998 resultados para 1100


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Non-stoichiometric substituted cerium vanadates, MxCe1-xVO4 (M = Li, Ca and Fe), were synthesized by solid-state reactions. The crystal structure was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction and it exhibits a tetragonal zircon Structure, crystallizing in the space group I4(1)/amd with a = 7.3733(4) and c = 6.4909(4) angstrom and Z = 4. Particle sizes were in the range of 600-800 nm, as observed by scanning electron microscopy. The thermal analysis of the compounds showed phase stability up to 1100 degrees C. The UV diffuse reflectance spectra indicated that the compounds have band gaps in the range of 2.6-2.9 eV. The photocatalytic activity of these Compounds was investigated for the first time for the degradation of different dyes, and organics, the oxidation of cyclohexane and the hydroxylation of benzene. The degradation of dyes was modeled using the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, while the oxidation of cyclohexane and hydroxylation of benzene were modeled using a free radical mechanism and a series reaction mechanism, respectively.


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Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, usually in reflectance mode, has been applied to the analysis of faeces to measure the concentrations of constituents such as total N, fibre, tannins and delta C-13. In addition, an unusual and exciting application of faecal NIR [F.NIR] analyses is to directly predict attributes of the diet of herbivores such as crude protein and fibre contents, proportions of plant species and morphological components, diet digestibility and voluntary DM intake. This is an unusual application of NIR spectroscopy insofar as the spectral measurements are made, not on the material of interest [i.e. the diet), but on a derived material (i.e. faeces). Predictions of diet attributes from faecal spectra clearly depend on there being sufficient NIR spectral information in the diet residues present in faeces to describe the diet, although endogenous components of faeces such as undigested debris of micro-organisms from the rumen and Large intestine and secretions into the gastrointestinal tract wilt also contribute spectral information. Spectra of forage and of faeces derived from the forage are generally similar and the observed differences are principally in the spectral regions associated with constituents of forages known to be of low, or of high, digestibility. Some diet components (for example, ureal which are likely to be entirely digested apparently cannot be predicted from faecal NIR spectra because they cannot contribute to faecal spectra except through modifying the microbial and endogenous components. The errors and robustness of F.NIR calibrations to predict the crude protein concentration and digestibility of the diet of herbivores are generally comparable with those to directly predict the same attributes in forage from NIR spectra of the forage. Some attributes of the animal, such as species, gender, pregnancy status and parasite burden have been successfully discriminated into classes based on their faecal NIR spectra. Such discrimination was likely associated with differences in the diet selected and/or differences in the metabolites excreted in the faeces. NIR spectroscopy of faeces has usually involved scanning dried and ground samples in monochromators in the 400-2500nm or 1100-2500nm ranges. Results satisfactory for the purpose have also been reported for dried and ground faeces scanned using a diode array instrument in the 800-1700nm range and for wet faeces and slurries of excreta scanned with monochromators. Chemometric analysis of faecal spectra has generally used the approaches established for forage analysis. The capacity to predict many attributes of the diet, and some aspects of animal physiology, from NIR spectra of faeces is particularly useful to study the quality and quantity of the diet selected by both domestic and feral grazing herbivores and to enhance production and management of both herbivores and their grazing environment.


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Raw data from SeaScan™ transects off Wide Bay (south Queensland) taken in August 2007 as part of a study of ecological factors influencing the distribution of spanner crabs (Ranina ranina). The dataset (comma-delimited ascii file) comprises the following fields: 1. record number 2. date-time (GMT) 3. date-time (AEST) 4. latitude (signed decimal degrees) 5. longitude (decimal degrees) 6. speed over ground (knots) 7. depth (m) 8. seabed roughness (v) 9. hardness (v) Indices of roughness and hardness (from the first and second echoes respectively) were obtained using a SeaScan™ 100 system (un-referenced) on board the Research Vessel Tom Marshall, with the ship’s Furuno FCV 1100 echo sounder and 1 kW, 50 kHz transducer. Generally vessel speed was kept below about 14 kt (typically ~12 kt), and the echo-sounder range set to 80 m. The data were filtered to remove errors due to data drop-out, straying beyond system depth limits (min. 10 m), or transducer interference.


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Summary Poor land condition resulting from unsustainable grazing practices can reduce enterprise profitability and increase water, sediment and associated nutrient runoff from properties and catchments. This paper presents the results of a 6 year field study that used a series of hillslope flume experiments to evaluate the impact of improved grazing land management (GLM) on hillslope runoff and sediment yields. The study was carried out on a commercial grazing property in a catchment draining to the Burdekin River in northern Australia. During this study average ground cover on hillslopes increased from ~35% to ~75%, although average biomass and litter levels are still relatively low for this landscape type (~60 increasing to 1100 kg of dry matter per hectare). Pasture recovery was greatest on the upper and middle parts of hillslopes. Areas that did not respond to the improved grazing management had <10% cover and were on the lower slopes associated with the location of sodic soil and the initiation of gullies. Comparison of ground cover changes and soil conditions with adjacent properties suggest that grazing management, and not just improved rainfall conditions, were responsible for the improvements in ground cover in this study. The ground cover improvements resulted in progressively lower runoff coefficients for the first event in each wet season, however, runoff coefficients were not reduced at the annual time scale. The hillslope annual sediment yields declined by ~70% on two out of three hillslopes, although where bare patches (with <10% cover) were connected to gullies and streams, annual sediment yields increased in response to higher rainfall in latter years of the study. It appears that bare patches are the primary source areas for both runoff and erosion on these hillslopes. Achieving further reductions in runoff and erosion in these landscapes may require management practices that improve ground cover and biomass in bare areas, particularly when they are located adjacent to concentrated drainage lines.


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The emf of the galvanic cell, Pt, Ni + NiO/(CaO) ZrO2/MS + MSO4, Ir, Pt, where M is calcium, strontium, or barium, has been measured in the temperature range 850 to 1100 K. From these measurements the Gibbs’ energy changes for the oxidation of sulfides of alkaline earth metals to their respective sulfates have been calculated. The results are compared with available thermodynamic data in the literature. The agreement varies from ±2 kJ for the strontium system to ±20 kJ in the case of barium. Trends in the stabilities of alkaline earth sulfates are discussed in relation to the properties of the cationic species involved.


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Background Australian mothers consistently rate postnatal care as the poorest aspect of their maternity care, and researchers and policymakers have widely acknowledged the need for improvement in how postnatal care is provided. Aim To identify and analyse mothers’ comments about postnatal care in their free text responses to an open ended question in the Having a Baby in Queensland Survey, 2010, and reflect on their implications for midwifery practice and maternity service policies. Methods The survey assessed mothers’ experiences of maternity care four months after birth. We analysed free-text data from an open-ended question inviting respondents to write ‘anything else you would like to tell us’. Of the final survey sample (N = 7193), 60% (N = 4310) provided comments, 26% (N = 1100) of which pertained to postnatal care. Analysis included the coding and enumeration of issues to identify the most common problems commented on by mothers. Comments were categorised according to whether they related to in-hospital or post-discharge care, and whether they were reported by women birthing in public or private birthing facilities. Results The analysis revealed important differences in maternal experiences according to birthing sector: mothers birthing in public facilities were more likely to raise concerns about the quality and/or duration of their in-hospital stay than those in private facilities. Conversely, mothers who gave birth in private facilities were more likely to raise concerns about inadequate post-discharge care. Regardless of birthing sector, however, a substantial proportion of all mothers spontaneously raised concerns about their experiences of inadequate and/or inconsistent breastfeeding support. Conclusion Women who birth in private facilities were more likely to spontaneously report concerns about their level of post-discharge care than women from public facilities in Queensland, and publically provided community based care is not sufficient to meet women's needs. Inadequate or inconsistent professional breastfeeding support remains a major issue for early parenting women regardless of birthing sector.


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Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a toxic chemical that can potentially cause mild to severe reactions in animals when grazing forage sorghum. Developing technologies to monitor the level of HCN in the growing crop would benefit graziers, so that they can move cattle into paddocks with acceptable levels of HCN. In this study, we developed near-infrared spectroscopy (MRS) calibrations to estimate HCN in forage sorghum and hay. The full spectral NIRS range (400-2498 nm) was used as well as specific spectral ranges within the full spectral range, i.e., visible (400-750 nm), shortwave (800-1100 nm) and near-infrared (NIR) (1100-2498 nm). Using the full spectrum approach and partial least-squares (PLS), the calibration produced a coefficient of determination (R-2) = 0.838 and standard error of cross-validation (SECV) = 0.040%, while the validation set had a R-2 = 0.824 with a low standard error of prediction (SEP = 0.047%). When using a multiple linear regression (MLR) approach, the best model (NIR spectra) produced a R-2 = 0.847 and standard error of calibration (SEC) = 0.050% and a R-2 = 0.829 and SEP = 0.057% for the validation set. The MLR models built from these spectral regions all used nine wavelengths. Two specific wavelengths 2034 and 2458 nm were of interest, with the former associated with C=O carbonyl stretch and the latter associated with C-N-C stretching. The most accurate PLS and MLR models produced a ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation of 3.4 and 3.0, respectively, suggesting that the calibrations could be used for screening breeding material. The results indicated that it should be feasible to develop calibrations using PLS or MLR models for a number of users, including breeding programs to screen for genotypes with low HCN, as well as graziers to monitor crop status to help with grazing efficiency.


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The binding of the fluorescent probes 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate and dansyl cadaverine to the sodium salts of cholic, deoxycholic and dehydrocholic acids has been investigated. Enhanced probe solubilisation accompanies aggregation. Monitoring of fluorescence intensities as a function of bile salt concentration permits the detection of primary micelle formation, as well as secondary association. The transition concentrations obtained by fluorescence are in good agreement with values determined for the critical micelle concentrations, by other methods. Differences in the behaviour of cholate and deoxycholate have been noted. Fluorescence polarisation studies of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene solubilised in bile salt micelles suggest a higher microviscosity for the interior of the deoxycholate micelle as compared to cholate. 1H NMR studies of deoxycholate over the range 1–100 mg/ml suggest that micelle formation leads to a greater immobilisation of the C18 and C19 methyl groups as compared to the C21 methyl group. Well resolved 13C resonances are observed for all three steroids even at high concentration. Both fluorescence and NMR studies confirm that dehydrocholate does not aggregate.


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Background: The development of a horse vaccine against Hendra virus has been hailed as a good example of a One Health approach to the control of human disease. Although there is little doubt that this is true, it is clear from the underwhelming uptake of the vaccine by horse owners to date (approximately 10%) that realisation of a One Health approach requires more than just a scientific solution. As emerging infectious diseases may often be linked to the development and implementation of novel vaccines this presentation will discuss factors influencing their uptake; using Hendra virus in Australia as a case study. Methods: This presentation will draw on data collected from the Horse owners and Hendra virus: A Longitudinal cohort study To Evaluate Risk (HHALTER) study. The HHALTER study is a mixed methods research study comprising a two-year survey-based longitudinal cohort study and qualitative interview study with horse owners in Australia. The HHALTER study has investigated and tracked changes in a broad range of issues around early uptake of vaccination, horse owner uptake of other recommended disease risk mitigation strategies, and attitudes to government policy and disease response. Interviews provide further insights into attitudes towards risk and decision-making in relation to vaccine uptake. A combination of quantitative and qualitative data analysis will be reported. Results: Data collected from more than 1100 horse owners shortly after vaccine introduction indicated that vaccine uptake and intention to vaccinate was associated with a number of risk perception factors and financial cost factors. In addition, concerns about side effects and veterinarians refusing to treat unvaccinated horses were linked to uptake. Across the study period vaccine uptake in the study cohort increased to more than 50%, however, concerns around side effects, equine performance and breeding impacts, delays to full vaccine approvals, and attempts to mandate vaccination by horse associations and event organisers have all impacted acceptance. Conclusion: Despite being provided with a safe and effective vaccine for Hendra virus that can protect horses and break the transmission cycle of the virus to humans, Australian horse owners have been reluctant to commit to it. General issues pertinent to novel vaccines, combined with challenges in the implementation of the vaccine have led to issues of mistrust and misconception with some horse owners. Moreover, factors such as cost, booster dose schedules, complexities around perceived risk, and ulterior motives attributed to veterinarians have only served to polarise attitudes to vaccine acceptance.


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A simple yet efficient method for the minimization of incompletely specified sequential machines (ISSMs) is proposed. Precise theorems are developed, as a consequence of which several compatibles can be deleted from consideration at the very first stage in the search for a minimal closed cover. Thus, the computational work is significantly reduced. Initial cardinality of the minimal closed cover is further reduced by a consideration of the maximal compatibles (MC's) only; as a result the method converges to the solution faster than the existing procedures. "Rank" of a compatible is defined. It is shown that ordering the compatibles, in accordance with their rank, reduces the number of comparisons to be made in the search for exclusion of compatibles. The new method is simple, systematic, and programmable. It does not involve any heuristics or intuitive procedures. For small- and medium-sized machines, it canle used for hand computation as well. For one of the illustrative examples used in this paper, 30 out of 40 compatibles can be ignored in accordance with the proposed rules and the remaining 10 compatibles only need be considered for obtaining a minimal solution.


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Various carbon nanostructures (CNs) have been prepared by a simple deposition technique based on the pyrolysis of a new carbon source material tetrahydrofuran (THF) mixed with ferrocene using quartz tube reactor in the temperature range 700-1100 degrees C. A detailed study of how the synthesis parameter such as growth temperature affects the morphology of the carbon nanostructures is presented. The obtained CNs are investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron dispersive scattering (EDS)thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), Raman and transmission electron microscope (TEM). It is observed that at 700 degrees C. normal CNTs are formed. Iron filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and carbon nanoribbons (CNRs) are formed at 950 degrees C. Magnetic characterization of iron filled MWCNTs and CNRs studied at 300 K by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) reveals that these nanostructures have an enhanced coercivity (Hc = 1049 Oe) higher than that of bulk Fe. The large shape anisotropy of MWCNTs, which act on the encapsulated material (Fe), is attributed for the contribution of the higher coercivity. Coiled carbon nanotubes (CCNTs) were obtained as main products in large quantities at temperature 1100 degrees C.


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This article deals with a simulation-based Study of the impact of projectiles on thin aluminium plates using LS-DYNA by modelling plates with shell elements and projectiles with solid elements. In order to establish the required modelling criterion in terms of element size for aluminium plates, a convergence Study of residual velocity has been carried Out by varying mesh density in the impact zone. Using the preferred material and meshing criteria arrived at here, extremely good prediction of test residual velocities and ballistic limits given by Gupta et al. (2001) for thin aluminium plates has been obtained. The simulation-based pattern of failure with localized bulging and jagged edge of perforation is similar to the perforation with petalling seen in tests. A number Of simulation-based parametric studies have been carried out and results consistent with published test data have been obtained. Despite the robust correlation achieved against published experimental results, it would be prudent to conduct one's own experiments, for a final correlation via the present modelling procedure and analysis with the explicit LS-DYNTA 970 solver. Hence, a sophisticated ballistic impact testing facility and a high-speed camera have been used to conduct additional tests on grade 1100 aluminium plates of 1 mm thickness with projectiles Of four different nose shapes. Finally, using the developed numerical simulation procedure, an excellent correlation of residual velocity and failure modes with the corresponding test results has been obtained.


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The isobaric heat capacity of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) was measured from 300 to 1100 K using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results were verified using drop calorimetric measurement of enthalpy increment (H-T - H-298.15) at T= 973 and 1073 K. The samples were dropped from room temperature into a calorimeter maintained at high temperature. The results show small negative deviation from Neumann-Kopp rule. The enthalpy and entropy increments are computed as a function of temperature and compared with values available in the literature. The results obtained in this study are consistent with available information on enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of CCTO.


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Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HAp) exhibits better bioactivity and biocompatibility with enhanced mechanical properties compared to the microcrystalline counterpart. In the present work, nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite was synthesized by wet chemical method. Sintering was carried out with nanocrystalline alumina as additive, the content of alumina being varied from 10 to 30 wt% in the composite. For 20 and 30 wt % Al2O3, hydroxyapatite decomposed into tricalcium phosphate (TCP) above the sintering temperature of 1100 degrees C. The fracture toughness of nano HAp-nano Al2O3 composite is anisotropic in nature and reached a maximum value of 6.9 MPa m(1/2).


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By roller quenching and water quenching melts of Bi2(Ca, Sr)3Cu2O8+δ, glasses have been obtained. These glasses exhibit two glass transitions as well as two crystallization transitions. Microwave absorption studies show the glass to be weakly superconducting at 77 K, probably due to the presence of ultramicrocrystallites. The glass on crystallization at 870 K gives the crystalline n=1 member of the homologous series Bi2(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO 2n+4 and the n=2 member on annealing at 1100 K. The glass route provides a unique means of obtaining the n=2 member of the series. On prolonged annealing of the glass at 1120 K, the n=3 member seems to be formed.