418 resultados para Dentists
Introduction: In recent times, the demand for aesthetic dentistry has increased, with patients presenting for treatment expecting an improvement in their aesthetics. Therefore, it is increasingly important for the dental profession to appreciate perceptions of dental aesthetics in order to provide a patient-centred service.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to quantify perceptions of aesthetics using a cross-sectional survey design. The hypotheses being tested were that differences exist in aesthetic perceptions of 1) dentists and dental students, 2) different age ranges and 3) gender.
Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to dental staff and students in the Cork University Dental School and Hospital. The questionnaire sought information relating to aesthetic perceptions by asking participants to compare photographs of smiles.
Results: 100 questionnaires were returned. It was found that differences existed in perceptions of dentists and dental students when certain aspects of a smile were evaluated, in particular when a minor flaw was present in a smile in addition to the major flaw being tested. Assuming that flaws were detected, more dental students (34%) than dentists (26%) were found to prioritise colour above more subtle flaws, such as a centreline shift. However, most results between the two groups are comparable in terms of their prioritising of importance of particular aspects of a smile, with no large significant differences.
Conclusion: Differences exist in aesthetic perceptions of dentists and dental students, especially with regard to tooth colour.
RESUMO - A satisfação profissional é um fenómeno amplamente estudado e esse interesse decorre da influência que a mesma pode exercer sobre o trabalhador, afetando a sua saúde, atitudes, comportamento profissional e social, com repercussões tanto para a sua vida privada como para as organizações. Considerando a tendência mundial de se aproximarem os perfis da profissão para um perfil único e de que a investigação sobre a satisfação profissional dos médicos dentistas em vários países estar presentemente a ser divulgada, seria importante avaliar a situação em Portugal para fins comparativos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o grau de satisfação profissional dos médicos dentistas na utilização do cheque-dentista no concelho de Lisboa, procurando estabelecer relações entre as diferentes dimensões da satisfação profissional e variáveis socioprofissionais. Um questionário de autopreenchimento foi enviado por e-mail para as clínicas onde os médicos dentistas trabalham, num total de 99 obtendo-se uma taxa de resposta de 24,2%. Verificou-se que em relação à satisfação profissional em geral nas várias dimensões questionadas, é a relação profissional/paciente que os médicos dentistas consideram como mais importante logo seguida da realização pessoal e profissional. Como menos importante os médicos dentistas referiram o status/prestígio e a segurança profissional. Já no campo da satisfação profissional no âmbito do cheque-dentista concluiu-se que mais próximo do grau de satisfeito se encontra a relação estabelecida com o paciente assim como a relação de trabalho com a equipa. No grau de satisfação mais baixo, de total insatisfação encontra-se o número de tratamentos que são permitidos efetuar em cada cheque-dentista e um último lugar encontrase o valor remuneratório do cheque-dentista. Comparando a satisfação profissional com o cheque-dentista entre géneros, verificou-se que apenas na dimensão do valor remuneratório do cheque-dentista existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p=0,026), sendo que o género feminino demonstra maior satisfação que o género masculino. O número de participantes não foi suficiente para que se possa generalizar os resultados para a população. É necessária a realização de mais estudos neste âmbito com um maior número de profissionais de forma a que os resultados sejam estatisticamente significativos.
RESUMO: INTRODUÇÃO: A OMS (2001) revela que cerca de 450 milhões de pessoas sofrem de perturbações mentais ou comportamentais em todo o mundo, mas apenas uma pequena minoria tem tratamento, ainda que elementar. Transformam-se em vítimas por causa da sua doença e convertem-se em alvos de estigma e discriminação. O suicídio é considerado como um grande problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, é uma das principais causas de morte de jovens adultos e situa-se entre as três maiores causas de morte na população entre 15-34 anos (OMS, 2001). As perturbações mentais aumentam o risco de suicídio. A depressão, esquizofrenia, e a utilização de substâncias incrementam o risco de suicídio. Estudos (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al., 2012) mostram que os profissionais de saúde, tal como o público em geral, podem ter atitudes negativas e estigma em relação às pessoas com perturbações mentais, podendo agir em conformidade, uma vez feito e conhecido o diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Os clínicos gerais são os receptores das perturbações mentais e tentativas de suicídio nas principais portas de entrada no acesso a cuidados de saúde. As crenças, conhecimentos e contacto com a doença mental e o suicídio, podem influenciar a atenção clínica. OBJECTIVOS: Avaliar o estigma e as percepções dos médicos de clínica geral em relação às tentativas de suicídio, o suicídio e perturbações mentais bem como os possíveis factores associados a estes fenómenos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. A amostra é constituída por 125 sujeitos, médicos de clínica geral. Utilizaram-se as versões adaptadas dos seguintes instrumentos: Questionário sobre Percepções e Estigma em Relação à Saúde Mental e ao Suicídio (Liz Macmin e SOQ, Domino, 2005) e a Escala de Atitudes sobre a Doença Mental (Amanha Hahn, 2002). Para o tratamento estatístico dos dados usou-se a estatística 1) descritiva e 2) Análise estatística das hipóteses formuladas (Qui Quadrado - 2) a correlação entre variáveis (Spearman: ρ, rho). Os dados conectados foram limpos de inconsistências com base no pacote informático e estatístico SPSS versão 20. Para a aferição da consistência interna foi usado o teste de Alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Uma boa parte da amostra (46.4%) refere que não teve formação formal ou informal em saúde mental e (69.35%) rejeitam a ideia de que “grupos profissionais como médicos, dentistas e psicólogos são mais susceptíveis a cometer o suicídio”. Já (28.0%) têm uma perspectiva pessimista quanto a possibilidade de recuperação total dos sujeitos com perturbação mental. Sessenta e oito(54.4%) associa sujeitos com perturbação mental, a comportamentos estranhos e imprevisíveis, 115 (92.0%) a um baixo QI e 35 (26.7%) a poderem ser violentas e e perigosas. Os dados mostram uma associação estatisticamente significativa (p0.001) entre as variáveis: tempo de serviço no SNS, recear estar perto de sujeitos com doença mental e achar que os sujeitos com doença mental são mais perigosos que outros. Em termos estatísticos, existe uma associação estatitisticamente significativa entre as duas variáveis(X2=9,522; p0.05): percepção de que “é vergonhoso ter uma doença mental” e os conhecimentos em relação à doença mental. Existe uma correlação positiva, fraca e estatisticamente significativa entre os conhecimentos dos clínicos gerais(beneficiar-se de formação em saúde mental) e a percepção sobre os factores de risco (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÕES: A falta de conhecimento sobre as causas e factores de risco para os comportamentos suicidários, opções de intervenção e tratamento, particularmente no âmbito da doença mental, podem limitar a procura de ajuda individual ou dos próximos. Percepções negativas como o facto de não merecerem prioridade nos serviços, mitos (frágeis e cobarde, sempre impulsivo, chamadas de atenção, problemas espirituais) podem constituir-se como um indicador de que os clínicos gerais podem sofrer do mesmo sistema de estigma e crenças, de que sofre o público em geral, podendo agir em conformidade (atitudes de afastamento ereceio). As atitudes são influenciadas por factores como a formação, cultura e sistema de crenças. Sujeitos com boa formação na área da saúde mental têm uma percepção positiva e optimista sobre os factores de risco e uma atitude positiva em relação aos sujeitos com doença mental e comportamentos suicidários.-------------ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: The WHO (2001) reveals that about 450 million people suffer from mental or behavioral disorders worldwide, but only a small minority have access to treatment, though elementary. They become victims because of their disease and they become the targets of stigma and discrimination. Suicide is seen as a major public health problem worldwide, is a leading cause of death for young adults and is included among the three major causes of death in the population aged 15-34 years (WHO, 2001). Mental disorders increase the risk of suicide. Depression, schizophrenia, and the substances misuse increase the risk of suicide. Studies (Sartorius, 2002; Magliano et al, 2012) show that health professionals, such as the general public, may have negative attitudes and stigma towards people with mental disorders, and can act accordingly after psychiatric diagnosis is known. General practitioners are the main entry points of mental disorders and suicide attempts in the health sistem. Beliefs, knowledge and contact with mental illness and suicide, may influence clinical care. OBJECTIVES: To assess stigma and perceptions of general practitioners in relation to suicide attempts, suicide and mental disorders as well as possible factors associated with these phenomena. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample consisted of 125 subjects, general practitioners. We used adapted versions of the following instruments: Questionnaire of Perceptions and Stigma in Relation to Mental Health and Suicide (Liz Macmin and SOQ, Domino, 2005) and the Scale of Attitudes on Mental Illness (Tomorrow Hahn, 2002). For the statistical treatment of the data we used: 1) descriptive (Data distribution by absolute and relative frequencies for each of the variables under study (including mean and standard deviation measures of central tendency and deviation), 2) statistical analysis of hypotheses using (Chi Square - 2, a hypothesis test that is intended to find a value of dispersion for two nominal variables, evaluating the association between qualitative variables) and the correlation between variables (Spearman ρ, rho), a measure of non-parametric correlation, which evaluates an arbitrary monotonic function can be the description of the relationship between two variables, without making any assumptions about the frequency distribution of the variables). For statistical analysis of the correlations were eliminated subjects who did not respond to questions. The collected data were cleaned for inconsistencies based on computer and statistical package SPSS version 20. To measure the internal consistency was used the Cronbach's alpha test. RESULTS: A significant part of the sample 64 (46.4%) reported no formal or informal training in mental health and 86 (69.35%) reject the idea that "professional groups such as doctors, dentists and psychologists are more likely to commit suicide." On the other hand, 42 (28.0%) have a pessimistic view of the possibility of full recovery of individuals with mental disorder. Sixty-eight ( 54.4 % ) of them associates subjects with mental disorder to strange and unpredictable behavior, 115 ( 92.0 % ), to low IQ, 35 ( 26.7 % ) and even to violent and dangerous behavior, 78 ( 62.4 % ) The data show a statistically significant (p = 0.001) relationship between the following variables: length of service in the NHS, fear of being close to individuals with mental illness and considering individuals with mental illness more dangerous than others. In statistical terms, there is a dependency between the two variables (X2 = 9.522, p> 0.05): the perception that "it is shameful to have a mental illness" and knowledge regarding mental illness. There is a positive and statistically significant weak correlation between knowledge of general practitioners (benefit from mental health training) and the perception of the risk factors (0,187; P0,039). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The lack of knowledge about the causes and risk factors for suicidal behavior, intervention and treatment, particularly in the context of mental illness options, may decreaseseeking for help by individual and their relatives. Negative perceptions such as considering that they dont deserve priority in services, myths (weak and cowards, always impulsive, seeking for attentions, spirituals problems) may indicate that general practitioners, may suffer the same stigma and beliefs systems as the general public, and can act accordingly (withdrawal and fear attitudes). Attitudes are influenced by factors such as education, culture and belief system. Subjects with good training in mental health have a positive and optimistic perception of the risk factors and a positiveattitude towards individuals with mental illness and suicidal behaviour.
Les mesures de contrôle de la contamination croisée sont principalement concentrées dans la salle opératoire dentaire alors que les articles transférés entre la clinique et le laboratoire dentaire et les instruments de laboratoire ont reçu peu d’attention. Cette étude vise à documenter l’application des mesures d’asepsie sur ces articles par les professionnels du domaine dentaire ainsi que leurs perceptions entourant ces mesures. Un questionnaire autoadministré et anonyme a été envoyé à un échantillon aléatoire des dentistes, denturologistes et directeurs de laboratoire dentaire qui étaient inscrits aux listes des ordres professionnels en juin 2008 dans la province de Québec. Des 1100 questionnaires envoyés, 376 ont été retournés remplis. Presque trois quarts (72,1 %) des répondants affirment faire l’asepsie des instruments de laboratoire et 74,9 %, la désinfection des articles transférés mais avec des pourcentages variables selon le groupe d’articles (empreintes, prothèses, etc.). Seulement 9,1 % de professionnels identifient de façon générale les articles désinfectés avant l’envoi. Plus de la moitié des professionnels (51,4 %) trouvent qu’ils n’ont pas assez d’information sur l’asepsie des articles transférés et 62,4 %, qu’elle est difficile à appliquer. Cette étude est la première réalisée auprès des trois groupes de professionnels et la première à étudier leurs perceptions entourant l’asepsie des articles transférés et de l’instrumentation de laboratoire. Nous avons démontré que l’application des mesures d’asepsie à ces articles par les professionnels du domaine dentaire n’est pas toujours conforme aux normes proposées et qu’il existe un besoin de renforcer leur application, surtout en ce qui a trait aux articles transférés.
Les études mettent en évidence des problèmes de santé psychologique chez les professionnels de la santé. Par contre, les facteurs permettant d’expliquer ces difficultés sont peu connus (p. ex., Cohen & Patten, 2005). Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier les déterminants de la santé psychologique des professionnels de la santé en se basant sur une théorie validée empiriquement. À cette fin, la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000) est utilisée comme cadre conceptuel et le soutien à l’autonomie (Black & Deci, 2000; Grolnick & Ryan, 1989) est proposé comme déterminant principal de la santé psychologique. Le premier article consiste en une recension des conséquences et corrélats associés au soutien à l’autonomie dans divers domaines de vie. Le deuxième article a pour objectif de tester un modèle prédictif de la santé psychologique auprès de médecins résidents. Le modèle propose que la concordance des tâches (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999) et la conscience de soi (Goldman & Kernis, 2002) sont deux sources distinctes d’autonomie qui prédisent de façon indépendante la santé psychologique. De plus, le soutien à l’autonomie de la part des superviseurs est suggéré comme étant un déterminant important de la concordance des tâches et de la conscience de soi. Au total, 333 médecins résidents de la province de Québec (Canada) ont rempli un questionnaire comportant différentes mesures. Des analyses par équations structurelles révèlent une excellente adéquation du modèle. Le troisième article examine l’influence du soutien à l’autonomie des collègues sur la satisfaction au travail ainsi que sur la santé psychologique des professionnels de la santé. Au total, 597 jeunes professionnels de la santé ont rempli un questionnaire incluant diverses mesures. Les résultats confirment que le soutien à l’autonomie perçu de la part des collègues prédit la santé psychologique et la satisfaction au travail. De plus, des régressions hiérarchiques démontrent que le soutien à l’autonomie des collègues contribue à la prédiction de la satisfaction au travail, du bien-être subjectif et des idéations suicidaires au-delà de ce qui est prédit par le soutien à l’autonomie des superviseurs. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de ces recherches sont discutées.
Introduction : Les soins dentaires des enfants autistes représentent un défi pour les parents et les dentistes. Des efforts doivent être faits afin d’améliorer les mesures préventives et l’éducation des parents. Recension des écrits : L’autisme se définit comme un désordre qualitatif de l’interaction sociale et de la communication, par des comportements ou activités répétitifs et stéréotypés et par de l’hypersensibilité aux stimuli corporels. Le manque de coopération pour le brossage des dents constitue un obstacle au maintien d’une bonne hygiène bucco-dentaire chez l’enfant autiste. Problématique : L’enfant autiste représente un défi pour le dentiste, mais aussi pour ses parents lors des mesures quotidiennes d’hygiène. Peu d’études cliniques se sont penchées sur l’utilité des pictogrammes dans la dispensation des soins dentaires quotidiens et professionnels de cette clientèle. Hypothèse de recherche : L’utilisation de pictogrammes améliore la coopération des enfants autistes pour les soins dentaires quotidiens et chez le dentiste, leur procurant une meilleure hygiène bucco-dentaire. Matériels et méthodes : Selon un devis d’étude expérimentale randomisée, 17 participants expérimentaux (avec pictogrammes) et 18 participants contrôles ont été recrutés au CHU Sainte-Justine, puis évalués à 6 reprises sur 12 mois. L’hygiène fut notée par l’indice de plaque et le comportement par l’échelle de Frankl. Résultats : Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre le groupe expérimental et contrôle pour l’indice de plaque et l’échelle de Frankl. Globalement, une baisse de l’indice de plaque et une amélioration du comportement ont été notées pour les deux groupes et ce, pendant la période d’étude de 12 mois. Conclusion : Les résultats de la présente étude ne permettent pas d’affirmer que les pictogrammes contribuent à améliorer l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et le comportement des enfants autistes lors des soins dentaires quotidiens et professionnels.
Introduction: La répartition de la main-d'oeuvre dentaire à travers le Canada est fortement balancée en faveur des zones urbaines, une situation qui favorise les disparités dans l'accès aux soins de santé buccodentaire. En engageant des professionnels de la santé buccodentaire dans la pratique dentaire en milieu rural, il faut d’abord comprendre leurs opinions personnelles et professionnelles, ainsi que les obstacles et les facteurs motivant leur choix de pratique. Cependant, il existe un manque des connaissances sur la perception des étudiants de soins de santé buccodentaire à l'égard de la pratique rurale. Par conséquent, nous avons voulu vérifier comment les étudiantes en médecine dentaire perçoivent la pratique dentaire en milieu rural. Méthodes: Nous avons effectué une recherche qualitative dans deux grandes facultés de médecine dentaire au Québec. Un échantillonnage intentionnel et la technique boule de neige ont été utilisé pour recruter des étudiants finissants et des résidents en médecine dentaire en tant que participants à l'étude. Des enregistrements sonores des entrevues, d’une durée de 60 à 90 minutes, semi-structurées et face à face ont été colligés jusqu’à atteinte de la saturation. Nous avons procédé à une analyse thématique pour dégager les enjeux. Cela a inclus un compte-rendu des entrevues, l’encodage des transcriptions, la présentation des données et leur interprétation. Résultats: Dix-sept entretiens (10 F et 7 M, âge: 22 à 39) ont été réalisées. Cinq grands thèmes ont émergé des entrevues: niveau des connaissances sur les inégalités de la santé buccodentaire en milieu rural, image de la ruralité, image de la pratique dentaire en milieu rural, obstacles perçus et facteurs mobilisateurs. Les étudiants ont exprimé que l'éducation dentaire, les avantages financiers, le professionnalisme, le soutien professionnel, et les médias sociaux peuvent influencer positivement leur intérêt à l’égard de la pratique dentaire en milieu rural. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette étude soutiennent la mise en place de stratégies connues pour augmenter la connaissance et la motivation des étudiants en médecine dentaire pour choisir leur profession dans une région rurale. Les acteurs des politiques éducatives ont un rôle essentiel dans la promotion de ces politiques et stratégies facilitantes.
El ausentismo laboral es un fenómeno costoso. Cuando los trabajadores no asisten por enfermedad o accidentes laborales, el impacto que sufre la empresa es en el ámbito económico y/u operativo. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores del ausentismo laboral en un centro médico de I nivel y su comportamiento durante el año 2010. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, 118 trabajadores del centro médico de I nivel en Bogotá durante el año 2010.Criterios de inclusión: hombres y mujeres, con contratación directa, incapacidades médicas. Criterios de exclusión: personal de contratación indirecta, outsourcing, calamidades y licencias de maternidad. Información tomada base de datos incapacidades. Resultados: Se presentaron 332 incapacidades que representaron 1518 días perdidos causados por enfermedad general 99.7 %, sistemas respiratorio, digestivo y osteomuscular con mayor número de incapacidades (31,9%, 22,9% y 13% respectivamente). El mayor ausentismo en médicos fue 38,3%, auxiliares odontología 14,2 % y odontólogos 10,8%. El área asistencial tiene 78,3% incapacidades, contratos a término indefinido con un 74.6% y mujeres con 78,01% incapacidades. Conclusiones: La mayor causa del ausentismo es enfermedad general. El sistema respiratorio es el más afectado, seguido del digestivo y osteomuscular, los trabajadores con contrato indefinido, género femenino, área asistencial y por cargos los médicos seguido de auxiliares odontología y los odontólogos. Sin embargo en los resultados evidenciados se debe tener en cuenta la población general y su distribución para variables como género, área, cargos, por lo que se requiere posteriormente análisis estadísticos para establecer si hay diferencia significativa.
RESUMEN INTRODUCCION Los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos constituyen uno de los más comunes y costosos problemas de salud en el trabajo en todo el mundo. La detección a tiempo de síntomas iniciales debe ser una prioridad de los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos (DME) en la población de funcionarios del cuerpo de policía judicial de Bogotá en el año 2014. MATERIALES Y METODOS Estudio de corte transversal con una muestra de 300 trabajadores a los que se les aplico el cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas musculoesqueléticos. RESULTADOS Se encuesto al 33,9% de los trabajadores pertenecientes al cuerpo técnico de Policía Judicial de la Fiscalía General de la Nación en la ciudad de Bogotá. Los trabajadores evaluados tienen una edad promedio de 41,9 años, con un predominio del género femenino (54%), encontrándose que la mayoría de los que respondieron al cuestionario 87,66% (n=263) habían presentado algún síntoma musculoesqueléticos en los últimos 12 meses. Un hallazgo significativo fue la afectación cervical en el 53% (n=159) de los que reportaron sintomatología musculo esquelética. CONCLUSIONES La población perteneciente a la Policía Técnica Judicial en la ciudad de Bogotá presenta una alta prevalencia (87,66%) de síntomas que afectan al sistema musculoesquelético, principalmente comprometiendo las regiones de columna cervical, parte baja de la espalda y parte alta de la espalda, con una mayor afectación a las personas de género femenino.
Antecedentes: Las patologías osteomusculares del miembro superior son una importante causa de morbilidad laboral a nivel mundial y en nuestro país, particularmente en el sector de la floricultura. Del desarrollo de estos desórdenes se derivan importantes costos derivados del ausentismo laboral, incapacidades y secuelas. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior con calificación de origen de enfermedad laboral, en los trabajadores con diagnóstico de patología musculo esquelética de miembro superior y su relación con algunos factores ocupacionales y demográficos. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se revisaron datos secundarios procedentes de una base de datos del servicio de salud ocupacional entre enero y mayo de 2015, correspondiente a 465 operarios (no administrativos) a término indefinido de una empresa floricultora de Bogotá, incluyendo únicamente aquellos trabajadores con patologías osteomusculares de miembro superior, que contaban con la clasificación en el diagnóstico ya sea como enfermedad laboral o enfermedad común y mayores de edad. Se excluyeron 19 trabajadores, quienes habían sido reubicados en nuevos sitios de trabajo y no se contó con la información para determinar su actividad antes de realizar el cambio. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: sexo, edad, antigüedad y el cargo desempeñados por los operarios. La relación entre variables se realizó con la prueba de chi2 de Pearson. Se midió la magnitud de la asociación por medio de OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Se incluyó a 373 operarios a término fijo, con una media de edad de 39 años (DE=5.55) y una media de antigüedad en el cargo de 6 años (DE=1.15). El 82.84% correspondió al sexo femenino. La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral osteomuscular de miembro superior fue del 54,4%. En el análisis de relación entre la calificación de la enfermedad, y demás variables (sexo, antigüedad en el cargo, edad, actividad desempeñada, localización de la lesión); se encontró que: estar entre los 40 a 49 años (OR= 1,7; IC-95%:1,12 – 2,79), diagnóstico de síndrome de manguito (OR= 4.45; IC-95%: 2.48 – 8.23) y el síndrome de túnel de carpo (OR= 4.22; IC-95%: 2.45 – 7.41) se asociaron a enfermedad laboral. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior en los operarios de un cultivo de flores de la Sabana de Bogotá es del (54,4%). Se encontró una mayor asociación con el síndrome del manguito rotador y enfermedad laboral. No se encontró asociación entre la enfermedad laboral y la actividad desempeñada, el tiempo de exposición, ni con el sexo del trabajador.
The purpose of this pilot study was to survey dentists in the St. Louis area to assess their subjective opinion of commonly used dental handpieces as well as history of noise exposure and use of hearing protection. Selected handpieces were then chosen to measure their output levels and determine if emissions are hazardous to the auditory system.
Inequalities within dentistry are common and are reflected in wide differences in the levels of oral health and the standard of care available both within and between countries and communities. Furthermore there are patients, particularly those with special treatment needs, who do not have the same access to dental services as the general public. The dental school should aim to recruit students from varied backgrounds into all areas covered by the oral healthcare team and to train students to treat the full spectrum of patients including those with special needs. It is essential, however, that the dental student achieves a high standard of clinical competence and this cannot be gained by treating only those patients with low expectations for care. Balancing these aspects of clinical education is difficult. Research is an important stimulus to better teaching and better clinical care. It is recognized that dental school staff should be active in research, teaching, clinical work and frequently administration. Maintaining a balance between the commitments to clinical care, teaching and research while also taking account of underserved areas in each of these categories is a difficult challenge but one that has to be met to a high degree in a successful, modern dental school.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of X-rays on epithelial gingival cells during panoramic dental radiography using a differentiated protocol for the micronucleus test. Methods: 40 healthy individuals who underwent this procedure for diagnostic purposes on request from their dentists agreed to participate in this study. All of them answered a questionnaire before the examination. Epithelial gingival cells were obtained from the keratinized mucosa of the upper dental arcade by gentle scraping with a cervical brush immediately before exposure and 10 days later. Cytological preparations were stained according to the Feulgen-Rossenbeck reaction, counterstained with fast green 1% for 1 min and analysed under a light microscope. Micronuclei, nuclear projections (broken eggs) and degenerative nuclear alterations (pyknosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis and condensed chromatin) were scored. Results: The frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher after exposure (P < 0.05), as were frequencies of nuclear alterations indicate of apoptosis (P < 0.001). Conclusions: These results indicate that X-ray radiation emitted during panoramic dental radiography induces a genotoxic effect on epithelial gingival cells that increases the frequency of chromosomal damage and nuclear alterations indicative of apoptosis.
The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health
The aims of this study were to analyze the access of dental services by child population, to determine the prevalence of dental caries, gingivitis and malocclusion in resident children from the municipal district of Sobral Ceará and to evaluate the incidence of the dental decay in adolescents associated with the factors related to socioeconomic condition, access to health services and self-perception. This study had as main factor the multidisciplinary represented by the participation of health professional (doctors, dentists, nurses) in the development of the survey's initial reference; student from Human Sciences area to apply the structured questionnaire in domiciliary visits; statistics professionals in the orientation of the analysis to be held and family health team (community health agents, dentists and dental clinic assistants) in the scheduling of domiciliary visits and the accomplishment of oral exam. The sample was determined from the domicile record that included children born between 1990 and 1994 to develop the research Children health conditions in the municipal district of Sobral Ceará . The first sample comprised 3425 parents of children from 5 to 9 years old, living in the urban area at the municipal district of Sobral Ceará, aiming at identifying the most important factors associated to the access to dental service. From this sample, 1021 children were selected in a systematic way, for the accomplishment to the epidemiological study of decay, gingivitis and malocclusion. In the study's third phase, in order to arrange the group to be followed, 688 adolescents were examined and interviewed, by means of the active search from the 1021 individuals that had been previously examined. It was observed that 50.9% of the children had access to dental service at least once in a lifetime. Of this total, 65.3% accomplished it during the last year, and 85.4% of these did in public services, what allows to identify the importance of this sector in the access to dental services. It was observed that the factors that most affected the access to dental 129 services were related to socioeconomic condition, such as the access to health plan, the possession of toothbrush, garbage collecting, mother s schooling, sewerage treatment and malnutrition. In relation to oral diseases, an increase in the DMF-T index according the age was observed, from 0.10 in five years old to 1.66 in the nine years old, while with the dmf-t index, the inverse happened, since the index decreased from 3.59 in five years old to 2.69 in nine years old. In relation to gingivitis, an average 32.7% of the children presented gum bleeding. In what concerns malocclusion, it was observed that 60.3% of the children didn't present any problem, 30.17% had light malocclusion and 9.5% severe malocclusion. The average incidence of dental caries was 1.86 teeth per youngster. Among the studied variables, tooth pain in the last six months, mother's income and school snack, adjusted by the perception about the need of treatment, the mother's schooling and the dentist's appointment at least once in a lifetime, were the variables that presented positive relationship with the high incidence of dental caries on this population by logistic regression. Variables of socioeconomic nature, related to the access to health services and behavior and biological variables presented a relationship with the high caries incidence. The study point out to the need of developing health actions in a humanized way, by an oral health team effectively bound to the population's interest, with the great objective to provide, with the public health services managers, adequate conditions to improve oral health