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This work describes the development of an alternative acetate bath for the electrochemical codeposition of Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes at low pH that is stable for several weeks and produces electrodes with good performance for chlor-alkali electrolysis. Physical characterization of the electrode surface was made using X ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis (EDX). The evaluation of the material as electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) was carried out in brine solution (160 g L-1 NaCl + 150 g L-1 NaOH) at different temperatures through steady-state polarization curves. The Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes obtained with this bath have shown low overpotentials for the her, around 0.150 V at 353 K, and good stability under continuous long-term operation for 260 hours. One positive aspect of this cathode is that the polarization behavior of the material shows only one Tafel slope over the temperature range of 298 - 353 K.


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We report the results of crystal structure, magnetization and resistivity measurements of Bi doped LaVO3. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that if doping Bi in the La site is less than ten percent, the crystal structure of La1-xBixVO3 remains unchanged and its symmetry is orthorhombic. However, for higher Bi doping (>10%) composite compounds are found where the XRD patterns are characterized by two phases: LaVO3+V2O3. Energy-dispersive analysis of the x-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) results are used to find a proper atomic percentage of all samples. The temperature dependence of the mass magnetization of pure and single phase doped samples have transition temperatures from paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic region at TN=140 K. This measurement for bi-phasic samples indicates two transition temperatures, at TN=140 K (LaVO3) and TN=170 K (V2O3). The temperature dependence of resistivity reveals semiconducting behavior for all samples. Activation energy values for pure and doped samples are extracted by fitting resistivity versus temperature data in the framework of thermal activation process.


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Cet ouvrage traite d’une méthodologie pour l’induction de centres stéréogènes au sein des motifs propionates par la chimie des radicaux et de son application à la synthèse totale du méthyl ester de la zincophorine. Cet ionophore, aux propriétés biologiques intéressantes, présente plusieurs défis synthétiques dont une séquence de type polypropionate anti, anti, anti, anti difficilement accessible ainsi qu’un tétrahydropyrane trans trisubstitué. Récemment, l’intérêt renouvelé pour ces composés polyéthers, en tant qu’agents anticancéreux, accentue l’importance de stratégies versatiles permettant l’accès à ces structures ainsi qu’à leurs analogues. Depuis quelques années, notre groupe s’intéresse à la synthèse d’unités propionates acycliques par une séquence réactionnelle contrôlée uniquement par le substrat. La première étape découle d’une aldolisation de Mukaiyama entre un aldéhyde alpha-chiral et un énoxysilane tétrasubstitué portant une liaison carbone-halogène, et où l’issue stéréochimique dépend de la nature monodentate ou bidentate de l’acide de Lewis employé. La seconde réaction-clé implique la formation d’un radical tertiaire, vicinal à un ester, pouvant être réduit diastéréosélectivement en présence d’hydrure d’étain. La première section décrit l’élaboration de motifs tétrahydropyranes trisubstitués et l’induction des centres stéréogènes vicinaux par une réduction radicalaire. Nous avons révélé que l’issue diastéréosélective de la réaction de cyclisation par une iodoéthérification était dictée par le groupement gamma-méthyle des esters alpha,beta-insaturés de départ. Nous avons ensuite démontré que les produits de la réaction radicalaire anti et syn pouvaient être obtenus sélectivement à partir d’un intermédiaire commun, respectivement en prenant appui sur l’effet exocyclique ou endocyclique lors de la réduction. Par une stratégie complémentaire, nous avons révélé que le précurseur radicalaire pouvait également être obtenu par une réaction de cycloéthérification en présence d’un énoxysilane tétrasubstitué. Une étude systématique des substituants du cycle a révélé que certaines relations stéréochimiques conduisaient à une perte de sélectivité au détriment du produit anti. La seconde section concerne l’étude DFT au niveau BHandHLYP/TZVP des intermédiaires radicalaires impliqués lors du transfert d’hydrogène. Par une étude de décomposition de l’énergie d’activation, nous avons été en mesure de rationaliser l’issue diastéréosélective de la réaction sur la base des énergies de distorsion (∆Ed‡) et d’interaction (∆Eint‡) requises pour accéder à la paire d’états de transition pro-anti et pro-syn. De plus, nous avons démontré qu’une analyse NBO permettait de relativiser l’impact des interactions stéréoélectroniques. Par la suite, l’évaluation des intermédiaires radicalaires borinates et aluminates nous a permis de révéler que l’encombrement stérique de la chaîne propionate était la cause principale de la formation sélective des produits anti ou syn lors d’une réduction en présence d’un acide de Lewis. La dernière section décrit l’élaboration de la séquence polypropionate de la zincophorine, et de ses isomères, à partir du fragment tétrahydropyrane substitué. Au cours de notre étude, nous avons identifié que le nombre de sites de chélation potentiels devait être limité à trois lors de l’aldolisation en condition Cram-chélate. De plus, nous avons démontré que les différents motifs acétates sont accessibles sélectivement par l’utilisation d’un énoxysilane encombré. Par ailleurs, nous avons révélé qu’une même séquence réactionnelle pouvait être employée pour la synthèse du fragment C17–C25 de son analogue naturel CP-78,545, et avons complété la plus récente synthèse totale du méthyl ester de la zincophorine.


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El trastorno de hiperactividad y déficit de atención (THDA), es definido clínicamente como una alteración en el comportamiento, caracterizada por inatención, hiperactividad e impulsividad. Estos aspectos son clasificados en tres subtipos, que son: Inatento, hiperactivo impulsivo y mixto. Clínicamente se describe un espectro amplio que incluye desordenes académicos, trastornos de aprendizaje, déficit cognitivo, trastornos de conducta, personalidad antisocial, pobres relaciones interpersonales y aumento de la ansiedad, que pueden continuar hasta la adultez. A nivel global se ha estimado una prevalencia entre el 1% y el 22%, con amplias variaciones, dadas por la edad, procedencia y características sociales. En Colombia, se han realizado estudios en Bogotá y Antioquia, que han permitido establecer una prevalencia del 5% y 15%, respectivamente. La causa específica no ha sido totalmente esclarecida, sin embargo se ha calculado una heredabilidad cercana al 80% en algunas poblaciones, demostrando el papel fundamental de la genética en la etiología de la enfermedad. Los factores genéticos involucrados se relacionan con cambios neuroquímicos de los sistemas dopaminérgicos, serotoninérgicos y noradrenérgicos, particularmente en los sistemas frontales subcorticales, corteza cerebral prefrontal, en las regiones ventral, medial, dorsolateral y la porción anterior del cíngulo. Basados en los datos de estudios previos que sugieren una herencia poligénica multifactorial, se han realizado esfuerzos continuos en la búsqueda de genes candidatos, a través de diferentes estrategias. Particularmente los receptores Alfa 2 adrenérgicos, se encuentran en la corteza cerebral, cumpliendo funciones de asociación, memoria y es el sitio de acción de fármacos utilizados comúnmente en el tratamiento de este trastorno, siendo esta la principal evidencia de la asociación de este receptor con el desarrollo del THDA. Hasta la fecha se han descrito más de 80 polimorfismos en el gen (ADRA2A), algunos de los cuales se han asociado con la entidad. Sin embargo, los resultados son controversiales y varían según la metodología diagnóstica empleada y la población estudiada, antecedentes y comorbilidades. Este trabajo pretende establecer si las variaciones en la secuencia codificante del gen ADRA2A, podrían relacionarse con el fenotipo del Trastorno de Hiperactividad y el Déficit de Atención.


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This thesis deals with the so-called Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE) from both a methodological and a practical point of view. The purpose of the present thesis is twofold: (a) to contribute step ahead in the correct characterization of weakly bound complexes and, (b) to shed light the understanding of the actual implications of the basis set extension effects in the ab intio calculations and contribute to the BSSE debate. The existing BSSE-correction procedures are deeply analyzed, compared, validated and, if necessary, improved. A new interpretation of the counterpoise (CP) method is used in order to define counterpoise-corrected descriptions of the molecular complexes. This novel point of view allows for a study of the BSSE-effects not only in the interaction energy but also on the potential energy surface and, in general, in any property derived from the molecular energy and its derivatives A program has been developed for the calculation of CP-corrected geometry optimizations and vibrational frequencies, also using several counterpoise schemes for the case of molecular clusters. The method has also been implemented in Gaussian98 revA10 package. The Chemical Hamiltonian Approach (CHA) methodology has been also implemented at the RHF and UHF levels of theory for an arbitrary number interacting systems using an algorithm based on block-diagonal matrices. Along with the methodological development, the effects of the BSSE on the properties of molecular complexes have been discussed in detail. The CP and CHA methodologies are used for the determination of BSSE-corrected molecular complexes properties related to the Potential Energy Surfaces and molecular wavefunction, respectively. First, the behaviour of both BSSE-correction schemes are systematically compared at different levels of theory and basis sets for a number of hydrogen-bonded complexes. The Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit of both uncorrected and CP-corrected molecular properties like stabilization energies and intermolecular distances has also been determined, showing the capital importance of the BSSE correction. Several controversial topics of the BSSE correction are addressed as well. The application of the counterpoise method is applied to internal rotational barriers. The importance of the nuclear relaxation term is also pointed out. The viability of the CP method for dealing with charged complexes and the BSSE effects on the double-well PES blue-shifted hydrogen bonds is also studied in detail. In the case of the molecular clusters the effect of high-order BSSE effects introduced with the hierarchical counterpoise scheme is also determined. The effect of the BSSE on the electron density-related properties is also addressed. The first-order electron density obtained with the CHA/F and CHA/DFT methodologies was used to assess, both graphically and numerically, the redistribution of the charge density upon BSSE-correction. Several tools like the Atoms in Molecules topologycal analysis, density difference maps, Quantum Molecular Similarity, and Chemical Energy Component Analysis were used to deeply analyze, for the first time, the BSSE effects on the electron density of several hydrogen bonded complexes of increasing size. The indirect effect of the BSSE on intermolecular perturbation theory results is also pointed out It is shown that for a BSSE-free SAPT study of hydrogen fluoride clusters, the use of a counterpoise-corrected PES is essential in order to determine the proper molecular geometry to perform the SAPT analysis.


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Demands for thermal comfort, better indoor air quality together with lower environmental impacts have had ascending trends in the last decade. In many circumstances, these demands could not be fully covered through the soft approach of bioclimatic design like optimisation of the building orientation and internal layout. This is mostly because of the dense urban environment and building internal energy loads. In such cases, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems make a key role to fulfill the requirements of indoor environment. Therefore, it is required to select the most proper HVAC&R system. In this study, a robust decision making approach for HVAC&R system selection is proposed. Technical performance, economic aspect and environmental impacts of 36 permutations of primary and secondary systems are taken into account to choose the most proper HVAC&R system for a case study office building. The building is a representative for the dominant form of office buildings in the UK. Dynamic performance evaluation of HVAC&R alternatives using TRNSYS package together with life cycle energy cost analysis provides a reliable basis for decision making. Six scenarios broadly cover the decision makers' attitudes on HVAC&R system selection which are analysed through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). One of the significant outcomes reveals that, despite both the higher energy demand and more investment requirements associated with compound heating, cooling and power system (CCHP); this system is one of the top ranked alternatives due to the lower energy cost and C02 emissions. The sensitivity analysis reveals that in all six scenarios, the first five top ranked alternatives are not changed. Finally, the proposed approach and the results could be used by researchers and designers especially in the early stages of a design process in which all involved bodies face the lack of time, information and tools for evaluation of a variety of systems.


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Sensible heat fluxes (QH) are determined using scintillometry and eddy covariance over a suburban area. Two large aperture scintillometers provide spatially integrated fluxes across path lengths of 2.8 km and 5.5 km over Swindon, UK. The shorter scintillometer path spans newly built residential areas and has an approximate source area of 2-4 km2, whilst the long path extends from the rural outskirts to the town centre and has a source area of around 5-10 km2. These large-scale heat fluxes are compared with local-scale eddy covariance measurements. Clear seasonal trends are revealed by the long duration of this dataset and variability in monthly QH is related to the meteorological conditions. At shorter time scales the response of QH to solar radiation often gives rise to close agreement between the measurements, but during times of rapidly changing cloud cover spatial differences in the net radiation (Q*) coincide with greater differences between heat fluxes. For clear days QH lags Q*, thus the ratio of QH to Q* increases throughout the day. In summer the observed energy partitioning is related to the vegetation fraction through use of a footprint model. The results demonstrate the value of scintillometry for integrating surface heterogeneity and offer improved understanding of the influence of anthropogenic materials on surface-atmosphere interactions.


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Scintillometry, a form of ground-based remote sensing, provides the capability to estimate surface heat fluxes over scales of a few hundred metres to kilometres. Measurements are spatial averages, making this technique particularly valuable over areas with moderate heterogeneity such as mixed agricultural or urban environments. In this study, we present the structure parameters of temperature and humidity, which can be related to the sensible and latent heat fluxes through similarity theory, for a suburban area in the UK. The fluxes are provided in the second paper of this two-part series. A millimetre-wave scintillometer was combined with an infrared scintillometer along a 5.5 km path over northern Swindon. The pairing of these two wavelengths offers sensitivity to both temperature and humidity fluctuations, and the correlation between wavelengths is also used to retrieve the path-averaged temperature–humidity correlation. Comparison is made with structure parameters calculated from an eddy covariance station located close to the centre of the scintillometer path. The performance of the measurement techniques under different conditions is discussed. Similar behaviour is seen between the two data sets at sub-daily timescales. For the two summer-to-winter periods presented here, similar evolution is displayed across the seasons. A higher vegetation fraction within the scintillometer source area is consistent with the lower Bowen ratio observed (midday Bowen ratio < 1) compared with more built-up areas around the eddy covariance station. The energy partitioning is further explored in the companion paper.


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A millimetre-wave scintillometer was paired with an infrared scintillometer, enabling estimation of large-area evapotranspiration across northern Swindon, a suburban area in the UK. Both sensible and latent heat fluxes can be obtained using this "two-wavelength" technique, as it is able to provide both temperature and humidity structure parameters, offering a major advantage over conventional single-wavelength scintillometry. The first paper of this two-part series presented the measurement theory and structure parameters. In this second paper, heat fluxes are obtained and analysed. These fluxes, estimated using two-wavelength scintillometry over an urban area, are the first of their kind. Source area modelling suggests the scintillometric fluxes are representative of 5–10 km2. For comparison, local-scale (0.05–0.5 km2) fluxes were measured by an eddy covariance station. Similar responses to seasonal changes are evident at the different scales but the energy partitioning varies between source areas. The response to moisture availability is explored using data from 2 consecutive years with contrasting rainfall patterns (2011–2012). This extensive data set offers insight into urban surface-atmosphere interactions and demonstrates the potential for two-wavelength scintillometry to deliver fluxes over mixed land cover, typically representative of an area 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than for eddy covariance measurements. Fluxes at this scale are extremely valuable for hydro-meteorological model evaluation and assessment of satellite data products


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Human induced land-use change (LUC) alters the biogeophysical characteristics of the land surface influencing the surface energy balance. The level of atmospheric CO2 is expected to increase in the coming century and beyond, modifying temperature and precipitation patterns and altering the distribution and physiology of natural vegetation. It is important to constrain how CO2-induced climate and vegetation change may influence the regional extent to which LUC alters climate. This sensitivity study uses the HadCM3 coupled climate model under a range of equilibrium forcings to show that the impact of LUC declines under increasing atmospheric CO2, specifically in temperate and boreal regions. A surface energy balance analysis is used to diagnose how these changes occur. In Northern Hemisphere winter this pattern is attributed in part to the decline in winter snow cover and in the summer due to a reduction in latent cooling with higher levels of CO2. The CO2-induced change in natural vegetation distribution is also shown to play a significant role. Simulations run at elevated CO2 yet present day vegetation show a significantly increased sensitivity to LUC, driven in part by an increase in latent cooling. This study shows that modelling the impact of LUC needs to accurately simulate CO2 driven changes in precipitation and snowfall, and incorporate accurate, dynamic vegetation distribution.


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Nuclear collisions recreate conditions in the universe microseconds after the Big Bang. Only a very small fraction of the emitted fragments are light nuclei, but these states are of fundamental interest. We report the observation of antihypertritons-comprising an antiproton, an antineutron, and an antilambda hyperon-produced by colliding gold nuclei at high energy. Our analysis yields 70 +/- 17 antihypertritons (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and 157 +/- 30 hypertritons ((3)(Lambda)H). The measured yields of (3)(Lambda)H (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and (3)He ((3)(He) over bar) are similar, suggesting an equilibrium in coordinate and momentum space populations of up, down, and strange quarks and antiquarks, unlike the pattern observed at lower collision energies. The production and properties of antinuclei, and of nuclei containing strange quarks, have implications spanning nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.


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Er(3+) doped Y(2)O(3) phosphor was prepared by the solution combustion method and characterized using powder x-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive analysis of x-ray mapping studies. Room temperature near infrared (NIR) to green up-conversion (UC) emissions in the region 520-580 nm {((2)H(11/2), (4)S(3/2)) -> (4)I(15/2)} and red UC emissions in the region 650-700 nm ((4)F(9/2) -> (4)I(15/2)) of Er(3+) ions have been observed upon direct excitation to the (4)I(11/2) level using similar to 972 nm laser radiation of nanosecond pulses. The possible mechanisms for the UC processes have been discussed on the basis of the energy level scheme, the pump power dependence as well as based on the temporal evolution. The excited state absorption is observed to be the dominant mechanism for the UC process. Y(2)O(3) : Er exhibits one thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) peak around 367 degrees C. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to study the defect centres induced in the phosphor by gamma irradiation and also to identify the centres responsible for the TSL peak. Room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of at least three distinct centres. One of them (centre I) with principal g-values g(parallel to) = 2.0415 and g(perpendicular to) = 2.0056 is identified as O(2)(-) centre while centre II with an isotropic g-factor 2.0096 is assigned to an F(+)-centre (singly ionized oxygen vacancy). Centre III is also assigned to an F(+)-centre with a small g-factor anisotropy (g(parallel to) = 1.974 and g(perpendicular to) = 1.967). Additional defect centres are observed during thermal annealing experiments and one of them appearing around 330 degrees C grows with the annealing temperature. This centre (assigned to an F(+)-centre) seems to originate from an F-centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons) and the F-centre appears to correlate with the observed TSL peak in Y2O3 : Er phosphor. The trap depth for this peak has been determined to be 0.97 eV from TSL data.


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Four samples of N,O-carboxymethylchitosan (0.5 < <(DS)over bar> < 1.5) were prepared by reacting chitosan (<(DA)over bar> = 24%) with monochloroacetic acid in the presence of excess sodium hydroxide. The carboxymethylchitosan samples were soluble in a wider range of pH as compared to the parent chitosan and the X-ray diffraction showed that they adopt a less ordered arrangement. The carboxymethylation of chitosan decreased the thermal stability of the polymer as evaluated by thermogravimetry but no clear dependence of the activation energy on the average degree of substitution of carboxymethylchitosan was identified. However, the values of activation energy of carboxymethylchitosan issued from the isothermal study depended on the degree of conversion, suggesting the occurrence of a complex set of simultaneous reactions. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The demand for cooling and air-conditioning of building is increasingly ever growing. This increase is mostly due to population and economic growth in developing countries, and also desire for a higher quality of thermal comfort. Increase in the use of conventional cooling systems results in larger carbon footprint and more greenhouse gases considering their higher electricity consumption, and it occasionally creates peaks in electricity demand from power supply grid. Solar energy as a renewable energy source is an alternative to drive the cooling machines since the cooling load is generally high when solar radiation is high. This thesis examines the performance of PV/T solar collector manufactured by Solarus company in a solar cooling system for an office building in Dubai, New Delhi, Los Angeles and Cape Town. The study is carried out by analyzing climate data and the requirements for thermal comfort in office buildings. Cooling systems strongly depend on weather conditions and local climate. Cooling load of buildings depend on many parameters such as ambient temperature, indoor comfort temperature, solar gain to the building and internal gains including; number of occupant and electrical devices. The simulations were carried out by selecting a suitable thermally driven chiller and modeling it with PV/T solar collector in Polysun software. Fractional primary energy saving and solar fraction were introduced as key figures of the project to evaluate the performance of cooling system. Several parametric studies and simulations were determined according to PV/T aperture area and hot water storage tank volume. The fractional primary energy saving analysis revealed that thermally driven chillers, particularly adsorption chillers are not suitable to be utilizing in small size of solar cooling systems in hot and tropic climates such as Dubai and New Delhi. Adsorption chillers require more thermal energy to meet the cooling load in hot and dry climates. The adsorption chillers operate in their full capacity and in higher coefficient of performance when they run in a moderate climate since they can properly reject the exhaust heat. The simulation results also indicated that PV/T solar collector have higher efficiency in warmer climates, however it requires a larger size of PV/T collectors to supply the thermally driven chillers for providing cooling in hot climates. Therefore using an electrical chiller as backup gives much better results in terms of primary energy savings, since PV/T electrical production also can be used for backup electrical chiller in a net metering mechanism.


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The Brazilian energetic sector is passing through deep transformations. The restructure is mainly characterized by the passage from a vertical and centrally coordinated system, in hands of the State, to a more horizontal one, with characteristics of a network, in which organizations, such as the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), the new regulator entity, the Wholesaler Market of Electric Energy (MAE), the National Operator of Electric System (ONS), Eletrobrás and the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) are designated as the principals integrators of the system. The objective of the present work was to analyze the influence of the privatization and restructuring processes in the integration of the Brazilian system of electric energy. The analysis was based on the instruments offered by the network approach. The results of the research show that the Brazilian sector of electric energy cannot be considered as a highly integrated network. In this new horizontal configuration, the social actors are affirming its roles, functions and objectives, while the key-organization like ANEEL, ONS, MAE, Eletrobrás, and BNDES are being structured to strengthen its integrative role.