986 resultados para Cassia rugosa
A estirpe Bacillus licheniformis I89 possui a capacidade de produzir alguns compostos com actividade antibacteriana. No presente estudo, a separação desses compostos foi realizada através da aplicação de vários procedimentos, incluindo extracção em fase sólida e cromatografia liquida de alta pressão. Dois destes compostos bioactivos constituem o lantibiótico de classe II lichenicidina e são caracterizados pela massas molecular de 3250 Da (Bliα) e 3020 Da (Bliβ). O cluster responsável pela biossíntese da lichenicidina foi heterologamente expresso em Escherichia coli, constituindo a primeira descrição da produção de um lantibiótico totalmente in vivo num hospedeiro Gram-negativo. Este sistema foi subsequentemente explorado com o objectivo de relacionar cada proteína codificada no cluster genético da lichenicidina na produção dos péptidos Bliα e Bliβ. O desenvolvimento do sistema de trans complementação possibilitou a produção de variantes destes péptidos. A análise das massas moleculares destas variantes assim como a análise dos padrões de fragmentação obtidos por MS/MS permitiu a revisão de algumas das características estruturais previamente proposta para Bliα e Bliβ. A análise dos genes hipoteticamente envolvidos na protecção da estirpe produtora contra a acção antibiótica da lichenicidina revelou, que em E. coli, a sua ausência não resulta no aumento da susceptibilidade a este composto. Verificou-se também que a presença destes genes não é essencial para a produção de lichenicidina em E. coli. Foi também confirmado experimentalmente que a membrana externa da E. coli constitui uma barreira natural para a entrada dos péptidos na célula. De facto, uma das características intrigantes da produção de lichenicidina por uma bactéria de Gram negativo reside no mecanismo de transporte dos dois péptidos através da membrana externa. Neste estudo foi demonstrado que na ausência da proteína de membrana TolC, a massa molecular de Bliα e Bliβ não foi identificada no sobrenadante de E. coli, demonstrando assim que a sua presença no ambiente extra-celular não se devia a um processo de lise bacteriana. Foi ainda avaliada a capacidade da maquinaria biossintética da lichenicidina para produzir o lantibiótico haloduracina, através do processamento de chimeras lichenicidina-haloduracina, contudo, os resultados foram negativos. Verificou-se ainda que em determinadas condições de incubação, a diferenciação da morfologia original da estirpe B. licheniformis I89 pode ocorrer. Esta dissociação implicou a transição da colónia parental e rugosa para uma colónia de aparência mais simples e suave. Desta forma, as diferenças das duas morfologias em termos de taxa de crescimento, esporulação e actividade antibiótica foram investigadas. Considerando especificamente Bliα e Bliβ verificou-se que a abundância destes péptidos nas culturas do fenótipo fino é geralmente inferior aquela identificada nas culturas do fenótipo parental. Por último, a diversidade de elementos genéticos constituintes de péptido sintetases não ribossomais (NRPS) foi investigada em lagoas no centro de Portugal e em solos provenientes de caves do sul de Portugal, revelando a presença de potenciais novas NRPS nestes ambientes.
Com enquadramento nas áreas de Ciência da Informação, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e Educação, o estudo em voga visa formular propostas para o uso de rede social on-line de literatura infantil, em torno da biblioteca, para a educação básica, fundamentadas na teoria de comunidades de prática. O estudo de caso recaiu sobre quatro escolas, do 1º ciclo, da Educação Básica, do Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro-Portugal, tendo como instrumento para o experimento o Portal Biblon. A análise dos dados permite afirmar que a leitura de livros on-line não está inclusa nas atividades habituais da comunidade escolar pesquisada e, assim, o aluno encontra-se sem referencial para inserir esta prática cultural em suas rotinas e momentos de ócio. O cenário escolar atual não estimula a confluências da prática da leitura literária e da escrita dos alunos com as redes sociais on-line. O estudo aponta que, em uma rede social on-line, o livro de literatura infantil tem o papel de interagente, agregando leitores, em interação, em torno de si e que nas redes sociais on-line tem-se a presença dos “mediadores sociais centrais” que propiciam reforço e sustentação das práticas de leitura, através do contágio e da influência social e são propulsionadores da estrutura e do dinamismo da rede. Como conclusão geral tem-se que os utilizadores do Biblon desenvolvem experiências de leituras e escritas através da interação social, por meio de práticas, rotinas, diálogos e atividades comuns construídas na rede. A interação dentro da rede influencia o uso das ferramentas e o aprendizado para manuseá-las ocorre com as práticas. Assim, os laços associativos e as reações individuais envolvendo a leitura conduzem à formação de rede social em torno dos livros e os comportamentos e as preferências dos atores motivam a leitura e a escrita. Dessa forma, o Portal Biblon configura-se como um instrumento para formação de rede social on-line em torno da literatura infantil.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Biotechnology is currently considered as a useful altemative to conventional process technology in industrial and catalytic fields. The increasing awareness of the need to create green and sustainable production processes in all fields of chemistry has stimulated materials scientists to search for innovative catalysts supports. lmmobilization of enzymes in inorganic matrices is very useful in practical applications due to the preserved stability and catalytic activity of the immobilized enzymes under extreme conditions. Nanostructured inorganic, organic or hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites present paramount advantages to facilitate integration and miniaturization of the devices (nanotechnologies), thus affording a direct connection between the inorganic, organic and biological worlds. These properties, combined with good chemical stability, make them competent candidates for designed biocatalysts, protein-separation devices, drug delivery systems, and biosensors Aluininosilicate clays and layered double hydroxides, displaying, respectively, cation and anion exchange properties, were found to be attractive materials for immobilization because of their hydrophilic, swelling and porosity properties, as well as their mechanical and thermal stability.The aim of this study is the replacement of inorganic catalysts by immobilized lipases to obtain purer and healthier products.Mesocellular silica foams were synthesized by oil-in-water microemulsion templating route and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. " The experimental results from IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis demonstrated the presence of immobilized lipase and also functionalisation with silane and glutaraldehyde on the supports.The present work is a comprehensive study on enzymatic synthesis of butyl isobutyrate through esterification reaction using lipase immobilized onto mesocellular siliceous foams and montmorillonite K-10 via adsorption and covalent binding. Moreover, the irnrnobil-ization does not modify the nature of the kinetic mechanism proposed which is of the Bi-Bi Ping—Pong type with inhibition by n-butanol. The immobilized biocatalyst can be commercially exploited for the synthesis of other short chain flavor esters. Mesocellular silica foams (MCF) were synthesized by microemusion templating method via two different routes (hydrothermal and room temperature). and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. Candida rugosa lipase was adsorbed onto MCF silica and clay using heptane as the coupling medium for reactions in non-aqueous media. I From XRD results, a slight broadening and lowering of d spacing values after immobilization and modification was observed in the case of MCF 160 and MCF35 but there was no change in the d-spacing in the case of K-10 which showed that the enzymes are adsorbed only on the external surface. This was further confirmed from the nitrogen adsorption measurements
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles provide a non-invasive and biocompatible delivery platform for a broad range of applications in therapeutics, pharmaceuticals and diagnosis. Additionally, mesoporous silica materials can be synthesized together with other nanomaterials to create new nanocomposites, opening up a wide variety of potential applications. The ready functionalization of silica materials makes them ideal candidates for bioapplications and catalysis. These properties of mesoporous silica like high surface areas, large pore volumes and ordered pore networks allow them for higher loading of drugs or biomolecules. Comparative studies have been made to evaluate the different procedures; much of the research to date has involved quick exploration of new methods and supports. Requirements for different enzymes may vary, and specific conditions may be needed for a particular application of an immobilized enzyme such as a highly rigid support. In this endeavor, mesoporous silica materials having different pore size were synthesized and easily modified with active functional groups and were evaluated for the immobilization of enzymes. In this work, Aspergillus niger glucoamylase, Bovine liver catalase, Candida rugosa lipase were immobilized onto support by adsorption and covalent binding. The structural properties of pure and immobilized supports are analyzed by various characterization techniques and are used for different reactions of industrial applications.
El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní (SAG), en la agenda de integración del MERCOSUR. Se argumenta que el SAG al considerarse un espacio estratégico trasfronterizo, cuenta con un potencial desestabilizador, pero a la vez se configura como un potencial armonizador de la agenda de integración de MERCOSUR, analizando que esta característica promueve el fortalecimiento de los lazos de cooperación y el establecimiento de una dimensión ambiental al interior de la agenda. Para comprobarlo, se revisará el concepto de agenda y se utilizaran los conceptos de integración y desbordamiento del neofuncionalismo en el contexto de la interdependencia compleja. Finalmente, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite entender como el carácter estratégico del agua permea la agenda del MERCOSUR.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The trace fossils of the Wealden (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) of southern England are described. Sixteen invertebrate ichnotaxa include Agrichnium fimbriatus, Beaconites antarcticus, B. barretti, Cochlichnus anguineus, Diplichnites triassicus, Diplocraterion parallelum, Lockeia siliquaria, L. serialis, Monocraterion cf. tentaculum, Palaeophycus striatus, P. tubularis, Planolites montanus, Protovirgularia rugosa, Rhizocorallium isp., Scoyenia cf. gracilis, Unisulcus minutus, insect and root traces. Tetrapod tracks and trackways include tridactyl Iguanodontipus burreyi and other ornithopods, theropod, and tetradactyl sauropod (or possibly ankylosaur), together with extensive dinosaur tramplings. Coprolites are referred to two broad types: spiral, with or without included fish scales (attributable to sharks), and elongate and irregular (possibly produced by reptiles). A skinprint and two types of pseudofossil are also included. Five environmental associations are recognised: (1) lacustrine/lagoonal; (2) brackish incursions (flooding events) into the lacustrine/lagoonal environment; (3) a marginal lacustrine association with fluvial input; (4) a fluvial (lacustrine delta) association; (5) floodplain sediments (seasonal wetlands). These associations are assigned to the fluvial-lacustrine Scoyenia Ichnofacies and the incursions to Glossifungites lchnofacies. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seed storage behaviour of 5 1 native and 9 introduced tree species in Vietnam was investigated using a brief protocol developed to aid biodiversity conservation in circumstances where little is known about the seeds. Of the 60 species, 34 appeared to show orthodox (Acacia auriculaeformis, Adenanthera pavonina, Afzelia xylocarpa, Bauhinia purpurea, Callistemon lanceolatus, Cananga odorata, Canarium nigrum, Cassia fistula, Cassia javanica, Cassia splendida, Chukrasia tabularis, Dalbergia bariaensis, Dialium cochinchinensis, Diospyros mollis, Diospyros mun, Dracuntomelon duperreanum, Erythrophleum fordii, Khaya senegalensis, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Livistona cochinchinensis, Markhamia stipulata, Melaleuca cajuputi, Millettia ichthyotona, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Peltophorum tonkinensis, Pinus khasya, Pinus massoniana, Pinus merkusii, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Sindora siamensis, Sophora tonkinense, Sterculia foetida, Swietenia macrophylla), 13 recalcitrant (Avicennia alba, Beilschmiedia roxburghiana, Caryota mitis, Dimocarpus sp., Diospyros malabarica, Dipterocarpus chartaceus, Dypsis pinnatifrons, Hopea odorata, Lithocarpus gigantophylla, Machilus odoratissimus, Melanorrhoea laccifera, Melanorrhea usitata, Syzygium cinereum) and 13 intermediate (Anisoptera cochinchinensis, Aphanamixis polystachya, Averrhoa carambola, Carissa carandas, Chrysopylum cainito, Cinnamomum camphora, Citrofortunella microcarpa, Citrus grandis var. grandis, Elaeis guineensis, Hydnocarpus anthelmintica, Madhuca floribunda, Manilkara achras, Mimusops elengi) seed storage behaviour. A double-criteria key to estimate likely seed storage behaviour showed good agreement with the above: the key can reduce the workload of seed storage behaviour identification considerably.
Proanthocyanidins (PA) in Senna alata leaves were investigated by thiolysis with benzyl mercaptan, LC–MS and NMR and consisted of almost pure propelargonidins with <6% procyanidins, had B-type linkages and a mean degree of polymerisation of three. Epiafzelechin was the major flavan-3-ol subunit (>94%) and epicatechin a minor constituent (6.4%) in residual PA and mainly detected as an extension unit.
To evaluate reactivity to assess the temperament of Nellore steers in two feedlot housing systems (group pen or individual pen) and its relationship with plasmatic cortisol, 36 experimental units were observed five times at 28-day intervals of weight management during a 112-day feedlot confinement. A reactivity score scale ranging from 1 to 5 was applied when an animal was in the chute system. To the calmest animal, a reactivity score of 1 was ascribed and to the most agitated, 5. Blood samples were collected for cortisol analysis. No differences were found in reactivity and feedlot system. There was a relationship noted between reactivity and feedlot time in both housing systems (P < 0.01). There was a relation between reactivity and cortisol levels for group animals (P = 0.0616) and for individual ones (P < 0.01). Cortisol levels varied among housing systems (P < 0.01). Feedlot time influenced the cortisol levels (P < 0.09 individual; P < 0.01 group) and when variable time was included, these levels changed, decreasing in the group pen and increasing in individual pens. The continuous handling reduces reactivity and plasmatic cortisol, and group pen system seems to be less stressfully than individual pens. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In general, plant material grown in vitro has low photosynthetic ability to achieve positive carbon balances. Therefore, a continuous supply of carbohydrates from the culture medium is required, and sucrose has been the most commonly used carbon source. In this paper, we investigate the effects of different sucrose concentrations and the presence and absence of light on the endogenous levels of soluble carbohydrates and starch as well as on the proliferation and growth of Dendrobium Second Love (Orchidaceae) in vitro. The possibility of using etiolated stem segments as a means for micropropagating this hybrid was also verified. The results obtained indicated that the presence and absence of light and the sucrose concentrations used influenced the amounts of soluble carbohydrates and starch and the proliferation of D. Second Love shoots and roots. An increase in sucrose concentration caused a progressive increase in the amounts of total carbohydrates and starch. Under both light conditions, sucrose was the main sugar found in the shoots followed by glucose and fructose. The addition of sucrose to the culture medium up to 2% and 4% was advantageous to the number of shoots produced per explant and the root longitudinal growth in the presence and absence of light, respectively. Shoot and root dry matter and the number of roots formed per explant increased as sucrose concentration was raised up to 6% in both light treatments. The use of dark-grown shoot segments proved to be a useful and reliable alternative for the micropropagation of this hybrid.
The leaf is considered the most important vegetative organ of tank epiphytic bromeliads due to its ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. However, little is known about the physiological characteristics of nutrient uptake and assimilation. In order to better understand the mechanisms utilized by some tank epiphytic bromeliads to optimize the nitrogen acquisition and assimilation, a study was proposed to verify the existence of a differential capacity to assimilate nitrogen in different leaf portions. The experiments were conducted using young plants of Vriesea gigantea. A nutrient solution containing NO(3)(-)/NH(4)(+) or urea as the sole nitrogen source was supplied to the tank of these plants and the activities of urease, nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (NADH-GDH) were quantified in apical and basal leaf portions after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h. The endogenous ammonium and urea contents were also analyzed. Independent of the nitrogen sources utilized, NR and urease activities were higher in the basal portions of leaves in all the period analyzed. On the contrary. GS and GDH activities were higher in apical part. It was also observed that the endogenous ammonium and urea had the highest contents detected in the basal region. These results suggest that the basal portion was preferentially involved in nitrate reduction and urea hydrolysis, while the apical region could be the main area responsible for ammonium assimilation through the action of GS and GDH activities. Moreover, it was possible to infer that ammonium may be transported from the base, to the apex of the leaves. In conclusion, it was suggested that a spatial and functional division in nitrogen absorption and NH(4)(+) assimilation between basal and apical leaf areas exists, ensuring that the majority of nitrogen available inside the tank is quickly used by bromeliad`s leaves. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Comparative analysis of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana showed higher amounts of sucrose, fructose, raffinose, and myo-inositol in zygotic embryos at different developmental stages than in corresponding somatic ones. These differences were mostly constant. In general, glucose levels were significantly lower than the other soluble carbohydrates analyzed, showing minor variation in each embryo stage. Despite the presence of sucrose in the culture medium, its levels conspicuously diminished in somatic embryos compared with the zygotic ones. Raffinose enhanced parallel to embryo development, regardless of its zygotic or somatic origin. Analysis of the soluble carbohydrate composition of mature zygotic cotyledon used as explant pointed out fructose, glucose, myo-inositol, sucrose, and raffinose as the most important. Similar composition was also found in the corresponding somatic cotyledon. Total soluble carbohydrates varied inversely, decreasing in zygotic embryos and increasing in somatic embryos until the 24th d, at which time they increased rapidly about sixfold in zygotic embryos until the 27th d, a period coinciding with the zygotic proembryos formation. Such condition seems to reflect directly the variation of endogenous sucrose level, mainly because glucose and fructose diminished continuously during this time period. This means that, in terms of soluble sugars, zygotic embryo formation occurred under a situation represented by high sucrose amounts, simultaneously with low fructose and glucose levels, while in contrast, somatic embryo formation took place under an endogenous sugar status characterized by a substantial fructose enhancement. Starch levels increased continuously in zygotic embryos and decreased in somatic ones, the reverse to what was found in fructose variation. Starch accumulation was significantly higher in somatic torpedo and cotyledonary embryos than in the corresponding zygotic ones.
This study analyzed the relationship between environmental factors, especially air pollution and climatic conditions, and non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in plants of Lolium multiflorum exposed during 10 consecutive periods of 28 days at a polluted site (Congonhas) and at a reference site in Sao Paulo city (Brazil). After exposure, NSC composition and leaf concentrations of Al, Fe. Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were measured. The seasonal pattern of NSC accumulation was quite similar in both sites, but plants at Congonhas showed higher concentrations of these compounds, especially fructans of low and medium degree of polymerization. Regression analysis showed that NSC in plants growing at the polluted site were explained by variations on temperature and leaf concentration of Fe (positive effect), as well as relative humidity and particulate material (negative effect). NSC in the standardized grass culture, in addition to heavy metal accumulation, may indicate stressing conditions in a sub-tropical polluted environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.