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Wybory do Dumy Państwowej z 2007 r. nie zmieniły układu sił politycznych. Skład parlamentu pozostał prawie takim, jaki był przed wyborami. Jednak wyniki były dość ważne jako świadectwo stabilizacji systemu politycznego: kompozycja sił politycznych pozostała niezmieniona. Znaczenie Dumy, powołanej w toku wyborów z grudnia 2007 r., prawdopodobnie będzie słabło. Parlament stał się jeszcze mniej samodzielny, jeszcze bardziej posłuszny wobec władzy wykonawczej. Można nawet pokusić się o stwierdzenie, że Duma rosyjska coraz to bardziej przypomina Radę Naczelną ZSRR do roku 1989.
W przypadku niejednolitego stanowiska państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej wobec Kosowa, osłabieniu ulega prestiż i siła oddziaływania Unii na arenie międzynarodowej. W odniesieniu do problemu Abchazji i Osetii Południowej natomiast, działania UE obrazują, że samo wyrażenie zainteresowania określonym problemem oraz udzielanie ‘apolitycznej’ pomocy finansowej, którym nie towarzyszą wyraźnie i precyzyjnie zdefiniowane cele polityczne, działalność instytucji wyposażonych w silny mandat oraz proces aktywnych negocjacji, nie przyczynia się do rozwiązania palącego problemu międzynarodowego, narażając na szwank pozycję międzynarodową Unii Europejskiej. Po raz kolejny państwa członkowskie pokazują, iż koncepcja Wspólnej Polityki Zagranicznej i Bezpieczeństwa, wspierana między innymi przez Europejską Politykę Sąsiedztwa, jest pozbawiona stabilnych podstaw.
Numerous reports and analyses of voter turnout levels have recorded the global trend of declining participation by citizens in national elections. One of the most important results of poor participation of citizens in electoral processes is the serious legitimization deficit. Governments in many countries try to prevent that by taking various measures to solve the problem of falling turnout and to increase the level of the electorate’s involvement. In Poland, the low turnout level has been the subject of many scholarly discussions aimed at finding solutions to the problem of poor civic participation. The main goal of this study is to assess the various methods of increasing voter turnout which are used in different countries, including Poland.
Poszukiwanie uniwersalnej definicji bezpieczeństwa Polski w niestabilnym systemie Unii Europejskiej opiera się głównie na odnalezieniu się w roli gracza i aktora, który jako samodzielny podmiot bierze aktywny udział w wielowymiarowym unijnym systemie negocjacji i przetargów (brokering between different interests). Polska musi mieć przygotowany swój program działania w UE o charakterze strategicznym i taktycznym włączając w niego państwo-centryczne priorytety horyzontalne i sektorowe, zarówno antykryzysowe jak i antagonistyczne i dysfunkcjonalne. Wymaga to perfekcyjnego przygotowania wykształconego zespołu ludzi zajmujących się bezpieczeństwem. Konieczne są bardzo wysokie umiejętności organizacyjne i wysoki stopień znajomości sposobu funkcjonowania państw w relacjach do całości i poszczególnych elementów UE. Wszystko to sprowadza się do konieczności wypracowywania specyficznego modus operandi polskiego bezpieczeństwa, na który poza znanymi już regułami i procedurami składa się ich interwencyjne zaplecze instytucjonalno-administracyjne oraz logistyczno-techniczne. Polska musi też posiąść zdolność do adaptacji do otaczającego świata (Europy) poprzez poszerzanie bazy funkcjonowania systemu integracyjnego. Wiąże się to bezpośrednio z dostosowywaniem do permanentnej zmiany w Unii Europejskiej i globalnym otoczeniu. Adaptacja jest również istotna z punktu widzenia potrzeby stabilizowania systemu. Pozwala neutralizować wszelkie próby zakłóceń funkcjonalnych jej struktury, pozycji i zbioru kompetencji. Adaptację powinna uzupełniać realistyczna innowacyjność i misyjność Polski widoczna przez wprowadzanie do środowiska (otoczenia) nowych reguł i mechanizmów bezpieczeństwa. Innowacyjność wiąże się z inicjowaniem nowego stylu/sposobu myślenia o bezpieczeństwie, a w związku z tym z nowatorstwem w zakresie wielopoziomowego (wieloprzestrzennego) ujmowania bezpieczeństwa. Na tak rozumiane bezpieczeństwo państwa składa się nie tylko zdolność obronna (militarna), ale także siła gospodarki oraz zasoby, którym Polska powinna dysponować. Misyjność sprowadza się natomiast do promowania i propagowania wartości przypisanych państwu narodowemu - niezapisanych w unijnych traktatach takich jak potęga, racja stanu i niepodległość.
Although Iran borders with many states and has direct access to the Caspian Sea as well as the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf region seems to be the most vital area to its security and prosperity. Yet since the 70’s Iran’s relations with the Arab states in the region have been rather strained and complex. The main reason for that had been the success of the Islamic revolution in 1979 which later resulted in a new dimension of Sunni-Shia rivalry. Moreover, post-revolutionary Iranian authorities also intended to maintain the regional hegemony from the Imperial State of Iran period. As a result, successive Iranian governments competed for hegemony in the Persian Gulf with the littoral Arab states which consolidated their regional positions due to close links and intensive cooperation with the West especially with the United States. Despite some political and economic initiatives which were undertaken by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, this rivalry was also evident between 2005–2013. The main aim of this article is to find out whether Iranian foreign policy towards the Arab states in the Persian Gulf region has undergone any significant changes since Hassan Rouhani became the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in August 2013. According to Mohammad Reza Deshiri, the Iranian foreign policy after 1979 can be divided into so-called waves of idealism and realism. During dominance of idealism values and spirituality are more important than pragmatism while during the realistic waves political as well as economic interests prevail over spirituality. Iranian idealism is connected with export of revolutionary ideas, Shia dominance as well as the restoration of unity among all muslims (ummah). On this basis both presidential terms of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can be classified as ‘waves of idealism’, albeit some of his ideas were very pragmatic. The question is if Hassan Rouhani’s foreign policy represents a continuity or a change. Is the current Iran’s foreign policy towards the Persian Gulf region idealistic or rather realistic? The main assumption is that there will be no Arab-Iranian rapprochement in the Persian Gulf without a prior normalization of political relations between Iran and the West especially the United States.
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
Wydział Historyczny
Wydział Historyczny
Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Both clinical experience and a growing medical literature indicate that some persons who have been exposed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection remain uninfected. Although in some instances this may represent good fortune, cohorts of uninfected persons have been reported who are considered at high risk for infection. In these cohorts a variety of characteristics have been proposed as mediating protection, but to date only the 32–base pair deletion in the chemokine (C‐C motif) receptor 5 gene, which results in complete failure of cell surface expression of this coreceptor, has been associated with high‐level protection from HIV infection. With this in mind, there are probably many other factors that may individually or in combination provide some level of protection from acquisition of HIV infection. Because some of these factors are probably incompletely protective or inconsistently active, identifying them with confidence will be difficult. Nonetheless, clarifying the determinants of protection against HIV infection is a high priority that will require careful selection of high‐risk uninfected cohorts, who should undergo targeted studies of plausible mediators and broad screening for unexpected determinants of protection.
Oxidative stress is a deleterious stressor associated with a plethora of disease and aging manifestations, including neurodegenerative disorders, yet very few factors and mechanisms promoting the neuroprotection of photoreceptor and other neurons against oxidative stress are known. Insufficiency of RAN-binding protein-2 (RANBP2), a large, mosaic protein with pleiotropic functions, suppresses apoptosis of photoreceptor neurons upon aging and light-elicited oxidative stress, and promotes age-dependent tumorigenesis by mechanisms that are not well understood. Here we show that, by downregulating selective partners of RANBP2, such as RAN GTPase, UBC9 and ErbB-2 (HER2; Neu), and blunting the upregulation of a set of orphan nuclear receptors and the light-dependent accumulation of ubiquitylated substrates, light-elicited oxidative stress and Ranbp2 haploinsufficiency have a selective effect on protein homeostasis in the retina. Among the nuclear orphan receptors affected by insufficiency of RANBP2, we identified an isoform of COUP-TFI (Nr2f1) as the only receptor stably co-associating in vivo with RANBP2 and distinct isoforms of UBC9. Strikingly, most changes in proteostasis caused by insufficiency of RANBP2 in the retina are not observed in the supporting tissue, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Instead, insufficiency of RANBP2 in the RPE prominently suppresses the light-dependent accumulation of lipophilic deposits, and it has divergent effects on the accumulation of free cholesterol and free fatty acids despite the genotype-independent increase of light-elicited oxidative stress in this tissue. Thus, the data indicate that insufficiency of RANBP2 results in the cell-type-dependent downregulation of protein and lipid homeostasis, acting on functionally interconnected pathways in response to oxidative stress. These results provide a rationale for the neuroprotection from light damage of photosensory neurons by RANBP2 insufficiency and for the identification of novel therapeutic targets and approaches promoting neuroprotection.
The human neocortex differs from that of other great apes in several notable regards, including altered cell cycle, prolonged corticogenesis, and increased size [1-5]. Although these evolutionary changes most likely contributed to the origin of distinctively human cognitive faculties, their genetic basis remains almost entirely unknown. Highly conserved non-coding regions showing rapid sequence changes along the human lineage are candidate loci for the development and evolution of uniquely human traits. Several studies have identified human-accelerated enhancers [6-14], but none have linked an expression difference to a specific organismal trait. Here we report the discovery of a human-accelerated regulatory enhancer (HARE5) of FZD8, a receptor of the Wnt pathway implicated in brain development and size [15, 16]. Using transgenic mice, we demonstrate dramatic differences in human and chimpanzee HARE5 activity, with human HARE5 driving early and robust expression at the onset of corticogenesis. Similar to HARE5 activity, FZD8 is expressed in neural progenitors of the developing neocortex [17-19]. Chromosome conformation capture assays reveal that HARE5 physically and specifically contacts the core Fzd8 promoter in the mouse embryonic neocortex. To assess the phenotypic consequences of HARE5 activity, we generated transgenic mice in which Fzd8 expression is under control of orthologous enhancers (Pt-HARE5::Fzd8 and Hs-HARE5::Fzd8). In comparison to Pt-HARE5::Fzd8, Hs-HARE5::Fzd8 mice showed marked acceleration of neural progenitor cell cycle and increased brain size. Changes in HARE5 function unique to humans thus alter the cell-cycle dynamics of a critical population of stem cells during corticogenesis and may underlie some distinctive anatomical features of the human brain.
The role of GTPase-activating protein (GAP) that deactivates ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) during the formation of coat protein I (COPI) vesicles has been unclear. GAP is originally thought to antagonize vesicle formation by triggering uncoating, but later studies suggest that GAP promotes cargo sorting, a process that occurs during vesicle formation. Recent models have attempted to reconcile these seemingly contradictory roles by suggesting that cargo proteins suppress GAP activity during vesicle formation, but whether GAP truly antagonizes coat recruitment in this process has not been assessed directly. We have reconstituted the formation of COPI vesicles by incubating Golgi membrane with purified soluble components, and find that ARFGAP1 in the presence of GTP promotes vesicle formation and cargo sorting. Moreover, the presence of GTPgammaS not only blocks vesicle uncoating but also vesicle formation by preventing the proper recruitment of GAP to nascent vesicles. Elucidating how GAP functions in vesicle formation, we find that the level of GAP on the reconstituted vesicles is at least as abundant as COPI and that GAP binds directly to the dilysine motif of cargo proteins. Collectively, these findings suggest that ARFGAP1 promotes vesicle formation by functioning as a component of the COPI coat.
To understand how a signaling molecule's activities are regulated, we need insight into the processes controlling the dynamic balance between its synthesis and degradation. For the Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 signal, this information is woefully inadequate. For example, the only known cytosolic enzyme with the capacity to degrade Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is the tumour-suppressor PTEN [J.J. Caffrey, T. Darden, M.R. Wenk, S.B. Shears, FEBS Lett. 499 (2001) 6 ], but the biological relevance has been questioned by others [E.A. Orchiston, D. Bennett, N.R. Leslie, R.G. Clarke, L. Winward, C.P. Downes, S.T. Safrany, J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 1116 ]. The current study emphasizes the role of physiological levels of PTEN in Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 homeostasis. We employed two cell models. First, we used a human U87MG glioblastoma PTEN-null cell line that hosts an ecdysone-inducible PTEN expression system. Second, the human H1299 bronchial cell line, in which PTEN is hypomorphic due to promoter methylation, has been stably transfected with physiologically relevant levels of PTEN. In both models, a novel consequence of PTEN expression was to increase Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 pool size by 30-40% (p<0.01); this response was wortmannin-insensitive and, therefore, independent of the PtdIns 3-kinase pathway. In U87MG cells, induction of the G129R catalytically inactive PTEN mutant did not affect Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P(5) levels. PTEN induction did not alter the expression of enzymes participating in Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 synthesis. Another effect of PTEN expression in U87MG cells was to decrease InsP6 levels by 13% (p<0.02). The InsP6-phosphatase, MIPP, may be responsible for the latter effect; we show that recombinant human MIPP dephosphorylates InsP6 to D/L-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5, levels of which increased 60% (p<0.05) following PTEN expression in U87MG cells. Overall, our data add higher inositol phosphates to the list of important cellular regulators [Y. Huang, R.P. Wernyj, D.D. Norton, P. Precht, M.C. Seminario, R.L. Wange, Oncogene, 24 (2005) 3819 ] the levels of which are modulated by expression of the highly pleiotropic PTEN protein.