919 resultados para Ensino infantil


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Literature is a treasure for humanity and for the school. It causes psychological function of the individual, inserts it in the context of various cultures and historic moments, and, by having formative nature, School and Literature are intrinsecally related institutions. But literature is not the end of the first teaching, while the school has the purpose of teaching literature. Literature is not a source of good leads standards; have to be educated without this process to misrepresent. Thus, it was estalished is to investigate the inadequacy of schooling of Children's Literature pointed out by Soares in 2006, is still reality that becomes present in school or if there was any change in that status. Specific objectives were established: 1)Scanning separately in each of the books education system, from first to fifth grade of elementary school, according to the following categories involving education of literary reading: selection of genres and authors; presentation of these genres and no change from one genre to another; 2)analyze the way children's literature is presented by note-books analyzed education system develop the sensitivity of the student for pluris-signification and expressiveness of literary language, while fulfilling its social function and knowledge; 3)review the comprehension activities of literary reading proposed by notebooks to seize their educational goals. Therefore, we carried out basic theoretical research, demonstrating the functions of literature and the teaching of literature in school, and documentary research. Were analyzed 20 documents (the system apostilled notebooks), paying attention to classwork it to him of genres, authors and works chosen to be worked out, observing the cases of texts fragmentation and transport the genre to the page of the notebook system apostilled, and investigating the goals of literary reading instruction through the analysis of comprehension activities. The data received quantitative...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo mapear as concepções de professores de diferentes níveis de ensino sobre a maior contribuição do Ensino de Ciências para a sociedade. A proposta faz parte de uma pesquisa realizada pelo grupo de pesquisa Formação e Ação de Professores de Ciências e de Educadores Ambientais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma questão contida em um questionário, com 75 professores. As respostas foram organizadas em categorias relacionadas: à maior contribuição, às características envolvidas e ao elemento objeto da contribuição. Os professores revelam aproximação com discurso hegemônico e distanciamento das perspectivas críticas, indicando a necessidade de problematização da perspectiva política–pedagógica dos professores de Ciências Biológicas.


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This paper presents aspects of Early Childhood Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, considering collaborative teaching as a relevant strategy in this mode. Thus, had been aimed to review the literature on collaborative learning in kindergarten and verify the knowledge of teachers on this pedagogical strategy. The survey was conducted in Child Education Centers and Schools municipal daycare, totaling 4 units and 45 participants. Empirical data were collected through a closed questionnaire, tabulated and analyzed qualitative and qualitatively. The results indicate the recognition of preschool teachers in need of support and assistance regarding collaborative teaching, highlighting the need for continuous training in the performance of special education teacher in this context.


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This study is linked to the Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy, GREPPE (interinstitutional group) - Section Rio Claro. In this study, the goal is to identify and analyze the quality of teaching concepts in early childhood education in official documents of the Ministry of Education: National Quality Parameters for Early Childhood Education and Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education. The aim is to contribute to other research group on supply conditions in municipal and private institutions have agreements. The identification and analysis of such documents, can contribute even as a basis for further studies on public policies for Early Childhood Education. The research will be conducted by means of document analysis and theoretical study on the subject


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The theme of the writing learning in childhood education has conquered space in academic works, which occupy in analyze and understand how this process in contexts of meaning and not more before the mechanics of learning letters. Thus, in this work, it constitutes general objective to investigate whether and how the practice of teaching of oral and written expression in the last year of child education promotes the development of the symbol (sign) in children, so necessary to the learning of writing from inside to outside. The questions that served as the North for the study were the following: the teaching of writing, in the last year of child education, is organized to promote the development of the symbol (sign) in children? Which and how the ratings graphics made by children demarcate the stage of development of their writing? For its implementation, a bibliographic research was performed, using as a theoretical support for the prospect of Psychology socio-historical, especially authors as Vygotsky (1984), Luria (2001), Oliveira (1995) and Mello (2005). In addition to this was performed the empirical research of qualitative approach, according to his purpose. The data were collected by six instruments: systematic observation and direct in the classroom; audio-recording; records in a field diary, annual teaching plan of the school; lesson plan weekly and material produced by children, result of write activities. By means of the analysis of these data, we note that the writing has been worked from outside to inside, as an imposition, practice that opposes the theory of Vygotsky, already that the writing has been tackled in a way mechanical, in contexts not significant, with focused practices to the trace of the letters and copy of words, exclusive to the notion of symbol. This result points to the emergence of changes in education of writing in childhood education, without which becomes inglorious the search for a pedagogy of writing aware and...


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The theme of the writing learning in childhood education has conquered space in academic works, which occupy in analyze and understand how this process in contexts of meaning and not more before the mechanics of learning letters. Thus, in this work, it constitutes general objective to investigate whether and how the practice of teaching of oral and written expression in the last year of child education promotes the development of the symbol (sign) in children, so necessary to the learning of writing from inside to outside. The questions that served as the North for the study were the following: the teaching of writing, in the last year of child education, is organized to promote the development of the symbol (sign) in children? Which and how the ratings graphics made by children demarcate the stage of development of their writing? For its implementation, a bibliographic research was performed, using as a theoretical support for the prospect of Psychology socio-historical, especially authors as Vygotsky (1984), Luria (2001), Oliveira (1995) and Mello (2005). In addition to this was performed the empirical research of qualitative approach, according to his purpose. The data were collected by six instruments: systematic observation and direct in the classroom; audio-recording; records in a field diary, annual teaching plan of the school; lesson plan weekly and material produced by children, result of write activities. By means of the analysis of these data, we note that the writing has been worked from outside to inside, as an imposition, practice that opposes the theory of Vygotsky, already that the writing has been tackled in a way mechanical, in contexts not significant, with focused practices to the trace of the letters and copy of words, exclusive to the notion of symbol. This result points to the emergence of changes in education of writing in childhood education, without which becomes inglorious the search for a pedagogy of writing aware and...


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No pressuposto de que a educação infantil (EI) contribui para trajetórias escolares mais favoráveis, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o impacto do tempo de exposição à educação infantil sobre o desempenho acadêmico e avaliar o progresso escolar das crianças, na trajetória do 3º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental, em função da exposição à educação infantil. Participaram 294 alunos de escolas públicas, reunidos em três grupos: sem EI, com um ano de EI e com dois anos de EI. Avaliou-se o desempenho no 3º, 4º e 5º anos, por meio do julgamento do professor e provas coletivas. O Teste de Desempenho Escolar foi aplicado no 3º e 5º ano. Controlado o efeito do nível socioeconômico, a análise de variância com medidas repetidas mostrou que o acesso à EI foi consistentemente associado a melhor desempenho, porém um tempo maior de exposição à EI não teve efeito adicional. Dadas suas implicações para políticas públicas, este último resultado requer verificação e esclarecimento por meio de novas pesquisas.


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OBJECTIVE: to identify a profile of the main causes of inappropriate referrals from primary care to specialized services, as strategy for the curriculum development of core competencies related to maternal health. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed using document analysis of all referrals of pregnant women from primary care to the high-risk pregnancy service, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. All pregnant women referred from June to December 2014 (n = 771) were included. According to their causes the referrals were categorized as adequate, inadequate or inconclusive. RESULTS: a total of 188 referrals were classified as inadequate (24.4%) and 93 inconclusive (12.1%) totalizing 36.5% of inappropriate referrals. The main causes identified in these inappropriate referrals were: low-risk pregnancy (12.8%), unconfirmed hypertension (12.1%), risk of abortion (8.9%), teenage pregnancy (7.1%) , toxoplasmosis (5.3%), Rh incompatibility (4.6%) and urinary tract infection (4.3%). These data contributed to the formulation of the following products: 1) a continuing education program for health professionals working in primary care, undergraduate students and residents; and 2) development of a virtual platform to support professionals who need to refer patients to high-risk pregnancy service. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are relevant in the current context of education of health professionals, with potential for positively impact not only in the development of skills related to maternal health in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as contributing for improvement of the health care of the population.


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From inquiries concerning the child as an individual with rights, this work takes as its object of study the perception of 5-7 years old children on their journey from kindergarten to elementary school, in a school culture. The objective of the research is, therefore, to investigate what the children tell in narratives drawn into a conversation circle about their experiences of school life in kindergarten and the first grade of elementary school. The participants were 18 children from a public school in the city of Natal (RN). Five rounds of conversation were held in which the children told a little alien, who was unaware of the school culture, what they knew about school and what they did at it. The research is linked to the project "Children's Narratives. What the children tell about childhood schools?"(Passeggi et all, 2011) and adopts epistemological principles and research methods of (auto)biographical education, taking as a working hypothesis the child's ability to reflect on their experiences and understand from their point of view, what happens to them. Analyses were organized based on the concept of school culture (Barroso, 2012). In the narratives of children, the three dimensions of school culture: the functionalist (purpose and rules), structural (structure and pedagogical organization) and the interactional (relations with others, with the spaces and with knowledge) are considered intertwined in their school perceptions and signal experienced tensions in a process of "conversion" from child to student. Children seem to realize the uniqueness of each level of education. They recognize as a characteristic of early childhood education the recreational activities, and as injunctions of the first year of elementary school the "study", "learning to read and write" to "be smart" to "change." The schooling will thus, constitute, in their eyes, as a time and a place where the children's culture gives way to school culture, and in this journey they experience that the desire to play and the duty/want to study cross the three dimensions of school. At the end of the journey, the status of children as cultural beings with rights is confirmed, whose narratives about school and about their experiences of "conversion" in a student, reveal much about the power of reflection on themselves, the school and the society in which they live, legitimizing their place in educational research and in child care policies.


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A presente pesquisa de mestrado tem como objeto de estudo o currículo do Programa de formação inicial para professores em exercício na educação infantil (PROINFANTIL/MEC). Tem o objetivo de investigar e analisar a produção curricular e docente do referido programa no município de Mesquita - RJ, entre os anos de 2009 a 2011. Este programa de formação tem seu texto curricular desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Educação, esfera federal, é desenvolvido em parceria entre estados e municípios, com a participação de múltiplos sujeitos ativos no trabalho com a Educação Infantil: educadores de creches comunitárias, auxiliares de creches e pré-escolas concursados das redes municipais de ensino, professores formadores, professores tutores, professores das universidades, representantes das esferas federal, estadual e municipal, entre outros atores. O foco de análise está no portfólio ? instrumento de avaliação e registro escrito do currículo do curso - construído pelas professoras cursistas participantes, entendendo-o como espaço de produção dinâmica do currículo da educação infantil, tecido em meio a uma rede de relações no processo de formação docente, criando diferentes sentidos e significados para as questões curriculares. A base teórica para dialogar com esta pesquisa está nos estudos de Ball (2006), Bhabha (2007), Macedo e Frangella (2007), que trazem discussões fundamentais sobre a produção cíclica de políticas curriculares, tecidas em meio a processos de hibridizações culturais e negociações constantes. A formação docente e o currículo aqui são entendidos como construções ininterruptas entre/nas negociações dos diferentes sujeitos envolvidos, em meio a diversos contextos da educação infantil.