7 resultados para COIL

em CaltechTHESIS


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that stimulates the brain using a magnetic coil placed on the scalp. Since it is applicable to humans non-invasively, directly interfering with neural electrical activity, it is potentially a good tool to study the direct relationship between perceptual experience and neural activity. However, it has been difficult to produce a clear perceptible phenomenon with TMS of sensory areas, especially using a single magnetic pulse. Also, the biophysical mechanisms of magnetic stimulation of single neurons have been poorly understood.

In the psychophysical part of this thesis, perceptual phenomena induced by TMS of the human visual cortex are demonstrated as results of the interactions with visual inputs. We first introduce a method to create a hole, or a scotoma, in a flashed, large-field visual pattern using single-pulse TMS. Spatial aspects of the interactions are explored using the distortion effect of the scotoma depending on the visual pattern, which can be luminance-defined or illusory. Its similarity to the distortion of afterimages is also discussed. Temporal interactions are demonstrated in the filling-in of the scotoma with temporally adjacent visual features, as well as in the effective suppression of transient visual features. Also, paired-pulse TMS is shown to lead to different brightness modulations in transient and sustained visual stimuli.

In the biophysical part, we first develop a biophysical theory to simulate the effect of magnetic stimulation on arbitrary neuronal structure. Computer simulations are performed on cortical neuron models with realistic structure and channels, combined with the current injection that simulates magnetic stimulation. The simulation results account for general and basic characteristics of the macroscopic effects of TMS including our psychophysical findings, such as a long inhibitory effect, dependence on the background activity, and dependence on the direction of the induced electric field.

The perceptual effects and the cortical neuron model presented here provide foundations for the study of the relationship between perception and neural activity. Further insights would be obtained from extension of our model to neuronal networks and psychophysical studies based on predictions of the biophysical model.


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In this work, the development of a probabilistic approach to robust control is motivated by structural control applications in civil engineering. Often in civil structural applications, a system's performance is specified in terms of its reliability. In addition, the model and input uncertainty for the system may be described most appropriately using probabilistic or "soft" bounds on the model and input sets. The probabilistic robust control methodology contrasts with existing H∞/μ robust control methodologies that do not use probability information for the model and input uncertainty sets, yielding only the guaranteed (i.e., "worst-case") system performance, and no information about the system's probable performance which would be of interest to civil engineers.

The design objective for the probabilistic robust controller is to maximize the reliability of the uncertain structure/controller system for a probabilistically-described uncertain excitation. The robust performance is computed for a set of possible models by weighting the conditional performance probability for a particular model by the probability of that model, then integrating over the set of possible models. This integration is accomplished efficiently using an asymptotic approximation. The probable performance can be optimized numerically over the class of allowable controllers to find the optimal controller. Also, if structural response data becomes available from a controlled structure, its probable performance can easily be updated using Bayes's Theorem to update the probability distribution over the set of possible models. An updated optimal controller can then be produced, if desired, by following the original procedure. Thus, the probabilistic framework integrates system identification and robust control in a natural manner.

The probabilistic robust control methodology is applied to two systems in this thesis. The first is a high-fidelity computer model of a benchmark structural control laboratory experiment. For this application, uncertainty in the input model only is considered. The probabilistic control design minimizes the failure probability of the benchmark system while remaining robust with respect to the input model uncertainty. The performance of an optimal low-order controller compares favorably with higher-order controllers for the same benchmark system which are based on other approaches. The second application is to the Caltech Flexible Structure, which is a light-weight aluminum truss structure actuated by three voice coil actuators. A controller is designed to minimize the failure probability for a nominal model of this system. Furthermore, the method for updating the model-based performance calculation given new response data from the system is illustrated.


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In the first part of this thesis, experiments utilizing an NMR phase interferometric concept are presented. The spinor character of two-level systems is explicitly demonstrated by using this concept. Following this is the presentation of an experiment which uses this same idea to measure relaxation times of off-diagonal density matrix elements corresponding to magnetic-dipole-forbidden transitions in a ^(13)C-^1H, AX spin system. The theoretical background for these experiments and the spin dynamics of the interferometry are discussed also.

The second part of this thesis deals with NMR dipolar modulated chemical shift spectroscopy, with which internuclear bond lengths and bond angles with respect to the chemical shift principal axis frame are determined from polycrystalline samples. Experiments using benzene and calcium formate verify the validity of the technique in heteronuclear (^(13)C-^1H) systems. Similar experiments on powdered trichloroacetic acid confirm the validity in homonuclear (^1H- ^1H) systems. The theory and spin dynamics are explored in detail, and the effects of a number of multiple pulse sequences are discussed.

The last part deals with an experiment measuring the ^(13)C chemical shift tensor in K_2Pt(CN)_4Br_(0.3) • 3H_2O, a one-dimensional conductor. The ^(13)C spectra are strongly affected by ^(14)N quadrupolar interactions via the ^(13)C - ^(14)N dipolar interaction. Single crystal rotation spectra are shown.

An appendix discussing the design, construction, and performance of a single-coil double resonance NMR sample probe is included.


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The magnetic moments of amorphous ternary alloys containing Pd, Co and Si in atomic concentrations corresponding to Pd_(80-x)Co_xSi_(20) in which x is 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11, have been measured between 1.8 and 300°K and in magnetic fields up to 8.35 kOe. The alloys were obtained by rapid quenching of a liquid droplet and their structures were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The measurements were made in a null-coil pendulum magnetometer in which the temperature could be varied continuously without immersing the sample in a cryogenic liquid. The alloys containing 9 at.% Co or less obeyed Curie's Law over certain temperature ranges, and had negligible permanent moments at room temperature. Those containing 10 and 11 at.% Co followed Curie's Law only above approximately 200°K and had significant permanent moments at room temperature. For all alloys, the moments calculated from Curie's Law were too high to be accounted for by the moments of individual Co atoms. To explain these findings, a model based on the existence of superparamagnetic clustering is proposed. The cluster sizes calculated from the model are consistent with the rapid onset of ferromagnetism in the alloys containing 10 and 11 at.% Co and with the magnetic moments in an alloy containing 7 at.% Co heat treated in such a manner as to contain a small amount of a crystalline phase. In alloys containing 7 at.% Co or less, a maximum in the magnetization vs temperature curve was observed around 10°K. This maximum was eliminated by cooling the alloy in a magnetic field, and an explanation for this observation is suggested.


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A zone electrophoresis apparatus using ultraviolet optics has been constructed to study nucleic acids at concentrations less than 0.004%. Native DNA has a mobility about 15% higher than denatured DNA over a range of conditions. Otherwise, the electrophoretic mobility is independent of molecular weight, base composition or source. DNA mobilities change in the expected way with pH but the fractional change in mobility is less than the calculated change in charge. A small decrease in mobility accompanies an increase in ionic strength. RNA’s from various sources have mobilities slightly lower than denatured DNA except for s-RNA which travels slightly faster. The important considerations governing the mobility of nucleic acids appear to be the nature of the hydrodynamic segment, and the binding of counterions. The differences between electrophoresis and sedimentation stem from the fact that all random coil polyelectrolytes are fundamentally free draining in electrophoresis.


The basic protein, cytochrome c, has been complexed to DNA. Up to a cytochrome:DNA mass ratio of 2, a single type of complex is formed. Dissociation of this complex occurs between 0.05F and 0.1F NaCl. The complexing of cytochrome to DNA causes a slight increase in the melting temperature of the DNA, and a reduction of the electrophoretic mobility proportional to the decrease in net charge. Above a cytochrome:DNA mass ratio of 2.5, a different type of complex is formed. The results suggest that complexes such as are formed in the Kleinschmidt technique of electron microscopy would not exist in bulk solution and are exclusively film phenomena.


Electrophoresis studies on reconstituted nucleohistones indicate that the electrophoretic mobility for these complexes is a function of the net charge of the complex. The mobility is therefore dependent on the charge density of the histone complexing the DNA, as well as on the histone/DNA ratio. It is found that the different histones affect the transition from native to denatured DNA in different ways. It appears that histone I is exchanging quite rapidly between DNA molecules in 0.01 F salt, while histone II is irreversibly bound. Histone III-IV enhances the capacity of non-strand separated denatured DNA to reanneal. Studies on native nucleoproteins indicate that there are no gene-sized uncomplexed DNA regions in any preparations studied.


Calf thymus nucleoprotein was treated with varying concentrations of NaCl. The identity of the histones associated and dissociated from the DNA at each salt concentration was determined by gel electrophoresis. It was found that there is no appreciable histone dissociation below 0.4 F NaCl. The lysine rich histones dissociate between 0.4 and 0.5 F NaCl. Their dissociation is accompanies by a marked increase in the solubility of the chromatin. The moderately lysine rich histones dissociate mainly between 0.8 and 1.1 F NaCl. There are two arginine rich histone components: the first dissociates between 0.8 F and 1.1 F NaCl, but the second class is the very last to be dissociated from the DNA (dissociation beginning at 1.0 F NaCl). By 2.0 F NaCl, essentially all the histones are dissociated.

The properties of the extracted nucleoprotein were studied. The electrophoretic mobility increases and the melting temperature decreases as more histones are dissociated from the DNA. A comparison with the dissociation of histones from DNA in NaClO4 shows that to dissociate the same class of histones, the concentration of NaCl required is twice that of NaClO4.


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Part I

The electric birefringence of dilute DNA solutions has been studied in considerable detail and on a large number of samples, but no new and reliable information was discovered concerning the tertiary structure of DNA. The large number of variables which effect the birefringence results is discussed and suggestions are made for further work on the subject.

The DNA molecules have been aligned in a rapidly alternating (10 to 20 kc/sec) square wave field confirming that the orientation mechanism is that of counterion polarization. A simple empirical relation between the steady state birefringence, Δnst, and the square of the electric field, E, has been found: Δnst = E2/(a E2 + b), where a = 1/Δns and b = (E2/Δnst)E→o. Δns is the birefringence extrapolated to infinite field strength.

The molecules show a distribution of relaxation times from 10-4 to 0.2 sec, which is consistent with expectations for flexible coil molecules. The birefringence and the relaxation times decrease with increasing salt concentrations. They also depend on the field strength and pulse duration in a rather non-reproducible manner, which may be due in part to changes in the composition of the solution or in the molecular structure of the DNA (other than denaturation). Further progress depends on the development of some control over these effects.

Part II

The specificity of the dissociation of reconstituted and native deoxyribonucleohistones (DNH) by monovalent salt solutions has been investigated. A novel zone ultracentrifugation method is used in which the DNH is sedimented as a zone through a preformed salt gradient, superimposed on a stabilizing D2O (sucrose) density gradient. The results, obtained by scanning the quartz sedimentation tubes in a spectrophotometer, were verified by the conventional, preparative sedimentation technique. Procedures are discussed for the detection of microgram quantities of histones, since low concentrations must be used to prevent excessive aggregation of the DNH.

The data show that major histone fractions are selectively dissociated from DNH by increasing salt concentrations: Lysine rich histone (H I) dissociates gradually between 0.1 and 0.3 F, slightly lysine rich histone (H II) dissociates as a narrow band between 0.35 and 0.5 F, and arginine rich histone (H III, H IV) dissociates gradually above 0.5 F NaClO4.

The activity of the partially dissociated, native DNH in sustaining RNA synthesis, their mobility and their unusual heat denaturation and renaturation behavior are described. The two-step melting behavior of the material indicates that the histones are non-randomly distributed along the DNA, but the implications are that the uncovered regions are not of gene-size length.


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An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of a sphere moving along the axis of a circular cylinder filled with water or oil. The real fluid effects are separated from ideal fluid effects.

The experimental method consists essentially of a magnetic steel sphere propelled from rest by an electromagnetic coil in which the current is accurately controlled so that it only supplies force for a short time interval which is within the laminar flow regime of the fluid. The motion of the sphere as a function of time is recorded on single frame photographs using a short-arc multiple flash lamp with accurately controlled time intervals between flashes.

A concept of the effect of boundary layer displacement on the fluid flow around a sphere is introduced to evaluate the real fluid effects on the added mass. Surprisingly accurate agreement between experiment and theory is achieved.