386 resultados para Coset Enumeration


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Bioremediation, which is the exploitation of the intrinsic ability of environmental microbes to degrade and remove harmful compounds from nature, is considered to be an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective means for environmental clean-up. However, a comprehensive understanding of the biodegradation potential of microbial communities and their response to decontamination measures is required for the effective management of bioremediation processes. In this thesis, the potential to use hydrocarbon-degradative genes as indicators of aerobic hydrocarbon biodegradation was investigated. Small-scale functional gene macro- and microarrays targeting aliphatic, monoaromatic and low molecular weight polyaromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation were developed in order to simultaneously monitor the biodegradation of mixtures of hydrocarbons. The validity of the array analysis in monitoring hydrocarbon biodegradation was evaluated in microcosm studies and field-scale bioremediation processes by comparing the hybridization signal intensities to hydrocarbon mineralization, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), dot blot hybridization and both chemical and microbiological monitoring data. The results obtained by real-time PCR, dot blot hybridization and gene array analysis were in good agreement with hydrocarbon biodegradation in laboratory-scale microcosms. Mineralization of several hydrocarbons could be monitored simultaneously using gene array analysis. In the field-scale bioremediation processes, the detection and enumeration of hydrocarbon-degradative genes provided important additional information for process optimization and design. In creosote-contaminated groundwater, gene array analysis demonstrated that the aerobic biodegradation potential that was present at the site, but restrained under the oxygen-limited conditions, could be successfully stimulated with aeration and nutrient infiltration. During ex situ bioremediation of diesel oil- and lubrication oil-contaminated soil, the functional gene array analysis revealed inefficient hydrocarbon biodegradation, caused by poor aeration during composting. The functional gene array specifically detected upper and lower biodegradation pathways required for complete mineralization of hydrocarbons. Bacteria representing 1 % of the microbial community could be detected without prior PCR amplification. Molecular biological monitoring methods based on functional genes provide powerful tools for the development of more efficient remediation processes. The parallel detection of several functional genes using functional gene array analysis is an especially promising tool for monitoring the biodegradation of mixtures of hydrocarbons.


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The paper presents a novel slicing based method for computation of volume fractions in multi-material solids given as a B-rep whose faces are triangulated and shared by either one or two materials. Such objects occur naturally in geoscience applications and the said computation is necessary for property estimation problems and iterative forward modeling. Each facet in the model is cut by the planes delineating the given grid structure or grid cells. The method, instead of classifying the points or cells with respect to the solid, exploits the convexity of triangles and the simple axis-oriented disposition of the cutting surfaces to construct a novel intermediate space enumeration representation called slice-representation, from which both the cell containment test and the volume-fraction computation are done easily. Cartesian and cylindrical grids with uniform and non-uniform spacings have been dealt with in this paper. After slicing, each triangle contributes polygonal facets, with potential elliptical edges, to the grid cells through which it passes. The volume fractions of different materials in a grid cell that is in interaction with the material interfaces are obtained by accumulating the volume contributions computed from each facet in the grid cell. The method is fast, accurate, robust and memory efficient. Examples illustrating the method and performance are included in the paper.


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Employing an error control code is one of the techniques to reduce the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in a Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system, a well known class of such codes being the cosets of Reed-Muller codes. In this paper, we consider the class of such coset-codes of arbitrary linear codes and present a method of doubling the size of such a code without increasing the PAPR, by combining two such binary coset-codes. We identify the conditions under which we can employ this doubling more than once with no marginal increase in the PAPR value. Given a PAPR and length, our method has enabled to get the best coset-code (in terms of the size). Also, we show that the PAPR information of the coset-codes of the extended codes is obtainable from the PAPR of the corresponding coset-codes of the parent code. We have also shown a special type of lengthening is useful in PAPR studies.


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A permanent 2 ha (200 m x 100 m) plot was established for long-term monitoring of plant diversity and dynamics in a tropical dry deciduous forest of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, southern India. Enumeration of all woody plants >= 1 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) yielded a total of 1766 individuals that belonged to 46 species, 37 genera and 24 families. Combretaceae was the most abundant family in the forest with a family importance value of 68.3. Plant density varied from 20 - 90 individuals with an average 35 individuals/quadrat (20 m x 20 m). Randia dumetorum, with 466 individuals (representing 26.7 % of the total density 2 ha(-1)) with species importance value of 36.25, was the dominant species in the plot. The total basal area of the plot was 18.09 m(2) ha(-1) with a mean of 0.72 m(2) quadrat(-1). The highest basal area of the plot was contributed by Combretaceae (12.93 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at family level and Terminalia tomentosa (5.58 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at species level. The lowest diameter class (1-10 cm) had the highest density (1054 individuals 2 ha(-1)), but basal area was highest in the 80 - 90 cm diameter class (5.03m(2) 2 ha(-1)). Most of the species exhibited random or aggregated distribution over the plot. This study provides a baseline information on the dry forests of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary.


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The extension of the superposition principle of the symmetries (P. Curie principle of symmetry) for the case of complete symmetry is given. The enumeration of all crystallographical groups of complete symmetry is presented, the number of elements having complete symmetry for each class of the crystals being indicated. The change of complete symmetry of the crystals under the phase transitions is obtained by superimposing the elements of complete symmetry of polar or axial vectors on the one hand, and the elements of complete symmetry of the crystals on the other. The tables of complete symmetry changes for the cubic, rhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals during the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic phase transitions are given.


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This dissertation is a synchronic description of adnominal person in the highly synthetic morphological system of Erzya as attested in extensive Erzya-language written-text corpora consisting of nearly 140 publications with over 4.5 million words and over 285,000 unique lexical items. Insight for this description have been obtained from several source grammars in German, Russian, Erzya, Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, as well as bounteous discussions in the understanding of the language with native speakers and grammarians 1993 2010. Introductory information includes the discussion of the status of Erzya as a lan- guage, the enumeration of phonemes generally used in the transliteration of texts and an in-depth description of adnominal morphology. The reader is then made aware of typological and Erzya-specifc work in the study of adnominal-type person. Methods of description draw upon the prerequisite information required in the development of a two-level morphological analyzer, as can be obtained in the typological description of allomorphic variation in the target language. Indication of original author or dialect background is considered important in the attestation of linguistic phenomena, such that variation might be plotted for a synchronic description of the language. The phonological description includes the establishment of a 6-vowel, 29-consonant phoneme system for use in the transliteration of annotated texts, i.e. two phonemes more than are generally recognized, and numerous rules governing allophonic variation in the language. Erzya adnominal morphology is demonstrated to have a three-way split in stem types and a three-layer system of non-derivative affixation. The adnominal-affixation layers are broken into (a) declension (the categories of case, number and deictic marking); (b) nominal conjugation (non-verb grammatical and oblique-case items can be conjugated), and (c) clitic marking. Each layer is given statistical detail with regard to concatenability. Finally, individual subsections are dedicated to the matters of: possessive declension compatibility in the distinction of sublexica; genitive and dative-case paradigmatic defectivity in the possessive declension, where it is demonstrated to be parametrically diverse, and secondary declension, a proposed typology modifiers without nouns , as compatible with adnominal person.


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We recently introduced the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), a technique that includes short-ranged dynamical correlations in addition to the local dynamics of the dynamical mean-field approximation while preserving causality. The technique is based on an iterative self-consistency scheme on a finite-size periodic cluster. The dynamical mean-field approximation (exact result) is obtained by taking the cluster to a single site (the thermodynamic limit). Here, we provide details of our method, explicitly show that it is causal, systematic, Phi derivable, and that it becomes conserving as the cluster size increases. We demonstrate the DCA by applying it to a quantum Monte Carlo and exact enumeration study of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model. The resulting spectral functions preserve causality, and the spectra and the charge-density-wave transition temperature converge quickly and systematically to the thermodynamic limit as the cluster size increases.


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Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeriston kehitys alkaa syntymästä, jolloin ensimmäiset bakteerit kansoittavat steriilin ruuansulatuskanavan. Bakteeristo kehittyy perimän, ympäristön ja varhaisen ruokavalion vaikutuksesta kohti monimuotoisempaa bakteeripopulaatiota. Aikuisen ruuansulatuskanavan normaalibakteeristo on varsin muuttumaton, mutta siihen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, kuten ikä, terveydentila, ruokavalio ja antibioottien käyttö. Bakteeriston koostumus vaihtelee ruuansulatuskanavan eri osissa ja bakteerimäärä kasvaa kohti paksusuolta, ollen paksusuolessa ja ulosteessa peräti 1010-1012 pmy/ml. Suurin osa ruuansulatuskanavan bakteereista on anaerobeja. Ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeristo vaikuttaa muun muassa suoliston kehittymiseen ja hiilihydraattien ja proteiinien hajotukseen sekä toimii osana immuunipuolustusta. Sulfaattia pelkistävät bakteerit (SRB) ovat monimuotoinen ryhmä pääosin anaerobisia bakteereita, jotka käyttävät aineenvaihdunnassaan elektronin vastaanottajana sulfaattia muuttaen sen lopulta sulfidiksi. SRB:t ovat sopeutuneet useisiin erilaisiin ympäristöihin. Niitä tavataan mm. vesistöjen sedimenteissä sekä ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa. Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa on SRB:ta n. 105-108 pmy/g, ja niitä on löydetty erityisesti anaerobisista osista kuten suun ientaskuista ja paksusuolesta. SRB:t voivat olla haitaksi ruuansulatuskanavalle tuottamansa sulfidin vuoksi, joka esiintyy vesiliuoksessa vetysulfidina. Tämän on havaittu olevan toksista suoliston epiteelisoluille. Viimeaikoina on kiinnostuttu sulfaatinpelkistäjien yhteydestä suoliston sairaustiloihin, kuten tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin (IBD). Pro gradu -tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli kehittää PCR-DGGE- ja qPCR-menetelmät ulosteen sulfaattia pelkistävien bakteerien määritykseen. Kohdegeeninä menetelmänkehityksessä käytettiin dsrAB-geeniä, joka koodaa dissimilatorista sulfiitinpelkistysentsyymiä. dsrAB-geeni on sulfaatinpelkistäjille ominainen konservoitunut geenialue, johon perustuvia tutkimuksia ei vielä ole paljon ihmispuolelta. qPCR-menetelmä saatiin optimoitua herkäksi ja spesifiseksi käyttäen dsrA-geenispesifisiä alukkeita, mutta PCR-DGGE-menetelmää ei saatu optimoitua käytössä olleilla alukkeilla, jotka monistivat PCR-DGGE:ssa myös negatiivikontrollikantoja. Tutkittaessa qPCR:lla IBD:tä (Crohn ja ulseratiivinen koliitti) sairastavien lasten ja terveiden kontrollihenkilöiden ulostenäytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta, merkittävää eroa SRB-määrissä ei havaittu eri ryhmien välillä. Crohnin tautia sairastavien aktiivisen vaiheen ja oireettoman vaiheen näytteiden välillä oli kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero (SRB-määrät; oireeton vaihe>oireellinen vaihe) (P <0,05).


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The study of soil microbiota and their activities is central to the understanding of many ecosystem processes such as decomposition and nutrient cycling. The collection of microbiological data from soils generally involves several sequential steps of sampling, pretreatment and laboratory measurements. The reliability of results is dependent on reliable methods in every step. The aim of this thesis was to critically evaluate some central methods and procedures used in soil microbiological studies in order to increase our understanding of the factors that affect the measurement results and to provide guidance and new approaches for the design of experiments. The thesis focuses on four major themes: 1) soil microbiological heterogeneity and sampling, 2) storage of soil samples, 3) DNA extraction from soil, and 4) quantification of specific microbial groups by the most-probable-number (MPN) procedure. Soil heterogeneity and sampling are discussed as a single theme because knowledge on spatial (horizontal and vertical) and temporal variation is crucial when designing sampling procedures. Comparison of adjacent forest, meadow and cropped field plots showed that land use has a strong impact on the degree of horizontal variation of soil enzyme activities and bacterial community structure. However, regardless of the land use, the variation of microbiological characteristics appeared not to have predictable spatial structure at 0.5-10 m. Temporal and soil depth-related patterns were studied in relation to plant growth in cropped soil. The results showed that most enzyme activities and microbial biomass have a clear decreasing trend in the top 40 cm soil profile and a temporal pattern during the growing season. A new procedure for sampling of soil microbiological characteristics based on stratified sampling and pre-characterisation of samples was developed. A practical example demonstrated the potential of the new procedure to reduce the analysis efforts involved in laborious microbiological measurements without loss of precision. The investigation of storage of soil samples revealed that freezing (-20 °C) of small sample aliquots retains the activity of hydrolytic enzymes and the structure of the bacterial community in different soil matrices relatively well whereas air-drying cannot be recommended as a storage method for soil microbiological properties due to large reductions in activity. Freezing below -70 °C was the preferred method of storage for samples with high organic matter content. Comparison of different direct DNA extraction methods showed that the cell lysis treatment has a strong impact on the molecular size of DNA obtained and on the bacterial community structure detected. An improved MPN method for the enumeration of soil naphthalene degraders was introduced as an alternative to more complex MPN protocols or the DNA-based quantification approach. The main advantage of the new method is the simple protocol and the possibility to analyse a large number of samples and replicates simultaneously.


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Determining the sequence of amino acid residues in a heteropolymer chain of a protein with a given conformation is a discrete combinatorial problem that is not generally amenable for gradient-based continuous optimization algorithms. In this paper we present a new approach to this problem using continuous models. In this modeling, continuous "state functions" are proposed to designate the type of each residue in the chain. Such a continuous model helps define a continuous sequence space in which a chosen criterion is optimized to find the most appropriate sequence. Searching a continuous sequence space using a deterministic optimization algorithm makes it possible to find the optimal sequences with much less computation than many other approaches. The computational efficiency of this method is further improved by combining it with a graph spectral method, which explicitly takes into account the topology of the desired conformation and also helps make the combined method more robust. The continuous modeling used here appears to have additional advantages in mimicking the folding pathways and in creating the energy landscapes that help find sequences with high stability and kinetic accessibility. To illustrate the new approach, a widely used simplifying assumption is made by considering only two types of residues: hydrophobic (H) and polar (P). Self-avoiding compact lattice models are used to validate the method with known results in the literature and data that can be practically obtained by exhaustive enumeration on a desktop computer. We also present examples of sequence design for the HP models of some real proteins, which are solved in less than five minutes on a single-processor desktop computer Some open issues and future extensions are noted.


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Given a parametrized n-dimensional SQL query template and a choice of query optimizer, a plan diagram is a color-coded pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of the optimizer over the query parameter space. These diagrams have proved to be a powerful metaphor for the analysis and redesign of modern optimizers, and are gaining currency in diverse industrial and academic institutions. However, their utility is adversely impacted by the impractically large computational overheads incurred when standard brute-force exhaustive approaches are used for producing fine-grained diagrams on high-dimensional query templates. In this paper, we investigate strategies for efficiently producing close approximations to complex plan diagrams. Our techniques are customized to the features available in the optimizer's API, ranging from the generic optimizers that provide only the optimal plan for a query, to those that also support costing of sub-optimal plans and enumerating rank-ordered lists of plans. The techniques collectively feature both random and grid sampling, as well as inference techniques based on nearest-neighbor classifiers, parametric query optimization and plan cost monotonicity. Extensive experimentation with a representative set of TPC-H and TPC-DS-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers indicates that our techniques are capable of delivering 90% accurate diagrams while incurring less than 15% of the computational overheads of the exhaustive approach. In fact, for full-featured optimizers, we can guarantee zero error with less than 10% overheads. These approximation techniques have been implemented in the publicly available Picasso optimizer visualization tool.


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The quality of tap water from water supplies from 14 districts of Kerala state, India was studied. Parameters like pH, water temperature, total dissolved solids, salinity, nitrates, chloride, hardness, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, fluoride, sulphate, phosphates, and coliform bacteria were enumerated. The results showed that all water samples were contaminated by coliform bacteria. About 20% of the tap water samples from Alappuzha and 15% samples from Palakkad district are above desirable limits prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards. The contamination of the source water (due to lack of community hygiene) and insufficient treatment are the major cause for the coliform contamination in the state. Water samples from Alappuzha and Palakkad have high ionic and fluoride content which could be attributed to the geology of the region. Water supplied for drinking in rural areas are relatively free of any contamination than the water supplied in urban area by municipalities, which may be attributed higher chances of contamination in urban area due to mismanagement of solid and liquid wastes. The study highlights the need for regular bacteriological enumeration along with water quality in addition to setting up decentralised region specific improved treatment system.


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A "plan diagram" is a pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of a database query optimizer over the relational selectivity space. We have shown recently that, for industrial-strength database engines, these diagrams are often remarkably complex and dense, with a large number of plans covering the space. However, they can often be reduced to much simpler pictures, featuring significantly fewer plans, without materially affecting the query processing quality. Plan reduction has useful implications for the design and usage of query optimizers, including quantifying redundancy in the plan search space, enhancing useability of parametric query optimization, identifying error-resistant and least-expected-cost plans, and minimizing the overheads of multi-plan approaches. We investigate here the plan reduction issue from theoretical, statistical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that optimal plan reduction, w.r.t. minimizing the number of plans, is an NP-hard problem in general, and remains so even for a storage-constrained variant. We then present a greedy reduction algorithm with tight and optimal performance guarantees, whose complexity scales linearly with the number of plans in the diagram for a given resolution. Next, we devise fast estimators for locating the best tradeoff between the reduction in plan cardinality and the impact on query processing quality. Finally, extensive experimentation with a suite of multi-dimensional TPCH-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers demonstrates that complex plan diagrams easily reduce to "anorexic" (small absolute number of plans) levels incurring only marginal increases in the estimated query processing costs.


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Long term forest research sites in India, going by different names including Linear Tree Increment Plots, Linear Increment Plots, Linear Sample Plots and Permanent Preservation Plots, cover diverse plant communities and environmental conditions. Presently, some of these long-term observational studies are functional, some are disturbed and others have almost been lost. The accumulated data will become increasingly important in the context of environmental modelling and climate change, especially if the plots and data can be maintained and/or revived. This contribution presents the history and current state of forest research plots in India, including details of locations and re-measurements. We provide a brief introduction of the National Forest Inventory (NFI), Preservation Plots in natural forests, the 50-ha Mudumalai Forest Dynamics Plot as part of the Centre for Tropical Forest Science and Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatories network (CTFS-SIGEO), and research plots established in plantations for tree growth studies and modelling. We also present some methodological details including assessment and analysis for two types of observational studies, the Tree Count Plots (TCP) and Tree Re-measurement Plots (TRP). Arguments are presented in favour of enumeration and analysis methods which are consistent with current approaches in forest ecological research. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Developing countries constantly face the challenge of reliably matching electricity supply to increasing consumer demand. The traditional policy decisions of increasing supply and reducing demand centrally, by building new power plants and/or load shedding, have been insufficient. Locally installed microgrids along with consumer demand response can be suitable decentralized options to augment the centralized grid based systems and plug the demand-supply gap. The objectives of this paper are to: (1) develop a framework to identify the appropriate decentralized energy options for demand supply matching within a community, and, (2) determine which of these options can suitably plug the existing demand-supply gap at varying levels of grid unavailability. A scenario analysis framework is developed to identify and assess the impact of different decentralized energy options at a community level and demonstrated for a typical urban residential community Vijayanagar, Bangalore in India. A combination of LPG based CHP microgrid and proactive demand response by the community is the appropriate option that enables the Vijayanagar community to meet its energy needs 24/7 in a reliable, cost-effective manner. The paper concludes with an enumeration of the barriers and feasible strategies for the implementation of community microgrids in India based on stakeholder inputs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.