aus dem Prinzip der Freiheit ergeben sich Gerechtigkeit, Gleichheit und Selbstregierung. Die Aufgabe der Abgeordneten der zweiten Kammer ist die Revision der oktroyierten Verfassung vom 5. Dezember 1848. Im Falle der Ablehnung dieser Revision seitens der ersten Kammer oder der Krone beginnt die 'Pflicht der Nation'. - Rede von Bruno Bauer: Die in der oktroyierten Verfassung nur als Täuschung vorgesehene Revision muß durch die Mitglieder der zweiten Kammer zur Wirklichkeit werden. Ablehnung der gouvernementalen Tätigkeit auf dem Felde der Ökonomie


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Rechtfertigung der Ermordung des österreichischen Kriegsministers Latour am 6. Oktober 1848 im Verlaufe der sogenannten Wiener Oktoberrevolution


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Extrablatt der 'Berliner Zeitungs-Halle' vom 9. Oktober 1848: Befehlsverweigerung der Wiener Grenadierbataillone, die zum Kampf gegen die aufständischen Ungarn nach Mähren verlegt werden sollen; Verbrüderung mit der Wiener Nationalgarde. In den sich anschließenden Kämpfen mit regierungstreuen Truppenteilen wird der österreichische Kriegsminister Latour von einer Volksmenge gelyncht (6. Oktober 1848)


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Scharfe Zurückweisung der Behauptung des Kriegsministers Latour, in der Wiener Universität habe eine Versammlung mit dem Ziel stattgefunden, das Ministerium zu stürzen und den Reichstag zu sprengen: "Ich fordere daher Herrn Latour ... auf, seine nicht gar schmeichelhafte Aussage zu beweisen, und ... ein anderesmal mit mehr Vorsicht die Feuerlunten unter das Volk zu streuen"