978 resultados para Augmented Dice


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Group 20 (km) "Kirk's Krew" is proud to present "Panorama: An Investigation into Augmented Reality," an exciting and entertaining video used for the general public which engages through a fast-paced investigatory style. You'll never forget the story of students Jake and Andrew as they seek to thwart the villianous schemes of Larry Beige with help and hindrance from AR! Explore the past, present and future of AR in a Panorama style investigation! ECS' very own Dr Enrico Costanza is on hand with years of expertise! For a full listing of share contents, please see readme.txt


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Resumen de las autoras en catalán


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Se abordan las dificultades encontradas en la relación entre los medios de comunicación y los diferentes agentes sociales y políticos, teniendo en cuenta la independencia del país y de la época. El desconocimiento que existe entre los profesionales de las dos partes crea una profunda sensación de decepción, contrariedad y malestar que provoca fuegos entrecruzados de palabras y de relaciones complicadas. El trato entre periodistas y profesores, medios de comunicación y sistema educativo, no parece una excepción.


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Módulo cinco del crédito común para el área de Francés de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Plantea los objetivos de ser capaz de leer un texto narrativo identificando la cronología de los hechos, las relaciones entre los personajes y la intención del texto, extraer la información esencial del documento, transcribir el presente de todas las formas verbales y utilizar el futuro simple en situaciones de comunicación. Describe los contenidos y trece actividades de aprendizaje. En cada una se explicitan los objetivos, contenidos, material de soporte, competencias que trabaja y explicación de la actividad.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Reseña de la entrevista realizada a Gerardo Diego, como censor de la Real Academia, en la revista 'Ya', en la que comenta la mala situación de la correcta enseñanza de la lengua castellana.


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El artículo forma parte de una sección monográfica dedicada a la escuela inclusiva.


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Multimedia Interactive Book (miBook) reflects the development of a new concept of virtual interpretation of traditional text books and audio-visual content. By encompassing new technological approaches, using augmented reality technology, allows the final user to experience a variety of sensorial stimuli while enjoying and interacting with the content; therefore enhancing the learning process. miBook stands for a global educational intention to enable people not only to access but also to appropriate intellectually valuable contents coming from different linguistic and cultural contexts.


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Augmented Reality systems overlay computer generated information onto a user's natural senses. Where this additional information is visual, the information is overlaid on the user's natural visual field of view through a head mounted (or “head-up”) display device. Integrated Home Systems provides a network that links every electrical device in the home which provides to a user both control and data transparency across the network.


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As the integration of vertical axis wind turbines in the built environment is a promising alternative to horizontal axis wind turbines, a 2D computational investigation of an augmented wind turbine is proposed and analysed. In the initial CFD analysis, three parameters are carefully investigated: mesh resolution; turbulence model; and time step size. It appears that the mesh resolution and the turbulence model affect result accuracy; while the time step size examined, for the unsteady nature of the flow, has small impact on the numerical results. In the CFD validation of the open rotor with secondary data, the numerical results are in good agreement in terms of shape. It is, however, observed a discrepancy factor of 2 between numerical and experimental data. Successively, the introduction of an omnidirectional stator around the wind turbine increases the power and torque coefficients by around 30–35% when compared to the open case; but attention needs to be given to the orientation of the stator blades for optimum performance. It is found that the power and torque coefficients of the augmented wind turbine are independent of the incident wind speed considered.


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The solution of an initial-boundary value problem for a linear evolution partial differential equation posed on the half-line can be represented in terms of an integral in the complex (spectral) plane. This representation is obtained by the unified transform introduced by Fokas in the 90's. On the other hand, it is known that many initial-boundary value problems can be solved via a classical transform pair, constructed via the spectral analysis of the associated spatial operator. For example, the Dirichlet problem for the heat equation can be solved by applying the Fourier sine transform pair. However, for many other initial-boundary value problems there is no suitable transform pair in the classical literature. Here we pose and answer two related questions: Given any well-posed initial-boundary value problem, does there exist a (non-classical) transform pair suitable for solving that problem? If so, can this transform pair be constructed via the spectral analysis of a differential operator? The answer to both of these questions is positive and given in terms of augmented eigenfunctions, a novel class of spectral functionals. These are eigenfunctions of a suitable differential operator in a certain generalised sense, they provide an effective spectral representation of the operator, and are associated with a transform pair suitable to solve the given initial-boundary value problem.