989 resultados para HE-NE LASER


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The impulse approximation is used to calculate cross sections for fragmentation of Ps(1s) in collision with He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. Triple, double, single, and total cross sections are evaluated. Reasonably good agreement is found with the measurements of Armitage [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 173402 (2002)] on Ps(1s)+He(1(1)S) scattering. These absolute measurements comprise the total Ps ionization cross section and the cross section differential with respect to the longitudinal energy of the ejected positron. Characteristics of free electron and free positron scattering are explored in the double and triple differential cross sections for Ps(1s)+Xe scattering.


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Cross sections differential with respect to energy and angle of ejected positrons and electrons for Ps(ls) fragmentation in collision with He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe targets are reported. For Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe, only the case where the target is not excited (target elastic collisions) is considered. For He, fragmentation with target excitation/ionization (target inelastic collisions) is also studied. The impulse approximation has been used for target elastic fragmentation, the first Born approximation for target inelastic processes. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New density functionals representing the exchange and correlation energies (per electron) are employed, based on the electron gas model, to calculate interaction potentials of noble gas systems X2 and XY, where X (and Y) are He,Ne,Ar and Kr, and of hydrogen atomrare gas systems H-X. The exchange energy density functional is that recommended by Handler and the correlation energy density functional is a rational function involving two parameters which were optimized to reproduce the correlation energy of He atom. Application of the two parameter function to other rare gas atoms shows that it is "universal"; i. e. ,accurate for the systems considered. The potentials obtained in this work compare well with recent experimental results and are a significant improvement over those from competing statistical modelS.


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Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy is an optical technique that has emerged successful in the field of semiconductor material and device characterization. This technique is quite a powerful one which gives idea about the defect levels in a material, the band gap of the material, composition as well as material quality. Over the recent years it has received an elevation as a mainstream characterization technique. This thesis is an attempt to characterize each individual layer used in a thin film solar cell with special focus on the electrical properties. This will be highly beneficial from the lab as well as industrial point of view because electrical measurements generally are contact mode measurements which tend to damage the surface. As far as a thin film solar cell is concerned, the constituent layers are the transparent conducting oxide (TCO), absorber layer, buffer layer and top electrode contact. Each layer has a specific role to play and the performance of a solar cell is decided and limited by the quality of each individual layer. Various aspects of PL spectroscopy have been employed for studying compound semiconductor thin films [deposited using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP)] proposed for solar cell application. This thesis has been structured in to seven chapters


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The quenching of the photoluminescence of Si nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition due to pressure was measured for various gases ( H2, O2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr) and at different temperatures. The characteristic pressure, P0, of the general dependence I(P)=I0exp(-P/P0) is gas and temperature dependent. However, when the number of gas collisions is taken as the variable instead of pressure, then the quenching is the same within a gas family (mono- or diatomic) and it is temperature independent. So it is concluded that the effect depends on the number of gas collisions irrespective of the nature of the gas or its temperature


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The contributions of the correlated and uncorrelated components of the electron-pair density to atomic and molecular intracule I(r) and extracule E(R) densities and its Laplacian functions ∇2I(r) and ∇2E(R) are analyzed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and configuration interaction (CI) levels of theory. The topologies of the uncorrelated components of these functions can be rationalized in terms of the corresponding one-electron densities. In contrast, by analyzing the correlated components of I(r) and E(R), namely, IC(r) and EC(R), the effect of electron Fermi and Coulomb correlation can be assessed at the HF and CI levels of theory. Moreover, the contribution of Coulomb correlation can be isolated by means of difference maps between IC(r) and EC(R) distributions calculated at the two levels of theory. As application examples, the He, Ne, and Ar atomic series, the C2-2, N2, O2+2 molecular series, and the C2H4 molecule have been investigated. For these atoms and molecules, it is found that Fermi correlation accounts for the main characteristics of IC(r) and EC(R), with Coulomb correlation increasing slightly the locality of these functions at the CI level of theory. Furthermore, IC(r), EC(R), and the associated Laplacian functions, reveal the short-ranged nature and high isotropy of Fermi and Coulomb correlation in atoms and molecules


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Scattering of positronium (Ps) from atoms (H, He, Ne, Ar), molecule (H(2)) and ion (He(+)) have been investigated using a coupled-channel (CC) formalism with a regularised non-local exchange potential. The advantage of using such a regularized exchange potential in the close-coupling formalism and the normalizability aspect of the solution at low energies with a minimum effective coupling are discussed. Results for the elastic and total scattering cross-sections, resonance and binding energies in Ps-H, and pick-off annihilation results in Ps-He are found to be in excellent agreement with measurements and variational predictions. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A correlated two-body basis function is used to describe the three-dimensional bosonic clusters interacting via two-body van der Waals potential. We calculate the ground state and the zero orbital angular momentum excited states for Rb-N clusters with up to N = 40. We solve the many-particle Schrodinger equation by potential harmonics expansion method, which keeps all possible two-body correlations in the calculation and determines the lowest effective many-body potential. We study energetics and structural properties for such diffuse clusters both at dimer and tuned scattering length. The motivation of the present study is to investigate the possibility of formation of N-body clusters interacting through the van der Waals interaction. We also compare the system with the well studied He, Ne, and Ar clusters. We also calculate correlation properties and observe the generalised Tjon line for large cluster. We test the validity of the shape-independent potential in the calculation of the ground state energy of such diffuse cluster. These are the first such calculations reported for Rb clusters. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730972]


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We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 14 fragments from 12 different meteorites: three carbonaceous chondrites, six L chondrites (three most likely paired), one H chondrite, one R chondrite, and one ungrouped chondrite. The data obtained for the CV3 chondrites Ramlat as Sahmah (RaS) 221 and RaS 251 support the hypothesis of exposure age peaks for CV chondrites at approximately 9 Ma and 27 Ma. The exposure age for Shişr 033 (CR chondrite) of 7.3 Ma is also indicative of a possible CR chondrite exposure age peak. The three L chondrites Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 091, JaH 230, and JaH 296, which are most likely paired, fall together with Hallingeberg into the L chondrite exposure age peak of approximately 15 Ma. The two L chondrites Shelburne and Lake Torrens fall into the peaks at approximately 40 Ma and 5 Ma, respectively. The ages for Bassikounou (H chondrite) and RaS 201 (R chondrite) are approximately 3.5 Ma and 5.8 Ma, respectively. Six of the studied meteorites show clear evidence for 3He diffusive losses, the deficits range from approximately 17% for one Lake Torrens aliquot to approximately 45% for RaS 211. The three carbonaceous chondrites RaS 221, RaS 251, and Shişr 033 all have excess 4He, either of planetary or solar origin. However, very high 4He/20Ne ratios occur at relatively low 20Ne/22Ne ratios, which is unexpected and needs further study. The measured 40Ar ages fit well into established systematics. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 Ga for the carbonaceous chondrites, older than 3.6 Ga for the L and H chondrites, and about 2.4 Ga for the R chondrite as well as for the ungrouped chondrite. Interestingly, none of our studied L chondrites has been degassed in the 470 Ma break-up event. Using the amount of trapped 36Ar as a proxy for noble gas contamination due to terrestrial weathering we are able to demonstrate that the samples studied here are not or only very slightly affected by terrestrial weathering (at least in terms of their noble gas budget).


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El láser de baja y media energía y la magnetoterapia son utilizados en desórdenes osteomioarticulares por sus efectos analgésico, antiinflamatorio y trófico, entre los más destacados. Sin embargo, son insuficientes las investigaciones sobre su mecanismo de acción y antecedentes científicos que avalen sus efectos. Es por ello, que la determinación de acontecimientos celulares y moleculares que ocurren durante la interacción de estos tipos de energía con el sistema muscular, sería relevante para el conocimiento y optimización de tales terapias en las ciencias biomédicas. En las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas, se encuentra afectada la estructura, morfología y bioquímica del tejido muscular. La energía que éste requiere para el normal funcionamiento es generada en la mitocondria. Esta organela también es la responsable de la generación de especies oxidantes provocando estrés oxidativo y el inicio de los procesos de apoptosis. Por lo antes dicho, consideramos que la determinación de los biomarcadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, realizando el análisis histomorfométrico ultraestructural y valorando la actividad de los complejos enzimáticos mitocondriales, permitiría una evaluación de la acción terapéutica del láser y la magnetoterapia en un modelo experimental de miopatía. Para ello se propone evaluar el efecto de la magnetoterapia y del láser de baja energía (He-Ne y As.Ga) en miopatía experimental determinando indicadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, análisis histomorfométrico y valoración de la actividad enzimática mitocondrial. Específicamente: -Determinar indicadores inflamatorios y de estrés oxidativo: Oxido Nítrico, Grupos carbonilos, L-citrulina, Fibrinógeno, Superóxido dismutasa, Glutation peroxidasa y Catalasa por espectrofotometría. -Identificar los cambios anatomopatológicos del músculo esquelético por microscopía óptica (MO): cuantificación del infiltrado inflamatorio; MO de alta resolución (MOAR) y por microscopía electrónica: histomorfometría de la ultraestructura miofibrilar y mitocondrial. -Valorar las actividades enzimáticas de la citrato sintasa y de los complejos: I (NADH-ubiquinona reductasa), II (succinato-ubiquinona-reductasa) III (ubiquinona-citocromo c-reductasa) y IV (citocromo c-oxidasa); en mitocondrias de tejido muscular por espectrofotometría. -Evaluar la actividad apoptótica en las fibras musculares de los diferentes grupos por ténica de T.U.N.E.L. Las mediciones mitocondriales (por ME) y de infiltrado inflamatorio (por MO) se realizarán en un total de 5 fotos de aumentos similares en forma aleatoria por grupo estudiado (n=10). Los cambios estructurales observados se analizarán en el programa Axiovision 4.8, para cuantificar el área total ocupada, número total y grado de alteración de las mitocondrias y el porcentaje de infiltrado inflamatorio determinando el grado de inflamación. Los resultados de los datos cuantitativos se analizarán aplicando ANAVA (test de Fisher para comparaciones múltiples); y para los datos categóricos se utilizará Chi cuadrado (test de Pearson), estableciéndose un nivel de significación de p < 0.05 para todos los casos. Importancia del Proyecto: La salud y el bienestar del hombre son los logros perseguidos por las ciencias de la salud. La obtención de terapias curativas o paliativas con un mínimo de efectos colaterales para el enfermo se incluye en estos logros. Por esto y todo lo anteriormente expuesto es que consideramos de gran importancia poder esclarecer desde las ciencias básicas los efectos celulares y moleculares en modelos experimentales la acción de la terapia con láser y magnetoterapia para una aplicación clínica con base científica en todas las áreas de las Ciencias Médicas.


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In this paper we report, for the first time to our knowledge, an increase of the photosensitivity of a microstructured polymer optical fibre (mPOF) made of undoped PMMA due to applied strain during the fabrication of the gratings. In the work, fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) have been fabricated in undoped PMMA mPOFs with a hexagonal structure of three rings in the inner cladding. Two sets of FBGs were inscribed at two different resonant wavelengths (827 nm and 1562 nm) at different strains using an UV He-Cd laser at 325 nm focused by a lens and scanned over the fibre. We observed an increase of the reflection of the fibre Bragg gratings when the fabrication strain is higher. The photosensitivity mechanism is discussed in the paper along with the chemical reactions that could underlie the mechanism. Furthermore, the resolution limit of the material was investigated. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.


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For metal and metal halide vapor lasers excited by high frequency pulsed discharge, the thermal effect mainly caused by the radial temperature distribution is of considerable importance for stable laser operation and improvement of laser output characteristics. A short survey of the obtained analytical and numerical-analytical mathematical models of the temperature profile in a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser is presented. The models are described by the steady-state heat conduction equation with mixed type nonlinear boundary conditions for the arbitrary form of the volume power density. A complete model of radial heat flow between the two tubes is established for precise calculating the inner wall temperature. The models are applied for simulating temperature profiles for newly designed laser. The author’s software prototype LasSim is used for carrying out the mathematical models and simulations.


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Solar-type helium (He) and neon (Ne) in the Earth's mantle were suggested to be the result of solarwind loaded extraterrestrial dust that accumulated in deep-sea sediments and was subducted into the Earth's mantle. To obtain additional constraints on this hypothesis, we analysed He, Ne and argon (Ar) in high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks representing equivalents of former pelagic clays and cherts from Andros (Cyclades, Greece) and Laytonville (California, USA). While the metasediments contain significant amounts of 4He, 21Ne and 40Ar due to U, Th and K decay, no solar-type primordial noble gases were observed. Most of these were obviously lost during metamorphism preceding 30 km subduction depth. We also analysed magnetic fines from two Pacific ODP drillcore samples, which contain solar-type He and Ne dominated by solar energetic particles (SEP). The existing noble gas isotope data of deep-sea floor magnetic fines and interplanetary dust particles demonstrate that a considerable fraction of the extraterrestrial dust reaching the Earth has lost solar wind (SW) ions implanted at low energies, leading to a preferential occurrence of deeply implanted SEP He and Ne, fractionated He/Ne ratios and measurable traces of spallogenic isotopes. This effect is most probably caused by larger particles, as these suffer more severe atmospheric entry heating and surface ablation. Only sufficiently fine-grained dust may retain the original unfractionated solar composition that is characteristic for the Earth's mantle He and Ne. Hence, in addition to the problem of metamorphic loss of solar noble gases during subduction, the isotopic and elemental fractionation during atmospheric entry heating is a further restriction for possible subduction hypotheses.


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Fluid mixing processes and thermal regimes within the Snowcap and Roman Ruins vent sites of the PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, were investigated using 3He/4He ratios from fluid inclusions within pyrite and anhydrite and the d18O signature of anhydrite. Depressed 3He/4He ratios of 0.2-6.91RA appear to be caused by significant atmospheric diffusive exchange, whilst He-Ne diffusive fractionation precludes correction using 20Ne. 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 295-310 are elevated above seawater, indicating the majority of argon is seawater derived but with a magmatic component. d18O anhydrite ratios are 6.5 per mil to 11 per mil for Snowcap and 6.4 per mil to 11.9 per mil for Roman Ruins. Using oxygen isotope fractionation factors for the anhydrite-water system, the temperatures calculated assuming isotopic equilibrium at depth are up to 100 °C cooler than fluid inclusion trapping temperatures. It is likely that anhydrite is precipitated rapidly, preventing d18O equilibration. By comparing new d18O values for anhydrite with corresponding published 87Sr/86Sr ratios, seawater is inferred to penetrate deep into the Snowcap system with little conductive heating. A simple fluid mixing model has been constructed whereby the differing venting styles can be explained by a plumbing system at depth which favors delivery of end-member hydrothermal fluid to the high temperature sites.