993 resultados para Vice.
For number of reasons social responsibility in corporations has become a more essential part of business operations than before. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is dealt with different means and aspects but the overall effects it has on organisations performance, communication and underline actions is indisputable. The thesis describes corporate social responsibility and the main objective was to observe how corporate social responsibility has developed in our case company with answering to main research question how CSR reporting has evolved in UPM-Kymmene Oyj? In addition following questions were also addressed: Is there a monetary value of CSR? What does proficient CSR report consist of? What does corporate social responsibility consist of? Qualitative research method, content analysis to be precise, was chosen and excessive literature study performed to find the theoretical back ground to perform the empirical part of the study. Data for the empirical part was collected from UPM-Kymmene Oyj financial data and annual reports. The study shows that UPM-Kymmene Oyj engagement to CSR and reporting of CSR matter have improved due time but still few managerial implications could be found. UPM-Kymmene Oyj economic key figures are only building shareholder value and stakeholders are identified in very general level. Also CSR data is scattered all over the annual report which causes problems to readers. The scientific importance of this thesis arises from the profound way CSR has been addressed in a holistic manner. Thus it is giving a good basis to understand the underlying reasons of CSR from society towards the organisation and vice versa.
Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena ovat tilitoimiston liikeriskit ja niiden hallinta. Tilitoimistot ovat merkittävässä asemassa tuottaessaan asiakasyrityksistään taloudellista tietoa paitsi yritykselle itselleen myös sen sidosryhmille sekä yhteiskunnalle. Tilitoimiston toimintaa ja samalla riskienhallintaa ohjaa erityisesti hyvä tilitoimistotapa, jonka noudattaminen auttaa ylläpitämään ammatillista arvostusta. Tilitoimiston liikeriskit voidaan jakaa henkilöstöriskeiksi, sopimus- ja vastuuriskeiksi sekä tietoriskeiksi, joihin kuuluvat myös väärinkäytösriskit. Sopimus- ja vastuuriskejä hallitaan kirjallisin toimeksiantosopimuksin vakiosopimusehtoja käyttämällä sekä vastuuvakuutuksin. Tietoriskien hallinnassa apuna ovat salas-sapitosopimukset, tietoturvatoimet ja ohjeet. Väärinkäytösriskejä hallitaan parhaiten ennaltaehkäisemällä. Henkilöstö on tilitoimistojen suurin resurssi, mutta samalla myös suurin riskitekijä. Henkilöstö on myös avainasemassa tilitoimistojen riskienhallinnan toteuttamisessa. Suurimpia henkilöstöön kohdistuvia riskejä ovat avainhenkilöihin, työhyvinvointiin, jaksamiseen, motivaatioon sekä työvoiman saatavuuteen kohdistuvat riskit. Näitä kaikkia pystytään hallitsemaan toimivalla henkilöstöhallinnolla ja varahenkilöjärjestelmillä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio toteutettiin satunnaisesti valittuihin eteläsuomalaisiin tilitoimistoihin suunnatulla kyselytutkimuksella. Tutkimustuloksista käy ilmi, että tilitoimistojen tieto-, sopimus- ja vastuuriskien hallinta on hyvällä tasolla, mutta että henkilöstöriskien hallinnassa on jonkin verran parantamisen varaa. Tutkimus vahvistaa myös, että pk-sektorilla toimivien tilitoimistojen kannattaa käyttää kokonaisvaltaista riskienhallintaa liikeriskiensä hallitsemiseen ja toiminnan laadun turvaamiseen.
Social tagging evolved in response to a need to tag heterogeneous objects, the automated tagging of which is usually not feasible by current technological means. Social tagging can be used for more flexible competence management within organizations. The profiles of employees can be built in the form of groups of tags, as employees tag each other, based on their familiarity of each other’s expertise. This can serve as a replacement for the more traditional competence management approaches, which usually become outdated due to social and organizational hurdles, and obsolete data. These limitations can be overcome by people tagging, as the information revealed by such tags is usually based on most recent employee interaction and knowledge. Task management as part of personal information management aims at the support of users’ individual task handling. This can include collaborating with other individuals, sharing one’s knowledge, both functional and process-related, and distributing documents and web resources. In this context, Task patterns can be used as templates that collect information and experience around tasks associated to it during run time, facilitating agility. The effective collaboration among contributors necessitates the means to find the appropriate individuals to work with on the task, and this can be made possible by using social tagging to describe individual competencies. The goal of this study is to support finding and tagging people within task management, through the effective exploitation of the work/task context. This involves the utilization of knowledge of the workers’ expertise, nature of the task/task pattern and information available from the documents and web resources attached to the task. Vice versa, task management provides an excellent environment for social tagging due to the task context that already provides suitable tags. The study also aims at assisting users of the task management solution with the collaborative construction of light-weight ontology by inferring semantic relations between tags. The thesis project aims at an implementation of people finding & tagging within the java application for task management that consumes web services, which provide the required ontology for the organization.