309 resultados para Ceratitis-capitata
Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado e a vida útil do repolho mimimamente processado em atmosfera controlada, realizaram-se dois experimentos em etapas seqüenciais. Na primeira etapa, avaliaram-se a atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado, em sistema fechado, nas temperaturas de 5 ºC e 10 ºC. Na segunda etapa, avaliou-se a vida útil do repolho minimamente processado em atmosfera controlada. O produto foi submetido a fluxo contínuo de misturas gasosas ternárias, com concentrações de 2% a 10% de O2 e de 3% a 10% de CO2, previamente umidificadas, na temperatura de 5 ºC por 10 dias. Como controle, foi utilizado o ar atmosférico. A atividade respiratória do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado, armazenado a 5 ºC, foi significativamente menor que a do armazenado a 10 ºC, sendo que, em ambas as temperaturas, o repolho minimamente processado foi o que obteve a maior atividade respiratória com relação ao repolho inteiro. Não foi detectada a produção de etileno pelo método de análise utilizado. A atmosfera controlada não prolongou a vida útil do repolho minimamente processado nas concentrações de 2% a 10% de oxigênio e de 3% a 10% de dióxido de carbono.
Rhynchosia capitata is becoming an increasing problem in summer crops, such as cotton, soybean, pearl millet and mungbean in many Asian countries. Laboratory and greenhouse studies have been conducted to determine the effects of several environmental factors on seed germination patterns and seedling emergence of R. capitata. We investigated whether the diverse ecological factors such as temperature, light, salinity, moisture stress, pH, and soil depth affected germination and seedling emergence of R. capitata. Germination increased as temperature increased from 25ºC and significantly reduced at 45ºC. Presence or absence of light did not influence germination. Germination of R. capitata was sensitive to increased salt and moisture stress, as well as to seed burial depth. Only 48% of seeds germinated at 150 mM salt concentration compared to 100% in control (distilled water). Similarly, 15% of seeds germinated at an osmotic potential of ‑0.8 MPa compared to 88% at ‑0.2 MPa. The optimum pH for seed germination of R. capitata was 7 (98% germination), but the seeds also germinated at lower level of pH 5 (85%) and at higher level of pH 10 (75%). In seed burial trial, maximum seedling emergence of 93% occurred at 2 cm depth, and seedling did not emerge from a depth of 12 cm. The high germination ability of R. capitata under a wide range of ecological factors suggests that this species is likely to be the one to cause more problems in a near future, if not managed appropriately.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the allelopathic influence of Rhynchosia capitata on germination and seedling growth of mungbean (Vigna radiate) along with identification of the phytotoxic substances responsible for this activity. Water extracts of root, shoot, leaf, fruit and whole plant were prepared by soaking them in water in a ratio of 1:20 (w/v) for 24 h. All the extracts affected germination and seedling growth of mungbean, but higher inhibition was seen with R. capitata leaf water extracts. A linear decrease in the germination characteristics of mungbean was observed with the decrease in the concentration of leaf extract from 5% to 1%. The soil-incorporated residues (1-4% w/w) of R. capitata stimulated the growth of root and hypocotyl at low concentrations, while it inhibited their growth at higher concentrations. Rhynchosia capitata soil-incorporated residues (4% w/w) significantly reduced the seedling vigour index of mungbean in addition to their significant effect on total germination. A significant amount of water-soluble phenolic acids were found in R. capitata plant extracts. The content of total phenolic acids was higher in the leaf extract compared to that of the stem, fruit or root extracts. Two phenolic acids including vanillic acid and 4‑(hydroxymethyl) benzoic acid were found in R. capitata leaf extracts.
Rhynchosia capitata is a newly emerging threatening weed of summer crops in many Asian countries. We conducted 2-yr experiments to evaluate R. capitata competition with mungbean under irrigated conditions. Rhynchosia capitata was allowed to compete with mungbean for 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks after planting and for full crop season. The competitive ability of R. capitata was assessed by measuring its dry weight, micro and macro nutrient contents and uptake; and its effects on mungbean growth and yield parameters. The results showed that full season weed competition produced highest dry weight of R. capitata and its macro and micronutrient contents and uptake. Yield and yield components of mungbean decreased in a linear fashion with increase in competition period of Rhynchosia capitata. Full season competition of R. capitata reduced the seed yield of mungbean by 49% and 46% during 2011 and 2012 respectively. In conclusion, damaging effect of R. capitata intrusion on mungbean yield is associated with duration of its presence in crop, accumulation of dry matter and the nutrient uptake by R. capitata, which otherwise should be available to crop.
Este estudo avaliou as características morfológicas, fenológicas e aspectos da biologia reprodutiva dos indivíduos de uma população de Butia capitata em uma restinga no litoral de Laguna, SC. Numa área de 2500 m2, foram registradas 215 plantas com altura média total de 86,39 cm (S= 27,39; min= 1 e máx= 311). Os indivíduos com altura igual ou inferior a 20 cm não apresentavam evidências de reprodução. A porcentagem de plantas reprodutivas aumentou entre plantas de maior porte, mas nem todos os indivíduos em fase reprodutiva floresceram em anos subseqüentes. Os parâmetros altura total e número de folhas, altura total e comprimento do limbo foliar, assim como número de folhas e número de infrutescências se apresentaram positivamente correlacionados. A floração ocorreu no período de primavera e verão, com pico em novembro e dezembro. B. capitata mostrou ser uma espécie protândrica, com duração média da fenofase masculina/inflorescência de 7,95 dias, da feminina de 3,95 dias e com um intervalo de 2,45 dias entre estas fases. São raras na população, inflorescências em fase masculina e inflorescências em fase feminina simultaneamente numa mesma planta, o que favorece um polinização xenogâmica. Frutos maduros ocorrem de novembro a maio, com pico em fevereiro, com produção de uma a seis infrutescências/planta. A oferta de frutos por sete meses, a alta densidade populacional e uma elevada proporção de plantas reprodutivas na população caracterizam B. capitata como um recurso alimentar para um série de frugívoros, assim como para as populações humanas litorâneas.
Using a high-resolution reverse-phase liquid chromatography method we found that the tissues of the hermatypic coral Pocillopora capitato (collected in Santiago Bay, Mexico) contain a high diversity of primary and secondary mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) typical of some reef-building coral species: mycosporine-glycine, shinorine, porphyra-334, mycosporine-methylamine-serine, mycosporine-methylamine-threonine, palythine-serine, palythine and one additional novel predominant MAA, with an absorbance maximum of 320 nm. Here we document the isolation and characterization of this novel MAA from the coral A capitata. Using low multi-stage mass analyses of deuterated and non deuterated compounds, high-resolution mass analyses (Time of Flight, TOF) and other techniques, this novel compound was characterized as palythine-threonine. Palythine-threonine was also present in high concentrations in the corals Pocillopora eydouxi and Stylophora pistillata indicating a wider distribution of this MAA among reef-building corals. From structural considerations we suggest that palythine-threonine is formed by decarboxylation of porphyra-334 followed by demethylation of mycosporine-methylamine-threonine. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An improved cultivar, based on 17 genotypes of S. capitata and six of S.macrocephala, was developed at the wEmbrapa Beef Cattle Research Center, Campo Grande, Brazil. The aim was to create durable, race non-specific resistance to anthracnose controlled by polygenic factors. A mass hybridisation technique was employed to produce a high degree of genetic diversity and sizeable quantities of seed of hybrid-derived progenies of Brazilian and Venezuelan genotypes of S. capitata. Outcrossing resulted in a significant improvement in the forage production of progeny of Venezuelan accessions. The multicross was evaluated in multilocational trials, each representing a large tract of country in the Cerrados ecosystem along a north-south transect from lat.6degrees S to 20degrees S. The genetic shift that occurred in S. capitata was a key element in the formation of the new cultivar. It is a complex mixture of two species, and a recombination of much desired forage traits of Brazilian x Venezuelan genotypes, high forage and seed yields coupled with anthracnose resistance. The new cultivar with its diverse genetic make-up has a wide application in the acid-soil savannas of tropical America. It was released by Embrapa for the Cerrados in 2000.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A long-term (10 months) controlled experiment was conducted to test the impact of increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) on common calcifying coral reef organisms. The experiment was conducted in replicate continuous flow coral reef mesocosms flushed with unfiltered sea water from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Mesocosms were located in full sunlight and experienced diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in temperature and sea water chemistry characteristic of the adjacent reef flat. Treatment mesocosms were manipulated to simulate an increase in pCO2 to levels expected in this century [midday pCO2 levels exceeding control mesocosms by 365 ± 130 µatm (mean ± sd)]. Acidification had a profound impact on the development and growth of crustose coralline algae (CCA) populations. During the experiment, CCA developed 25% cover in the control mesocosms and only 4% in the acidified mesocosms, representing an 86% relative reduction. Free-living associations of CCA known as rhodoliths living in the control mesocosms grew at a rate of 0.6 g buoyant weight per year while those in the acidified experimental treatment decreased in weight at a rate of 0.9 g buoyant weight per year, representing a 250% difference. CCA play an important role in the growth and stabilization of carbonate reefs, so future changes of this magnitude could greatly impact coral reefs throughout the world. Coral calcification decreased between 15% and 20% under acidified conditions. Linear extension decreased by 14% under acidified conditions in one experiment. Larvae of the coral Pocillopora damicornis were able to recruit under the acidified conditions. In addition, there was no significant difference in production of gametes by the coral Montipora capitata after 6 months of exposure to the treatments.