1000 resultados para pricing methods
The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships between the spectra in the Vis-NIR range and the soil P concentrations obtained from the PM and Prem extraction methods as well as the effects of these relationships on the construction of models predicting P concentration in Oxisols. Soil samples' spectra and their PM and Prem extraction solutions were determined for the Vis-NIR region between 400 and 2500 nm. Mineralogy and/or organic matter content act as primary attributes allowing correlation of these soil phosphorus fractions with the spectra, mainly at wavelengths between 450-550, 900-1100 nm, near 1400 nm and between 2200-2300 nm. However, the regression models generated were not suitable for quantitative phosphate analysis. Solubilization of organic matter and reactions during the PM extraction process hindered correlations between the spectra and these P soil fractions. For Prem,, the presence of Ca in the extractant and preferential adsorption by gibbsite and iron oxides, particularly goethite, obscured correlations with the spectra.
A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of protocatechuic acid and protocatechuic aldehyde. The method is based on the difference in the kinetic rates of the reactions of analytes with [Ag(NH3)2]+ in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone to produce silver nanoparticles. The data obtained were processed by chemometric methods using principal component analysis artificial neural network and partial least squares. Excellent linearity was obtained in the concentration ranges of 1.23-58.56 µg mL-1 and 0.08-30.39 µg mL-1 for PAC and PAH, respectively. The limits of detection for PAC and PAH were 0.039 and 0.025 µg mL-1, respectively.
Transcriptase reverse - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and dot blot hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled probes were applied for the universal detection of Tospovirus species. The virus species tested were Tomato spotted wilt virus, Tomato chlorotic spot virus, Groundnut ringspot virus, Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus, Impatiens necrotic spot virus, Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus, Iris yellow spot virus. Primers for PCR amplification were designed to match conserved regions of the tospovirus genome. RT-PCR using distinct primer combinations was unable to simultaneously amplify all tospovirus species and consistently failed to detect ZLCV and IYSV in total RNA extracts. However, all tospovirus species were detected by RT-PCR when viral RNA was used as template. RNA-specific PCR products were used as probes for dot hybridization. This assay with a M probe (directed to the G1/G2 gene) detected at low stringency conditions all Tospovirus species, except IYSV. At low stringency conditions, the L non-radioactive probe detected the seven Tospovirus species in a single assay. This method for broad spectrum detection can be potentially employed in quarantine services for indexing in vitro germplasm.
The nutrient load to the Gulf of Finland has started to increase as a result of the strong economic recovery in agriculture and livestock farming in the Leningrad region. Also sludge produced from municipal wastewater treatment plant of the Leningrad region causes the great impact on the environment, but still the main options for its treatment is disposal on the sludge beds or Landfills. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of possible joint treatment methods of manure form livestock and poultry enterprises and sewage sludge produced from municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Leningrad region. The study is based on published data. The most attention was put on the anaerobic digestion and incineration methods. The manure and sewage sludge generation for the whole Leningrad region and energy potential produced from their treatment were estimated. The calculations showed that total amount of sewage sludge generation is 1 348 000 t/a calculated on wet matter and manure generation is 3 445 000 t/a calculated on wet matter. The potential heat release from anaerobic digestion process and incineration process is 4 880 000 GJ/a and 5 950 000 GJ/a, respectively. Furthermore, the work gives the overview of the general Russian and Finnish legislation concerning manure and sewage sludge treatment. In the Gatchina district it was chosen the WWTP and livestock and poultry enterprises for evaluation of the centralized treatment plant implementation based on anaerobic digestion and incineration methods. The electricity and heat power of plant based on biogas combustion process is 4.3 MW and 7.8 MW, respectively. The electricity and heat power of plant based on manure and sewage sludge incineration process is 3.0 MW and 6.1 MW, respectively.
The problem of choosing the heating system is always relevant when building new houses. Type of energy source (solid fuel, liquid fuel, gas, electricity, alternative sources) is the main issue in choosing the heating system. The work gives a comprehensive overview of heating methods, determines their advantages and disadvantages taking into account economical and ecological situations in Finland and Russia. Quantitative contribution of single Finnish and Russian detached houses in the overall level of carbon dioxide emissions is estimated when using each method. Comparison of Russian and Finnish energy markets and their impact on electricity pricing is made in the work. The influence of air pollution on environmental offsets according to Russian and Finnish legislative and normative acts is determined.
Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu särmäyksen eri muuttujien vaikutusta kustannusrakenteeseen. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty kirjallisuusselvitystä sekä särmäysaikojen mittausta tuotannossa. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli saada aikaan kustannusperusteinen hinnoittelumalli, jonka avulla särmäyksen hinnoittelu on yksinkertaista ja nopeaa. Särmäysaikoja mitattiin erikokoisille ja -muotoisille kappaleille. Levyn paksuus mitattavilla kappaleilla oli alle 1mm. Muut mitat vaihtelivat alle 200 mm:stä yli 2000 mm:iin. Käytetyt materiaalit olivat sähkö- ja kuumasinkitty teräs. Mitattavia aikoja olivat aika, joka kuluu yhden särmän taivutukseen, aika, joka kuluu yhden kappaleen valmistamiseen sekä ohjelmointiin ja asetuksiin kuluva aika. Särmäysaikoihin vaikuttavat kymmenet eri muuttujat liittyen särmäyspuristimiin, särmättäviin kappaleisiin ja työkaluihin, jne. Osa muuttujista vaikuttaa hyvin vähän kokonaisaikaan, joten kaikkia muuttujia ei lähdetty mittaamaan erikseen. Lisäksi käytössä ollut mittausvälineistö ei ollut riittävän tarkka kaikkien muuttujien mittaamiseen. Aikaansaatu hinnoittelumalli huomioi eri muuttujat ajassa, joka kuluu kappaleiden valmistamiseen, jolloin kaikki muuttujat tulee huomioitua lopullisessa hinnassa.
Agile coaching of a project team is one way to aid learning of the agile methods. The objective of this thesis is to present the agile coaching plan and to follow how complying the plan affects to the project teams. Furthermore, the agile methods are followed how they work in the projects. Two projects are used to help the research. From the thesis point of view, the task for the first project is to coach the project team and two new coaches. The task for the second project is also to coach the project team, but this time so that one of the new coaches acts as the coach. The agile methods Scrum process and Extreme programming are utilized by the projects. In the latter, the test driven development, continuous integration and pair programming are concentrated more precisely. The results of the work are based on the observations from the projects and the analysis derived from the observations. The results are divided to the effects of the coaching and to functionality of the agile methods in the projects. Because of the small sample set, the results are directional. The presented plan, to coach the agile methods, needs developing, but the results of the functionality of the agile methods are encouraging.
Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee hinnoittelua graafisen teollisuuden pk-sektorin kirjapainoissa. Alalla vallitseva markkinatilanne on kiristynyt siirryttäessä kysyntä-/teknologiaelinkaaren kasvujaksolta kypsään vaiheeseen. Tutkimus pyrkii antamaan vastauksen hinnoittelun tarvitsemaan toimintaan tarkastelemalla hinnoittelun ”ongelmien järjestelmää”. Tutkimus on toiminta-analyyttisen metodologian mukaisena tutkimuksena toteutettu case-tutkimus, jossa empirian tutkimusmetodeina ovat kvalitatiiviset puolistruktuuriset teemahaastattelut ja kvantitatiiviset tilastolliset tarkastelut toimialan kehityksestä. Tutkimustuloksina todetaan alalla vallinneen pitkän voimakkaan kannattavuuden jakson muokanneen case-yrityksen hinnoitteluperiaatteita, jotka vastaavat huonosti muuttuneeseen markkinatilanteeseen. Tutkimuksessa esitetään pk-yrittäjien rationaalisuuden ero talousteorioiden edellyttämästä instrumentaalisesta rationaalisuudesta.
The objective of this case study is to provide a Finnish solution provider company an objective, in-depth analysis of their project based business and especially of project estimation accuracy. A project and customer profitability analysis is conducted as a complementary addition to describe profitability of the Case Company’s core division. The theoretical framework is constructed on project profitability and customer profitability analysis. Project profitability is approached starting from managing projects, continuing to project pricing process and concluding to project success. The empirical part of this study describes the Case Company’s project portfolio, and by means of quantitative analysis, the study describes how the characteristics of a project impact the project’s profitability. The findings indicate that it really makes a difference in project portfolio’s estimated and actual profitability when methods of installation and technical specifications are scrutinized. Implications on profitability are gathered into a risk assessment tool proposal.