842 resultados para Capital market
The refinancing of PFI (Private Finance Initiative) projects represents one of the most contentious aspects of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the UK. The negative publicity associated with UK PFI refinancing deals is associated with several factors, including, evidence of massive private sector profit making, the failure of private sector financiers to share refinancing profits and, lastly, private sector frustration of adequate regulatory intervention in this area. Utilising a dynamic model of capital market and state interaction, this paper explains these outcomes as a function of effective private sector lobbying of bureaucratic state agencies to alter the structure of accounting, accountability and regulation with the goal of securing favourable profit and risk outcomes. These dynamics are illustrated with reference to the history of UK PFI refinancing and a case study of one of the projects where these gains reached extreme levels.
Professor Norman Macintosh has long been a leading, and at times a dissonant, voice in critical accounting studies, exhibiting an intellectual dexterity seldom encountered in the accounting academy. His work ranges from the application of traditional organizational theories within work organizations to poststructural renderings of capital market exigencies. Here, we consider and extend Professor Macintosh's work contemplating the morality embedded within, and propagated by, management accounting and control systems (macs). We begin with Macintosh (1995) employing structuration theory in investigating the ethics of profit manipulation within large, decentralized corporations. The work highlights the fundamental dialectical contradictions within these work organizations, demonstrates the indeterminacy of traditional ethical reasoning, and shows the extent to which macs provide legitimating underpinnings for management action. We propose to extend the conversation using the tools provided in Macintosh's subsequent work: a Levinasian ethic (Macintosh et al., 2009), and heteroglossic accounting (Macintosh, 2002)—both emerging from his poststructuralist predilections. A Levinasian perspective provides an ontologically grounded ethic, and heteroglossic accounting calls for multiple accountings representing alternative moral voices. A critical dialogic framework is proposed as a theoretic for imagining heteroglossic accounting that takes pluralism seriously by recognizing the reality of irresolvable differences and asymmetric power relationships associated with assorted moral perspectives.
In the last 15 years of the nineteenth century c.300 British brewers incorporated and floated securities on the stock market. Subsequently, in the 1900s, the industry suffered a long-lived hangover. In this paper, we establish the stylised facts of this transformation and estimate the gains enjoyed by brewery investors during the boom as well as the losses suffered by investors during the bust of the 1900s. However, not all brewery equity shares suffered alike. We find that post-1900 performance correlates positively with capital-market discipline and good corporate governance and negatively with family control, but does not correlate with indebtedness.
Die Arbeit entwickelt einen Ansatz, mit dem Aktienkursreaktionen auf Unternehmensmeldungen untersucht werden können. Die Vorgehensweise entstammt der Forschungsfrage, ob Investoren im Sinne einer Kontrollfunktion des Kapitalmarktes angemessen auf Unternehmensmeldungen reagieren, die auf den Stand einer M&A-Integration hinweisen. Vermutet wird, dass Synergieeffekte vom Management im Vorfeld versprochen werden, um M&A-Transaktionen zu rechtfertigen. Anschließend würdigen bzw. kontrollieren Investoren die Entwicklung der Integration jedoch nicht ausreichend. Dies soll bewiesen werden, indem gezeigt wird, dass Kursreaktionen in Form von bereinigten Tagesrenditen und -volatilitäten, Handelsvolumen und Hoch-Tief-Spannen auf M&A-Meldungen vergleichsweise geringer ausfallen. Um eine Vergleichbarkeit von Unternehmensmeldungen verschiedener Gruppen (M&A, Produkte usw.) herstellen zu können, werden die Handlungsanreize der Meldungen mittels der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse kategorisiert. Im Rahmen einer exemplarischen Anwendung zeigte sich, dass der Ansatz, dessen Besonderheit in der systematischen Auswahl probater Beobachtungen liegt, nicht für eine praktische Übertragung geeignet ist. Demnach konnte die Vermutung weder verworfen noch bestätigt werden. Theoretisch kann aufgrund der Betrachtung eines einzelnen Ereignistages, an dem neben der zu untersuchenden Meldung keine weiteren Informationen über das Unternehmen veröffentlicht worden sind, ein relativ starker Kausalitätsbezug zwischen Meldung und Reaktion hergestellt werden. Allerdings bestehen immer noch zu viele Störereignisse und Überlagerungseffekte, die eine kritische Validierung der Ergebnisse verhindern.
[Updated August 2016] The Hotel Valuation Software, freely available from Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research, has been updated to reflect the many changes in the 11th Edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI). Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software provides numerous enhancements over the original tool from 2011. In addition to a significant increase in functionality and an update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI, Version 4.0 takes advantage of the power of the latest release of Microsoft Excel®. Note that Version 4.0 works only on a PC running Microsoft Windows, it does not work on a Mac running OS X. Users desiring an OS X compatible version should click here (Labeled as Version 2.5). 酒店评估软件手册和三个程序(点击这里 ) Users desiring a Mandarin version of the Hotel Valuation Software should click here The Hotel Valuation Software remains the only non-proprietary computer software designed specifically to assist in the preparation of market studies, forecasts of income and expense, and valuations for lodging property. The software provides an accurate, consistent, and cost-effective way for hospitality professionals to forecast occupancy, revenues and expenses and to perform hotel valuations. Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software includes the following upgrades – a complete update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI – the most significant change to the chart of accounts in a generation, an average daily rate forecasting tool, a much more sophisticated valuation module, and an optional valuation tool useful in periods of limited capital liquidity. Using established methodology, the Hotel Valuation Software is a sophisticated tool for lodging professionals. The tool consists of three separate software programs written as Microsoft Excel files and a software users' guide. The tool is provided through the generosity of HVS and the School of Hotel Administration. The three software modules are: Room Night Analysis and Average Daily Rate: Enables the analyst to evaluate the various competitive factors such as occupancy, average room rate, and market segmentation for competitive hotels in a local market. Calculates the area-wide occupancy and average room rate, as well as the competitive market mix. Produce a forecast of occupancy and average daily rate for existing and proposed hotels in a local market. The program incorporates such factors as competitive occupancies, market segmentation, unaccommodated demand, latent demand, growth of demand, and the relative competitiveness of each property in the local market. The program outputs include ten-year projections of occupancy and average daily rate. Fixed and Variable Revenue and Expense Analysis: The key to any market study and valuation is a supportable forecast of revenues and expenses. Hotel revenue and expenses are comprised of many different components that display certain fixed and variable relationships to each other. This program enables the analyst to input comparable financial operating data and forecast a complete 11-year income and expense statement by defining a small set of inputs: The expected future occupancy levels for the subject hotel Base year operating data for the subject hotel Fixed and variable relationships for revenues and expenses Expected inflation rates for revenues and expenses Hotel Capitalization Software: A discounted cash flow valuation model utilizing the mortgage-equity technique forms the basis for this program. Values are produced using three distinct underwriting criteria: A loan-to-value ratio, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property value. A debt coverage ratio (also known as a debt-service coverage ratio), in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow, mortgage interest rate, and mortgage amortization. A debt yield, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow. By entering the terms of typical lodging financing, along with a forecast of revenue and expense, the program determines the value that provides the stated returns to the mortgage and equity components. The program allows for a variable holding period from four to ten years The program includes an optional model useful during periods of capital market illiquidity that assumes a property refinancing during the holding period
O intenso intercâmbio entre os países, resultante do processo de globalização, veio acrescer importância ao mercado de capitais. Os países em desenvolvimento procuram abrir as suas economias para receber investimentos externos. Quanto maior for o grau de desenvolvimento de uma economia mais ativo será o seu mercado de capitais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma tendência de substituição de enfoque económico, que antes era mais dirigido ao planeamento empresarial para metas mais ligadas ao meio ambiente. O mercado de capitais é um sistema de distribuição de valores mobiliários cujo objectivo é proporcionar liquidez a títulos emitidos pelas empresas, com a finalidade de viabilizar o processo de capitalização desses papéis. O mercado de capitais é composto pelas bolsas de valores, sociedades corretoras e outras instituições financeiras que têm autorização da Comissão de Valores dos Mercados Mobiliários (CMVM). O mercado bolsista insere-se no mercado de capitais. Nesses mercados, é importante conseguir conjuntamente a maximização dos recursos (retornos) e minimização dos custos (riscos). O principal objectivo das bolsas de valores é promover um ambiente de negociação dos títulos e dos valores mobiliários das empresas. Muitos investidores têm a sua própria maneira de investir, consoante o perfil que cada um tem. Além do perfil dos investidores, é também pertinente analisar a questão do risco. Vaughan (1997) observa que, nos dias atuais, a questão da administração do risco está presente na vida de todos. Este trabalho tem o propósito de demonstrar a necessidade da utilização de ferramentas para a seleção de ativos e para a mensuração do risco e do retorno de aplicações de recursos financeiros nesses activos de mercados de capitais, por qualquer tipo de investidor, mais especificamente na compra de ações e montagem de uma carteira de investimento. Para isso usou-se o método de Elton e Gruber, analisou-se as rentabilidades, os riscos e os índices de desempenho de Treynor e Sharpe. Testes estatísticos para os retornos das ações foram executados visando analisar a aleatoriedade dos dados. Este trabalho conclui que pode haver vantagens na utilização do método de Elton e Gruber para os investidores propensos a utilzar ações de empresas socialmente responsáveis.
Os mercados financeiros têm um papel fundamental na dinamização das economias modernas. Às empresas cotadas oferece o capital necessário para impulsionar o seu crescimento e aos investidores individuais proporciona a diversificação das suas carteiras, usufruindo desta forma do crescimento e da vitalidade da economia mundial. A gestão de carteiras de ativos financeiros constitui uma área que procura apresentar mecanismos para a obtenção de uma relação ótima entre retorno e risco. Neste sentido, inúmeros estudos têm contribuído de forma significativa para a eficiência e para a prática desta técnica. Esta dissertação pretende analisar a metodologia desenvolvida por Elton-Gruber para a construção de carteiras otimizadas e aplicar as técnicas subjacentes ao mercado acionista português. Para o efeito, serão realizadas pesquisas em fontes bibliográficas da especialidade e serão consultadas bases de dados de cotações históricas das ações e do índice de mercado nacional. A aplicação incidiu sobre ações cotadas no índice PSI-20 durante o período compreendido entre 2010 e 2014. No intuito de melhorar a compreensão das séries de retornos das amostras, o estudo de caráter quantitativo também recorreu à análise estatística. As evidências mostram que a carteira otimizada, no período em análise, contém apenas as ações da empresa Portucel. Este resultado estará condicionado pelos efeitos da crise financeira que iniciou em 2008.
Dans cet article nous passons en revue les différentes théories économiques traitant du travail des enfants. Nous distinguons deux analyses différentes du travail des enfants. Une première analyse se référant à la pauvreté, étudie les impacts sur le bien-être du ménage d’une décision parentale de mettre les enfants au travail. De ce fait, la pauvreté est l’unique facteur explicatif du travail des enfants. Dans cette approche, le ménage arbitre entre offrir du loisir aux enfants ou les mettre au travail, en fonction du revenu parental. Dans la deuxième analyse, l’arbitrage ne s’opère plus en terme de loisir et travail mais en terme d’éducation et travail. Selon cette approche, le travail des enfants est facteur non seulement de la pauvreté mais aussi des imperfections du marché des capitaux. La décision parentale de mettre les enfants au travail a un impact sur le bien-être futur de ces enfants. Ces deux analyses montrent que le travail des enfants conduit à une situation de trappe à pauvreté.
Ordered conflict resolution: understanding her tenets cost Keynes his life and Arrow to live under extortionate threat. Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has conquered the Informal Capital Market Cartel’s stranglehold on academic freedom, the literature can now vindicate impossibility- resolved social choice theory in the venue of a marriage between ethics and economics; as Sen has pled need be the case. This paper introduces ordered conflict resolution and her two impossibility-resolving axioms in effecting (individual: societal) well-being transitivity.
Ordered conflict resolution: understanding her tenets cost Keynes his life and Arrow to live under extortionate threat. Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has conquered the Informal Capital Market Cartel’s stranglehold on academic freedom, the literature can now vindicate impossibility- resolved social choice theory in the venue of a marriage between ethics and economics; as Sen has pled need be the case. This paper introduces ordered conflict resolution and her two impossibility-resolving axioms in effecting (individual: societal) well-being transitivity.
En 1991 la Constitución Política de Colombia incorporó las estrategias necesarias para hacer realidad la Rendición de cuentas como un proceso que contribuye a la gobernabilidad. El presente documento presenta no solo la legislación del gobierno sino también los modelos utilizados por la Contaduría General de la Nación-CGN y otras instituciones en diferentes países: Asociación Internacional de Administración de Ciudades-ICMA, Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información-IFAI, Organización Internacional de Instituciones Fiscalizadoras Superiores-INTOSAI y la Organización Europea de las Instituciones Regionales de Control Externo del Sector Público-EURORAI. Adicionalmente se presentan conclusiones basadas en evidencia empírica proporcionada por los stakeholders y las recomendaciones necesarias para poner en práctica el concepto de Rendición de cuentas en la CGN y presentarlo ante los ciudadanos y otros stakeholders.
Este proyecto busca determinar que utilización se hace de los conceptos de caos y complejidad en las empresas del sector financiero colombiano, para así encontrar la relación entre estos conceptos y la ocurrencia de eventos en la economía actual. Se adoptó un método descriptivo, donde se tomará como unidad de análisis una empresa representativa del sector financiero de Colombia. La compañía escogida para el análisis fue Bancolombia, la cual debido a su larga trayectoria dentro de la economía colombiana, ha demostrado un buen desempeño y el logro de sus objetivos a nivel nacional e internacional. El análisis realizado permitió tener una visión amplia y representativa del significado que el caos y la complejidad tienen para el sector financiero; y como sus respectivos conceptos se aplican a la hora de enfrentar condiciones extremas en la industria o la economía. Pero también como el comportamiento de variables pertenecientes a otras industrias, tienen la capacidad de afectar e influir en el normal comportamiento de la compañía. Se concluyó además que Bancolombia en épocas de crisis logra ser mucho más realista al afrontar los momentos. Las crisis se muestran como caos dentro de un sistema simple y organizado que afecta a sus diferentes variables no lineales, y que puede llegar a una interacción entre otros sistemas, produciendo así comportamientos críticos y complicados. Se muestra también que la complejidad dentro de un sistema financiero es una creación de interacciones simples que muestran un parámetro claro, casi deducible, que al interactuar entre todas se convierte en complejidad para las organizaciones como Bancolombia.
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la evolución presentada por la rentabilidad industrial y financiera bajo el actual esquema de desarrollo de economía abierta y liberalización de mercados que ha sido implementado en Colombia a partir de 1990.
This paper studies the effect of credit constraints and constraints on transfers between parents and children, on differences in labor and schooling across children within the same household, with an application to gender. When families are unconstrained in these respects, differences in labor supply or education are driven by differences in wages or returns to education. If the family faces an imperfect capital market, the labor supply of each child is inefficient, but differences across children are still driven by comparative advantage. However, if interfamily transfers are constrained so that parents cannot offset inequality between their children, they will favor the human capital accumulation of the more disadvantaged child -generally the one who works more as a child. We use our theory to examine the gender gap in child labor. Using a sample of poor families in Colombia, we conform our predictions among rural households, although this is less clear for urban households. The gender gap is largely explained by the wage gap between girls and boys. Moreover, families with the potential to make capital transfers to adult children (e.g. those with large animals), can compensate adult sons for their greater child labor and reduced educational attainment. In such families, as predicted, the male/female labor gap is greater.
This study considers the consistency of the role of both the private and public real estate markets within a mixed-asset context. While a vast literature has developed that has examined the potential role of both the private and public real estate markets, most studies have largely relied on both single time horizons and single sample periods. This paper builds upon the analysis of Lee and Stevenson (2005) who examined the consistency of REITs in a US capital market portfolio. The current paper extends that by also analyzing the role of the private market. To address the question, the allocation of both the private and traded markets is evaluated over different holding periods varying from 5- to 20-years. In general the results show that optimum mixed-asset portfolios already containing private real estate have little place for public real estate securities, especially in low risk portfolios and for longer investment horizons. Additionally, mixed-asset portfolios with public real estate either see the allocations to REITs diminished or eliminated if private real estate is also considered. The results demonstrate that there is a still a strong case for private real estate in the mixed-asset portfolio on the basis of an increase in risk-adjusted performance, even if the investor is already holding REITs, but that the reverse is not always the case.