999 resultados para Bonak-dar


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Se trata de un estudio sobre el contenido de las canciones de palmas que las ni??as suelen cantar entre los 5 y los 10 a??os. Se busca su origen y el papel que juegan en el contexto sociocultural. En cada ??poca hist??rica han variado los contenidos como reflejo de la evoluci??n social, pero en general se trata de temas poco adecuados a esta edad como temas de discriminaci??n de g??nero, robos o asesinatos. Se hace un an??lisis de este juego narrativo, de los roles de g??nero y de c??mo se transmite de unos ni??os a otros, sin que el adulto vea m??s que un juego de ni??os.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Este artigo pretende reflectir sobre o modo como um grupo de alunos e uma professora do ensino superior analisaram uma fotografia a preto e branco que lhes foi apresentada sem data nem título. Este pequeno estudo de caso insere-se num domínio de investigação que se debruça sobre a literacia visual. As propostas de trabalho interpretativo foram diferenciadas: para a professora um texto livre; para os alunos um guião de perguntas orientadas. Questionam-se as implicações desta diversidade nos resultados obtidos, e apresentam-se possíveis hipóteses para estudos futuros.


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En esta presentación abordaré tres asuntos, fundamentalmente. la primera cuestión a la que quisiera referirme es la de por qué dar cuenta, que en ocasiones puede considerarse obvia pero no lo es tanto, el segundo punto enfocará los contenidos respecto a los cuales quien ejerce una función jurisdiccional debe dar cuenta, finalmente, abordaré el asunto de la trascendencia o relevancia que socialmente alcanzan el cumplir y el incumplir con esta responsabilidad. Una puntualización aclaratoria: cuando me refiero a quienes ejercen función jurisdiccional, incluyo en ello tanto a jueces como a fiscales. Aunque en esta reunión se enfoca específicamente el caso de los jueces, dado que los integrantes del Ministerio Público también ejercen función jurisdiccional –especialmente en el caso de aquellos países donde se ha introducido el proceso penal reformado–, el abordaje del tema que propongo también los comprende.


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Este Estudo de Caso para Ensino e Aprendizagem aborda a eleição de um político que em sua campanha eleitoral, ciente da disponibilidade de recursos para serem utilizados em projetos voltados ao esporte, promete reformar e construir praças com equipamentos esportivos. Quando o projeto foi enviado ao banco público analisar, descobriu-se que já havia uma benfeitoria feita no local pelos próprios moradores. Com a decisão da Prefeitura em demolir a obra, houve reação por parte dos moradores que tinham outras demandas. Os objetivos de aprendizagem do caso são incentivar o leitor a refletir sobre a ineficiência do planejamento na gestão pública quando desconsidera as necessidades dos cidadãos; identificar pontos críticos do processo de planejamento e execução de obras públicas; e debater conceitos como valor público, participação e controle social sobre as políticas públicas em um Município. Os diversos exemplos de obras inacabadas ou que extrapolam constantemente os orçamentos iniciais e que não beneficiam a população mostram a necessidade de refletir sobre o que acontece com o planejamento governamental brasileiro.


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The article uses theoretical approaches as simplexity, neuroscience and enactivism to discuss everyday classroom activities. It tries to transpose the classical bipolar division between mind and body, through these approaches in cognitive science. Two experiments on the body’s role in teaching are presented to demonstrate the relevance of the awareness of the body, to improve performance in the classroom. The first experiment uses neurofeedback to measure the body temperature, as a means to understand the role of the body in self-regulation and control of the attention. The second uses a bracelet multi-sensor, which provides data on the energy spent by the teacher in daily activities in the classroom. Italian and Brazilian researchers cooperate in this experimental path of inclusive teaching, to be used in classes with children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


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In this dissertation, I will present my translation into Italian of several excerpts from Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, a young adult (YA) novel by Mexican-American author Isabel Quintero, along with examining the issues of diversity and representation in YA literature. This study aims to demonstrate the benefits of multicultural literature for young readers and the importance of publishing stories that reflect the diversity of the world we inhabit. The translation of the novel is accompanied by an analysis of its social, cultural, and literary context. The first chapter provides an overview of Chican@ history, literature, and culture, focusing on the concepts of identity and hybridity. The second chapter describes YA literature and its characteristics, outlines its history, and discusses the value of diverse books in the lives of teenage readers. Additionally, it cites relevant studies and statistics proving the dearth of diverse literature for young readers in the United States. The third chapter focuses specifically on the representation of Latin@s and Chican@s in literature for young readers, examining the main stereotypes that have plagued the depiction of this community and the new perspectives offered by Mexican-American YA authors. In the fourth chapter, I introduce Isabel Quintero and her novel Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, analyzing its plot, style, format, and main themes. In the fifth chapter, I provide my translation, which is then analyzed in the sixth and final chapter. The translation commentary details some of the problems I encountered and the strategies I applied. The sixth chapter also includes some observations on the translation of teenage speech, of multilingual texts, and of children’s and YA literature.


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Urban agriculture is a phenomenon that can be observed world-wide, particularly in cities of devel- oping countries. It is contributing significantly to food security and food safety and has sustained livelihood of the urban and peri-urban low income dwe llers in developing countries for many years. Population increase due to rural-urban migration and natural - formal as well as informal - urbani- sation are competing with urban farming for available space and scarce water resources. A mul- titemporal and multisensoral urban change analysis over the period of 25 years (1982-2007) was performed in order to measure and visualise the urban expansion along the Kizinga and Mzinga valley in the south of Dar Es Salaam. Airphotos and VHR satellite data were analysed by using a combination of a composition of anisotropic textural measures and spectral information. The study revealed that unplanned built-up area is expanding continuously, and vegetation covers and agricultural lands decline at a fast rate. The validation showed that the overall classification accuracy varied depending on the database. The extracted built-up areas were used for visual in- terpretation mapping purposes and served as information source for another research project. The maps visualise an urban congestion and expansion of nearly 18% of the total analysed area that had taken place in the Kizinga valley between 1982 and 2007. The same development can be ob- served in the less developed and more remote Mzinga valley between 1981 and 2002. Both areas underwent fast changes where land prices still tend to go up and an influx of people both from rural and urban areas continuously increase the density with the consequence of increasing multiple land use interests.


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Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Längsschnittstudie wurde überprüft, ob ein niedriges Selbstkonzept einen Risikofaktor für Anpassungsprobleme unmittelbar nach dem Schuleintritt darstellt. Dazu wurden die Entwicklungsverläufe von 31 Kindern mit niedrigem Selbstkonzept und 72 Kindern mit hohem Selbstkonzept miteinander verglichen. Im Kindergarten unterschieden sich die beiden Gruppen weder in soziodemographischen noch in kognitiven Merkmalen. Nach dem Schuleintritt waren Kinder mit niedrigem Selbstkonzept in der Schule jedoch sowohl sozial als auch in Bezug auf ihre Leistung weniger angepasst als Kinder mit hohem Selbstkonzept. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Bedeutsamkeit diskutiert.