1000 resultados para Gauge, Teoria de


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The ``synthetic dimension'' proposal A. Celi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014)] uses atoms with M internal states (''flavors'') in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice, to realize a hopping Hamiltonian equivalent to the Hofstadter model (tight-binding model with a given magnetic flux per plaquette) on an M-sites-wide square lattice strip. We investigate the physics of SU(M) symmetric interactions in the synthetic dimension system. We show that this system is equivalent to particles with SU(M) symmetric interactions] experiencing an SU(M) Zeeman field at each lattice site and a non-Abelian SU(M) gauge potential that affects their hopping. This equivalence brings out the possibility of generating nonlocal interactions between particles at different sites of the optical lattice. In addition, the gauge field induces a flavor-orbital coupling, which mitigates the ``baryon breaking'' effect of the Zeeman field. For M particles, concomitantly, the SU(M) singlet baryon which is site localized in the usual 1D optical lattice, is deformed to a nonlocal object (''squished baryon''). We conclusively demonstrate this effect by analytical arguments and exact (numerical) diagonalization studies. Our study promises a rich many-body phase diagram for this system. It also uncovers the possibility of using the synthetic dimension system to laboratory realize condensed-matter models such as the SU(M) random flux model, inconceivable in conventional experimental systems.


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Nonequilibrium calculations in the presence of an electric field are usually performed in a gauge, and need to be transformed to reveal the gauge-invariant observables. In this work, we discuss the issue of gauge invariance in the context of time-resolved angle-resolved pump/probe photoemission. If the probe is applied while the pump is still on, one must ensure that the calculations of the observed photocurrent are gauge invariant. We also discuss the requirement of the photoemission signal to be positive and the relationship of this constraint to gauge invariance. We end by discussing some technical details related to the perturbative derivation of the photoemission spectra, which involve processes where the pump pulse photoemits electrons due to nonequilibrium effects.


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A steel frame is designed to measure the existing prestressing force in the concrete beams and slabs when embedded inside the concrete members. The steel frame is designed to work on the principles of a vibrating wire strain gauge and in the present study is referred to as a vibrating beam strain gauge (VBSG). The existing strain in the VBSG is evaluated using both frequency data on the stretched member and static strain corresponding to a fixed static load, measured using electrical strain gauges. The evaluated strain in the VBSG corresponds to the existing stain in the concrete surrounding the prestressing strands. The crack reopening load method is used to compute the existing prestressing force in the concrete members and is then compared with the existing prestressing force obtained from the VBSG at that section. Digital image correlation based surface deformation and change in neutral axis monitored by putting electrical strain gauges across the cross section, are used to compute the crack reopening load accurately. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking becomes comparable to gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking contributions when messenger masses are close to the GUT scale. By suitably arranging the gravity contributions, one can modify the soft supersymmetry breaking sector to generate a large stop mixing parameter and a light Higgs mass of 125 GeV. In this kind of hybrid models, however, the nice features of gauge mediation like flavor conservation, etc. are lost. To preserve the nice features, gravitational contributions should become important for lighter messenger masses and should be important only for certain fields. This is possible when the hidden sector contains multiple (at least two) spurions with hierarchical vacuum expectation values. In this case, the gravitational contributions can be organized to be ``just right.'' We present a complete model with two spurion hidden sector where the gravitational contribution is from a warped flavor model in a Randall-Sundrum setting. Along the way, we present simple expressions to handle renormalization group equations when supersymmetry is broken by two different sectors at two different scales.


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El Manual de Teoría de Microbiología II tiene como principal objetivo reunir la mayor información básica de los contenidos establecidos en el programa de la asignatura, de esta forma los estudiantes adquieran los conocimientos necesarios. Les aporta además la forma estructurada para el aprendizaje, lo cual le posi- bilita un método de estudio y establecer las interrelaciones necesarias para un estudio sistemático. Como texto básico podrá después utilizar textos con mayor información teniendo de antemano los conocimientos previos y necesarios. La información reunida en el presente Manual de Microbiología II es el resultado de la recopilación de la información de autores y especialistas, solo nos correspondió sobre las experiencias de los que nos precedieron reunir y estructurar los contenidos. Es necesario establecer para su estudio un pensamiento lógico y de constante interrelación y a la vez de integración hacia el desarrollo de un pensamiento independiente y creativo. Es muy importante establecer un estudio sistemático y el uso de la síntesis y a la vez emplear un método científico, elevada avidez por saber y profundizar para adquirir la formación de un profesional preparado y capacitado para asumir las responsabilidades en el cumplimiento de sus compromisos sociales.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área VIII - Área de Direito Administrativo e de Administração Pública.


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O trabalho promove um estudo exploratório-analítico sobre as leis distritais da 5.ª Legislatura declaradas inconstitucionais pelo Poder Judiciário, sob o enfoque de sua tramitação legislativa e das características dessas leis. São utilizados conhecimentos acerca dos limites jurídicos opostos ao legislador distrital, do modelo distributivista de comportamento parlamentar, associado a práticas políticas clientelistas, e da concepção da jurisdição constitucional à luz da teoria dos diálogos constitucionais, pela qual a adequada interpretação da Constituição Federal e da Lei Orgânica do Distrito Federal estabelece-se a partir do diálogo dos Poderes da República entre si e com a sociedade civil, e não pela última palavra a ser declarada pelos tribunais judiciários. Com a análise dos dados coletados, pretende-se identificar as principais causas, as características e os autores do fenômeno da declaração judicial de inconstitucionalidade das leis distritais, a fim de possibilitar uma melhor compreensão da comunidade sobre esse complexo tema.


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Descreve o papel e a atuação da Frente Parlamentar Mista de Educação na 54º Legislatura, em 2011. As metas propostas pela Frente e os resultados efetivamente alcançados são examinados à luz das conexões eleitorais que orientam as ações parlamentares, da teoria da escolha racional, da lógica da ação coletiva e da teoria da visibilidade. A preocupação central do estudo é verificar a que serve e a quem serve a criação, ainda que não institucionalizadas, de estruturas corporativas no âmbito do Congresso Nacional, especialmente, no presente caso, de uma Frente Parlamentar que atua de forma discreta, porém vigorosa.


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Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memoriam of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzapenetan ikerketak Euskalaritzaz eta Hizkuntzalaritza Historikoaz


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Diferentemente dos gastos realizados pela iniciativa privada, o recurso público não pode ser despendido livremente. As despesas devem se pautar pela necessária vinculação ao interesse público. No que diz repeito às compras governamentais, a Administração deverá se submeter a um procedimento licitatório que assegure igualdade de condições a todos os concorrentes, a fim de selecionar a proposta mais vantajosa para o contrato de seu interesse. Para aquisições frequentes e com imprevisibilidade de consumo, sempre que possível, os gestores deverão se utilizar do sistema de registro de preços, conjunto de procedimentos - decorrentes de uma concorrência ou de um pregão - destinados ao registro formal de preços relativos à prestação de serviços e à aquisição de bens. Por meio dessa sistemática, não há comprometimento orçamentário-financeiro quando da homologação do certame, somente quando da efetiva demanda pelo objeto licitado. Com a sua utilização, prescinde-se da manutenção de grandes estruturas de estocagem. Reduz-se o número de licitações requeridas, tendo em vista a ata registrada ter validade por até um ano. O trabalho propõe detalhar os principais pontos da sistemática de registro de preços e a apresentar como é utilizada na prática, especialmente na Câmara dos Deputados e no Exército Brasileiro. Das boas experiências colhidas buscam-se alternativas de aprimoramento da gestão de compras desta Casa por meio do uso do Sistema de Registro de Preços.


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Helburuak: Testu-liburu honen helburua bikoitza da, 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak' (2001eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Teknikoetako 2. mailan irakasten zena) eta 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak I' (1995eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzako 2. mailan irakasten zena) irakasgaietako ikasleentzat (hortaz, ikasketarako) zein irakasleentzat (hots, irakaskuntzarako) lagungarri izatea. Horregatik, ikasgelan azaldutako kontzeptuen kontsultarako testu-liburutzat har daiteke. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: 2001eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Teknikoetako 2. mailan irakasten zen 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak' eta 1995eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzako 2. mailan irakasten zen 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak I' irakasgaietako ikasleentzat zein irakasleentzat.


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Etxebizitzaren prezioak berebiziko hazkundea jasan du milurteko berriaren lehen urteetan eta erlatiboki moteltzen ari bada ere sektore honetako prezioaren hazkundea, honen guztiaren gaineko eztabaida zahar eta berriak gaurkotu egin dira, besteak beste, burbuilaren teoriaren gainekoa. Hori dela eta, artikulu honetan etxebizitzaren prezioa, burbuilaren teoria eta EAEko kasua izango dira aztergai, teoria ekonomikoa eta analisi enpirikoa batera txertatuz.


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Aldizkariaren sarrera


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This paper studies the feasibility of calculating strains in aged F114 steel specimens with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors and infrared thermography (IT) techniques. Two specimens have been conditioned under extreme temperature and relative humidity conditions making comparative tests of stress before and after aging using different adhesives. Moreover, a comparison has been made with IT tecniques and conventional methods for calculating stresses in F114 steel. Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring techniques on real aircraft during their life cycle requires a study of the behaviour of FBG sensors and their wiring under real conditions, before using them for a long time. To simulate aging, specimens were stored in a climate chamber at 70 degrees C and 90% RH for 60 days. This study is framed within the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non Destructuve Evaluation (NDE) research lines, integrated into the avionics area maintained by the Aeronautical Technologies Centre (CTA) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).


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In this thesis, we test the electroweak sector of the Standard Model of particle physics through the measurements of the cross section of the simultaneous production of the neutral weak boson Z and photon γ, and the limits on the anomalous Zγγ and ZZγ triple gauge couplings h3 and h4 with the Z decaying to leptons (electrons and muons). We analyze events collected in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 inverse femtobarn. The analyzed events were recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2011.

The production cross section has been measured for hard photons with transverse momentum greater than 15 GeV that are separated from the the final state leptons in the eta-phi plane by Delta R greater than 0.7, whose sum of the transverse energy of hadrons over the transverse energy of the photon in a cone around the photon with Delta R less than 0.3 is less than 0.5, and with the invariant mass of the dilepton system greater than 50 GeV. The measured cross section value is 5.33 +/- 0.08 (stat.) +/- 0.25 (syst.) +/- 0.12 (lumi.) picobarn. This is compatible with the Standard Model prediction that includes next-to-leading-order QCD contributions: 5.45 +/- 0.27 picobarn.

The measured 95 % confidence-level upper limits on the absolute values of the anomalous couplings h3 and h4 are 0.01 and 8.8E-5 for the Zγγ interactions, and, 8.6E-3 and 8.0E-5 for the ZZγ interactions. These values are also compatible with the Standard Model where they vanish in the tree-level approximation. They extend the sensitivity of the 2012 results from the ATLAS collaboration based on 1.02 inverse femtobarn of data by a factor of 2.4 to 3.1.