837 resultados para Indigenous Communities
La tradition juridique iroquoise, ou de la Confédération iroquoise - autrement connue sous l‟appellation Haudenosaunee ou Gens du Longhouse - est non seulement ancienne, mais aussi organique et viable. Les rappels de son existence et de son contenu nous entourent et nous pénètrent. Son application, toutefois, exige notre volonté et notre participation, ainsi que celles des communautés autochtones dont les ancêtres l‟ont développée il y a plusieurs siècles. Ceci représente un défi constant pour la communauté mohawk de Kahnawake où la marche du temps a mené, malgré la présence notable et indépendante des Mohawks avant et pendant les premiers siècles d‟interaction avec les Européens, à une intégration juridique de la mentalité coloniale. L‟on pourrait même douter de l‟existence de leur ordre juridique, la Kaianerekowa. La réalité néanmoins est toute autre et cet ordre est complet, sophistiqué et applicable; il s‟ouvre ainsi, nécessairement, à la possibilité de critique et d‟amélioration progressive. La médiation illustre bien ces dynamiques, parce qu‟elle en fait partie depuis un temps immémorial. Aujourd‟hui, Kahnawake cherche à développer son identité juridique ainsi que ses relations avec le monde extérieur. La Kaianerekowa représente une alternative concrète viable pour les communautés locales ou globales. La médiation demeure une application pratique et efficace de cet ordre juridique pour cette communauté, comme pour d‟autres, chacune avec des adaptations particulières. Nous argumenterons pour la reconnaissance pleine et entière de la Kaianerekowa comme ordre juridique et de la médiation comme forme juridique potentiellement dominante à Kahnawake.
La situation de la forêt tropicale dans les pays en développement en général, et en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) en particulier, est inquiétante. Les émissions de dioxyde de carbone dues au déboisement sont de l’ordre de 1,6 GtCO2e/an, soit 17% des émissions mondiales de « gaz à effet de serre ». Sous l’égide de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, le REDD+ a été institué pour lutter contre cette déforestation et la dégradation des forêts. Cette étude examine les différentes opportunités qu’offre ce programme pour l’aménagement écosystémique du couvert forestier de la RDC et les obstacles contextuels à sa mise en oeuvre. Pour la RDC, le REDD+ présente un certain nombre d’opportunités : réduction des émissions liées au déboisement et à la dégradation des forêts; amorce des travaux d’afforestation et de reforestation par une gestion durable des ressources conduisant à la création des emplois et favorisant la croissance des PIB et des exports; accroissement du rendement et maintien d’une plus grande couverture des besoins alimentaires. Le REDD+ peut favoriser la croissance du Produit intérieur brut agricole. Il peut contribuer à l’électrification des ménages et réduire de moitié les dépenses des ménages dépendant de l’exploitation minière et des hydrocarbures et, ainsi, générer des milliers d’emplois en infrastructures. Pour les populations locales et autochtones, il peut contribuer aussi à protéger et à valoriser les cultures liées à la forêt. Mais, face aux pesanteurs d’ordre juridique, politique, social, économique, technologique et culturel caractéristiques de ce pays, ces opportunités risquent d’être amenuisées, sinon annihilées. Étant donné que l’essentiel du déploiement du dispositif du REDD+ se réalisera dans les zones rurales congolaises, l’obstacle majeur reste le droit coutumier. La solution serait d’harmoniser les exigences et finalités du REDD+ non seulement avec le Code forestier de 2002 et ses mesures d’exécution mais aussi avec le droit coutumier auquel les communautés locales et autochtones s’identifient.
In light of the various international instruments and international agencies that are actively engaged in resolving the issue of ABS, the present work tries to find an answer to the larger question how far the above agencies have succeeded in regulating access and make sure of benefit sharing. In this process, the work comprehensively analyses the work of different agencies involved in the process. It tries to find out the major obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilment of the benefit sharing objective and proposes the ways and means to tackle them. The study first traces the legal foundations of the concept of property in GRs and associated TK.For this, it starts with analysis of the nature of property and the questions related to ownership in GRs as contained in the CBD as well as in various State legislations. It further examines the notion of property before and after the enactment of the CBD and establishes that the CBD contains strong private property jurisprudence.Based on the theoretical foundation of private property right,Chapter 3 analyses the benefit sharing mechanism of the CBD, i.e. the Nagoya Protocol. It searches for a theoretical convergence of the notion of property as reflected in the two instruments and successfully establishes the same. It makes an appraisal of the Nagoya regime to find out how far it has gone beyond the CBD in ensuring the task of benefit sharing and the impediments in its way.Realizing that the ITPGRFA forms part of the CBD system, Chapter 4 analyses the benefit sharing structure of ITPGRFA as revealed through its multilateral system. This gives the work the benefit of comparing two different benefit sharing models operating on the same philosophy of property. This chapter tries to find out whether there is conceptual coherence in the notion of property when the benefit sharing model changes. It alsocompares the merits and demerits of both the systems and tries to locate the hurdles in achieving benefit sharing. Aware of the legal impediments caused by IPRs in the process of ABS, Chapter 5 tries to explore the linkages between IPRs and GRs and associated TK and assesses why contract-based CBD system fails before the monopoly rights under TRIPS. Chapter 6 analyses the different solutions suggested by the international community at the TRIPS Council as well as the WIPO (World Intellectual property Organisation) and examines their effectiveness. Chapter 7 concludes that considering the inability of the present IP system to understand the grass root realities of the indigenous communities as well as the varying situations of the country of origin, the best possible way to recognise the CBD goals in the TRIPS could be better achieved through linking the two instruments by means of the triple disclosure requirement in Article 29 as suggested by the Disclosure Group during the TRIPS Council deliberations. It also recommends that considering the nature of property in GR, a new section/chapter in the TRIPS dealing with GRs would be another workable solution.
Continuation and discontinuation of local institution in community based natural resource management
Currently the push toward frontier areas, which until twenty years ago were still largely untouched by commercial agriculture, is taking place on a massive scale. This push is being driven not the least by global economic developments, such as the price increase of agriculture commodities like coffee and cocoa. In most cases the indigenous communities become trapped between the state monopoly in natural resource management and the competition for resources by external actors. In this processes the indigenous communities start to lose their access to resources. Another victim in this process is the environment where the natural resources are imbedded. International and national organizations working to conserve environment have became conscious of the important role that indigenous people could fulfill as partners in this endeavour. This partnership in struggle has produced a new discourse on the relationship between indigenous people and their environment. As a further consequence, programs were set up to develop what became known as Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) with its numerous variations. Based on a case study in a village on the eastern border of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, this study questioned the basic assumption behind the concept of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Namely the assumption that communities living at the margin of forest are socially and culturally homogenous, still more or less egalitarian, and basically living in harmony with their natural environment. This study was inspired by the persistent critique – although still a minority – on the basic assumption the CBNRM from academicians and practitioners working through the Entitlement perspective. Another inspiration was the mounting critique toward the participatory approach. In its effort the study explore further the usefulness of certain approaches. One of the approach much relied on in this study was the local history of the community studied, through exerting oral and local written documents on local history, legends and local stories. These sources proofed quite capable in bringing the local history into the light. Another was the actor oriented approach, which later came to be supported by the concept of Social Pool Resources. The latter concept proofed to be useful as analytical instrument to integrate social institutions and the common pool resources, as a field of action for the different actors as human agencies.
El discurso del gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez en su primer periodo presidencial, y el discurso de las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta en torno a las fumigaciones con glifosato resultan en una relación antagónica, la cual produce una deslegitimación de la identidad cultural necesaria para la supervivencia de las comunidades indígenas. El análisis de los elementos de dicho antagonismo permite entender cómo se articula el discurso reivindicativo de las comunidades indígenas y cómo se fortifica la lucha reivindicativa por la legitimación de la identidad cultural. El discurso reivindicativo unifica las demandas generadas por dichas comunidades en torno a las fumigaciones con glifosato, mientras la lucha reivindicativa por la legitimación pretende resolver estas demandas y sentar las bases de un modelo de accionar político regido a partir de la aplicación de la palabra y el pensamiento tradicional de los pueblos indígenas.
La composición de realidad indígena consolida procesos de individuación en los que la dinámica del devenir circunscribe afectos al ámbito social. Ante la emergencia de problemáticas sociales, el devenir puebla de sentido el saber y el hacer, en función de la continuidad y permanencia de dicho saber. Esta dinámica se evidencia en la construcción de territorio a través de la circulación y sentido del enunciado “yo soy jaguar”, expresado por los sabedores de diversas comunidades amerindias. Este texto problematizará la experiencia del sabedor a través de conceptos centrales de la obra de Gilles Deleuze.
El problema del paramilitarismo en Colombia ha afectado diversas capas de la sociedad colombiana. En la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta específicamente unos de los principales afectados han sido las comunidades indígenas que ahí habitan (Koguis, Arhuacos, Wiwa y Kankuamos), siendo estos obligados a pertenecer a una lógica de guerra caracterizada por involucrar a la población civil y por utilizar al narcotráfico como medio de financiación. Por lo tanto la investigación que se presenta a continuación es una aproximación teórica a las lógicas de la guerra paramilitar en la zona y su influencia sobre la situación de los derechos humanos de las comunidades indígenas entre los años 2002 y 2007.
The implementation of anti-drug policies that focus on illicit crops in the Andean countries faces many significant obstacles, one of which is the cultural clash it generates between the main stakeholders. On the one hand one finds the governments and agencies that attempt to implement crop substitution and eradication policies and on the other the peasant and natives communities that have traditionally grown and used coca or those peasants who have found in coca an instrument of power and political leverage that they never had before. The confrontation about coca eradication, alternative development and other anti-drug policies in coca growing areas transcends drug related issues and is part of a wider and deeper confrontation that reflects the long-term unsolved conflicts of the Andean societies. All Andean countries have stratified and fragmented societies in which peasants and Indians have been excluded from power. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru most peasants belong to native communities many of which have remained segregated from “white” society. The mixing of the races (mestizaje) in Colombia occurred early during the Conquest and Colony. Those of Indian descent became subservient to the Spanish and Creoles. The society that evolved was (and still is) highly hierarchical, authoritarian, and has subjacent racist values. The resulting political system has been exclusionary of large portions of the population. Among Indian communities coca has been used for millennia and its use has become an identity symbol of their resistance against what may be looked at as foreign invasion. “The Andean Indian chews coca because that way he affirms his identity as son and owner of the land that yesterday the Spaniard took away and today the landowner keeps away from him. To chew coca is to be Indian...and to quietly and obstinately challenge the contemporary lords that descend from the old encomenderos and the older conquistadors” (Vidart, 1991: 61, author’s translation). In Andean literature on illegal drugs as well as in seminars, colloquia and other meetings where drug policies are debated, complaints are frequently expressed about the treatment of coca in the same category as cocaine, heroin, morphine amphetamines and other “hard” drugs. The complainants assert that “coca is not cocaine” and that it is unfair to classify coca, a nature given plant which has been used for millennia in the Andes without significant negative effects on users, in the same category as man made psychotropic drugs. They also argue that coca has manifold social and religious meanings in indigenous cultures, that coca is sacred and that the requirement of the1961 Single Convention demanding that Bolivia and Peru completely eradicate coca within 25 years is limiting Indigenous communities in their freedom to practice their religions. In most debates about drug interdiction, the views of those who oppose that approach are not accepted as legitimate. Indeed, “prohibitionists” demonize drugs and those who oppose drug policies in Latin America frequently demonize the United States as the imperialist power that imposes them. This dual polarization is a main obstacle to establish a meaningful policy debate aimed at broadening the policy consensus necessary for successful policy implementation. This essay surveys the status of coca in the United Nations Conventions, explains why it is confusing, and how a few changes would eliminate some of the sources of conflict and help organize and control licit coca markets in the Andes. The current disorganized and weakly controlled legal coca market in Peru has been analyzed to demonstrate its deficiencies and to illustrate possible improvements in international drug control policies.
El propósito del presente estudio diagnóstico, es el de analizar el proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad del Pueblo Indígena Muisca de la Localidad de Bosa, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C desde el año de 1999 hasta el 2013. Este diagnóstico tiene como punto de partida, el análisis de la pérdida del territorio ancestral por parte de esta comunidad de indígenas urbanos, debido a los proceso de expansión y de urbanización legales e ilegales que tienen lugar en el territorio. Con base en el análisis de los anteriores fenómenos, se estudian las características principales de las comunidades e individuos indígenas presentes en las ciudades, y los retos que enfrentan las instituciones oficiales en materia de desarrollar políticas de reconocimiento con base en modelos de planificación indígena.
En Colombia las actividades de exploración, explotación, transporte y procesamiento de hidrocarburos que se vienen realizando desde comienzos del siglo XX son responsables de grandes procesos de transformación del territorio y de degradación de los ecosistemas en los que se realizan. Estos procesos han impactado negativamente la seguridad de las comunidades indígenas poniendo en riesgo su cultura y en algunos casos su existencia misma. Aunque históricamente los derechos de estas poblaciones frente a la explotación petrolera, y minera en general, han cambiado y su autonomía e integridad es protegida por la Constitución de 1991, las comunidades siguen teniendo una alta vulnerabilidad frente a la intervención de los ecosistema que habitan.La degradación ambiental producida directamente por las actividades petroleras y por los procesos de colonización que estas impulsan se constituye en una amenaza a la seguridad de las comunidades, cuyos territorios y recursos de subsistencia se ven disminuidos. La colonización y la presión sobre los recursos naturales que esta produce son motivadas principalmente por la pobreza de poblaciones campesinas que buscan nuevas tierras para habitar, a su vez estos dos procesos son causa de degradación ambiental que empobrece a las comunidades étnicas debido a que afecta sus fuentes de sustento, situación que genera inseguridad para los indígenas. Adicionalmente, la degradación ambiental y la disminución de los territorios ponen en riesgo la cultura de estos grupos humanos, pues afecta sus valores, tradiciones, autoridades y, en general, su forma de vida lo que constituye una amenaza a su seguridad.-----In Colombia, the exploration, exploitation, transport, and processing of hydrocarbons since the beginning of the 20th century have caused great territory transformations and ecosystem degradation. These processes have impacted adversely the indigenous communities security, exposing their culture and, in some cases, their existence itself. Even though, facing oil and, in general, mineral exploitation, the rights of this population have changed historically and their autonomy and integrity is protected by the 1991 Constitution, the communities are still highly vulnerable to the intervention on the ecosystem they inhabit.The environmental degradation directly arisen from the oil exploitation activities and the colonization they have driven, has become a threat to the security of the communities whose territories and subsistence resources have been reduced. Colonization and the resulting natural resource pressure are mainly caused by the poverty of the country population that seek new lands to occupy and these two facts cause in turn the environmental degradation that impoverish the ethnic communities by affecting their living sources, thereby causing insecurity to the indigenous population. In addition, environmental degradation and territory reduction risk these human groups’ culture by impacting their values, tradition, authorities and, in general, their way of living, and therefore turn into a threat to their security.
El presente estudio de caso hace un análisis y revisión de la consulta previa en un contexto suburbano como es la comunidad muisca de Bosa. Se describe cómo este mecanismo permite la defensa del territorio ante la expedición del plan parcial El Edén El Descanso que busca desarrollar en esta zona un proyecto de vivienda. En este sentido se hace una revisión de la documentación pública del Cabildo muisca de Bosa, del Distrito y del Ministerio del Interior que sirven de insumo para analizar las dinámicas y fases de este caso al ser el único en un contexto suburbano. A partir de esto se retoman varios elementos del Estado social de derecho, como los derechos colectivos y los mecanismos de participación, entre otros, en el marco del enfoque diferencial para las comunidades indígenas
Este trabajo examina a los microcréditos como método para propulsar el desarrollo. A la vez, revela varios efectos de las microfinanzas sobre la pobreza, la cultura y las relaciones de poder a través de un análisis económico y etnográfico sobre los indígenas de Salasaca. Muestra que las instituciones financieras organizadas y dirigidas por otros indígenas, con el apoyo y los consejos de la comunidad internacional, exitosamente crean nuevos métodos sensibles a la cultura indígena para la distribución de créditos. Sin embargo, estos créditos no alivian la pobreza ni generan desarrollo económico y social dentro de la comunidad. Los préstamos otorgados por estas instituciones dan esperanza, pero no resultan en la creación de nuevas posibilidades para las comunidades indígenas. Además, la ampliación del acceso al crédito produce efectos corolarios negativos sobre la cultura y las relaciones de poder en la comunidad, beneficiando a los poderosos. Así, se muestra que la teoría de las microfinanzas tiene varias falencias.
Este artículo aborda el papel de los abogados semiprofesionales, conocidos como tinterillos, en las comunidades indígenas de la sierra ecuatoriana, a partir de mediados del siglo XIX, quienes adquirieron una presencia aparentemente ubicua en las comunidades rurales del Ecuador. Muchas veces los tinterillos fueron parte de las élites locales con algo de educación. Inspiraban respeto entre los indígenas (quienes, en su mayoría, eran analfabetos) debido a su habilidad a manejar documentos escritos. Estos intermediarios comúnmente explotaron su posición privilegiada para su propio beneficio económico, social y político. Sin embargo, los indígenas llegaron a depender del apoyo de los tinterillos para denunciar ante el gobierno los abusos de los terratenientes. En ocasiones, en lugar de sentirse impotentes o víctimas, los indígenas aprendieron a negociar sus relaciones con esos intermediarios para su beneficio. El estudio de los tinterillos permite examinar las relaciones de poder que se negociaron entre diferentes culturas y a través de profundas divisiones de clase.
This paper describes the results of field research to dissect how social interactions differ between two reserves in Paraguay having very different styles of governance. The two reserves were Mbaracayu Natural Forest Reserve (Reserva Natural del Bosque de Mbaracayti, RNBM) and San Rafael Managed Resource Reserve (Reserva de Recursos Manejados San Rafael, RRMSR). RNBM is a private reserve owned by a non-governmental organisation. while RRNISR is a publicly-managed reserve, albeit with a substantial degree of private land ownership. Both reserves are intended to protect Atlantic Forest, one of the five world biodiversity 'hotspots', and also one of the most highly threatened. Each reserve and its buffer zone comprises a set of stakeholders, including indigenous communities and farmers, and the paper explores the interactions between these and the management regime. Indeed, while the management regimes of the two reserves are different, one being highly top-down (RNBM) and the other more socially inclusive (RRMSR), the issues that they have to deal with are much the same. However, while both management regimes will readily acknowledge the need to address poverty, inequality appears to be a far more sensitive issue. Whereas this may be expected for the privately-owned RNBM it is perhaps more surprising in RRNISR even when allowing for the fact that much of the land in the latter is in private hands. It is argued that the origins of this sensitivity rest within the broader features of Paraguayan society, and the prevalence of private land ownership. Yet ironically, it is the inequality in land ownership that is perhaps the most significant threat to conservation in both reserves. Therefore, while reserve-level analyses can provide some insight into the driving forces at play in the interaction between conservation and sustainable management, larger scales may be necessary to gain a fuller appreciation of the dynamics operating at site level. Even in a society with a history of centralised control these dynamics may be surprising. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article critically explores the nature and purpose of relationships and inter-dependencies between stakeholders in the context of a parastatal chromite mining company in the Betsiboka Region of Northern Madagascar. An examination of the institutional arrangements at the interface between the mining company and local communities identified power hierarchies and dependencies in the context of a dominant paternalistic environment. The interactions, inter alia, limited social cohesion and intensified the fragility and weakness of community representation, which was further influenced by ethnic hierarchies between the varied community groups; namely, indigenous communities and migrants to the area from different ethnic groups. Moreover, dependencies and nepotism, which may exist at all institutional levels, can create civil society stakeholder representatives who are unrepresentative of the society they are intended to represent. Similarly, a lack of horizontal and vertical trust and reciprocity inherent in Malagasy society engenders a culture of low expectations regarding transparency and accountability, which further catalyses a cycle of nepotism and elite rent-seeking behaviour. On the other hand, leaders retain power with minimal vertical delegation or decentralisation of authority among levels of government and limit opportunities to benefit the elite, perpetuating rent-seeking behaviour within the privileged minority. Within the union movement, pluralism and the associated politicisation of individual unions restricts solidarity, which impacts on the movement’s capacity to act as a cohesive body of opinion and opposition. Nevertheless, the unions’ drive to improve their social capital has increased expectations of transparency and accountability, resulting in demands for greater engagement in decision-making processes.