694 resultados para Hemmings, Clare


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The concept of local concurrence is used to quantify the entanglement between a single qubit and the remainder of a multiqubit system. For the ground state of the BCS model in the thermodynamic limit the set of local concurrences completely describes the entanglement. As a measure for the entanglement of the full system we investigate the average local concurrence (ALC). We find that the ALC satisfies a simple relation with the order parameter. We then show that for finite systems with a fixed particle number, a relation between the ALC and the condensation energy exposes a threshold coupling. Below the threshold, entanglement measures besides the ALC are significant.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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A purple acid phosphatase from sweet potato is the first reported example of a protein containing an enzymatically active binuclear Fe-Mn center. Multifield saturation magnetization data over a temperature range of 2 to 200 K indicates that this center is strongly antiferromagnetically coupled. Metal ion analysis shows an excess of iron over manganese. Low temperature EPR spectra reveal only resonances characteristic of high spin Fe(III) centers (Fe(III)-apo and Fe(III)-Zn(II)) and adventitious Cu(II) centers. There were no resonances from either Mn(II) or binuclear Fe-Mn centers. Together with a comparison of spectral properties and sequence homologies between known purple acid phosphatases, the enzymatic and spectroscopic data strongly indicate the presence of catalytic Fe(III)-Mn(II) centers in the active site of the sweet potato enzyme. Because of the strong antiferromagnetism it is likely that the metal ions in the sweet potato enzyme are linked via a mu -oxo bridge, in contrast to other known purple acid phosphatases in which a mu -hydroxo bridge is present. Differences in metal ion composition and bridging may affect substrate specificities leading to the biological function of different purple acid phosphatases.


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Evoked otoacoustic emissions have demonstrated potential for application in the community-based hearing screening of paediatric populations. Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), as opposed to transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs), have not been extensively researched in this regard. The current study aimed to describe the range of DPOAE values obtained in a large cohort (1576 ears) of 6-year-old children in school settings and to examine possible ear asymmetry, gender and history of ear infection effects on the data. Results indicated a variety of significant effects, particularly in the high frequencies, for DPOAE signal-to-noise ratio. The measurement parameter, DPOAE amplitude (DP-amp), was found to display potentially less clinical applicability due to large standard deviation values. Use of descriptive normative data, as derived in the present investigation, may contribute toward future improvements in the hearing screening of 6-year-old schoolchildren


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Á... Á propos d’Erosphère propos d’Érosphère, dans un entretien pour la Revue LIEN2 en 1992, François Bayle explique que le projet d’une Suite fut déclenché par la composition de la 1ère œuvre du cycle – Tremblement de terre très doux. Il y indique : « je me suis petit à petit aperçu, en réalisant cette pièce, que j’y traitais d’un problème inhérent à l’acous- matique : celui du désir, [...] c’est-à-dire des sons appétissants, des sons voluptueux, ce qui m’a entraîné vers un projet plus vaste que j’ai appelé Érosphère, cette loi de gravitation du désir. »3 Plus tard le compositeur déclare : « Au moment d’Érosphère mon projet portait sur les mécanismes du désir, l’érotisme sonore, d’où le titre d’Éros- phère. Découvrir les archétypes érotiques des formes sonores. »4 Dans les notes qui accompagnaient la première édition en disque, Bayle présente sa définition du mot Érosphère : Ce tissu nerveux qui enveloppe notre monde habité d’un réseau d’ondes modulées à une infinité de fréquences, ce nuage de chaleur infra et supra sensorielle que diffusent des mégas milliards d’ émetteurs biologiques, cet anneau où circule la force de ce cosmos, je l’appelle l’érosphère.


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Introduction Knowledge of the prevalence and risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii dissemination among pregnant women is relevant because the parasite can be spread from mother to infant. The objective of this study was to assess the epidemiology and risk factors of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women from Gurupi, State of Tocantins, Brazil, from February 2012 to June 2013. Methods The study population included 487 pregnant women. Sociodemographic, dietary and cultural data were collected using a standardized and validated form. Peripheral blood was collected for serologic testing using the ELISA test (IgM/IgG antibodies). The data were analyzed by comparing seropositivity with risk factors using crude and adjusted odds ratios. Results The prevalence rate for IgG and IgM antibodies was 68.7% and 5.7%, respectively. Sociodemographic characteristics associated with toxoplasmosis risk included the following: education level ≤ 8 years (OR: 6.612; CI: 1.450-30.144), age ≥ 30 years (OR: 5.273; CI: 1.166-23.844), working outside the home (OR: 1.604; CI: 1.015-2.536), and family income of two minimum wages or lower (OR: 2.700; CI: 1.891-8.182). Regarding dietary habits, there was a significant association of seropositivity with meat intake (OR: 1.78; CI: 1.149-4.080), cutting vegetables without washing the cutting board beforehand (OR: 2.051; CI: 1.165-3.614), frequent intake of vegetables (OR: 2.051; CI: 1.368-3.006) and in natura milk intake (OR: 2.422; CI: 1.014-5.785). Conclusions The high prevalence rates of toxoplasmosis in Gurupi are related to age, raw meat and in natura milk intake, as well as education level, working outside the home, and poor hygienic habits during meal preparation.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficiency of a systematic diagnostic approach in patients with chest pain in the emergency room in relation to the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and the rate of hospitalization in high-cost units. METHODS: One thousand and three consecutive patients with chest pain were screened according to a pre-established process of diagnostic investigation based on the pre-test probability of ACS determinate by chest pain type and ECG changes. RESULTS: Of the 1003 patients, 224 were immediately discharged home because of no suspicion of ACS (route 5) and 119 were immediately transferred to the coronary care united because of ST elevation or left bundle-branch block (LBBB) (route 1) (74% of these had a final diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction [AMI]). Of the 660 patients that remained in the emergency room under observation, 77 (12%) had AMI without ST segment elevation and 202 (31%) had unstable angina (UA). In route 2 (high probability of ACS) 17% of patients had AMI and 43% had UA, whereas in route 3 (low probability) 2% had AMI and 7 % had UA. The admission ECG has been confirmed as a poor sensitivity test for the diagnosis of AMI ( 49%), with a positive predictive value considered only satisfactory (79%). CONCLUSION: A systematic diagnostic strategy, as used in this study, is essential in managing patients with chest pain in the emergency room in order to obtain high diagnostic accuracy, lower cost, and optimization of the use of coronary care unit beds.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of a systematic model of care for patients with chest pain and no ST segment elevation in the emergency room. METHODS: From 1003 patients submitted to an algorithm diagnostic investigation by probability of acute ischemic syndrome. We analyzed 600 ones with no elevation of ST segment, then enrolled to diagnostic routes of median (route 2) and low probability (route 3) to ischemic syndrome. RESULTS: In route 2 we found 17% acute myocardial infarction and 43% unstable angina, whereas in route 3 the rates were 2% and 7%, respectively. Patients with normal/non--specific ECG had 6% probability of AMI whereas in those with negative first CKMB it was 7%; the association of the 2 data only reduced it to 4%. In patients in route 2 the diagnosis of AMI could only be ruled out with serial CKMB measurement up to 9 hours, while in route 3 it could be done in up to 3 hours. Thus, sensitivity and negative predictive value of admission CKMB for AMI were 52% and 93%, respectively. About one-half of patients with unstable angina did not disclose objective ischemic changes on admission. CONCLUSION: The use of a systematic model of care in patients with chest pain offers the opportunity of hindering inappropriate release of patients with ACI and reduces unnecessary admissions. However some patients even with normal ECG should not be released based on a negative first CKMB. Serial measurement of CKMB up to 9 hours is necessary in patients with medium probability of AMI.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as características macroscópicas da cardiopatia chagásica crônica em idosos autopsiados. MÉTODOS: Os idosos tinham 60 anos ou mais, sendo que 20 tinham cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CC) e sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas e 14 não tinham cardiopatia (SC) nem alterações morfológicas para cardiopatia e eram sorologicamente negativos para doença de Chagas. RESULTADOS: Os idosos CC apresentaram peso cardíaco maior que os SC (385 ± 141,1 vs 306.8 ± 62,1g, respectivamente; p > 0,05), além de relação peso cardíaco/peso corporal significantemente maior (0,71% [0,5-1,42%] vs 0,59% [0,47-0,91%], respectivamente; p < 0,05). Quando os dois grupos foram comparados, os idosos CC apresentaram menor proporção de espessamento fibroso e/ou aterosclerose no segmento da aorta ascendente, nas valvas mitral e tricúspide e coronárias esquerda e direita que os SC, sendo que nas valvas aórtica e mitral as lesões eram significantemente mais discretas (p < 0,05). Quarenta e cinco por cento dos idosos CC tinham lesão vorticilar, e 10% tinham trombose intracardíaca no ventrículo esquerdo. CONCLUSÃO: o espessamento fibroso e/ou aterosclerose nas valvas e vasos foram mais discretos nos idosos CC. Além disso, o peso do coração e a freqüência de trombose intracardíaca foram menores que os descritos na literatura em indivíduos não-idosos.


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Finfish pots have emerged as a “responsible” gear, when used in combination with conservational and technical measures to sustain fisheries. Previous trials in Irish waters have offered no published reported data and so three designs tested in the current study provide new information on this gear. The most successful traps in terms of fish catch were rigid steel framed rectangular pots used to target Conger eel. Although commercial yield was low (0.2 per trap haul), potential existed for a viable pot fishery. Deployment and storage of Norwegian floating pots was conducted with relative ease but performance in the water was poor resulting in loss of gear. Catch returns were notable even though effort was restricted as mega-faunal by-catch was a problem, which lead to ending this trial. From these initial trials it was evident that catch rates were low compared to established Norwegian fisheries (3.6 cod per pot), which resulted in the utilisation of pots, already established in the crustacean fishery, to find species readily accessible to pot capture. Although fished and designed differently, these gears provided an opportunity to establish the benefits of pot fishing to fish quality and to determine the effects on by-catch. The fishing effects of three catching methods (pots, angling and trawl) and the effects of air exposure on the physiological status of a common by-catch, the lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canícula (L.) were examined using a range of physiological biomarkers (plasma catecholamine, glucose, lactate, muscle pH and muscle lactate). Physiological responses of fish to an emersion stress regime resulted in a significant metabolic disturbance in groups, but may not have weakened the overall health of these fish, as signified in the revival of some metabolites. Plasma glucose and lactate concentrations did not however recovery to baseline levels indicating that to achieve an accurate profile, responses should be determined by a suite of biomarkers. Responses did not demonstrate that samples from the pots were significantly less stressed than for the other two methods; angling and trawling, which are in contrast to many other studies. Employment of finfish potting therefore in Irish waters needs further consideration before further promotion as a more responsible method to supplement or replace established techniques.


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This report focuses on inequalities in primary care as indicated by the Quality and Outcomes Framework.