1000 resultados para cultivares tipo Prata
As fraturas vertebrais do tipo explosão são definidas como fraturas nas quais ocorre comprometimento da coluna anterior, média e posterior da vértebra. O tratamento destas fraturas vertebrais persiste indefinido, gerando questionamentos quanto à melhor forma de intervenção destes pacientes. Devido a estas dúvidas, os métodos de imagem apresentam papel fundamental na propedêutica pré-operatória. No entanto, diversas análises e mensurações são realizadas pelos cirurgiões de coluna sem padronização e consenso antes de se decidir sobre a melhor abordagem destes casos. Nesta revisão temos como objetivo padronizar e descrever as principais técnicas e achados radiológicos, com base nos principais critérios de instabilidade utilizados pelos cirurgiões na avaliação da fratura toracolombar tipo explosão, sendo eles, a medida da perda da altura da parede anterior da vértebra fraturada, a porcentagem de fragmento intracanal e o grau de abertura da distância interespinhosa e interpedicular. Acreditamos que, ao padronizar as principais mensurações realizadas para avaliação das fraturas toracolombares do tipo explosão por meio dos métodos radiológicos, estaremos fornecendo informações necessárias para a melhor interpretação dos resultados dos exames e, consequentemente, para uma tomada de decisão mais adequada acerca do tratamento.
The metal-catalyzed autooxidation of S(IV) has been studied for more than a century without a consensus being obtained as to reaction rates, rate laws or mechanisms. The main objective in this work was to explore the reaction between Cu(II) and SO2 in the presence of M(II), paying special attention to the formation of double sulfites like Cu2SO3.M(II)SO3.2H 2O. The two principal aspects studied were: i) a new way to prepare double sulfites with high purity degree and the selectivity in the M(II) incorporation during the salt formation.
Calibração multivariada para sistemas com bandas sobrepostas através da análise da fatores do tipo Q
A multivariate calibration method to determine chemical compositions of systems with severely overlapped bands is proposed. Q mode factors are determined from the spectral data and subsequently rotated using the varimax and oblique transformation of Imbrie. The method is applied to two sets of simulated data to test the sensitivity of analytical results to random experimental error. The chemical concentrations of alanine and threonine mixture are determined from spectral data of the 302,5 - 548,5 nm region.
Due to source contamination and wearing of instrument components problems caused by the direct insertion probe technique, a new way of introduction of low volatile compounds into mass spectrometer was tested. This new scheme comprises the introduction of the low volatile compounds solutions via a six port valve connected to a particle beam interface. Solutions of isatin were injected into this system and the best results were obtained with CH2Cl2, CH3OH and CH3CN. The solution inlet system has shown to be advantageous over the conventional way of direct insertion probe introduction.
A sodium mordenite zeolite (Na-MOR) was synthesized and modified by dealumination with chloridric acid solution (H-MOR). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Inductive Coupled Plasm (ICP) and Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) techniques were used for sample characterization. The zeolite catalytic behavior was evaluated through toluene disproportionation at 435°C. It was verified that mordenites were very selective for the disproportionation reaction and the samples with higher aluminum content showed larger initial activity, however, these samples showed too a higher deactivation velocity due to a blockage of the unidimensional porous system of the zeolite by coke deposits. The selectivity to xylene isomers was practically not influenced by the Si/Al ratio and changed with the time on stream, due to coke formation. Transition state shape selectivity inside the mordenite pores is also discussed.
A didactic experiment based on the thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate using a reagent found in the marketplace is proposed. The reaction products are identified by qualitative tests and stoichiometric calculations. The thermal stability of carbonates and the influence of lattice energies are discussed, emphasizing periodic trends in the alkali and alkaline earth families. The industrial importance of the reaction is also explored.
En este trabajo analizamos los cambios en la distribución salarial en España entre 1995 y 2002, utilizando la información contenida en la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial. El análisis revela un notable cambio en la distribución salarial que afecta, básicamente, a los niveles salariales bajos y medios, mientras que los correspondientes a los elevados permanecen inalterados entre ambos años. El análisis detallado de las distribuciones salariales para trabajadores con contrato indefinido y temporal muestra como estos últimos son los protagonistas de las mejoras salariales, mientras que los cambios en los niveles salariales intermedios son causados principalmente por los cambios producidos en la distribución de los trabajadores indefinidos. Empleando una técnica semi-paramétrica que permite considerar los efectos en el conjunto de la distribución salarial, encontramos que las variaciones observadas en las distribuciones salariales son consecuencia de cambios en la estructura retributiva, que han afectado de forma distinta a los trabajadores temporales (mejoras salariales homogéneas) y a los indefinidos, (reducción de los salarios intermedios).
The general methodology of classical trajectories as applied to elementary chemical reactions of the A+BC type is presented. The goal is to elucidate students about the main theoretical features and potentialities in applying this versatile method to calculate the dynamical properties of reactive systems. Only the methodology for two-dimensional (2D) case is described, from which the general theory for 3D follows straightforwardly. The adopted point of view is, as much as possible, that of allowing a direct translation of the concepts into a working program. An application to the reaction O(¹D)+H2->O+OH with relevance in atmospheric chemistry is also presented. The FORTRAN codes used are available through the web page www.qqesc.qui.uc.pt.
This paper presents a new way for the construction of silver electrodes utilizing recordable CDs. The new electrodes were explored for the quantification of chloride (by potentiometry/FIA), cyanide (by amperometry/FIA) and for lead analysis (by square wave voltammetry). For the flowing measurements, a digital multimeter, connected to a microcomputer (via RS 232 interface) was used to collect directly the potential signal (for Cl- measurements) or to take the output signal from a potentiostat (for CN- measurements). The square wave voltammetry analysis was performed in a commercial instrument. The results shown good performance of the new electrodes and the detection limit (s/n = 3) attained for these three analytes were: 0.2, 50, and 200 µg L-1 for Pb2+, Cl-, and CN- respectively.
Simultaneous oxidation/co-precipitation of an equimolar mixture of La(III) and Co(II) nitrates and La(III) nitrate and Mn(II) chloride afforded a hydroxide gel, which was converted to LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 on calcination at 600 °C. After calcination, the obtained perovskites have been characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (DTA - TGA) and BET specific surface determination. Specific surface areas of perovskites were 12 - 60 m²/g. XRD analysis showed that LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 are simple phase perovskite - type oxides. Traces of LaOCl, in addition to the perovskite were detected in the LaMnO3. The catalytic behavior was examined in the propane and CO oxidation. The LaCoO3 catalyst was more active to CO2 than the LaMnO3 catalyst.