666 resultados para Employee food service
Survey research of the commercial food service industry with regard to tips and tip allocation revealed that 50 percent of restaurateurs require that employees report a minimum amount or percentage of sales and over 50 percent which allocate tips report them as employee income. The authors discuss these results and point out other problems.
Consumers’ concern about food safety, sanitation, and health has increased since food-borne illnesses still frequently occur in the US. This article explored consumers’ perceptions, emotions, and behavioral intention about the sanitation of the physical environment in three different restaurant settings, casual dining, quick-service, and fine dining restaurants. Disgust was the most strongly felt negative emotion, but no significant differences were found for negative emotional reactions to dirty conditions among the three types of restaurants. Positive emotional reactions were significantly different among the restaurant types. Behavioral intention was also significantly different among the three restaurant types as a reaction to dirty food. The findings help restaurant owners and managers understand how consumers feel and react to “dirty” food, service staff, or dining room tables in casual, quick-service and fine dining restaurant.
A qualitative study was conducted to determine if Holocaust survivors’ food attitudes are influenced by their earlier experiences. The 25 survivor interviewees (14 males, 11 females) ranged in age from 71 to 85 years and resided in Miami-Dade and Broward, Florida counties. Most (56%) were interned in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Interviews were tape-recorded and later transcribed. Results showed earlier experiences influenced food attitudes. The most common themes were: 1) Difficulty throwing food away - even when spoiled; 2) Storing excess food; 3) Craving a certain food; 4) Difficulty standing in line for food; and 5) Anxiety when food is not readily available. Sub-themes included healthy eating and empathy for those currently suffering from hunger. Fourteen (56%) fast for religious holidays, but 7 (28%) said they already had “fasted enough.” Dietitians and others are encouraged to evaluate food service programs to minimize uncomfortable food-related situations for Holocaust survivors.
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the basic causes of food service employee turnover in five selected restaurants in the Miami area. The withdrawal behavior in this study is treated in terms of controllable turnover, for the purpose of management, learning more about what action to take to solve this problem which has eaten into the fabric of the hospitality industry. The aim is to find out from the food service employees and management view of work for the purpose of identifying the variables which cause an employee to voluntarily leave a job. The objective is therefore, to analyze and describe the problem of labor turnover in these selected restaurants. Such description must precede efforts to arrive at solutions to the problem if these efforts are ever to be more than haphazard and superficial. Sigmund Freud once stated: "The true beginning of scientific activity consists in describing phenomena and only then in proceeding to group, classify and correlate them."1 The nature of the study is basically descriptive survey. Data is collected by the use of management questionnaire, food service employee questionnaire and finally employees job description index. The survey consisted of a series of well defined questions with open and closed endings dealing with employee with employee turnover. As Robert Ferber and P. J. Verdoom state in their book titled Research Method in Economics of Business: "Structured questionnaires, by supplying question formulations in very specific terms as well as the different possible answers are easier for the sample members to answer and also serve to reduce the danger of interviewer bias."2 The answers to the prepared questionnaire by sample members were then recorded. The results of the questionnaire responses were then compiled for presentation and analysis. 1 Julian Simon, Basic Research Methods in Social Science. Random House, New York, 1969, p.53. 2 Robert J. Ferber and P.J. Verdoon, Research Methods in Economics and Business, The McMillan Company, 1962, p. 20 9 .
Abstract and faculty adviser information are not available for this thesis.
This fact sheet cites SC Regulation 61-25 and lists accredited training programs for the Food Protection Manager Certification Program
Background Undernutrition, weight loss and dehydration are major clinical issues for people with dementia in residential care, with excessive weight loss contributing to increased risk of frailty, immobility, illness and premature morbidity. This paper discusses a nutritional knowledge and attitudes survey conducted as part of a larger project focused on improving nutritional intake of people with dementia within a residential care facility in Brisbane, Australia. Aims The specific aims of the survey were to identify (i) knowledge of the nutritional needs of aged care facility residents; (ii) mealtime practices; and (iii) attitudes towards mealtime practices and organisation. Methods A survey based on those used in other healthcare settings was completed by 76 staff members. The survey included questions about nutritional knowledge, opinions of the food service, frequency of feeding assistance provided and feeding assessment practices. Results Nutritional knowledge scores ranged from 1 to 9 of a possible 10, with a mean score of 4.67. While 76% of respondents correctly identified risk factors associated with malnutrition in nursing home residents, only 38% of participants correctly identified the need for increased protein and energy in residents with pressure ulcers, and just 15% exhibited correct knowledge of fluid requirements. Further, while nutritional assessment was considered an important part of practice by 83% of respondents, just 53% indicated that they actually carried out such assessments. Identified barriers to promoting optimal nutrition included insufficient time to observe residents (56%); being unaware of residents' feeding issues (46%); poor knowledge of nutritional assessments (44%); and unappetising appearance of food served (57%). Conclusion An important step towards improving health and quality of life for residents of aged care facilities would be to enhance staff nutritional awareness and assessment skills. This should be carried out through increased attention to both preservice curricula and on-the-job training. Implications for practice The residential facility staff surveyed demonstrated low levels of nutrition knowledge, which reflects findings from the international literature. This has implications for the provision of responsive care to residents of these facilities and should be explored further.
Aim This study aimed to demonstrate how supervisors and students use their time during the three domains of nutrition and dietetic clinical placement and to what extent patient care and non-patient activities change during placement compared to pre- and post- placement. Methods A cohort survey design was used with students from two Queensland universities, and their supervisors in 2010. Participants recorded their time use in either a paper-based or an electronic survey. Supervisors’ and students’ time-use was calculated as independent daily means according to time use categories reported over the length of the placement. Mean daily number of occasions of service, length of occasions of service, project and other time use in minutes was reported as productivity output indicators and the data imputed. A linear mixed modelling approach was used to describe the relationship between the stage of placement and time use in minutes. Results Combined students’ (n= 21) and supervisors’ (n=29) time use as occasions of service or length of occasions of service in patient care activities were significantly different pre, during and post placement. On project-based placements in food service management and community public health nutrition, supervisors’ project activity time significantly decreased during placements with students undertaking more time in project activities. Conclusions This study showed students do not reduce occasions of service in patient care and they enhance project activities in food service and community public health nutrition while on placement. A larger study is required to confirm these results.
Response to industry call. Compare range of current and possible processed products versus whole fresh avocado for both retail and food service markets. Explore and evaluate opportunities for value added products.
O setor industrial de alimentos é um setor muito importante para a economia brasileira, segundo dados da Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação (ABIA). Os diferentes produtos gerados pelas indústrias alimentícias são atribuídos a várias setores, como por exemplo, o setor de Food Service, o qual utiliza os insumos provenientes das indústrias de alimentos e fornecem alimentos prontos para os consumidores que buscam refeições fora dos seus lares. Devido à grande expansão desse setor, a exigência da sociedade por um sistema de Gestão em Saúde, Meio Ambiente, Segurança e Responsabilidade Social (SMS/RS) é grande, pois há preocupações ambientais, como o desperdício e a geração de resíduos, preocupações com as condições de trabalho dos funcionários, associados aos riscos e perigos no ambiente de trabalho e preocupações com as exigências legais, como o cumprimento de leis e normas na produção de alimentos, a fim de reduzir os riscos à saúde por doenças transmitidas por alimentos, com a segurança do mesmo. O objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar as questões relacionadas à saúde, segurança, meio ambiente, sustentabilidade e responsabilidade socioambiental, de forma a verificar o nível de comprometimento dos serviços de alimentação micro e de pequeno porte no município do Rio de janeiro, com destaque para o atendimento ao serviço da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), à legislação ambiental e de saúde e segurança no trabalho. Para atingir tal objetivo, a metodologia foi dividida em: pesquisa bibliográfica, elaboração de lista de verificação, questionário direcionado para os responsáveis e funcionários dos estabelecimentos, de questionário SMS/RS e visitas técnicas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, numa avaliação global, os trinta serviços de alimentação atenderam a todos os itens avaliados com relação à legislação sanitária e 88% no que tange aos aspectos de saúde, meio ambiente, segurança e responsabilidade social. Apesar de a legislação em saúde e segurança, meio ambiente e responsabilidade social ser uma prática comum nas micro e pequenas empresas fornecedoras de alimentos, em nenhuma delas foi implantado um sistema de Gestão baseado nessas questões, devido a falta de conhecimento por parte dos proprietários dos estabelecimentos
The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.
Desenvolupament,anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’un portal web, tipus cercador, per la recerca i localització d’establiments tipus restaurant, bars, bufets, etc,. Per altra banda es pretén oferir un sistema de gestió d’informació on les empreses del sector gastronòmic puguin mostrar la seva informació i la seva oferta
El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico gozan de una especial protección constitucional. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.
El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. El problema jurídico a resolver con el presente trabajo se plantea a partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política para la prevención del daño antijurídico por el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico, gozan de una especial protección constitucional o legal. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.
Este projecto apresenta-se em três capítulos, antecedida da introdução onde serão apresentadas as questões teóricas, metodológicas e conceptuais. No primeiro capítulo faremos um enquadramento dos conceitos relacionados com o transporte turístico, em particular o ferroviário, onde serão focalizados a estratégia e competitividade, a gastronomia, a restauração, bem como catering. No segundo capítulo faremos a análise do catering do TGV europeu, analisando os serviços de catering de cada TGV, examinaremos a importância das linhas TGV para o futuro do turismo no espaço europeu, bem como esboçaremos um indicador de atractividade potencial do catering a bordo do TGV. No terceiro capítulo concentraremos o foco na concepção de um projecto empresarial para a exploração do catering a bordo do TGV para ligação de Lisboa a Madrid, tendo por base as previsões de passageiros anunciadas pela RAVE, projectando receitas e despesas potenciais para os próximos cinco anos, respeitando os indicadores de gestão para o sector, com base em três cenários (realista, optimista e pessimista). Finalmente, inferiremos se a empresa apresentará potencial para ser viável ou inviável do ponto de vista operacional e financeiro, com base nas opções tomadas ao longo do projecto de dissertação.