998 resultados para queijo Minas Frescal
We studied the distribution of birds along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 800 m to 1,400 m on two slopes of the Serra do Cip6, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Ornithological surveys were conducted over transects covering open (cerrado, campo rupestre) and forested (gallery and Atlantic forest) habitats from 1994 to 2000. We found 273 bird species belonging to 51 families. Twenty-two species were restricted to higher elevations and 84 Species were detected on only one slope, depending on the vegetation type they inhabited. We recorded 104 species occurring on both slopes, while 61 species were considered altitudinal generalists. Six species, including Hyacinth Visorbearer Augastes scutatus and Cip6 Canastero Asthenes luizae were restricted to the highest parts of Serra do Cip6, a fragile habitat important to endemic birds of the Espinhaco Range. In the past 10 years, the Serra do Cip6 region has suffered human impacts on a large scale, and conservation action must be developed to protect the fauna and flora confined to the area.
The mafic/ultramafic Ipanema Layered Complex (ILC), Minas Gerais Brazil, consists of seven individual bodies. These units crosscut polyphase orthogneisses and interlayered paragneisses of the Paleoproterozoic Juiz de Fora Complex. Intrusive granitoids tectonically related to [lie Neoproterozoie Aracuai orogen are also present in the study area.A Sm-Nd whole-rock linear array for seven samples metapyoxenites, metaperidotiles, metagabbro. and meta-anorthosite) from the Santa Cruz massif, the largest body of the ILC. suggest that it was emplaced at 1104 +/- 78 Ma the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source (epsilon(Ndt)= +3.8). U-Pb single-grain zircon stud of a meta-anorthosite yields all upper intercept age of 1719 +/- 4 Ma, which is interpreted to represent inheritance. The lower intercept at 630+/-3 Ma indicates (hat a Neoproterozoic tectonothermal episode overprinted the ILC, this event occurred under upper-amphiolite-, to granulite-facies conditions. The 630 Ma episode is consistent with the timing of regional metamorphism and deformation of the adjacent Aracuai orogen (Brasiliano collage). Emplacement of the ILC and other coeval metamafies and meta-ultramafics (of alkaline affinity) in the re, oil is attributed to early extension tectonics, accompanying accretion of the Rodinia super- continent during the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic time boundary.
The Santa Cruz massif, which forms part of the Ipanema mafic/ultramafic Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil, has an exposed upward sequence of metadunite, metaharzburgite (including three separate chromitite layers), metapyroxenite, metagabbro, and metaanorthosite. Primary igneous chromite grains in the main chromitite layer are poikiloblastic and tectonically fragmented, and have a narrow (10-20 mum) margin of chromian spinel. Cataclased chromite fragments are extensively replaced and mantled by chromian spinel; they have a composite margin comprised of an inner zone of more aluminous spinel and an euhedral outer zone of more Cr-rich spinel, representing granulite and amphibolite facies metamorphic events, respectively. The contents of platinum-group elements (PGE) and Au in chromite separates are relatively high (Os 45, Ir 23, Ru 136, Rh 19, Pt 98, Pd 63, and Au 83 ppb), and significantly enriched (similar to 4x) over whole rock values. Platinum-group minerals are not observed and micrometre-sized inclusions of sulfide minerals (chalcopyrite and pentlandite) in relict chromite are rare. However, comparison of mineral proportions in the separated chromite and whole rock shows that the precious metals are hosted predominantly in the relict igneous chromite grains, rather than the secondary chromian spinel and primary and secondary Mg-rich silicates. The major element composition and average chondrite-normalized PGE pattern of the separated chromite correspond to S-poor stratiform chromitite. We suggest that the precious metals accumulated with chromite during crystallization of a S-poor magma, and were not remobilized in the relict chromite during the subsequent high grade metamorphism.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Geochemical data for granulite terrain are presented from the northernmost portion of the Guaxupe Massif, at Mantiqueira Province, SE Brazil. Several types of granulites are recognized in the area: basic, intermediate and acid granulite. Major and trace elements (including REE) point to only one ma,oma source for these granulites generated at different times. Geochemical data point to plagioclase and apatite fractionation as responsable in the REE behaviour in intermediate and more basic rocks. Overall composition of the Guaxupe Granulites is similar to average composition of the lower crust.
Diamonds obtained from small scale mining near Jequitai and surrounding villages are extracted from Tertiary conglomerates and Quaternary gravels of the Rio Jequitai. Eocretaceous conglomerates, which are locally poorly diamondiferous, cover parts of the Serra da Agua Fria and Serra do Cabral. They are of no economic importance. Analyses of neotectonic, post-Miocene features support a transpressive regime that gave rise to N-S to N25° E transcurrent faults, and WNW normal faults. The main evidence for neotectonic processes are inclined Tertiary sediments, drainage captures, striated laterites of Miocene age, and tilting of blocks that form the Rio Jequitai graben. Diamonds in the Tertiary terraces derived from the Eocretaceous conglomerates, which were affected by neotectonic processes, followed by erosion and concentration during redeposition of sediments.
Since 2002, which are in effect the Curriculum Guidelines for National Graduate courses in dentistry. The adequacy of the education needs of the Unified Health System is one of its main goals. As guidance, a way of achieving this goal is through supervised, which are presented as a tool for improving the academic scientific and technical, providing you know the reality of health and society in which to work. This study aims to examine the supply and distribution of supervised in graduate programs in dentistry in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil. The material for analysis was obtained by sending letters to courses and consulting to its sites on the Internet. Were part of the study, 15 of the 23 courses in the state. It appeared that the load-hours of supervised showed variations between 315 and 975 hours, with only 20% of courses devoted 20% of the total working hours of supervised practice. There was no correlation between the total working hours of the course and working hours of supervised practice. The courses in which the supervised activities were represented only by extra muros showed a lower percentage of working hours in relation to total working hours of the course.
Considering the high prevalence of the parasitic diseases in Brazil and its close relationship with the socio-economic and cultural levels of the population, aimed to establish the occurrence of enteroparasites in children of six Centers of Education Child (CEIs) of the municipality of Patos of Minas (MG). Were collected three samples of faeces of 161 children from zero to six years of age. Were used the Lutz and Baermann-Moraes' methods, to the detection of cysts of protozoa, eggs and larvae of helminths. Coproparasitological analyses showed positivity of 73%. The most frequent helminths were: Ascaris lumbricoides (50%), hookworm (22%) and Enterobius vermicularis (0.6%). Among the protozoa highlighted were: Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (22%) and Giardia lamblia (32%). The high occurrence of enteroparasites evidenced the need for an effective health policy in the CEIs of the municipality of Patos of Minas to the fight against intestinal parasites.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Phenological studies are important to understand the dynamics in forest ecosystems and also to enable adequate management of their native species. In the Cerrado regions of the high Rio Grande river (south of Minas Gerais State), Caryocar brasiliense species is found in highly distinct morphological forms with variable phenology. The aim of this study was to investigate phenological patterns within and between populations of both the tree and shrub forms of the individuals and to determine any correlation with abiotic factors. Thirty-five observations of the phenophases of the vegetative and reproductive stages were recorded ever), two weeks for 18 months. The activity index was analyzed for each stage and further analyzed to see if there were associations with the climate data by using Spearman linear correlation. The species was deciduous but leaf growth became retarded during the dry season, at which point leaf flushing stopped and total leaf fall occurred throughout the rainy season. The flowering and the fruit production occurred in the rainy season. The reproductive phase can be either annual or sub-annual. The activity index showed high synchronism within populations during the first flowering in all populations studied (> 80%). Flowering and mature fruits were highly synchronized according to Spearman correlations. Tree and shrub individuals of C. brasiliense had very similar times for their phenophases. The best period for collecting mature fruits in these regions is between February and March.
This study aimed to evaluate the seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in blood donors of the core of Patos de Minas Regional Foundation's Hemominas, MG. To this end, tests were used (ELISA) and Reverse Passive Hemagglutination (HPR). Through retrospective study from 1996 to 2006, was considered the result of serological 21,787 donors where 259 (1.2%) were seropositive for T. cruzi infection and the highest number of seropositivity was found in the group of 41-50 years. The total number of donors tested, 15 143 (69.5%) were male and 6644 (30.5%) females giving a seroprevalence rate of 170 (0.8%) and 89 (0.4%) respectively. This seroepidemiological survey showed that still prevail rates of transmission of Chagas disease, which reinforces the idea of the need for serological tests for the prevention of Chagas disease, especially in endemic areas as the region of Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba.