867 resultados para Critical analysis


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This thesis analyzes the sportswriting genre as a form of personal essay. It explores the art over time through writers Red Smith, A.J. Liebling, Roger Angell, George Plimpton, Bart Giamatti, Frank Deford, and Rick Reilly, as well as anthologized writers from 2008 and blogs.


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North Korea's regime has one goal, to guarantee its survival. To accomplish that goal it desired the U.S. to maintain a strong presence on the Korean Peninsula to act as an international deterrent against possible foreign occupation of its nation. The DPRK encouraged the U.S. by signing the 1994 Agreed Framework, a formal commitment between the two countries that froze North Korea's nuclear programs in exchange for U.S. energy aid. In 2002 the Bush Administration did not honour its commitment and blamed North Korea for the Agreed Framework's collapse. North Korea retaliated by choosing to become a nuclear nation, an action guaranteed to insure a constant U.S. presence on the Korean Peninsula.


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National Industrial Conference Board.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes bibliography.


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"Works and authors quoted": p. [801]-816.


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Selected bibliography: p. 336-341.


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This paper critically reviews the evolution of financial reporting in the banking sector with specific reference to the reporting of market risk and the growing use of the measure known as Value at Risk (VaR). The paper investigates the process by which VaR became 'institutionalised'. The analysis highlights a number of inherent limitations of VaR as a risk measure and questions the usefulness of published VaR disclosures, concluding that risk 'disclosure' might be more apparent than real. It also looks at some of the implications for risk reporting practice and the accounting profession more generally.


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The 'amyloid cascade hypothesis' (ACH) is the most influential model of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The hypothesis proposes that the deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ) is the initial pathological event in AD, leading to the formation of extracellular senile plaques (SP), tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), neuronal loss, and ultimately, clinical dementia. Ever since the formulation of the ACH, however, there have been questions regarding whether it completely describes AD pathogenesis. This review critically examines various aspects of the ACH including its origin and development, the role of amyloid precursor protein (APP), whether SP and NFT are related to the development of clinical dementia, whether Aβ and tau are 'reactive' proteins, and whether there is a pathogenic relationship between SP and NFT. The results of transgenic experiments and treatments for AD designed on the basis of the ACH are also reviewed. It was concluded: (1) Aβ and tau could be the products rather than the cause of neuro-degeneration in AD, (2) it is doubtful whether there is a direct causal link between Aβ and tau, and (3) SP and NFT may not be directly related to the development of dementia, (4) transgenic models involving APP alone do not completely replicate AD pathology, and (5) treatments based on the ACH have been unsuccessful. Hence, a modification of the ACH is proposed which may provide a more complete explanation of the pathogenesis of AD.


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A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalásával (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdeményezések és tevékenységek kommunikációja a vállalati kommunikáció egyik sarkalatos pontjává vált szinte az egész világon. A cégek CSR-kezdeményezéseik bemutatásához egyre többször az internetet is igénybe veszik. Az on-line média használatával párhuzamosan az elmúlt évtizedben egyre többen kutatják a CSR-kommunikáció elektronikus formáit, jóllehet ezek a kutatások többnyire leíró jellegűek, és a CSR-kommunikáció, valamint egyes vállalati jellemzők (méret, iparág és más magyarázó változók) között keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzők e cikkben a társadalmi felelősségvállalással foglalkozó vállalati weboldalakat kritikai szemüvegen keresztül vizsgálják. Céljuk, hogy feltárják az on-line kommunikációt jellemző belső ellentmondásokat és a vallott és követett értékek közötti különbségeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.


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This paper analyzes how José Lopéz’s participatory action research and transformational learning theory addresses the oppressed Puerto Rican experience. The paper examines the historical experience of colonialism, explains these two theories, and explores Lopéz’s adult education work in the Puerto Rican community using participatory action research and transformational learning.


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Nanocrystalline and bulk samples of “Fe”-doped CuO were prepared by coprecipitation and ceramic methods. Structural and compositional analyses were performed using X-ray diffraction, SEM, and EDAX. Traces of secondary phases such as CuFe2O4, Fe3O4, and α-Fe2O3 having peaks very close to that of the host CuO were identified from the Rietveld profile analysis and the SAED pattern of bulk and nanocrystalline Cu0.98Fe0.02O samples. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) measurements show hysteresis at 300 K for all the samples. The ferrimagnetic Neel transition temperature () was found to be around 465°C irrespective of the content of “Fe”, which is close to the value of cubic CuFe2O4. High-pressure X-Ray diffraction studies were performed on 2% “Fe”-doped bulk CuO using synchrotron radiation. From the absence of any strong new peaks at high pressure, it is evident that the secondary phases if present could be less than the level of detection. Cu2O, which is diamagnetic by nature, was also doped with 1% of “Fe” and was found to show paramagnetic behavior in contrast to the “Fe” doped CuO. Hence the possibility of intrinsic magnetization of “Fe”-doped CuO apart from the secondary phases is discussed based on the magnetization and charge state of “Fe” and the host into which it is substituted.