928 resultados para Bank business models
Technological innovations and the advent of digitalization have led retail business into one of its biggest transformations of all time. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and the customers are ever more powerful, demanding, tech-savvy and moving on various plat-forms. These attributes will continue to drive the development and robustly restructure the architecture of value creation in the retail business. The largest retail category, grocery yet awaits for a real disruption, but the signals for major change are already on the horizon. The first wave of online grocery retail was introduced in the mid 1990’s and it throve until millennium. Many overreactions, heavy investments and the burst IT-bubble almost stag-nated the whole industry for a long period of time. The second wave started with a venge-ance around 2010. Some research was carried out during the first wave from a single-viewpoint of online grocery retail, but without a comprehensive approach to online-offline business model integration. Now the accelerating growth of e-business has initiated an increased interest to examine the transformation from traditional business models towards e-business models and their integration on the companies’ traditional business models. This research strove to examine how can we recognize and analyze how digitalization and online channels are affecting the business models of grocery retail, by using business mod-el canvas as an analysis tool. Furthermore business model innovation and omnichannel retail were presented and suggested as potential solutions for these changes. 21 experts in online grocery industry were being interviewed. The thoughts of the informants were being qualitatively analysed by using an analysis tool called the business model canvas. The aim of this research was to portray a holistic view on the Omnichannel grocery retail business model, and the value chain, in which the case company Arina along with its partners are operating. The key conclusions exhibited that online grocery retail business model is not an alterna-tive model nor a substitute for the traditional grocery retail business model, though all of the business model elements are to some extent affected by it, but rather a complementary business model that should be integrated into the prevailing, conventional grocery retail business model. A set of business model elements, such as value proposition and distribu-tion channels were recognized as the most important ones and sources of innovation within these components were being illustrated. Segments for online grocery retail were empiri-cally established as polarized niche markets in contrast of the segmented mass-market of the conventional grocery retail. Business model innovation was proven to be a considera-ble method and a conceptual framework, by which to come across with new value proposi-tions that create competitive advantage for the company in the contemporary, changing business environment. Arina as a retailer can be considered as a industry model innovator, since it has initiated an entire industry in its market area, where other players have later on embarked on, and in which the contributors of the value chain, such as Posti depend on it to a great extent. Consumer behaviour clearly affects and appears everywhere in the digi-talized grocery trade and it drives customers to multiple platforms where retailers need to be present. Omnichannel retail business model was suggested to be the solution, in which the new technologies are being utilized, contemporary consumer behaviour is embedded in decision-making and all of the segments and their value propositions are being served seamlessly across the channels.
The thesis explores how the business ecosystem of financial services has changed and what its drivers of change are. Existing literature in the field of financial industry is concerned with financial innovations and their features, determinants and factors, but also with how to organize innovation activities such as open innovation principles. Thus, there is a clear need for understanding changes in financial service ecosystem. First, the comprehensive theory framework is conducted in order to serve the reader’s necessary understanding of basic theoretical concepts that are related to ecosystem changes. Second, the research is carried out by using qualitative research methods; the data is collected by interviewing 11 experts from the field of financial services in Finland. According to the results of this thesis, the most significant changes in the financial service ecosystem are the new market players. They have increased competition, created new courses of action, set new requirements for financial services, and first and foremost, they have shifted customers into the heart of the whole ecosystem. These new market players have a willingness to cooperate with external partners, which means a shift towards the world of open innovation. In addition, the economic environment has changed which has resulted in tighter regulation for incumbents making them even unyielding. Technology change, together with digitalization, has lead new financial innovations and new digital service channels, which have challenged the traditional business models in the financial industry. They have improved transparency, openness and efficiency, but also lead to the fragmentation of financial services. Thus, customers search for financial services from different sources and different service providers, and finally combine them into a coherent whole, which meets their own needs. The change of customers’ behavior and social environment has enabled and boosted these changes in the financial ecosystem. All in all, the change of the financial ecosystem is not a result of one or a few change forces, but instead it is a combination of many different factors.
Value added services are becoming increasingly popular as they increase the perceived value of the core product and can be a strong method of attracting customers and motivating them to make a choice. The purpose of this research is to develop internet-based value added services for housing estate business in Russia. The research is a case study of Russian housing estate market utilising a triangulation of methods for better results. For the qualitative data analysis, 7 interviews with heads of regional departments of construction companies from different regions of Russia were conducted. For the quantitative data analysis, a survey of 128 inhabitants of Saint-Petersburg housing estates was held. Factor analysis and descriptive statistics including cross-tabulations and chi-square tests for significance were used to analyse the results. In this study, a list 19 value added services that can be provided through online platforms in housing estate market was developed. These services fall into three big groups: social networking services, compulsory and additional services. Additionally, the question of monetisation of online platforms in housing estate market was discussed and three business models were suggested.
Las TIC han impactado en el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y han aportado a su proceso evolutivo, generando diversos efectos de acuerdo a la función que estas cumplen dentro de la organización. Las TIC como consecuencia se convierten en una estrategia de gestión en un entorno complejo donde permiten alcanzar mejoras en la organización social, la actividad económica, el bienestar y el acceso a la información y el conocimiento. (Cáceres Carrasco & Aceytuno Pérez, 2008)Con el fin de entender los beneficios de las TIC, se deben brindar a los directores herramientas que permitan formular modelos de negocios efectivos de cara a los mercados y enfocadas a la satisfacción de los clientes. Adicionalmente, para las organizaciones el añadir valor, no sólo hace referencia al servicio que están prestando; hay otros factores diferentes al uso de herramientas TIC y la innovación que también son igual de importantes como: los procesos de apoyo, de gestión que se encuentran de fondo y que hacen posible brindar un servicio al mercado, en estos procesos se encuentran aplicaciones de procedimientos amigables y fáciles de articular, temas como la responsabilidad empresarial, relación y comunicación con competidores dentro del mismo sector, es justamente en las relaciones con los clientes, que las TIC y el uso de Internet puede tener incidencia en los modelos de negocios a través de actividades como el comercio electrónico, el mercadeo electrónico, el mercadeo en línea entre otros. Existen investigaciones acerca de estos temas: innovación, TI, pero no se han establecido relaciones entre ellos, debido a su novedad. Diferentes experiencias laborales de los investigadores en el uso de las TIC como herramienta en la organización de información permiten que surja la idea de llevar a cabo este proyecto abarcando la realidad bogotana de las MiPyme. La presente investigación con un enfoque cualitativo hace una revisión bibliográfica, y bajo la mirada teórica se analiza la relación que tienen los factores de desarrollo que se evidenciaron como son la innovación y el uso de herramientas TIC, como variables dependientes de la productividad de las MiPyme en Bogotá, Colombia, involucrando temas que se relacionan con distintos campos como la tecnología, políticas gubernamentales, y economía.
Cada día es mayor la demanda de alimentos a nivel mundial y menor su oferta debido a múltiples razones, por eso que es de gran importancia encontrar las mejores prácticas para que la cadena de suministro de productos alimenticios sea más eficiente y productiva, no sólo con el fin de llegar a la mayor población posible, sino también de mejorar los rendimientos de cada uno de los participantes de la misma. Este proyecto busca analizar las tres principales cadenas agroalimentarias de Argentina y Brasil, con el fin de determinar su desempeño actual, su grado de madurez y su productividad; para lograr esto, primero se va a levantar la información pertinente al tema, luego se identificarán las mejores prácticas en la cadena de suministro para los tres productos más importantes de la canasta básica de ambos países, posteriormente se analizará el desempeño de las agrocadenas y por último se determinará la madurez y productividad de las mismas. La metodología utilizada en este documento se basa principalmente en la búsqueda de información en fuentes gubernamentales y oficiales de cada país para obtener información verídica, confiable y actualizada. Estas fuentes nos aportarán la información que junto con un análisis propio permitirá cumplir los objetivos del proyecto. El resultado de estos datos es de gran importancia, ya que con la investigación realizada se podrán identificar las buenas prácticas para enriquecer el análisis o identificar las malas prácticas y así, proponer modelos que permitan el manejo eficiente de las agrocadenas buscando su desarrollo y perdurabilidad.
Economic mechanisms enhance technological solutions by setting the right incentives to reveal information about demand and supply accurately. Market or pricing mechanisms are ones that foster information exchange and can therefore attain efficient allocation. By assigning a value (also called utility) to their service requests, users can reveal their relative urgency or costs to the service. The implementation of theoretical sound models induce further complex challenges. The EU-funded project SORMA analyzes these challenges and provides a prototype as a proof-of-concept. In this paper the approach within the SORMA-project is described on both conceptual and technical level.
This paper provides an examination of the emergence of open business models — entrepreneurial strategies that take advantage of the ease of digital reproduction to distribute free content, while earning money from the sale of related products and services. Locating the origins of open business in the open source software phenomenon, the authors suggest that the business strategies innovated there have broader economic relevance. Through a case study of the tecnobrega music scene in Belém, the paper illustrates how open business models can be applied to the production of cultural materials more generally
A evolução da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) - mormente da Internet -, deslocando-se do meio acadêmico para a área de negócios, tem gerado discussões sobre seu impacto em modelos de negócios existentes. O Governo Brasileiro vem adequando a sua base legal, de forma a aproveitar os benefícios que esse novo ambiente de negócios pode trazer à estrutura pública. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo identificar os benefícios alcançados pela Caixa Econômica Federal, no que se refere a melhorias na sua eficiência, ao implantar o seu site de compras MRO (Manutenção, Reparo e Operação). Através de metodologia de estudo de caso simples, busca-se analisar a importância estratégica da implantação do site de compras da Caixa Econômica Federal, investigando como as dimensões tecnológica, organizacional e cultural influenciaram a eficiência de seus processos produtivos. Embora os resultados obtidos sejam expressivos em relação ao tempo de recuperação do investimento, e promissores em relação ao potencial de reduzir custos administrativos da empresa, um fator considerado extremamente relevante é que o site tem grande potencial para agregar valor à performance financeira do banco. Neste contexto, a Caixa Econômica Federal deve aliar a oportunidade mercadológica gerada pela expertise desenvolvida, com a ociosidade que se cria com os ganhos de produtividade no processo, formando, assim, um produto com grande capacidade de geração de receita.
This thesis develops and evaluates a business model for connected full electric vehicles (FEV) for the European market. Despite a promoting political environment, various barriers have thus far prevented the FEV from becoming a mass-market vehicle. Besides cost, the most noteworthy of these barriers is represented by range anxiety, a product of FEVs’ limited range, lacking availability of charging infrastructure, and long recharging times. Connected FEVs, which maintain a constant connection to the surrounding infrastructure, appear to be a promising element to overcome drivers’ range anxiety. Yet their successful application requires a well functioning FEV ecosystem which can only be created through the collaboration of various stakeholders such as original equipment manufacturers (OEM), first tier suppliers (FTS), charging infrastructure and service providers (CISP), utilities, communication enablers, and governments. This thesis explores and evaluates how a business model, jointly created by these stakeholders, could look like, i.e. how stakeholders could collaborate in the design of products, services, infrastructure, and advanced mobility management, to meet drivers with a sensible value proposition that is at least equivalent to that of internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. It suggests that this value proposition will be an end-2-end package provided by CISPs or OEMs that comprises mobility packages (incl. pay per mile plans, battery leasing, charging and battery swapping (BS) infrastructure) and FEVs equipped with an on-board unit (OBU) combined with additional services targeted at range anxiety reduction. From a theoretical point of view the thesis answers the question which business model framework is suitable for the development of a holistic, i.e. all stakeholder-comprising business model for connected FEVs and defines such a business model. In doing so the thesis provides the first comprehensive business model related research findings on connected FEVs, as prior works focused on the much less complex scenario featuring only “offline” FEVs.
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.
Core competencies form the basis of an organization’s skills and the basic element of a successful strategic execution. Identifying and strengthening the core competencies enhances flexibility thereby strategically positioning a firm for responding to competition in the dynamic marketplace and can be the difference in quality among firms that follow the same business model. A correct understanding of the concept of business models, employing the right core competencies, organizing them effectively and building the business model around the competencies that are constantly gained and assimilated can result in enhanced business performance and thus having implications for firms that want to innovate their business models. Flexibility can be the firm’s agility to shift focus in response to external factors such as changing markets, new technologies or competition and a firm’s success can be gauged by the ability it displays in this transition. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggests they may also be due to the introduction of new business models and nowhere is it more relevant than in the airline industry. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments. This is more relevant in the case of airline industry, as the product (the air transportation of passengers) minus the service competence is all the same.
Around the world, consumers and retailers of fresh produce are becoming more and more discerning about factors such as food safety and traceability, health, convenience and the sustainability of production systems, and in doing so they are changing the way in which fresh produce supply chains are configured and managed. When consumers demand fresh, safe, convenient, value-for-money produce, retailers in an increasingly competitive environment are attracted to those business models most capable of meeting these demands profitably. Traditional models are proving less and less able to deliver competitive advantage in such an environment. As a result, opportunistic, adversarial, price-based approaches to doing business between chain members are being replaced by approaches that are more strategic, collaborative and value-based. The shaping force behind this change is the need for producers, wholesalers, category managers, retailers and consumers to have more certainty about the performance of the supply chains upon which they rely. Certainty is generated through the supply chain's ability to create, deliver and share value. How to build supply chains that create, deliver and share value is arguably the single biggest challenge to the competitiveness of fresh produce firms, and therefore to the industries to which they belong.
Most previous studies of university spinouts (USOs) have focused on what determines their formation from the perspectives of the entrepreneurs or of their parent universities. However, few studies have investigated how these entrepreneurial businesses actually grow and how their business models evolve in the process. This paper examines the evolution of USOs' business models over their different development phases. Using empirical evidence gathered from three comprehensive case studies, we explore how USOs' business models evolve over time, and the implications for the financial sustainability and operational scalability of these ventures. This paper extends existing research on the development of USOs, and highlights three themes for future research.
In the global Internet economy, e-business as a driving force to redefine business models and operational processes is posing new challenges for traditional organizational structures and information system (IS) architectures. These are showing promises of a renewed period of innovative thinking in e-business strategies with new enterprise paradigms and different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. In this chapter, the authors consider and investigate how dynamic e-business strategies, as the next evolutionary generation of e-business, can be realized through newly diverse enterprise structures supported by ERP, ERPII and so-called "ERPIII" solutions relying on the virtual value chain concept. Exploratory inductive multi-case studies in manufacturing and printing industries have been conducted. Additionally, it proposes a conceptual framework to discuss the adoption and governance of ERP systems within the context of three enterprise forms for enabling dynamic and collaborative e-business strategies, and particularly demonstrate how an enterprise can dynamically migrate from its current position to the patterns it desires to occupy in the future - a migration that must and will include dynamic e-business as a core competency, but that also relies heavily on ERP-based backbone and other robust technological platform and applications.
The emergence of a technology-intensive economy requires the transformation of business models in the hospitality industry Established companies can face technological, cultural, organizations and relationship barriers in moving from a traditional business model to an e-business model. The authors suggest that market, learning, and business process orientations at the organizational level can help remove some of the barriers toward e-business and facilitate the development of e-business within existing organizational infrastructures.