890 resultados para Good [the]
In the Russian Wholesale Market, electricity and capacity are traded separately. Capacity is a special good, the sale of which obliges suppliers to keep their generating equipment ready to produce the quantity of electricity indicated by the System Operator. The purpose of the formation of capacity trading was the maintenance of reliable and uninterrupted delivery of electricity in the wholesale market. The price of capacity reflects constant investments in construction, modernization and maintenance of power plants. So, the capacity sale creates favorable conditions to attract investments in the energy sector because it guarantees the investor that his investments will be returned.
Early identification of beginning readers at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties plays an important role in the prevention and provision of appropriate intervention. In Tanzania, as in other countries, there are children in schools who are at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties. Many of these children complete school without being identified and without proper and relevant support. The main language in Tanzania is Kiswahili, a transparent language. Contextually relevant, reliable and valid instruments of identification are needed in Tanzanian schools. This study aimed at the construction and validation of a group-based screening instrument in the Kiswahili language for identifying beginning readers at risk of reading and writing difficulties. In studying the function of the test there was special interest in analyzing the explanatory power of certain contextual factors related to the home and school. Halfway through grade one, 337 children from four purposively selected primary schools in Morogoro municipality were screened with a group test consisting of 7 subscales measuring phonological awareness, word and letter knowledge and spelling. A questionnaire about background factors and the home and school environments related to literacy was also used. The schools were chosen based on performance status (i.e. high, good, average and low performing schools) in order to include variation. For validation, 64 children were chosen from the original sample to take an individual test measuring nonsense word reading, word reading, actual text reading, one-minute reading and writing. School marks from grade one and a follow-up test half way through grade two were also used for validation. The correlations between the results from the group test and the three measures used for validation were very high (.83-.95). Content validity of the group test was established by using items drawn from authorized text books for reading in grade one. Construct validity was analyzed through item analysis and principal component analysis. The difficulty level of most items in both the group test and the follow-up test was good. The items also discriminated well. Principal component analysis revealed one powerful latent dimension (initial literacy factor), accounting for 93% of the variance. This implies that it could be possible to use any set of the subtests of the group test for screening and prediction. The K-Means cluster analysis revealed four clusters: at-risk children, strugglers, readers and good readers. The main concern in this study was with the groups of at-risk children (24%) and strugglers (22%), who need the most assistance. The predictive validity of the group test was analyzed by correlating the measures from the two school years and by cross tabulating grade one and grade two clusters. All the correlations were positive and very high, and 94% of the at-risk children in grade two were already identified in the group test in grade one. The explanatory power of some of the home and school factors was very strong. The number of books at home accounted for 38% of the variance in reading and writing ability measured by the group test. Parents´ reading ability and the support children received at home for schoolwork were also influential factors. Among the studied school factors school attendance had the strongest explanatory power, accounting for 21% of the variance in reading and writing ability. Having been in nursery school was also of importance. Based on the findings in the study a short version of the group test was created. It is suggested for use in the screening processes in grade one aiming at identifying children at risk of reading and writing difficulties in the Tanzanian context. Suggestions for further research as well as for actions for improving the literacy skills of Tanzanian children are presented.
The golden standard in nuclear medicine imaging of inflammation is the use of radiolabeled leukocytes. Although their diagnostic accuracy is good, the preparation of the leukocytes is both laborious and potentially hazardous for laboratory personnel. Molecules involved in leukocyte migration could serve as targets for the development of inflammation imaging agents. An excellent target would be a molecule that is absent or expressed at low level in normal tissues, but is induced or up-regulated at the site of inflammation. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) is a very promising target for in vivo imaging, since it is translocated to the endothelial cell surface when inflammation occurs. VAP-1 functions as an endothelial adhesion molecule that participates in leukocyte recruitment to inflamed tissues. Besides being an adhesion molecule, VAP-1 also has enzymatic activity. In this thesis, the targeting of VAP-1 was studied by using Gallium-68 (68Ga) labeled peptides and an Iodine-124 (124I) labeled antibody. The peptides were designed based on molecular modelling and phage display library searches. The new imaging agents were preclinically tested in vitro, as well as in vivo in animal models. The most promising imaging agent appeared to be a peptide belonging to the VAP-1 leukocyte ligand, Siglec-9 peptide. The 68Ga-labeled Siglec-9 peptide was able to detect VAP-1 positive vasculature in rodent models of sterile skin inflammation and melanoma by positron emission tomography. In addition to peptides, the 124I-labeled antibody showed VAP-1 specific binding both in vitro and in vivo. However, the estimated human radiation dose was rather high, and thus further preclinical studies in disease models are needed to clarify the value of this imaging agent. Detection of VAP-1 on endothelium was demonstrated in these studies and this imaging approach could be used in the diagnosis of inflammatory conditions as well as melanoma. These studies provide a proof-of-concept for PET imaging of VAP-1 and further studies are warranted.
Fazerin kolmen suurimman suomalaisleipomon kesken on sovittu yhteisestä kunnossapidon suorituskykymittareista, mutta mittariston kehitykseen ei ollut käytetty mitään tiettyä menetelmää, joka varmistaisi, että käyttöönotetut mittarit olisivat linjassa yrityksen tai sen ydintoimintojen tavoitteiden kanssa. Tämän työn on tarkoitus tutkia, kuinka hyvä leipomoiden käyttämä nykyinen kunnossapidon suorituskykymittaristo on, ja voiko sitä parantaa entisestään. Ratkaisuksi arviointiongelmaan luotiin suorituskykymittariston kehitysmenetelmä ja sitä tukeva työkalu, jolla mittareita voidaan arvottaa ja vertailla keskenään. Kehitysmenetelmän luomisessa hyödynnettiin kirjallisuudesta löytyneitä teorioita suorituskyvyn mittaamisen periaatteista ja valmista menetelmää mittariston kehittämistä varten. Työn ohessa syntyi myös mittariston kehitysmenetelmää tukeva työkalu, joka helpottaa mittareiden arvottamista ja keskinäistä vertailua. Luodulla suorituskykymittariston kehitysmenetelmällä ja sitä tukevalla työkalulla saatiin arvioitua nykyisin käytössä olevan mittariston hyvyys suhteessa vaihtoehtoisiin, kilpaileviin mittareihin. Tulosten perusteella Fazerin Lahden leipomolla on päätetty pilotoida uusia kunnossapidon suorituskykymittareita.
Concentrated solar power (CSP) is a renewable energy technology, which could contribute to overcoming global problems related to pollution emissions and increasing energy demand. CSP utilizes solar irradiation, which is a variable source of energy. In order to utilize CSP technology in energy production and reliably operate a solar field including thermal energy storage system, dynamic simulation tools are needed in order to study the dynamics of the solar field, to optimize production and develop control systems. The object of this Master’s Thesis is to compare different concentrated solar power technologies and configure a dynamic solar field model of one selected CSP field design in the dynamic simulation program Apros, owned by VTT and Fortum. The configured model is based on German Novatec Solar’s linear Fresnel reflector design. Solar collector components including dimensions and performance calculation were developed, as well as a simple solar field control system. The preliminary simulation results of two simulation cases under clear sky conditions were good; the desired and stable superheated steam conditions were maintained in both cases, while, as expected, the amount of steam produced was reduced in the case having lower irradiation conditions. As a result of the model development process, it can be concluded, that the configured model is working successfully and that Apros is a very capable and flexible tool for configuring new solar field models and control systems and simulating solar field dynamic behaviour.
Two flavors of cookies were developed (savory and peppery) containing a mixture of plants such as "guaraná" (Paullinia cupana) and "catuaba" (Anemopaegma mirandum). A test of acceptance and buying intention was applied to 48 consumers through a structured hedonic scale of 9 points. Afterwards, the centesimal compositions of these cookies were obtained as well as their total contents of copper, iron, and zinc through the method of atomic absorption spectrometry with flame. Sensorial tests indicated that the cookies presented good acceptance with potential to sensorial growth. The amount of fibers in the samples, 3 g/100 g, surpassed expectations since the product was not invented with the intention of being a source of this nutrient. The total amount of copper (0.41 mg.100 g-1), iron (4.50 mg.100 g-1), and zinc (1.32 mg.100 g-1) was considered good. The cookies produced can be considered good sources of fibers, copper, iron, and zinc. Furthermore, they are beneficial to people affected by celiac disease because they lack gluten. They also present functional properties. In addition, the medicinal plants used are considered energetic.
This study aimed to evaluate the attitude of consumers towards information about dishes in a commercial restaurant. This research was conducted from January to April 2009 in a restaurant in the city of Santa Maria (RS), Brazil. Food information including the name of the dish, ingredients, health benefits and warnings, and calorie value was displayed. After providing this nutritional information, a questionnaire was applied to 300 consumers at the restaurant to observe their attitudes towards the food information. It was found that 10.57% of the respondents reported allergy or intolerance to some kinds of food and that 10.98% of the respondents reported having diseases that require moderate consumption and/or total restriction on the consumption of those foods. However, 84.96% of the respondents did not restrict consumption of any food, even though those foods may have posed a risk to their health, and 58.54% of the respondents consumed some food due to the potential benefits to their health. With regard to the respondents' level of satisfaction concerning the food information provided, 72.76% considered the information provided as very good. The respondents had a tendency to change their behavior towards consumption after having access to information about the dishes displayed.
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit"
Pour Simone Weil, le malheur est « quelque chose de spécifique, irréductible à toute autre chose, comme les sons, dont rien ne peut donner aucune idée à un sourd-muet ». Il s’apparente à un sacrement, à un rite sacré susceptible de rapprocher l’homme du divin. Et si la pensée weilienne se révèle non-conformiste pour aborder la figure du malheur, c’est parce qu’elle ne se limite pas à une tradition unique, mais trouve écho tant dans la religion chrétienne et le Nouveau Testament que dans la philosophie grecque de l’antiquité – principalement le stoïcisme et le platonisme – et dans certains textes orientaux tels que la Bhagavad-Gîtâ et le Tao Te King. Par un singulier amalgame de ces influences, Weil donne naissance à une méthode spirituelle dont une des étapes fondamentales est le malheur, thème très fécond pour dénouer et affronter le dialogue entre spiritualité et contemporanéité. Parce que cette méthode ne peut pleinement être appréhendée que sur la frontière de l’athéisme et de la croyance religieuse, approfondir ses implications permet d’interroger les traces du sacré dans les civilisations occidentales. Retracer les étapes de son développement permet également de sonder le rapport qu’entretiennent les hommes avec le malheur, ainsi que de porter un regard sensible sur une époque où l’actualité fait souvent état des malheureux alors que le malheur d’autrui semble être une réalité à fuir.
Ce mémoire propose une analyse de la théorie de la volonté en relation avec le mal dans la pensée de Thomas d’Aquin. Le mal est une privation d’être et l’être est identique au bien. La volonté est une forme intellectuelle d’appétit, ainsi que la gouvernante des puissances inférieures, mais aussi de la raison qui est à la fois son principe. L’appétit est un mouvement vers ce qui est le bien d’une nature, il est donc difficile d’accepter que la volonté puisse élire son contraire qui est le mal. La thèse de Platon selon laquelle le mal n’est désiré que par ignorance est écartée, puisque le propos de Thomas est d’expliquer le consentement en faveur du mal connu. Or, si le mal peut être voulu, on ne peut le vouloir sans le référer au bien. Ainsi, le libre arbitre, bien qu’ayant Dieu pour principe, est le principe du premier mauvais choix. La compréhension de la problématique passe par la division de ce qui appartient à l’extérieur de la volonté et ensuite à l’intérieur. De soi, un acte extérieur peut être immoral, comme le vol, mais la volonté d’une intention bonne qui choisit cet acte devient mauvaise, bien qu’elle garde le mérite de sa bonne intention. Son choix mauvais est parfois dû à une certaine ignorance, mais, puisque nous n’ignorons pas toujours le mal, il faut attribuer une faiblesse à la volonté, car elle n’accomplit pas pleinement sa nature. Quand elle répète ses actes de faiblesse à l’égard du mal, elle se dispose à accueillir l’habitus de la malice, et alors elle cherche d’elle-même le mal. Aucun de ces principes, cependant, ne peut s’appliquer à l’homme originel ni au diable. Ceux-ci n’auront pour principe de leurs choix que l’orgueil dans le libre exercice de la volonté.
"Au début du millénaire, le gouvernement mexicain déclarait le pays en état d’alerte hydrique. En valeur absolue, le Mexique ne manque pas d’eau douce ; c’est son inégale répartition sur le territoire, la pollution de la ressource et le mauvais entretien des infrastructures d’assainissement et de distribution qui sont responsables de cette pénurie. Les auteures proposent de comprendre cette situation à travers l’influence que le contexte socio-économique du pays et son niveau de dépendance internationale a eu sur l’élaboration des politiques publiques et l’adoption des modes de gouvernance : traditionnellement considérée comme une chose commune, la gestion de l’eau fut longtemps confiée aux seules instances publiques chargées de veiller à l’intérêt général ; depuis quelques 10 ans, d’autres modes de gouvernance fondés sur la décentralisation administrative, la démocratisation décisionnelle, mais également la privatisation de la ressource, ont été impulsés par les organismes économiques internationaux."
The length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of the shovel nose catfish, Arius subrostratus (Valenciennes, 1840) from Champakkara backwater were studied by examination of 392 specimens collected during June to September 2008. These fishes ranged from 6 to 29 cm in total length and 5.6 to 218 g in weight. The relation between the total length and weight of Arius subrostratus is described as Log W = -1.530+2.6224 log L for males, Log W = - 2.131 + 3.0914 log L for females and Log W = - 1.742 + 2.8067 log L for sexes combined. The mean relative condition factor (Kn) values ranged from 0.75 to 1.07 for males, 0.944 to 1.407 for females and 0.96 to 1.196 for combined sexes. The length-weight relationship and relative condition factor showed that the well-being of A. subrostratus is good. The morphometric measurements of various body parts and meristic counts were recorded. The morphometric measurements were found to be non-linear and there is no significant difference observed between the two sexes. From the present investigation, the fin formula can be written as D: I, 7; P: I, 12; A: 17 – 20; C: 26 – 32. There is no change in meristic counts with the increase in body length.
The age and growth, length – weight relationship and relative condition factor of Gerres filamentosus (Cuvier, 1829) from Kodungallur, Azhikode Estuary were studied by examination of 396 specimens collected between May 2008 to October 2008. Here, length frequency method was used to study age and growth in fishes. L∞, K and t 0 obtained from seasonal and non - seasonal growth curves. Gerres filamentosus showed a low mortality rate (Z) 3.702 y-1. G. filamentosus has moderately low K value and long life span. The relation between the total length and weight of G. filamentosus was described as Log W = 1.321+2.5868 log L for males, Log W = 1.467 + 2.7227 log L for females and Log W = 1.481 + 2.7316 log L for sexes combined. The mean relative condition factor (Kn) values ranged from 0.9 to 1.14 for males, 0.89 to 1.11 for females and 0.73 to 1.08 for sexes combined. The length weight relationship and relative condition factor showed that the wellbeing of G. filamentosus were good. The morphometric measurements of various body parts were recorded. The morphometric measurements were found to be nonlinear and there is no significant difference observed between the two sexes.
Este trabajo de investigación explora el proceso de toma de decisiones fundamentado desde la perspectiva psicológica. El campo de interés está centrado en la toma de decisiones éticas a nivel organizacional y las consecuencias que las zonas grises o las conductas de riesgo repercuten en las dinámicas económicas y sociales. Con base en el análisis de los escándalos financieros más importantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Colombia, y la literatura ofrecida por las ciencias sociales, la ética y las ciencias económicas se reconstruye una recopilación teórica de los aportes que los modelos psicológicos aplicados pueden dar al campo de la consultoría y el funcionamiento organizacional como también al estudio y análisis de los comportamientos anti éticos en empresas.
El interés que presenta esta investigación es analizar la manera en que la inversión española influye en la economía cubana para generar en la isla perspectivas de transición económica desde 1991. Se explica la situación de expectativa en relación con la posible transición económica cubana por las reformas legislativas, los lazos económicos generados con nuevos socios y la reentrada en escena de la propiedad privada en el entorno cubano. No obstante, el embargo económico estadounidense, la persistencia del régimen castrista, su aparente falta de voluntad hacia el cambio y la no ejecución de algunas decisiones de la Asamblea Nacional actúan como obstáculos para dicho proceso de transición. La metodología de investigación es de tipo descriptivo-analítico, en donde se emplean conceptos de relaciones internacionales para alcanzar un mayor grado de comprensión.