979 resultados para Cauchy-Riemann equations


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El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es el estudio de la conexión, mediante el problema de Riemann-Hilbert, entre sistemas discretos y la teoría de polinomios matriciales ortogonales. La investigación de los modelos integrables se originó en la Mecánica Clásica, en relación a la resolución de las ecuaciones de Newton [2]. Los trabajos de Liouville, Hamilton, Jacobi y otros sentaron las bases de los sistemas integrables como prototipos modelos resolubles por cuadraturas, v.g., por integración directa [7]. Hay una cantidad importante de investigación dedicada a los aspectos geométricos de los sistemas clásicos integrables y superintegrables [66], [82], especialmente en relación a la separación de variables de la ecuación de Hamilton-Jacobi [75]. Fue la aplicación, en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, de la transformada espectral inversa para la resolución del problema de Cauchy de la ecuación de Korteweg-de Vries [42, 43] la que marcó el inicio de una nueva etapa en este campo, el del estudio de sistemas integrables con un número infinito de grados de libertad, que generalmente se expresan en términos de jerarquías de ecuaciones no lineales en derivadas parciales. Particularmente reseñable, por su aplicación en la hidrodinámica y en la óptica cuántica, es la aparición de las soluciones a un número de solitones arbitrario. En las últimas tres décadas ha habido un importante interés por el estudio de modelos discretos, v.g., sistemas dinámicos de nidos en un retículo de puntos, y expresados en términos de ecuaciones no lineales en diferencia parciales. Muchas de las técnicas encontradas en el mundo continuo se extendieron a este nuevo contexto discreto. Hay dos razones fundamentales para este interés...


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In this paper, we prove that infinite-dimensional vector spaces of α-dense curves are generated by means of the functional equations f(x)+f(2x)+⋯+f(nx)=0, with n≥2, which are related to the partial sums of the Riemann zeta function. These curves α-densify a large class of compact sets of the plane for arbitrary small α, extending the known result that this holds for the cases n=2,3. Finally, we prove the existence of a family of solutions of such functional equation which has the property of quadrature in the compact that densifies, that is, the product of the length of the curve by the nth power of the density approaches the Jordan content of the compact set which the curve densifies.


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This paper proves that every zero of any n th , n ≥ 2, partial sum of the Riemann zeta function provides a vector space of basic solutions of the functional equation f(x)+f(2x)+⋯+f(nx)=0,x∈R . The continuity of the solutions depends on the sign of the real part of each zero.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the problem of determining the stationary temperature field on an inclusion from given Cauchy data on an accessible exterior boundary. On this accessible part the temperature (or the heat flux) is known, and, additionally, on a portion of this exterior boundary the heat flux (or temperature) is also given. We propose a direct boundary integral approach in combination with Tikhonov regularization for the stable determination of the temperature and flux on the inclusion. To determine these quantities on the inclusion, boundary integral equations are derived using Green’s functions, and properties of these equations are shown in an L2-setting. An effective way of discretizing these boundary integral equations based on the Nystr¨om method and trigonometric approximations, is outlined. Numerical examples are included, both with exact and noisy data, showing that accurate approximations can be obtained with small computational effort, and the accuracy is increasing with the length of the portion of the boundary where the additionally data is given.


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We consider the problem of stable determination of a harmonic function from knowledge of the solution and its normal derivative on a part of the boundary of the (bounded) solution domain. The alternating method is a procedure to generate an approximation to the harmonic function from such Cauchy data and we investigate a numerical implementation of this procedure based on Fredholm integral equations and Nyström discretization schemes, which makes it possible to perform a large number of iterations (millions) with minor computational cost (seconds) and high accuracy. Moreover, the original problem is rewritten as a fixed point equation on the boundary, and various other direct regularization techniques are discussed to solve that equation. We also discuss how knowledge of the smoothness of the data can be used to further improve the accuracy. Numerical examples are presented showing that accurate approximations of both the solution and its normal derivative can be obtained with much less computational time than in previous works.


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We study the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a quadrant (quarter-plane) containing a bounded inclusion. Given the values of the solution and its derivative on the edges of the quadrant the solution is reconstructed on the boundary of the inclusion. This is achieved using an alternating iterative method where at each iteration step mixed boundary value problems are being solved. A numerical method is also proposed and investigated for the direct mixed problems reducing these to integral equations over the inclusion. Numerical examples verify the efficiency of the proposed scheme.


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We propose an iterative procedure for the inverse problem of determining the displacement vector on the boundary of a bounded planar inclusion given the displacement and stress fields on an infinite (planar) line-segment. At each iteration step mixed boundary value problems in an elastostatic half-plane containing the bounded inclusion are solved. For efficient numerical implementation of the procedure these mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the bounded inclusion. Well-posedness and numerical solution of these boundary integral equations are presented, and a proof of convergence of the procedure for the inverse problem to the original solution is given. Numerical investigations are presented both for the direct and inverse problems, and these results show in particular that the displacement vector on the boundary of the inclusion can be found in an accurate and stable way with small computational cost.


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We consider a Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a two-dimensional semi-infinite region with a bounded inclusion, i.e. the region is the intersection between a half-plane and the exterior of a bounded closed curve contained in the half-plane. The Cauchy data are given on the unbounded part of the boundary of the region and the aim is to construct the solution on the boundary of the inclusion. In 1989, Kozlov and Maz'ya [10] proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems for general strongly elliptic and formally self-adjoint systems in bounded domains. We extend their approach to our setting and in each iteration step mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace equation in the semi-infinite region are solved. Well-posedness of these mixed problems are investigated and convergence of the alternating procedure is examined. For the numerical implementation an efficient boundary integral equation method is proposed, based on the indirect variant of the boundary integral equation approach. The mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the (bounded) boundary of the inclusion. Numerical examples are included showing the feasibility of the proposed method.


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We consider a Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a bounded region containing a cut, where the region is formed by removing a sufficiently smooth arc (the cut) from a bounded simply connected domain D. The aim is to reconstruct the solution on the cut from the values of the solution and its normal derivative on the boundary of the domain D. We propose an alternating iterative method which involves solving direct mixed problems for the Laplace operator in the same region. These mixed problems have either a Dirichlet or a Neumann boundary condition imposed on the cut and are solved by a potential approach. Each of these mixed problems is reduced to a system of integral equations of the first kind with logarithmic and hypersingular kernels and at most a square root singularity in the densities at the endpoints of the cut. The full discretization of the direct problems is realized by a trigonometric quadrature method which has super-algebraic convergence. The numerical examples presented illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method.


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In this study, we investigate the problem of reconstruction of a stationary temperature field from given temperature and heat flux on a part of the boundary of a semi-infinite region containing an inclusion. This situation can be modelled as a Cauchy problem for the Laplace operator and it is an ill-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. We propose and investigate a Landweber-Fridman type iterative method, which preserve the (stationary) heat operator, for the stable reconstruction of the temperature field on the boundary of the inclusion. In each iteration step, mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace operator are solved in the semi-infinite region. Well-posedness of these problems is investigated and convergence of the procedures is discussed. For the numerical implementation of these mixed problems an efficient boundary integral method is proposed which is based on the indirect variant of the boundary integral approach. Using this approach the mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the (bounded) boundary of the inclusion. Numerical examples are included showing that stable and accurate reconstructions of the temperature field on the boundary of the inclusion can be obtained also in the case of noisy data. These results are compared with those obtained with the alternating iterative method.


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We introduce a robot-safety device system attended by two different repairmen. The twin system is characterized by the natural feature of cold standby and by an admissible “risky” state. In order to analyse the random behaviour of the entire system (robot, safety device, repair facility) we employ a stochastic process endowed with probability measures satisfying general Hokstad-type differential equations. The solution procedure is based on the theory of sectionally holomorphic functions, characterized by a Cauchy-type integral defined as a Cauchy principal value in double sense. An application of the Sokhotski-Plemelj formulae determines the long-run availability of the robot-safety device. Finally, we consider the particular but important case of deterministic repair.