995 resultados para COIL


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Elcctrospinning is a very useful technique to produce polymeric nanofibers for diverse applications. The conventional needle-based electrospinning system has VCIY limited fiber productivity and a key challenge has been to develop electrospinning systems that can produce uniform nanofibcrs on a large scale l-3.
In this study, we have demonstrated that a rotating metal wire coil can be used as a nozzle to eiectrospin nanofibers on a large-scale. Without using any needles, the rotating wire coil, partially immersed in a polymer solution reservoir, can pick up a thin layer of charged polymer solution and generate a large number of nanofibers from the wire surface simultaneously. This arrangement significantly increases the nanofiber productivity.
The fiber productivity was found to be determined by the coil dimensions, such as wire diameter, coil radius and distance, and coil length. The effects of applied voltage, the distance bctv,lcen the coil nozzle and collector, and polymer concentration on the fiber
morphology were examined. The dependency of fiber diameter on the polymer concentration showed a similar trend to that for a conventional electrospinning system using a syringe needle nozzle, but the diameter distribution was narrower for the
coil electrospun fibers.
The profiles of electric fIeld strength in coil electrospinning was calculated and showed
concentrated electrical field intensity on the top wire surface. This novel concept of using wire coil as the electrospinning nozzle will contribute to the further development of new large-scale needleless electrospinning systems for nanofiber production.


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Polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers were prepared by a needleless electrospinning technique using a rotating spiral wire coil as spinneret. The influences of coil dimension (e.g., coil length, coil diameter, spiral distance, and wire diameter) and operating parameters (e.g., applied voltage and spinning distance) on electrospinning process, nanofiber diameter, and fiber productivity were examined. It was found that the coil dimension had a considerable influence on the nanofiber production rate, but minor effect on the fiber diameter. The fiber production rate increased with the increased coil length or coil diameter, or the reduced spiral distance or wire diameter. Higher applied voltage or shorter collecting distance also improved the fiber production rate but had little influence on the fiber diameter. Compared with the conventional needle electrospinning, the coil electrospinning produced finer fibers with a narrower diameter distribution. A finite element method was used to analyze the electric field on the coil surface and in electrospinning zone. It was revealed that the high electric field intensity was concentrated on the coil surface, and the intensity was highly dependent on the coil dimension, which can be used to explain the electrospinning performances of coils. In addition, PAN nanofibers were prepared using the same needleless electrospinning technique to verify the improvement in productivity.


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In this study, we have demonstrated that a rotating metal wire coil can be used as a nozzle to electrospin nanofibers on a large-scale. Without using any needles, the rotating wire coil, partially immersed in a polymer solution reservoir, can pick up a thin layer of charged polymer solution and generate a large number of nanofibers from the wire surface simultaneously. This arrangement significantly increases the nanofiber productivity. The fiber productivity was found to be determined by the coil dimensions, applied voltage and polymer concentration. The dependency of fiber diameter on the polymer concentration showed a similar trend to that for a conventional electrospinning system using a syringe needle nozzle, but the coil electrospun fibers were thinner with narrower diameter distribution. The profiles of electric field strength in the coil electrospinning was calculated and showed concentrated electric field intensity on the top wire surface.


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X-ray crystallography for the determination of three-dimensional structures of protein macromolecules represents an important tool in function assignment of uncharacterized proteins. However, crystallisation is often difficult to achieve. A protein sample fully characterized in terms of dispersity may increase the likelihood of successful crystallisation by improving the predictability of the crystallisation process. To maximize the probability of crystallisation of a novel mouse macrophage protein (rMMP), target molecule was characterized and refined to improve monodispersity. Addition of MgCl2 at low concentrations resolves the rMMP into a monodisperse solution, and finally successful crystallization of rMMP was achieved. The effect of MgCl2 was studied using gel filtration chromatography and dynamic light scattering.


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A procedure for calculation of refrigerant mass flow rate is implemented in the distributed numerical model to simulate the flow in finned-tube coil dry-expansion evaporators, usually found in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Two-phase refrigerant flow inside the tubes is assumed to be one-dimensional, unsteady, and homogeneous. In themodel the effects of refrigerant pressure drop and the moisture condensation from the air flowing over the external surface of the tubes are considered. The results obtained are the distributions of refrigerant velocity, temperature and void fraction, tube-wall temperature, air temperature, and absolute humidity. The finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations. Additionally, given the operation conditions and the geometric parameters, the model allows the calculation of the refrigerant mass flow rate. The value of mass flow rate is computed using the process of parameter estimation with the minimization method of Levenberg-Marquardt minimization. In order to validate the developed model, the obtained results using HFC-134a as a refrigerant are compared with available data from the literature.


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Tungsten coil atomic emission spectrometry is an ideal technique for field applications because of its simplicity, low cost, low power requirement, and independence from cooling systems. A new, portable, compact design is reported here. The tungsten coil is extracted from an inexpensive 24 V, 250 W commercial light bulb. The coil is housed in a small, aluminum cell. The emission signal exits from a small aperture in the cell, while the bulk of the blackbody emission from the tungsten coil is blocked. The resulting spectra exhibit extremely low background signals. The atomization cell, a single lens, and a hand-held charge coupled device (CCD) spectrometer are fixed on a 1 x 6 x 30 cm ceramic base. The resulting system is robust and easily transported. A programmable, miniature 400 W solid-state constant current power supply controls the temperature of the coil. Fifteen elements are determined with the system (Ba, Cs, Li, Rb, Cr, Sr, Eu, Yb, Mn, Fe, Cu, Mg, V, Al, and Ga). The precision ranges from 4.3% to 8.4% relative standard deviation for repetitive measurements of the same solution. Detection limits are in the 0.04 to 1500 mu g/L range. Accuracy is tested using standard reference materials for polluted water, peach leaves, and tomato leaves. For those elements present above the detection limit, recoveries range from 72% to 147%.


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A single-phase superconducting Fault Current Limiter using a bifilar coil of BSCCO-2212 tube was tested in 220 V-60 Hz line during fault current between 1 kA to 4 kA, operating in 77 K. In this work are presented the critical current dependence as a function of an external magnetic field applied and the results can be used to predict the current limiter performance. The experimental setup is described and the test results are presented for the unit conducting a steady nominal AC current of 200 A, and also during the fault time (1 to 6 cycles). The performance of the bifilar coil to provide the limiting impedance associated with the dynamic resistance developed during the beginning of the fault was analyzed and compared with other types of superconducting current limiters.


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We describe the design, manufacturing, and testing results of a Nb3Sn superconducting coil in which TiAIV alloys were used instead of stainless steel to reduce the magnetization contribution caused by the heat treatment for the A-15 Nb-3 Sn phase formation that affects the magnetic field homogeneity. Prior to the coil manufacturing several structural materials were studied and evaluated in terms of their mechanical and magnetic properties in as-worked, welded, and heat-treated conditions. The manufacturing process employed the wind-and-react technique followed by vacuum-pressure impregnation(VPI) at 1 MPa atm. The critical steps of the manufacturing process, besides the heat treatment and impregnation, are the wire splicing and joint manufacturing in which copper posts supported by Si3N4 ceramic were used. The coil was tested with and without a background NbTi coil and the results have shown performance exceeding the design quench current confirming the successful coil construction.


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A bifilar Bi-2212 bulk coil with parallel shunt resistor was tested under fault current condition using a 3 MVA single-phase transformer in a 220 V-60 Hz line achieving fault current peak of 8 kA. The fault current tests are performed from steady state peak current of 200 A by applying controlled short circuits up to 8 kA varying the time period from one to six cycles. The test results show the function of the shunt resistor providing homogeneous quench behavior of the HTS coil besides its intrinsic stabilizing role. The limiting current ratio achieves a factor 4.2 during 5 cycles without any degradation.


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The conformational transition from coil to extended coil for polygalacturonic acid has been studied by conductometric titrations and Monte Carlo simulations. The results of conductometric titrations at different polymer concentrations have been analyzed using the model proposed by Manning,1 which describes the conductivity of polyelectrolitic solutions. This experimental approach provides the transport factor and the average distance between charged groups at different degrees of ionization (α). The mean distances between charged groups have been compared with the values obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. In these simulations the polymer chain is modeled as a self-avoiding random walk in a cubic lattice. The monomers interact through the unscreened Coulombic potential. The ratio between the end-to-end distance and the number of ionized beads provides the average distance between charged monomers. The experimental and theoretical values are in good agreement for the whole range of ionization degrees accessed by conductometric titrations. These results suggest that the electrostatic interactions seem to be the major contribution for the coil to extended coil conformational change. The small deviations for α ≤ 0.5 suggests that the stiffness of the chain, associated with local interactions, becomes increasingly significant as the fraction of charged groups is decreased. © 2000 American Chemical Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)