959 resultados para Interacción multimodal


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Accurate perception of taste information is crucial for animal survival. In adult Drosophila, gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) perceive chemical stimuli of one specific gustatory modality associated with a stereotyped behavioural response, such as aversion or attraction. We show that GRNs of Drosophila larvae employ a surprisingly different mode of gustatory information coding. Using a novel method for calcium imaging in the larval gustatory system, we identify a multimodal GRN that responds to chemicals of different taste modalities with opposing valence, such as sweet sucrose and bitter denatonium, reliant on different sensory receptors. This multimodal neuron is essential for bitter compound avoidance, and its artificial activation is sufficient to mediate aversion. However, the neuron is also essential for the integration of taste blends. Our findings support a model for taste coding in larvae, in which distinct receptor proteins mediate different responses within the same, multimodal GRN.


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Este artículo pone de relieve el papel de la interacción lingüística, entre iguales y con el apoyo del adulto, en la construcción del conocimiento gramatical. Presenta una investigación empírica que explora como 43 parejas de 3º y 6º de educación primaria de Cataluña reconocen tres valores del tiempo verbal del presente: hab itual, atemporal y retrospectivo. En concreto, la investigación explora los obstáculos con que tropiezan los alumnos para reconocer estos valores y las estrategias que usan para superarlos. El estudio demuestra que para ayudar a los alumnos a comprender qu e el tiempo verbal del presente también se usa para expresar otros valores aparte del prototípico (simultaneidad con el acto de habla), es necesario que los aprendices reflexionen sobre estos usos. De los resultados se infiere que la interacción promueve e l desarrollo de actividad metalingüística y que a partir de la reflexión se pueden establecer puentes entre el saber gramatical y los usos lingüísticos. También ponen de manifiesto que un aprendizaje escolar excesivamente formal (que construye el conocimie nto sobre el verbo desde un punto de vista básicamente morfológico) impide a los alumnos interpretar los tiempos verbales de acuerdo con otros criterios (semánticos, sintácticos y pragmáticos). Las conclusiones ratifican que determinadas concepciones de la práctica escolar constituyen un obstáculo para avanzar en la construcción del saber gramatical y apuntan la necesidad de revisar tanto los contenidos como las metodologías para aprender gramática en las aulas de primaria.


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El análisis de la interacción individuo-paisaje presenta numerosas perspectivas de estudio vinculadas a la generación e interpretación de simbolismos e imaginarios. La capacidad significante y/o de evocación comunicativa del paisaje encuentra, en la comunicación intrapersonal, una argumentación relevante en el proceso de construcción de un aparato teórico que permita estudiar el proceso de apropiación y vivencia del paisaje en términos de manifestación comunicativa. El despliegue de un aparato teórico que permita interpretar el mensaje del paisaje así como descodificar su discurso intangible, representa el objetivo principal de la investigación que se presenta a continuación.


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The analysis of the individual-landscape interaction presents different perspectives of study related to the generation and interpretation of symbolisms and imaginary. The significant capability and/or of communicative evocation of the landscape finds, in the intrapersonal communication, a relevant argumentation in the process of construction of a theoretical device. This question allows to study the process of appropriation and experience of the landscape in terms of communicative action. The development of a theoretical device that allows to interpret the message of the landscape as well as to decode its intangible speech, represents the main aim of the research that appears next.


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La interactividad describe la relación de comunicación entre un usuario/actor y un sistema (informático, vídeo u otro). El grado de interactividad del producto viene definido por la existencia de recursos que permiten que el usuario establezca un proceso de actuación participativa-comunicativa con los materiales. En opinión de la autora, resulta imprescindible que las informaciones que se canalicen a través de los recursos multimedia hayan sido fruto de un análisis exhaustivo de los posibles errores de interpretación a losque podrían dar lugar al ser utilizados por los destinatarios. Al mismo tiempo, se hace necesaria una preparación de los usuarios que les capacite para ser capaces de recibir, interpretar y valorar este tipo de mensajes, ayudándoles a tomar conciencia del riesgo de falta de comprensión que alberga este nuevo mecanismo o sistema de comunicación. De este modo, se evitarían los aprendizajes parciales y el contenido asimilado sea incompleto o resulte erróneo


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Supply chains are becoming increasingly dependent on information ex-change in today’s world, and any disruption can cause severe repercus-sions to the flow of materials in the chain. The speed, accuracy and amount of information are key factors. The aim in this thesis is to address a gap in the research by focusing on information exchange and the risks related to it in a multimodal wood supply chain operating between the Baltic States and Finland. The study involved interviewing people engaged in logistics management in the supply chain in question. The main risk the interviewees identified arose from the sea logistics system, which held a lot of different kinds of information. The threat of breakdown in the Internet connection was also found to hinder the operations significantly. A vulnerability analysis was carried out in order to identify the main actors and channels of infor-mation flow in the supply chain. The analysis revealed that the most important and therefore most vulnerable information-exchange channels were those linking the terminal superintendent, the operative managers and the mill managers. The study gives a holistic picture of the investigated supply chain. Information-exchange-related risks varied greatly. One of the most frequently mentioned was the risk of information inaccuracy, which was usually due to the fact that those in charge of the various functions did not fully understand the consequences for the entire chain.


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The general goal of the present work was to study whether spatial perceptual asymmetry initially observed in linguistic dichotic listening studies is related to the linguistic nature of the stimuli and/or is modality-specific, as well as to investigate whether the spatial perceptual/attentional asymmetry changes as a function of age and sensory deficit via praxis. Several dichotic listening studies with linguistic stimuli have shown that the inherent perceptual right ear advantage (REA), which presumably results from the left lateralized linguistic functions (bottom-up processes), can be modified with executive functions (top-down control). Executive functions mature slowly during childhood, are well developed in adulthood, and decline as a function of ageing. In Study I, the purpose was to investigate with a cross-sectional experiment from a lifespan perspective the age-related changes in top-down control of REA for linguistic stimuli in dichotic listening with a forced-attention paradigm (DL). In Study II, the aim was to determine whether the REA is linguistic-stimulus-specific or not, and whether the lifespan changes in perceptual asymmetry observed in dichotic listening would exist also in auditory spatial attention tasks that put load on attentional control. In Study III, using visual spatial attention tasks, mimicking the auditory tasks applied in Study II, it was investigated whether or not the stimulus-non-specific rightward spatial bias found in auditory modality is a multimodal phenomenon. Finally, as it has been suggested that the absence of visual input in blind participants leads to improved auditory spatial perceptual and cognitive skills, the aim in Study IV was to determine, whether blindness modifies the ear advantage in DL. Altogether 180-190 right-handed participants between 5 and 79 years of age were studied in Studies I to III, and in Study IV the performance of 14 blind individuals was compared with that of 129 normally sighted individuals. The results showed that only rightward spatial bias was observed in tasks with intensive attentional load, independent of the type of stimuli (linguistic vs. non-linguistic) or the modality (auditory vs. visual). This multimodal rightward spatial bias probably results from a complex interaction of asymmetrical perceptual, attentional, and/or motor mechanisms. Most importantly, the strength of the rightward spatial bias changed as a function of age and augmented praxis due to sensory deficit. The efficiency of the performance in spatial attention tasks and the ability to overcome the rightward spatial bias increased during childhood, was at its best in young adulthood, and decreased as a function of ageing. Between the ages of 5 and 11 years probably at first develops movement and impulse control, followed by the gradual development of abilities to inhibit distractions and disengage attention. The errors especially in bilateral stimulus conditions suggest that a mild phenomenon resembling extinction can be observed throughout the lifespan, but especially the ability to distribute attention to multiple targets simultaneously decreases in the course of ageing. Blindness enhances the processing of auditory bilateral linguistic stimuli, the ability to overcome a stimulus-driven laterality effect related to speech sound perception, and the ability to direct attention to an appropriate spatial location. It was concluded that the ability to voluntarily suppress and inhibit the multimodal rightward spatial bias changes as a function of age and praxis due to sensory deficit and probably reflects the developmental level of executive functions.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados pós-operatórios de um protocolo multimodal de cuidados peri-operatórios sem preparo mecânico de cólon (protocolo ACERTO) em pacientes submetidos a operações colorretais. METODOS: Foram avaliados prospectivamente 53 pacientes (37M e 16F; 57 [18-82] anos) submetidos à diversas operações colorretais com pelo menos uma anastomose divididos em dois grupos. O primeiro grupo (n=25) foi operado entre Janeiro de 2004 e Julho de 2005 com protocolo convencional incluindo preparo mecânico de cólon. O segundo grupo (n=28) foi operado entre agosto de 2005 e junho de 2008, após a implantação do protocolo ACERTO e sem preparo de cólon. Comparou-se estatisticamente a incidência de complicações, a duração da hospitalização e a mortalidade em ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: Dois (3,8%) pacientes faleceram no pós-operatório, um em cada grupo. Pacientes do grupo ACERTO tiveram jejum pré-operatório abreviado, receberam menos fluido intravenoso e re-alimentaram mais cedo que o grupo convencional (p<0.05). Não houve diferença na morbidade pós-operatória (36% vs. 28,6%; p=0,56) com incidência de fístula anastomótica semelhante (12 vs. 10,7%; p=1,00). O número de complicações por paciente foi menor no grupo ACERTO (p=0.01). O tempo de internação do grupo ACERTO, operado sem preparo de cólon foi abreviado em 4,5 dias (12 [4-43] dias vs 7,5 [3-47] dias, p = 0,04). CONCLUSÃO: As rotinas do protocolo ACERTO são seguras e melhoram resultados em cirurgia colorretal por diminuir gravidade de complicações e o tempo de internação.


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Avhandlingens primära syfte är att upprätta en förståelse för visuell kompetens som en del av visuell litteracitet inom multimodal digital kommunikation i undervisningen. Avhandlingens sekundära syfte är att ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv lyfta fram visuell litteracitet och visuell kompetens i multimodala diskussioner kring digital pedagogik. Forskningen är kvalitativ och har både teoretisk och empirisk förankring. Den empiriska studien har en fenomenologisk metodansats. Visuell kompetens innebär att visuell läsning behärskas, vilket förutsätter fungerande vokabulär, kritiskt förhållningssätt och kunskaper i läsning och tolkning och användning av bilder. Den visuella grammatikteorin innefattar bildens syntax och semantik. Bilden är ett kontextbundet fenomen, där kontexten berör sociala aspekter, bildens fysiska omgivning samt innehåll. Det empiriska resultatet är att visuell inverkan i undervisningen präglar förberedelser och lektionsmål, berör visuell kommunikationskompetens, inkluderar visuella element som verktyg, strävar involvera flera element i inlärningen och strävar efter att undvika passiva demonstrationer som undervisningsmetod. Bilder behövs som kommunikativt stöd, som inlärningsmetod och som en del i aktivitetspedagogisk undervisning. Genom stöd från läraren kan barnet nå visuell litteracitet som ett kompetensmål, vilket kan ske genom multimodal undervisning.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Educación Superior) UANL