995 resultados para reti wi-fi sicurezza wi-fi
This study investigates the development of fluency in 30 advanced L2 learners of English over a period of 15 months. In order to measure fluency, several temporal variables and hesitation phenomena are analyzed and compared. Oral competence is assessed by means of an oral interview carried out by the learners. Data collection takes place at three different times: before (T1) and after (T2) a six-month period of FI (80 hours) in the home university, and after a three-month SA term (T3). The data is analyzed quantitatively. Developmental gains in fluency are measured for the whole period, adopting a view of complementarity between the two learning contexts. From these results, a group of high fluency speakers is identified. Correlations between fluency gains and individual and contextual variables are executed and a more qualitative analysis is performed for high fluency speakers' performance and behavior. Results show an overall development of students' oral fluency during a period of 15 months favored by the combination of a period of FI at home followed by a 3-months SA.
Tässä insinöörityössä käsitellään Elisa OYJ:ssä käytössä olevia keskitettyjä IP-vaihdepalveluja. Työn tarkoituksena on tarkastella kolmen eri vaihdevalmistajan, Siemensin, Ciscon ja Centilen, keskitettyjä IP-vaihderatkaisuja. Työn tarkoituksena on myös tu-tustuttaa perinteisen puhelintekniikan parissa työskenteleviä ihmisiä VOIP-järjestelmiin. Työssä tarkastellaan yleisesti VOIPia henkilöasiakkaan, yritysasiakkaan ja laitevalmistajan näkökulmista, perehdytään IP-vaihteiden rakenteisiin ja palveluihin, käsitellään IP-vaihteiden hallintaa, viankorjausta ja valvontaa sekä käydään läpi IP-vaihteiden kustannuksellis - toiminnallinen vertailu. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tällä hetkellä perinteisien puhelinjärjestelmävalmistajien IP-vaihteet tarjoavat monipuolisemmat toiminnot kuin uusien vaihdevalmistajien IP-vaihteet.
Tässä insinöörityössä suunniteltiin Helsingin ammattikorkeakoululle jakeluverkoissa tapahtuvien oikosulkujen symmetristen komponenttien laskutavan havainnollistamiseen sopiva sijaiskytkentä. Sijaiskytkennässä tärkeitä huomioitavia asioita olivat mm. jännitetaso, havainnollistavien muuntajien oikosulkukestoisuus, jatkokäyttö laboratoriotyönä ja yleinen havainnollistavuus. Työssä on aluksi perehdytty symmetristen komponenttien ja jakeluverkoissa tapahtuvien oikosulkujen teoriaan. Tämän jälkeen mitoitettiin tarvittavan kytkennän komponenttien jännite- ja virtakestoisuudet mahdolliset lisäkäytöt huomioiden. Näiden rajoitusten mukaan perusteella työtä ruvettiin toteuttamaan. Työssä tilattiin sähkön 40 V:n pääjännitetasolle alentava muuntaja syöttämään oikosulun kestävää muuntajaa, jolla simuloitiin jakeluverkon yleisimpiä vikatyyppejä. Jälkimmäiselle muuntajalle mitoitettiin ja hankittiin sisäistä impedanssia vastaava induktanssi. Tämän avulla rakennettiin kokonaisuus, jonka avulla voidaan simuloida kaikkia tapahtuvia oikosulkuja vastaavat sijaiskytkennät. Työhön jätettiin kehittämisvaraa ja muita laboratoriotyön rakentamismahdollisuuksia tulevien insinööritöiden tekijöille.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin ABB Oy, Drivesin Product AC -tulosyksikön tuotekehitysosastolle Helsingissä. Työssä kehitettiin taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. ABB:n taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestejä ei ole aikaisemmin automatisoitu. Testit on tehty käsin ja niiden suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn on kulunut paljon aikaa. Automaattisella testauksella pyrittiin testien suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn kuluvan ajan huomattavaan pienentymiseen. Työssä ei ollut tarkoituksena tehdä suorituskykytestejä vaan kehittää automaattinen testausympäristö eli suorituskykytestipenkki, jossa suorituskykytestit on mahdollista suorittaa. Työssä keskityttiin taajuusmuuttajan nopeus- ja momenttisäätäjien suorituskykyyn. Työ toteutettiin suunnittelu- ja ohjelmointityönä. Testausympäristön laitteisto perustuu ABB:n tuotekehityslaboratorioiden olemassaoleviin testipaikkoihin. Testausympäristössä käytetään taajuusmuuttajien lisäksi pääasiassa kolmivaiheisia oikosulkumoottoreita. Lisäksi laitteistoon kuuluu ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttaja kuormakäyttönä, momenttianturi ja takometri eli kierrosnopeusmittari. Ohjelmointi tehtiin National Instrumentsin LabVIEW-ohjelmointiympäristön versiolla 8.0. Testausympäristön käyttöliittymänä toimii saman yrityksen TestStand-testausohjelmiston versio 3.5. Testattavien taajuusmuuttajien ohjausta ja momenttianturin lukemista varten ohjelmoitiin virtuaali-instrumentteja. Virtuaali-instrumentteja kutsutaan TestStand-testisekvensseistä. Testisekvenssit luodaan TestStandin sekvenssieditorilla ja suoritetaan sekvenssieditorissa tai operaattorin käyttöliittymässä. Työn tuloksena syntyi taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. Testausympäristöä voidaan hyödyntää sekä nykyisen että seuraavan sukupolven taajuusmuuttajien testauksessa. Sillä on mahdollista suorittaa yleisimmät taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestit, kuten nopeus- ja momenttisäätöjen staattinen ja dynaaminen tarkkuus, hyvin kattavasti. Testit voidaan automaattisesti suorittaa koko testikäytön sallimalla pyörimisnopeus- ja kuormitusalueella. Näytteenottotaajuus voi olla enintään 1 kHz luettaessa pyörimisnopeutta ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttajan kautta ja momenttianturia samanaikaisesti. Virtuaali-instrumenteista koostuvia testisekvenssejä voidaan vapaasti muokata ja kehittää testejä edelleen tai luoda kokonaan uusia testejä. Testausympäristö perustuu teollisuudessa yleisesti käytettyihin ohjelmistoihin ja tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet jatkokehitykselle.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä on yhteistoiminnallinen hoitotyö. Opinnäyteytössä määritellään yhteistoiminnallisen hoitotyön käsite ja sisältö. Työssä on tarkasteltu yhteistoiminnallisuutta selittäviä käsitteitä. Opinnäytetyö on osa laajempaa projektia, jossa on mukana HUS:n Psykiatriakeskus, Helsingin kaupungin terveyskeskuksen psykiatrian osasto sekä Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia. Projekin tarkoituksena on kehittää psykiatrisen hoitotyön käytäntöä yhteistoiminnalliseksi. Opinnäytetyö on tehty soveltaen systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen mallia. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä kolmestatoista lähteestä. Mukana on väitöskirjoja, pro gradu- tutkielmia sekä tutkimusartikkeleita, jotka on julkaistu hoitotieteellisissä julkaisuissa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksina nousi esiin, että yhteistoiminnallinen hoitotyö on potilaan ja hoitajan välistä yhteistyötä. Se on potilaslähtöinen tapa tehdä hoitotyötä, jossa otetaan huomioon potilaan voimavarat ja tarpeet. Potilas on vastuullinen osallistuja. Jokainen hoitoon osallistuva määrittelee hoidon tavoitteen ja kukin osallistuu siihen tasavertaisesti. Yhteistoiminnallisuuteen kuuluu molemminpuolinen luottamus. Kaikki osapuolet vaikuttuvat toisistaan ja dialogisuuden avulla voidana löytää uusia näkökulmia hoitoon. Yhteistoiminnallisuus on uusi käsite hoitotyössä. Sen ymmärtäminen ja toteutuminen vaatii hoitotyön tekijöiden perehdyttämistä syvällisemmin aiheeseen. Se vaatii potilaalta mahdollisuutta osallistua voimavarojensa mukaan hoitoon. Yhteistoiminnallisen hoitotyön avulla voidaan motivoida potilasta aktiivisempaan rooliin omassa hoidossaan.
This thesis examines the concept of intuition from different aspects. The basis for this thesis has been the author`s experience about education as a supportive process for intuitive thinking. It studies what taking advantage of intuition means for the author of this thesis and how intuition can be defined as a concept. This thesis shows what intuition means both from the performer`s and the director`s point of view. The author attemps to explain how these two areas of her professional identity either support or prevent intuitive creativity from emerging successfully. The intuition of a performer is examined through playback theatre and the insight associated with playback theatre. Regarding the work of a director, the author describes the making of a walking tour performance called "Sama maa" (2006) that she directed. The author attempted to fully utelize her intuitive creativity while planning the performance. The intuitive choices of the author were the basis for planning and carrying out the performance. This thesis studies a concept that is very challenging to explain in words. There is not a lot of literature about concept of intuition with respect to theater. The author of the thesis has ended up thinging about guestion that is very important to her, a guestion about relationship between controlled and authentic mental processing. The author also engourages others to think about the meaning of intuition and insight to themselves as a part of a daily life and as a part of the artistic creativity.
My final project presents the directing process of my experimental production based on King Lear by William Shakespeare. I describe the process from the first visions of the beginning to the completed performance and finally the feedback from the audience. I concentrate on the special qualities of the production, such as interaction, small and moveable audience, cinematic qualities, polyphonic dramaturgy, and use of the video. The Project is divided into six parts. The first part introduces the project as a whole. The second part concentrates on the process before the beginning of the rehearsals. The third part focuses on the rehearsals and co-operation with the actors, whereas the fourth part deals with the performance and its special qualities. Following this, in the fifth part I study the interaction of the performance with the help of the audience feedback. In the final part conclusions are drawn. The focus of this work is the use of intuition even as a starting point of the theatre directing process. My conclusions drawn from the description of the process suggest that the starting point of the theatre production may be an intuitive vision as well as some conscious subject or message.
The final project deals with the question of female comedy and the comedy made by women. Comedy has traditionally been made by men and the woman has been the one who laughs. A funny woman has been a rare phenomenon. Although times have changed and gender roles have become more flexible, female comedians still remain in a minority compared to their male colleagues. The essay reviews the social and historical structures that influence the position of women in general and on the field of comedy in particular. The teoretical basis to this is feminist theory. Female comedy and humour have features of their own, that are being examined in the essay. It also makes a difference between feminine comedy and feminist comedy. Largely the project handles stand up comedy. The popularity of stand up comedy has changed the field of professional entertainment and brought a number of widely gifted comedians to a common knowledge. Stand up has an opportunity to be a political tool, which is essential for marginal comedians, which also includes female comedians. One of the fundamental subjects of the project is the political character of comedy. The essay also portrays the historical roots of stand up comedy in the Finnish and in the American tradition. It reflects on the fore mothers of the modern female comedian. The reasons that make a woman become a comedian are under consideration, as well as the strategies that help her to get her voice and message delivered. Since a woman is still held in the marginal, it gives female comedy a feature of its own. This way comedy can become a tool for a feminist battle.
In my thesis I discuss the elements of my professional identity from the perspective of an actor, a director and a team. What are acting and directing to me? What are the problems in the symbiosis of acting and directing? What are the difficulties in acting and directing and how important are the issues related to responsibility, power, trust and confidence in my work? I also discuss the consept of self-confidence. Behind all of this, there is also the thought of my ancestry and its dualism, how my roots from my father's and mother's side are struggling against each other or supporting each other, and how they affect my professional identity. The basic idea in the present thesis is the perspective of the traditional theatre and a professional team. Also the childhood influence on my professional identity is being considered. Education is discussed at the end. Moreover, a discussion on the kind of future theatre maker I want to be considered as, is included. I also try to handle all these topics through Harri Virtanen's Kiinteistövälittäjä vastoin tahtoaan (2005), which I directed, and my latest role in Arto Paasilinna's and Kristian Smeds' Jäniksen vuosi (2006). The conclusion of the present thesis is that it is very important for me to be a member of different communities, in which I can express my professional identity. My professional identity is formed by many elements that support each other. Such elements in their own right form an inticate relationship, which at the end, makes me what I am. In conclusion, I am a theatre maker, who in an alternative field of theater has opportunities to form the professional identity, as different situations and projects require.
This research deals with obstacles and opportunities with respect to creativity. It mainly focuses on the author's most meaningful discoveries as an individual and a professional in the field of theatre during the past two years of her education. The research is a description of that transitional phase in her life. Firstly, the research discusses creativity and presence. Secondly, it describes the author personally and professionally and compares her earlier and current ways of working. It contemplates the obstacles and opportunities considering her self-knowledge and creativity, and disucsses the problems she has faced on the way to freedom and well-being. Following this, the author presents the tools for increasing her creativity, self-knowledge and body awareness in theatre work: the Gestalt Method, Acting with the Inner Partner and the Authentic Movement. She discusses the relativity between overall well-being in life and the quality of theatre work. The final section of the present research discusses the process of directing the play Suurin on rakkaus in 2006. It deals with issues such as self-knowledge in directing, group management, the importance of terror and excitement in directing and ways of enduring both. The conclusion explanes the reasons behind the author's capability of working with small groups, with creative and passionate theatre workers. It also lists the benefits of exploring one's passions, cooperating with enthusiastic and creative artists and the pursuit for balance in art and in everyday life.
The present thesis deals with the reception of the celebrity profiles of the MTV3 news current affairs program "45 minuuttia". The target group of the research consists of young adults between the ages from 25 to 34 living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The research is qualitative and it studies the target group's opinions of the program profiles by the means of a survey and a group interview. In the group interview, the interviewees were also presented sample clips of the program. The results of the survey were analyzed mainly quantitatively. The purpose of the survey results was to map the viewing habits of the target group. In analyzing the results of the group, the interview methods of feedback research and cultural audience research were used. The current thesis was a commissioned research, the purpose of which was to study how interested the young adults are in the program. In addition, the aim was also to find out possible new trends and approaches for the producer of the program. In contrary to the expectations, the reason for the low interest in the profiles seemed to be due to the approach taken to the topics, e.g. the profiled person. By the approach I mean how the person is visually presented or how the person is verbally described. Many people presented in the profiles were regarded as interesting, but at the same time, the way the stories were told was hoped to be more versatile. In addition, a more contemporary visual approach was hoped for. The results also verified the claim that the young adults in general are not interested in the current affair programmes. In addition, these results suggested that in order to obtain more precise information of the viewing preferences of the audience, a more thorough study should be conducted.
The subject of this study is the use of direct cinema style in documentary film. The main purpose of this thesis was to the research the ways in which direct cinema style attempts to show and achieve truth in documentary films. The following questions were posed: Is it possible to depict reality in a documentary film; how does the choice of using this style affect the final documentary? The essential purpose of this study was to try to see whether the direct cinema style works when trying to achieve truth in a documentary film. This work consints of two elements, the theoretical part and the short documentary. The theoretical part deals with the history, the truth, and the direct cinema- style in documentaries. The theoretical information of direct cinema has been used when making the short documentary. In the documentary Tuloaula 2 I have studied the way in which using direct cinema -style works in practise. The documentary has followed as strictly as possible the direct cinema style. I was the director, the cameraman and the editor of my documentary film. In the documentary film Tuloaula 2 it appeared that the direct cinema style works best when filming everyday life. By using this style it is easy for the director to observe and leave his own persona in the background. The strength in using the direct cinema style is that it enables the viewer to build his/her own impression on the subject. Even though the direct cinema style aims to achieve objectivity the director has to make numerous subjective choices during both the filming and the editing process. These subjective choices automatically effect the "truth" of the documentary film. The difficulty in a direct cinema style is the large amount of material. This often leads to a long editing phase, which is not often possible in the busy production schedules. The direct cinema style is not at its best when shooting people who are passive because their attention often focuses too much on the camera. In general, the best way to make a documentary film would be to use many documentary styles in one film and not to srictly concentrate on only one style.
The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.
Els queviures són petits comerços d’alimentació on el tractament personal amb els clients es la clau de l’èxit ja que això provoca una conscienciació per part d’aquests i així es mantenen fidels a aquest establiment. En canvi, el supermercats tracten de explotar al màxim la seva reducció dels costos sense tenir tant en compte el tracte amb el client i donant-li més importància al preu de producte. Com podem observar, són dos tipus de comerços molt diferenciats tot i que al cap i a la fi, són competidors directes.La idea d’aquest treball es veure com afecta la crisi actual en aquests petits comerços i comparar-los amb el grans supermercats per arribar a una sèrie de conclusions.Hem escollit aquest tema ja que ens ha semblat interessant tractar de demostrar com el queviures tradicionals segueixen sent un negoci de profit, tot i la forta expansió que han patit les grans superfícies comercials. Un exemple d’aquest fort creixement podrien ser les dades que ens ha facilitat l’Ajuntament de Barcelona on es reflexa que el consum d’aliments es solen donar en primer lloc al supermercat (47,3%), seguit pel mercat municipal (29,3%) i en tercer lloc en la botiga de barri (16,2%).Un dels grans problemes amb que es troben els queviures és el canvi en el ritme de vida de la societat actual, sempre amb presses i estressada, que busca més, la comoditat i l’estalvi, tant de temps com de diners, a l’hora d’anar a comprar. Peraquest motiu, hem volgut investigar sobre quin es el factor que facilita la supervivència dels queviures.Degut a que el tema dels comerços estrangers va ser un tema que va provocar molta controvèrsia a la presentació del nostre treball, hem cregut convenient estudiar-lo una mica més a fons, únicament a Poble Sec. Per fer-ho hem estudiat el punt de vista que tenen els comerços estrangers sobre els comerços nacionals i també la situació actual del nombre de queviures regentats per uns i altres a través de informació extreta de la associació de comerciants de Poble Sec.Per crear el nostre treball hem realitzar diferents enquestes i entrevistes, tant a consumidors com a propietaris, per poder extreure informació amb la qual poder treballar. En total hem realitzar 100 enquestes a clients, una enquesta a cadapropietari i dues entrevistes: una a un propietari estranger i una altra a Pedro de Diego ( fundador de la associació de comerciants del Poble Sec i primer tresorer del barri)Cal destacar que ens hem trobat amb moltes dificultats per trobar o aconseguir dades econòmiques i financeres sobre aquests establiments i per això hem realitzat una aproximació a la proporció de beneficis sobre ingressos per veure quina proporció dels ingressos es poden considerar beneficis.També hem recopilat diverses notícies de diaris que tracten sobre temes relacionats amb la crisi del petit comerç i sobre l’augment en el nombre de nous queviures regentats per gent estrangera, i a partir d’aquestes hem realitzat una breu crítica sobre la situació actual.
Then aim of this thesis is to investigate children's culture in the regional cultural centres of Helsinki, namely Stoa, Malmitalo and Kanneltalo. The main objective was to identify how the center's repertoire for children forms. Moreover, a further research question was how different fields of art as well as proposals for action defined by the Children's Culture Programme, are portrayed in the repertoire of the regional cultural centres. The Ministry of Education's missions are to plan cultural and artistic policies, to support the industry financially, and to prepare cultural legislation. The Ministry promotes children's culture with a variety of programs and projects. The basis of the thesis is formed by the Finnish Ministry of Education's Children's Culture Programme, published in 2003. The goal of the programme is to give direction to the promotion of children's culture from 2003 to 2007. The programme presented proposals for action in different fields of art that are directed towards a broad range of implementors. In addition, in the theoretical section the focus is on the research of the Ministry of Education, the Art Council of Finland and the Municipalities. The research investigates the roles in children's culture as well as the activities of regional cultural centers. The qualitative analysis has been conducted by interviewing the employees of these regional cultural centers. The factors that affect and hinder the composition of the children's programme's repertoire are analysed based on the results of the interviews. The factors that affect the composition are the supply, the facilities and the possibilities provided by cooperation. The results section examines how the Children's Cultural Programme presents different fields of art. What is also taken into account is focal points connected to them, the proposals for action when building the repertoire. The results of the interviews indicate that the repertoire of the regional cultural centres is very diverse and it often meets the propositions of the children's cultural programme. However, the contents of the program were unknown for many. Various fields of art have been catered for in the children's repertoire and the supply is of good quality. The City of Helsinki Cultural Office's upcoming change in the administration was also mentioned, as the interviewees contemplated its future effects.