958 resultados para Bowker Collection Analysis Tool


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Tässä diplomityössä kehitettiin Suomen Teollisuusosa Oy:n materiaalinhallinnan palvelulle asiakasarvon analysointityökalu palvelun myyntiä helpottamaan ja toisaalta palvelun eri elementtien arvon mittaamiseen. Keskeisenä kysymyksenä on palvelun hyötyjen tunnistaminen asiakkaan kontekstissa ja näiden hyötyjen rahallisen arvon selvittäminen. Työkalulle tunnistettiin vaatimuksia myynnin hallinnan teoriasta sekä käytännön näkökulmasta toimeksiantajan avainhenkilöitä haastattelemalla. Palvelun hyötyjen tunnistamiseen käytettiin asiakasarvon ja toimitusketjun hallinnan teoriaa sekä toimeksiantajan asiantuntijoiden ja asiakkaiden haastatteluja. Kohteena olleen palvelun asiakasarvon analysointityökalun lisäksi työn puitteissa kehitettiin simulointityökalu palvelun sisältämän laitteiston kapasiteetin riittävyyden analysointiin suhteessa asiakkaan prosessin tarpeeseen.


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Bioprocess technology is a multidisciplinary industry that combines knowledge of biology and chemistry with process engineering. It is a growing industry because its applications have an important role in the food, pharmaceutical, diagnostics and chemical industries. In addition, the current pressure to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels motivates new, innovative research in the replacement of petrochemical products. Bioprocesses are processes that utilize cells and/or their components in the production of desired products. Bioprocesses are already used to produce fuels and chemicals, especially ethanol and building-block chemicals such as carboxylic acids. In order to enable more efficient, sustainable and economically feasible bioprocesses, the raw materials must be cheap and the bioprocesses must be operated at optimal conditions. It is essential to measure different parameters that provide information about the process conditions and the main critical process parameters including cell density, substrate concentrations and products. In addition to offline analysis methods, online monitoring tools are becoming increasingly important in the optimization of bioprocesses. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a versatile analysis technique with no limitations concerning polar solvents, analytes or samples. Its resolution and efficiency are high in optimized methods creating a great potential for rapid detection and quantification. This work demonstrates the potential and possibilities of CE as a versatile bioprocess monitoring tool. As a part of this study a commercial CE device was modified for use as an online analysis tool for automated monitoring. The work describes three offline CE analysis methods for the determination of carboxylic, phenolic and amino acids that are present in bioprocesses, and an online CE analysis method for the monitoring of carboxylic acid production during bioprocesses. The detection methods were indirect and direct UV, and laser-induced frescence. The results of this work can be used for the optimization of bioprocess conditions, for the development of more robust and tolerant microorganisms, and to study the dynamics of bioprocesses.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Technological innovations and the advent of digitalization have led retail business into one of its biggest transformations of all time. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and the customers are ever more powerful, demanding, tech-savvy and moving on various plat-forms. These attributes will continue to drive the development and robustly restructure the architecture of value creation in the retail business. The largest retail category, grocery yet awaits for a real disruption, but the signals for major change are already on the horizon. The first wave of online grocery retail was introduced in the mid 1990’s and it throve until millennium. Many overreactions, heavy investments and the burst IT-bubble almost stag-nated the whole industry for a long period of time. The second wave started with a venge-ance around 2010. Some research was carried out during the first wave from a single-viewpoint of online grocery retail, but without a comprehensive approach to online-offline business model integration. Now the accelerating growth of e-business has initiated an increased interest to examine the transformation from traditional business models towards e-business models and their integration on the companies’ traditional business models. This research strove to examine how can we recognize and analyze how digitalization and online channels are affecting the business models of grocery retail, by using business mod-el canvas as an analysis tool. Furthermore business model innovation and omnichannel retail were presented and suggested as potential solutions for these changes. 21 experts in online grocery industry were being interviewed. The thoughts of the informants were being qualitatively analysed by using an analysis tool called the business model canvas. The aim of this research was to portray a holistic view on the Omnichannel grocery retail business model, and the value chain, in which the case company Arina along with its partners are operating. The key conclusions exhibited that online grocery retail business model is not an alterna-tive model nor a substitute for the traditional grocery retail business model, though all of the business model elements are to some extent affected by it, but rather a complementary business model that should be integrated into the prevailing, conventional grocery retail business model. A set of business model elements, such as value proposition and distribu-tion channels were recognized as the most important ones and sources of innovation within these components were being illustrated. Segments for online grocery retail were empiri-cally established as polarized niche markets in contrast of the segmented mass-market of the conventional grocery retail. Business model innovation was proven to be a considera-ble method and a conceptual framework, by which to come across with new value proposi-tions that create competitive advantage for the company in the contemporary, changing business environment. Arina as a retailer can be considered as a industry model innovator, since it has initiated an entire industry in its market area, where other players have later on embarked on, and in which the contributors of the value chain, such as Posti depend on it to a great extent. Consumer behaviour clearly affects and appears everywhere in the digi-talized grocery trade and it drives customers to multiple platforms where retailers need to be present. Omnichannel retail business model was suggested to be the solution, in which the new technologies are being utilized, contemporary consumer behaviour is embedded in decision-making and all of the segments and their value propositions are being served seamlessly across the channels.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin magneettikuvauslaitteiden vääristymän korjausalgoritmien toimintaa ja niiden vaikutusta kuvien laatuun. Kuvaukset tehtiin yhteensä kuudella eri magneettikuvauslaitteella ja kuvat analysoitiin käyttäen kahta eri menetelmää. Ensimmäisessä testissä kuvattiin ACR:n (American College of Radiology) valmistama testikappale, eli fantomi, ACR:n suosittelemien kuvausparametrien mukaan. Fantomi kuvatiin vääristymänkorjausalgoritmi päällä ja pois päältä. Molemmat kuvasarjat analysoitiin kahdella tavalla: manuaalisesti ja automaattisesti. ACR on laatinut tarkat ohjeet analyysien tekemiseen. Automaattiseen analysointiin käytettiin kehitysvaiheessa olevaa Automated Analysis Tool for ACR MRI Phantom Measurements (AAT-ACR) -ohjelmaa. Eri laitteiden tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. Toista testiä varten rakennettiin MaxFOV-fantomi niminen testifantomi, joka kuvattiin yhteensä kolmella eri laitteella. Kyseisen fantomin avulla on mahdollista tutkia magneettikuvauslaitteiden todellinen maksimaalinen kuva-ala. Kuvaukset tehtiin vääristymäkorjaus päällä ja pois päältä. Analysointia varten kehitettiin oma automaattinen Matlab-ohjelmisto. Eri laitteiden tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. ACR:n fantomilla tehtyjen testien tulos näyttää, että pienellä kuva-alalla (noin 20 cm ja alle) ei virheenkorjausalgoritmin käyttö tai käyttämättä jättäminen aiheuta suurta virhettä tuloksiin vaan tulokset ovat hyvin lähellä toisiaan. Tämä vastaa hyvin sitä, että magneettikentän ja gradienttien lineaarisuus on kaikkein suurin juuri magneettikuvauslaitteen keskiössä ja sen lähistöllä. Automaattinen ohjelmisto tuotti tuloksiin suurempia vaihteluja kuin manuaalinen analyysi. Automaattinen ohjelmisto on kuitenkin vasta kehitysvaiheessa, joten on selvää, että ohjelmiston antamissa tuloksissa saattaa olla algoritmien toiminnasta aiheutuvia virheitä. MaxFOV-fantomilla tehdyt testit osoittavat, että siirryttäessä suuriin kuva-aloihin (yli 20 cm) on virheenkorjauksella suuri merkitys. Jo 30 cm kuva-alalla erot korjattujen ja korjaamattomien kuvien välillä olivat suuret. Kuvia vertailtaessa on myös selvästi nähtävissä, että virheenkorjausalgoritmi rajoittaa kuva-alan maksimia.


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In early stages of architectural design, as in other design domains, the language used is often very abstract. In architectural design, for example, architects and their clients use experiential terms such as "private" or "open" to describe spaces. If we are to build programs that can help designers during this early-stage design, we must give those programs the capability to deal with concepts on the level of such abstractions. The work reported in this thesis sought to do that, focusing on two key questions: How are abstract terms such as "private" and "open" translated into physical form? How might one build a tool to assist designers with this process? The Architect's Collaborator (TAC) was built to explore these issues. It is a design assistant that supports iterative design refinement, and that represents and reasons about how experiential qualities are manifested in physical form. Given a starting design and a set of design goals, TAC explores the space of possible designs in search of solutions that satisfy the goals. It employs a strategy we've called dependency-directed redesign: it evaluates a design with respect to a set of goals, then uses an explanation of the evaluation to guide proposal and refinement of repair suggestions; it then carries out the repair suggestions to create new designs. A series of experiments was run to study TAC's behavior. Issues of control structure, goal set size, goal order, and modification operator capabilities were explored. In addition, TAC's use as a design assistant was studied in an experiment using a house in the process of being redesigned. TAC's use as an analysis tool was studied in an experiment using Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie houses.


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Como consumidores todas las personas toman decisiones de compra todos los días. Respondiendo a esto, la mayoría de empresas investigan esas decisiones para conocer qué, cómo, cuánto, dónde, cuándo y por qué compran los consumidores en el momento en que lo hacen. Cuando se logra descubrir estos factores, nace el interés por parte de las compañías de agregar características a los productos ofrecidos o lanzar nuevos productos al mercado con el fin de responder a esas necesidades descubiertas en las investigaciones. En el mercado de bebidas no alcohólicas, durante los últimos dos años, se ha presentado en los consumidores una mayor preferencia hacia productos más saludables y a tener exigencias mayores en las presentaciones y cualidades de las bebidas. En las empresas del sector, por otro lado, la tendencia es a encontrar una mayor amplitud y profundidad de las líneas de productos ofrecidos en el mercado en cuestión. Dado que el comportamiento de los consumidores y las acciones correspondientes de las empresas están estrechamente vinculados, se hace necesario estudiar y establecer la relación que existe entre estos factores que se han evidenciado en el mercado de bebidas no alcohólicas, con el fin de entender la nueva dinámica del sector y aportar sugerencias que podrían representar oportunidades para el crecimiento del mismo.


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OBJETIVOS: Describir y comparar los cambios dinámicos de la geometría del anillo mitral durante todo el ciclo cardiaco en pacientes con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y pacientes con válvula mitral normal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Los estudios ecocardiográficos analizados fueron 37, 23 con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y 14 con válvula mitral normal. La reconstrucción del anillo se realizó en la estación de trabajo Xcelera (Philips Medial Systems) mediante la herramienta de análisis mitral (MVQ), en 5 momentos del ciclo cardiaco: Comienzo de Sístole, Mitad de Sístole, Final de Sístole, Mitad de Diástole y Final de Diástole. RESULTADOS: El anillo del grupo control, fue más dinámico, con sus menores dimensiones al final de la diástole, presentando incremento progresivo durante la sístole. Los cambios en el perímetro y el área, fueron significativos entre el comienzo y mitad de la sístole (p:0.087 y p: 0.055). En el grupo con insuficiencia mitral isquémica, el anillo fue más estático. Todas las dimensiones en este grupo, fueron mayores en los cinco momentos del ciclo cardiaco. (p < 0.1). El anillo también fue más plano, con un índice morfológico anular menor al del grupo control (p:0.087). DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: En pacientes sin insuficiencia mitral, el anillo es una estructura dinámica. Durante la sístole, las menores dimensiones se produjeron al comienzo de este periodo y la conformación en silla de montar se mantuvo, protegiendo contra la insuficiencia mitral. El anillo del grupo con insuficiencia mitral fue más estático y plano, perdiendo los mecanismos protectores.


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Indicators are commonly recommended as tools for assessing the attainment of development, and the current vogue is for aggregating a number of indicators together into a single index. It is claimed that such indices of development help facilitate maximum impact in policy terms by appealing to those who may not necessarily have technical expertise in data collection, analysis and interpretation. In order to help counter criticisms of over-simplification, those advocating such indices also suggest that the raw data be provided so as to allow disaggregation into component parts and hence facilitate a more subtle interpretation if a reader so desires. This paper examines the problems involved with interpreting indices of development by focusing on the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI) published each year in the Human Development Reports (HDRs). The HDI was intended to provide an alternative to the more economic based indices, such as GDP, commonly used within neo-liberal development agendas. The paper explores the use of the HDI as a gauge of human development by making comparisons between two major political and economic communities in Africa (ECOWAS and SADC). While the HDI did help highlight important changes in human development as expressed by the HDI over 10 years, it is concluded that the HDI and its components are difficult to interpret as methodologies have changed significantly and the 'averaging' nature of the HDI could hide information unless care is taken. The paper discusses the applicability of alternative models to the HDI such as the more neo-populist centred methods commonly advocated for indicators of sustainable development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A deeper understanding of random markers is important if they are to be employed for a range of objectives. The sequence specific amplified polymorphism (S-SAP) technique is a powerful genetic analysis tool which exploits the high copy number of retrotransposon long terminal repeats (LTRs) in the plant genome. The distribution and inheritance of S-SAP bands in the barley genome was studied using the Steptoe × Morex (S × M) double haploid (DH) population. Six S-SAP primer combinations generated 98 polymorphic bands, and map positions were assigned to all but one band. Eight putative co-dominant loci were detected, representing 16 of the mapped markers. Thus at least 81 of the mapped S-SAP loci were dominant. The markers were distributed along all of the seven chromosomes and a tendency to cluster was observed. The distribution of S-SAP markers over the barley genome concurred with the knowledge of the high copy number of retrotransposons in plants. This experiment has demonstrated the potential for the S-SAP technique to be applied in a range of analyses such as genetic fingerprinting, marker assisted breeding, biodiversity assessment and phylogenetic analyses.


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With the increase in e-commerce and the digitisation of design data and information,the construction sector has become reliant upon IT infrastructure and systems. The design and production process is more complex, more interconnected, and reliant upon greater information mobility, with seamless exchange of data and information in real time. Construction small and medium-sized enterprises (CSMEs), in particular,the speciality contractors, can effectively utilise cost-effective collaboration-enabling technologies, such as cloud computing, to help in the effective transfer of information and data to improve productivity. The system dynamics (SD) approach offers a perspective and tools to enable a better understanding of the dynamics of complex systems. This research focuses upon system dynamics methodology as a modelling and analysis tool in order to understand and identify the key drivers in the absorption of cloud computing for CSMEs. The aim of this paper is to determine how the use of system dynamics (SD) can improve the management of information flow through collaborative technologies leading to improved productivity. The data supporting the use of system dynamics was obtained through a pilot study consisting of questionnaires and interviews from five CSMEs in the UK house-building sector.


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This thesis develops and evaluates statistical methods for different types of genetic analyses, including quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, genome-wide association study (GWAS), and genomic evaluation. The main contribution of the thesis is to provide novel insights in modeling genetic variance, especially via random effects models. In variance component QTL analysis, a full likelihood model accounting for uncertainty in the identity-by-descent (IBD) matrix was developed. It was found to be able to correctly adjust the bias in genetic variance component estimation and gain power in QTL mapping in terms of precision.  Double hierarchical generalized linear models, and a non-iterative simplified version, were implemented and applied to fit data of an entire genome. These whole genome models were shown to have good performance in both QTL mapping and genomic prediction. A re-analysis of a publicly available GWAS data set identified significant loci in Arabidopsis that control phenotypic variance instead of mean, which validated the idea of variance-controlling genes.  The works in the thesis are accompanied by R packages available online, including a general statistical tool for fitting random effects models (hglm), an efficient generalized ridge regression for high-dimensional data (bigRR), a double-layer mixed model for genomic data analysis (iQTL), a stochastic IBD matrix calculator (MCIBD), a computational interface for QTL mapping (qtl.outbred), and a GWAS analysis tool for mapping variance-controlling loci (vGWAS).


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A major problem in e-service development is the prioritization of the requirements of different stakeholders. The main stakeholders are governments and their citizens, all of whom have different and sometimes conflicting requirements. In this paper, the prioritization problem is addressed by combining a value-based approach with an illustration technique. This paper examines the following research question: How can multiple stakeholder requirements be illustrated from a value-based perspective in order to be prioritizable? We used an e-service development case taken from a Swedish municipality to elaborate on our approach. Our contributions are: 1) a model of the relevant domains for requirement prioritization for government, citizens, technology, finances and laws and regulations; and 2) a requirement fulfillment analysis tool (RFA) that consists of a requirement-goal-value matrix (RGV), and a calculation and illustration module (CIM). The model reduces cognitive load, helps developers to focus on value fulfillment in e-service development and supports them in the formulation of requirements. It also offers an input to public policy makers, should they aim to target values in the design of e-services.


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This research analyses the model of management for results from Minas Gerais State. The theoretical research begins with the origin of the management for results, then analyses its influences and tools. A case study about Minas Gerais State is presented and the model analysis tool is applied. This tool was developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). It is being applied in many countries and states. After that, interviews with the main people of Minas Gerais government were carried out to get information about the current model of management. With all this information collected, the model is analysed to verify if it is adequate or not to the standards of the management for results.