420 resultados para Darkness


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The effects of light duration on the growth and performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were investigated using artificial methods to simulate continuous day length and absolute darkness. The normal day length (12-H Light and 12-H Darkness) served as the control. Among some of the factors affected by the varying photoperiods there were body coloration, feeding efficiency, survival rate and Specific Growth Rate (SGR). There was notably no significant difference between the SGR of the 0-photoperiod culture and the control (P>0.05) but there was significant difference between the 0-photoperiod and the 24-H photoperiod experiment (P<0.05). The haematological profile analysed showed various degrees of changes in the blood parameters of fish cultured under different photoperiods. These changes however, did not show significant differences when subjected to statistical analysis


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Neurons in the primate lateral intraparietal area (area LIP) carry visual, saccade-related and eye position activities. The visual and saccade activities are anchored in a retinotopic framework and the overall response magnitude is modulated by eye position. It was proposed that the modulation by eye position might be the basis of a distributed coding of target locations in a head-centered space. Other recording studies demonstrated that area LIP is involved in oculomotor planning. These results overall suggest that area LIP transforms sensory information for motor functions. In this thesis I further explore the role of area LIP in processing saccadic eye movements by observing the effects of reversible inactivation of this area. Macaque monkeys were trained to do visually guided and memory saccades and a double saccade task to examine the use of eye position signal. Finally, by intermixing visual saccades with trials in which two targets were presented at opposite sides of the fixation point, I examined the behavior of visual extinction.

In chapter 2, I will show that lesion of area LIP results in increased latency of contralesional visual and memory saccades. Contralesional memory saccades are also hypometric and slower in velocity. Moreover, the impairment of memory saccades does not vary with the duration of the delay period. This suggests that the oculomotor deficits observed after inactivation of area LIP is not due to the disruption of spatial memory.

In chapter 3, I will show that lesion of area LIP does not severely affect the processing of spontaneous eye movement. However, the monkeys made fewer contralesional saccades and tended to confine their gaze to the ipsilesional field after inactivation of area LIP. On the other hand, lesion of area LIP results in extinction of the contralesional stimulus. When the initial fixation position was varied so that the retinal and spatial locations of the targets could be dissociated, it was found that the extinction behavior could best be described in a head-centered coordinate.

In chapter 4, I will show that inactivation of area LIP disrupts the use of eye position signal to compute the second movement correctly in the double saccade task. If the first saccade steps into the contralesional field, the error rate and latency of the second saccade are both increased. Furthermore, the direction of the first eye movement largely does not have any effect on the impairment of the second saccade. I will argue that this study provides important evidence that the extraretinal signal used for saccadic localization is eye position rather than a displacement vector.

In chapter 5, I will demonstrate that in parietal monkeys the eye drifts toward the lesion side at the end of the memory saccade in darkness. This result suggests that the eye position activity in the posterior parietal cortex is active in nature and subserves gaze holding.

Overall, these results further support the view that area LIP neurons encode spatial locations in a craniotopic framework and is involved in processing voluntary eye movements.


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[ES] Este artículo está basado en el siguiente proyecto que también puede ser consultado en este repositorio:


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Investigations on the control of the embryonic and post-embryonic development of arthropods have formed an intensively studied field of zoological research for a long time, Here in especially favourable cases the causal chain from the operation of external factors on the influence of physiological mechanisms, eg. of the hormone variety, is known right through to its primary influences. A comparative approach to the relevant questions was in the main only made in the case of the insects. For crustacea , investigations are available almost exclusively only for the malacostraca. This study examines the influence of the factors of temperature and photoperiod on the entire development of Cyclops vicinus. Tests were made on whether the light-darkness change serves as a regulator for a possible existing molting rhythm - a question which for the entire arthropods has been settled only very rarely. The basic material for the cultures that were examined originates from Lake Constance.


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A proposta primeira da dissertação Contra a Luz: insônia, prosa de ficção e Graciliano Ramos é a de investigar desdobramentos narrativos do tema da insônia na prosa de ficção da primeira metade do século XX. O primeiro capítulo, de um lado, traça um panorama histórico-literário da insônia da Idade Média ao século passado e, de outro lado, propõe algumas considerações de cunho psicanalítico sobre o tema. Pretende-se, assim, estabelecer alguns argumentos-chave que se desenvolverão ao longo dos capítulos subseqüentes, a saber: o de que a escuridão e o vazio noturno são altamente propícios à concentração na reflexão em detrimento da ação e que, portanto, possibilitam uma excepcional exploração da subjetividade dos personagens em questão. O segundo capítulo pensará tal situação no contexto da prosa de ficção moderna, a partir de breves estudos das obras Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust; Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa (sob o heterônimo Bernardo Soares); Funes, o memorioso, de Jorge Luis Borges; e Buriti, de João Guimarães Rosa. Assim, serão expostas as maneiras pelas quais, nessas obras, as cenas de insônia mostram-se essenciais tanto à proposição de uma reflexão sobre a própria construção da narrativa, quanto permitem o aprofundamento psicológico dos personagens e o experimentalismo formal. Estes dois eixos permearão a Parte II da dissertação, que terá por foco a obra de Graciliano Ramos. O terceiro capítulo analisará a insônia do personagem Paulo Honório, no romance S.Bernardo, em relação à composição da narrativa feita por ele em suas noites em claro. O quarto capítulo, dedicado ao romance Angústia, investigará a instalação de um clima angustiado e de experimentações narrativas a partir das noites insones de Luís da Silva. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, abordando os contos Insônia e O relógio do hospital, traçará algumas conclusões sobre a função da insônia no estilo de Graciliano Ramos, e proporá também algumas considerações finais acerca de toda a dissertação


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Esta dissertação estuda o papel do sujeito na literatura e sua relação com a cultura e alteridade através da análise de duas obras: Nove noites, de Bernardo de Carvalho e Coração das Trevas de Joseph Conrad. As obras estudadas mostram a crise que atinge os protagonistas dos dois livros depois do encontro com outras culturas. Em Nove noites o outro é representado pelo índio e em Coração das Trevas pelos africanos. Em Nove noites o antropólogo Buell Quain se suicida depois de uma estada entre os índios Krahô, e em Coração das Trevas vemos a deterioração do homem branco representada pelo personagem de Kurtz. Considerado um homem notável e um altruísta na Europa, Kurtz teria se corrompido no contato com a realidade do Congo e se torna, nas palavras do narrador Marlow, um dos demônios da terra. A dissolução da personalidade e código moral do homem branco, representada pelos dois personagens, será estudada analisando a relação entre personalidade e cultura e como a falta de apoio e controle grupal desarticula valores até então considerados estáveis, assim como o contato com o outro. Esta desarticulação do sujeito causada pelo choque cultural se soma à crise geral do sujeito moderno e ao mal-estar na civilização, como descrito por Freud. A posição paradoxal do antropólogo, que se situa entre duas culturas, faz parte desta análise, do mesmo modo questões pertinentes a posição dos índios e africanos no Congo. No caso específico de Coração das Trevas trabalha-se a interseção entre a análise do sujeito, e suas implicações, e a construção do personagem de Kurtz como símbolo da violência colonial. O trabalho analisa também as semelhanças entre as duas obras, tanto temáticas como em suas técnicas narrativas e a influência da obra de Conrad nos romances de Carvalho


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The larvae of bothids were found to be sparsely distributed in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea being only 11.9% in the Naga Expedition Collections. They were confined mostly to the coastal waters and were found in near shore stations situated between Bangkok and Saigon. Their density was high in the Gulf of Thailand. The larvae seem to prefer darkness with greater incidence during April 16 to October 15 period, with a peak in the collections taken during April. This report includes the occurrence of 17 species belonging to 6 genera collected from the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea, along with their regional, seasonal as well as diurnal variations


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The time of day during which P. monodon feeds at different depth levels in earthen ponds, and its preference for three types of tilapia feeds (dry, fresh and fermented) were determined. It was observed that P. monodon concentrated at the bottom beds during the day and along the periphery of dikes during night-time, with a slight tendency to swim and feed towards the surface as darkness increased. P. monodon showed special preference for dried tilapia compared to fresh and fermented tilapia. P. monodon also showed adaptability to the platform method of feeding, especially during night-time.


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Laboratory and field investigations were conducted to study the food habit of Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) from first feeding through adult stage. Only fish larvae were consumed by Chinese perch larvae (2-21 days from hatching), and the presence of zooplankton did not have any significant effect on their survival rate. The ability of Chinese perch to feed on zooplankton is clearly limited by some innate factor. Instead of gill rakers, Chinese perch larvae have well-developed sharp teeth at the first feeding stage, and are well adapted to the piscivorous feeding habit unique to the larvae of Chinese perch, e.g. they bite and ingest the tails of other fish larvae. At the first feeding stage (2 days from hatching), daily rations were both very low, either in light or complete darkness. Although early-staged Chinese perch larvae (7-17 days from hatching) could feed in complete darkness, their daily rations were always significantly higher in light than in complete darkness. Late-staged Chinese perch larvae (21 days from hatching) were able to feed in complete darkness as well as in light, similar to the case of Chinese perch yearlings. Chinese perch yearlings (total length, 14-16 cm) consumed prey fish only and refused shrimp when visual cues were available (in light), but they consumed both prey when visual cues were not available (in complete darkness), suggesting that prey consumption by Chinese perch yearlings is affected by their sensory modality in predation. Both prey were found in the stomachs of similar-sized Chinese perch (total length, 14-32 cm) from their natural habitat, suggesting that shrimp are consumed by Chinese perch at night. Prey selection of Chinese perch with a length >38 cm, which consumed only fish in the field, appears to be based upon prey size instead of prey type. These results suggest that although environmental factors (e.g. light intensity) affect prey detection by Chinese perch, this fish is anatomically and behaviourally predisposed to prey on live fish from first feeding. This makes it a difficult fish to cultivate using conventional feeds.


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The phytoremediation of triazophos (O, O-diethyl-O-(1-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-base) sulfur phosphate, TAP) by Canna indica Linn. in a hydroponic system was studied. After 21 d of exposure, the removal kinetic constant (K) of TAP was 0.0229-0.0339 d(-1) and the removal percentage of TAP was 41-55% in the plant system and the K and removal percentage of TAP were about 0.002 d(-1) and 1%, respectively, in darkness and disinfected control. However, the K and removal percentage of TAP were 0.006 d(-1) and approximately 11%, respectively, in the treatment with eluate from the media of constructed wetland. The contribution of plant to the remediation of TAP was 74% and C. indica played the most important role in the hydroponic system. Under the stress of TAP and without inorganic phosphorus nutrient, the activity of phosphatase in the plant system increased and phytodegradation was observed. The production and release of phosphatase is seen as the key mechanism for C. indica to degrade TAP. C. indica, which showed the potential of phytoremediation of TAP, and is commonly used in constructed wetland, so the technique of phytoremediation of TAP from contaminated water can be developed with the combination of constructed wetland.


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Dark respiration (nonphotorespiratory mitochondrial CO2 release) in the light (R-L) of the intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chorophyta) during emersion was investigated with respect to its response to variations in temperature and desiccation. R-L was estimated by CO2 gas-exchange analysis using the Kok effect method, whereas dark respiration in darkness (R-D) was determined from CO2 release at zero light. Rates of R, were significantly and consistently lower than those of R-D in emersed U. lactuca across all the temperature and desiccation levels measured. This demonstrated that dark respiration was partially depressed in the light, with the percentage inhibition ranging from 32 to 62%. Desiccation exerted a negative effect on R-L and R-D at a high temperature, 33 degrees C, whereas it had much less effect on respiration at low and moderate temperatures, 23 and 28 degrees C. In general, R-L and R-D increased with increasing temperature in U. lactuca during all stages of emersion but responded less positively to temperature change with increasing desiccation. Additionally, the Q(10) value (i.e. the proportional increase of respiration for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature) for R-L calculated over the temperature range of 23 to 33 degrees C was significantly higher than that for R-D in U. lactuca during the initial stages of emersion. Respiratory carbon loss as a percentage of gross photosynthetic carbon gain increased with increasing temperature and/or desiccation but was significantly reduced when estimated using R-L rather than R-D. It is suggested that measurements of R-L and how it changes in a variable environment are as important as estimates of R-D and photosynthesis in determining simultaneous balance between photosynthetic carbon uptake and respiratory carbon loss and in modeling the net daily carbon gain for an intertidal macroalga.


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Bleached mutants of Euglena gracilis were obtained by treatment with ofloxacin (Ofl) and streptomycin (Sm) respectively. As shown by electron microscopy, the residual plastids contain prothylakoids in an Ofl mutant, and the highly developed and tightly stacked membranous structure found in cells of two Sm, mutants. Nine genes of the plastid genome were examined with PCR, showing that ribosomal protein genes and most other plastid genes were lost in all but one Sm mutant. Using differential display and RT-PCR, it was shown that chloroplast degeneration could cause changes in transcription of certain nucleus-encoded genes during heterotrophic growth in darkness.


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Algal size can affect the rate of metabolism and of growth. Different sized colonies of Nostoc sphaeroides were used with the aim of determining the effects of colony size on photosynthetic physiology and growth. Small colonies showed higher maximum photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll, higher light saturation point, and higher photosynthetic efficiency (a) than large colonies. Furthermore, small colonies had a higher affinity for DIC and higher DIC-saturated photosynthetic rates. In addition, small colonies showed higher photosynthetic rates from 5-45degreesC than large colonies. There was a greater decrease in Fv/Fm after exposure to high irradiance and less recovery in darkness for large colonies than for small colonies. Relative growth rate decreased with increasing colony size. Small colonies had less chl a and mass per unit surface area. The results indicate that small colonies can harvest light and acquire DIC more efficiently and have higher maximum photosynthetic rates and growth rates than large colonies.


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In order to investigate the possible impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on algal growth and photosynthesis, the influence of CO2 concentration was tested on three planktonic algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Scenedesmus obliquus). Increased CO2 concentration enhanced significantly the growth rate of all three species. Specific growth rates reached maximal values at 30, 100, and 60 muM CO2 in C. reinhardtii, C pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus, respectively. Such significant enhancement of growth rate with enriched CO2 was also confirmed at different levels of inorganic N and P, being more profound at limiting levels of N in C pyrenoidosa and P in S. obliquus. The maximal rates of net photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiency and light-saturating point increased significantly (p<0.05) in high-CO2-grown cells. Elevation of the CO2 levels in cultures enhanced the photoinhibition of C. reinhardtii, but reduced that of C pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus when exposed to high photon flux density. The photo-inhibited cells recovered to some extent (from 71% to 99%) when placed under dim light or in darkness, with better recovery in high-CO2-grown C. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus. Although pH and pCO(2) effects cannot be distinguished from this study, it can be concluded that increased CO2 concentrations with decreased pH could affect the growth rate and photosynthetic physiology of C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus.