997 resultados para Jeter, Jeremiah Bell, 1802-1880.


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A new species of caecilian amphibian, Gegeneophis orientalis sp. nov., is described based on a series of nine specimens from high elevation (ca. 1,200 m) habitats in the Eastern Ghats in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, India. This species differs from all other congeners in having only bicuspid teeth in the outer as well as inner rows. The new species is the first caecilian reported from the state of Odisha, the first teresomatan caecilian from the Eastern Ghats, and is the only Indian indotyphlid known from outside the Western Ghats region.


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La política de fomento inmigratorio impulsada en la Argentina a partir de mediados del siglo XIX incluyó, entre sus objetivos, el de generar un cambio de costumbres en la población nativa. En este artículo, además de describirse la realidad resultante como consecuencia de la incorporación de pautas culturales foráneas, se analizan –desde un recorte espacial santafesino centrado en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX– comportamientos puestos de manifiesto por las élites políticas e intelectuales de la provincia con respecto a las costumbres nacionales y extranjeras. Lo que se busca es evaluar si dichos comportamientos pudieron encontrarse condicionados por las diferentes adscripciones político-ideológicas y/o por las variantes circunstancias históricas.


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The present paper describes a systematic study of argon plasmas in a bell-jar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source over the range of pressure 5-20 mtorr and power input 0.2-0.5 kW, Experimental measurements as well as results of numerical simulations are presented. The models used in the study include the well-known global balance model (or the global model) as well as a detailed two-dimensional (2-D) fluid model of the system, The global model is able to provide reasonably accurate values for the global electron temperature and plasma density, The 2-D model provides spatial distributions of various plasma parameters that make it possible to compare with data measured in the experiments, The experimental measurements were obtained using a tuned Langmuir double-probe technique to reduce the RF interference and obtain the light versus current (I-V) characteristics of the probe. Time-averaged electron temperature and plasma density were measured for various combinations of pressure and applied RF power, The predictions of the 2-D model were found to be in good qualitative agreement with measured data, It was found that the electron temperature distribution T-e was more or less uniform in the chamber, It was also seen that the electron temperature depends primarily on pressure, but is almost independent of the power input, except in the very low-pressure regime. The plasma density goes up almost linearly with the power input.


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In the present paper, argon (Ar) plasmas in a bell jar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source are systematically studied over pressures from 5 to 20 mtorr and power inputs from 0.2 to 0.5 kW. In this study, both a two-dimensional (2-D) fluid model simulation and global model calculation are compared, The 2-D fluid model simulation with a self-consistent power deposition is developed to describe the Ar plasma behavior as well as predict the plasma parameter distributions, Finally, a quantitative comparison between the global model and the fluid model is made to test their validity.


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Contributed to: "Measuring the Changes": 13th FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis; 4th IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Enginering (Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, 2008).


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F. García Jurado, R. González Delgado y M. González González (eds). Prólogo de J. C. Mainer.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Larval kelp (Sebastes atrovirens), brown (S. auriculatus), and blackand-yellow (S. chrysomelas) rockfish were reared from known adults, to preflexion stage, nine days after birth for S. chrysomelas, to late postflexion stage for S. atrovirens, and to pelagic juvenile stage for S. auriculatus. Larval S. atrovirens and S. chrysomelas were about 4.6 mm body length (BL) and S. auriculatus about 5.2 mm BL at birth. Both S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus underwent notochord flexion at about 6–9 mm BL. Sebastes atrovirens transform to the pelagic juvenile stage at about 14–16 mm BL and S. auriculatus transformed at ca. 25 mm BL. Early larvae of all three species were characterized by melanistic pigment dorsally on the head, on the gut, on most of the ventral margin of the tail, and in a long series on the dorsal margin of the tail. Larval S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus developed a posterior bar on the tail during the flexion or postflexion stage. In S. atrovirens xanthic pigment resembled the melanistic pattern throughout larval development. Larval S. auriculatus lacked xanthophores except on the head until late preflexion stage, when a pattern much like the melanophore pattern gradually developed. Larval S. chrysomelas had extensive xanthic pigmentation dorsally, but none ventrally, in preflexion stage. All members of the Sebastes subgenus Pteropodus (S. atrovirens, S. auriculatus, S. carnatus, S. caurinus, S. chrysomelas, S. dalli, S. maliger, S. nebulosus, S. rastrelliger) are morphologically similar and all share the basic melanistic pigment pattern described here. Although the three species reared in this study can be distinguished on the basis of xanthic pigmentation, it seems unlikely that it will be possible to reliably identify field-collected larvae to species using traditional morphological and melanistic pigmentation characters. (PDF file contains 36 pages.)


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The findings are presented of a study undertaken to provide baseline information that may be employed to develop a simplified hatchery technique for postlarval feeding of Clarias gariepinus on zooplankton cultured indoors in small aquaria. Three series of experiments were undertaken to identify the type and quantity of organic manure that would produce maximum densities of zooplankton in the shortest time in indoor cultures. Results suggest the possibility of the culture of natural zooplankton populations for use in larval feeding of C. gariepinus fry. Its effective hatchery application would bring about reduction in the unit cost per fingerling and ensure continuous hatchery operations even in the absence of Artemia cysts


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We analyse further the entanglement purification protocol proposed by Feng et al. (Phys. Lett. A 271 (2000) 44) in the case of imperfect local operations and measurements. It is found that this protocol allows of higher error threshold. Compared with the standard entanglement purification proposed by Bennett et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 722], it turns out that this protocol is remarkably robust against the influences of imperfect local operations and measurements.


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On October 24, 1871, a massacre of eighteen Chinese in Los Angeles brought the small southern California settlement into the national spotlight. Within a few days, news of this “night of horrors” was reported in newspapers across the country. This massacre has been cited in Asian American narratives as the first documented outbreak of ethnic violence against a Chinese community in the United States. This is ironic because Los Angeles’ small population has generally placed it on the periphery in historical studies of the California anti-Chinese movement. Because the massacre predated Los Angeles’ organized Chinese exclusion movements of the late 1870s, it has often been erroneously dismissed as an aberration in the history of the city.

The violence of 1871 was an outburst highlighting existing community tensions that would become part of public debate by decade’s close. The purpose of this study is to insert the massacre into a broader context of anti-Chinese sentiments, legal discrimination, and dehumanization in nineteenth century Los Angeles. While a second incident of widespread anti-Chinese violence never occurred, brutal attacks directed at Chinese small businessmen and others highlighted continued community conflict. Similarly, economic rivalries and concerns over Chinese prostitution that underlay the 1871 massacre were manifest in later campaigns of economic discrimination and vice suppression that sought to minimize Chinese influence within municipal limits. An analysis of the massacre in terms of anti-Chinese legal, social and economic strategies in nineteenth-century Los Angeles will elucidate these important continuities.


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Esta dissertação é um estudo comparativo do legado vitoriano deixado para as escritoras do século XX, Virginia Woolf e Sylvia Plath. Primeiro discutem-se as agências controladoras do corpo feminino na era vitoriana e a formação de um ideal de feminilidade que chamamos de Anjo do Lar. Em seguida, discute-se como Virginia Woolf apreende essa imagem e a subverte, criando seu duplo, que chamamos de Demônio do Lar. Por fim, promovemos o diálogo entre Sylvia Plath e Virginia Woolf. Plath parece escrever aos moldes de Woolf, criando uma literatura de morte, feita para assassinar o Anjo do Lar. Usamos para tal estudo o conceito de écriture féminine, criado pelas francófonas Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, e Julia Kristeva, entre outras, para traçar os paralelos entre um lugar para o feminino na escrita e a busca de uma tradição por Woolf. A abjeção de Kristeva, a dinâmica de poder entre alma e corpo de Foucault e o conceito de duplo de Otto Rank nos ajudarão, por fim, a entender como se dá a morte do Anjo na literatura, especificamente no romance A redoma de vidro (1963) de Sylvia Plath