989 resultados para nonporous metal support


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Studies of double-stranded-DNA binding have been performed with three isomeric bis)2-(n-pyridyl)-1H-benzimidazole)s (n = 2, 3, 4). Like the well-known Hoechst 33258, which is a bisbenzimidazole compound, these three isomers bind to the minor groove of duplex DNA. DNA binding by the three isomers was investigated in the presence of the divalent metal ions Mg2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+. Ligand-DNA interactions were probed with fluorscence and circular dichroism spectroscopy. These studies revealed that the binding of the 2-pyridyl derivative to DNA is dramatically reduced in the presence of Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ ions and is abolished completely at a ligand/metal-cation ratio of 1:1. Control experiments done with the isomeric 3- and 4-pyridyl derivatives showed that their binding to DNA is unaffected by the aforementioned transition-metal ions. The ability of 2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazole changes of the ligand associated with ion chelation probably ledto such unusual binding results for the ortho isomer. The addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) reversed the effects completely.


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The tie-lines representing the inter-crystalline ion exchange equilibria between the NiCr2O4-NiAl2O4 spinet solid solution and Cr2O3-Al2O3 corundum solid solution are determined by electron microprobe andEDAX pointcountanalysis of the oxide phases equilibrated with metallic Ni at 1373 K. The component activities in the spinet solid solution are derived from the tie-lines and thermodynamic data for Cr2O3-Al2O3 solid solution available in the literature. The Gibbs energy of mixing of the spinet solid solution calculated from the experimental data is discussed in relation to the values derived from the cation distribution models which assume random mixing of cations on both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Positive deviation from the models is observed indicating significant positive enthalpy contribution arising form the size mismatch between Al+3 and Ni+2 ions on the tetrahedral site and Al+3, Ni+2 and Cr+3 on the octahedral site. Variation of the oxygen potential for threephase equilibrium involving metallic nickel, spinet solid solution and corundum solid solution is computed as a function of composition of the solid solutions at 1373 K. The oxygen potential exhibits a minimum at aluminum cationic fraction eta(Al)/(eta(Al) + eta(Cr)) = 0.524 in the oxide solid solutions.


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Nanotechnology applications are entering the market in increasing numbers, nanoparticles being among the main classes of materials used. Particles can be used, e.g., for catalysing chemical reactions, such as is done in car exhaust catalysts today. They can also modify the optical and electronic properties of materials or be used as building blocks for thin film coatings on a variety of surfaces. To develop materials for specific applications, an intricate control of the particle properties, structure, size and shape is required. All these depend on a multitude of factors from methods of synthesis and deposition to post-processing. This thesis addresses the control of nanoparticle structure by low-energy cluster beam deposition and post-synthesis ion irradiation. Cluster deposition in high vacuum offers a method for obtaining precisely controlled cluster-assembled materials with minimal contamination. Due to the clusters small size, however, the cluster-surface interaction may drastically change the cluster properties on deposition. In this thesis, the deposition process of metal and alloy clusters on metallic surfaces is modelled using molecular dynamics simulations, and the mechanisms influencing cluster structure are identified. Two mechanisms, mechanical melting upon deposition and thermally activated dislocation motion, are shown to determine whether a deposited cluster will align epitaxially with its support. The semiconductor industry has used ion irradiation as a tool to modify material properties for decades. Irradiation can be used for doping, patterning surfaces, and inducing chemical ordering in alloys, just to give a few examples. The irradiation response of nanoparticles has, however, remained an almost uncharted territory. Although irradiation effects in nanoparticles embedded inside solid matrices have been studied, almost no work has been done on supported particles. In this thesis, the response of supported nanoparticles is studied systematically for heavy and light ion irradiation. The processes leading to damage production are identified and models are developed for both types of irradiation. In recent experiments, helium irradiation has been shown to induce a phase transformation from multiply twinned to single-crystalline nanoparticles in bimetallic alloys, but the nature of the transition has remained unknown. The alloys for which the effect has been observed are CuAu and FePt. It is shown in this thesis that transient amorphization leads to the observed transition and that while CuAu and FePt do not amorphize upon irradiation in bulk or as thin films, they readily do so as nanoparticles. This is the first time such an effect is demonstrated with supported particles, not embedded in a matrix where mixing is always an issue. An understanding of the above physical processes is essential, if nanoparticles are to be used in applications in an optimal way. This thesis clarifies the mechanisms which control particle morphology, and paves way for the synthesis of nanostructured materials tailored for specific applications.


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Wood is an important material for the construction and pulping industries. Using x-ray diffraction the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce wood was studied in the first part of this thesis. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.) is native to the west coast of North America, but due to its fast growth rate, it has also been imported to Europe. So far, its nanometre scale properties have not been systematically characterised. In this thesis the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce was shown to depend significantly on the origin of the tree in the first annual rings near the pith. Wood can be further processed to separate lignin from cellulose and hemicelluloses. Solid cellulose can act as a reducer for metal ions and it is also a porous support for nanoparticles. By chemically reducing nickel or copper in the solid cellulose support it is possible to get small nanoparticles on the surfaces of the cellulose fibres. Cellulose supported metal nanoparticles can potentially be used as environmentally friendly catalysts in organic chemistry reactions. In this thesis the size of the nickel and copper containing nanoparticles were studied using anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering and wide-angle x-ray scattering. The anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering experiments showed that the crystallite size of the copper oxide nanoparticles was the same as the size of the nanoparticles, so the nanoparticles were single crystals. The nickel containing nanoparticles were amorphous, but crystallised upon heating. The size of the nanoparticles was observed to be smaller when the reduction of nickel was done in aqueous ammonium hydrate medium compared to reduction made in aqueous solution. Lignin is typically seen as the side-product of wood industries. Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer on Earth, and it possesses potential to be a useful material for many purposes in addition to being an energy source for the pulp mills. In this thesis, the morphology of several lignins, which were produced by different separation methods from wood, was studied using small-angle and ultra small-angle x-ray scattering. It was shown that the fractal model previously proposed for the lignin structure does not apply to most of the extracted lignin types. The only lignin to which the fractal model could be applied was kraft lignin. In aqueous solutions the average shape of the low molar mass kraft lignin particles was observed to be elongated and flat. The average shape does not necessarily correspond to the shape of the individual particles because of the polydispersity of the fraction and due to selfassociation of the particles. Lignins, and especially lignosulfonate, have many uses as dispersants, binders and emulsion stabilisers. In this thesis work the selfassociation of low molar mass lignosulfonate macromolecules was observed using small-angle x-ray scattering. By taking into account the polydispersity of the studied lignosulfonate fraction, the shape of the lignosulfonate particles was determined to be flat by fitting an oblate ellipsoidal model to the scattering intensity.


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This paper addresses the challenges of flood mapping using multispectral images. Quantitative flood mapping is critical for flood damage assessment and management. Remote sensing images obtained from various satellite or airborne sensors provide valuable data for this application, from which the information on the extent of flood can be extracted. However the great challenge involved in the data interpretation is to achieve more reliable flood extent mapping including both the fully inundated areas and the 'wet' areas where trees and houses are partly covered by water. This is a typical combined pure pixel and mixed pixel problem. In this paper, an extended Support Vector Machines method for spectral unmixing developed recently has been applied to generate an integrated map showing both pure pixels (fully inundated areas) and mixed pixels (trees and houses partly covered by water). The outputs were compared with the conventional mean based linear spectral mixture model, and better performance was demonstrated with a subset of Landsat ETM+ data recorded at the Daly River Basin, NT, Australia, on 3rd March, 2008, after a flood event.


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This paper describes the types of support that teachers are accessing through the Social Network Site (SNS) 'Facebook'. It describes six ways in which teachers support one another within online groups. It presents evidence from a study of a large, open group of teachers online over a twelve week period, repeated with multiple groups a year later over a one week period. The findings suggest that large open groups in SNSs can be a useful source of pragmatic advice for teachers but that these groups are rarely a place for reflection on or feedback about teaching practice.


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Non-resident workforces experience high labour turnover, which has an impact on organisational operations and affects worker satisfaction and, in turn, partners’ ability to cope with work-related absences. Research suggests that partner satisfaction may be increased by providing a range of support services, which include professional, practical, and social support. A search was conducted to identify support available for resources and health-industry non-resident workers. These were compared to the supports available to families of deployed defence personnel. They were used to compare and contrast the spread available for each industry. The resources industry primarily provided social support, and lacked an inclusion of professional and practical supports. Health-professional support services were largely directed towards extended locum support, rather than to Fly-In Fly-Out workers. Improving sources of support which parallel support provided to the Australian Defence Force is suggested as a way to increase partner satisfaction. The implications are to understand the level of uptake, perceived importance, and utilisation of such support services.


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Extensible Markup Language ( XML) has emerged as a medium for interoperability over the Internet. As the number of documents published in the form of XML is increasing, there is a need for selective dissemination of XML documents based on user interests. In the proposed technique, a combination of Adaptive Genetic Algorithms and multi class Support Vector Machine ( SVM) is used to learn a user model. Based on the feedback from the users, the system automatically adapts to the user's preference and interests. The user model and a similarity metric are used for selective dissemination of a continuous stream of XML documents. Experimental evaluations performed over a wide range of XML documents, indicate that the proposed approach significantly improves the performance of the selective dissemination task, with respect to accuracy and efficiency.


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The most difficult operation in the flood inundation mapping using optical flood images is to separate fully inundated areas from the ‘wet’ areas where trees and houses are partly covered by water. This can be referred as a typical problem the presence of mixed pixels in the images. A number of automatic information extraction image classification algorithms have been developed over the years for flood mapping using optical remote sensing images. Most classification algorithms generally, help in selecting a pixel in a particular class label with the greatest likelihood. However, these hard classification methods often fail to generate a reliable flood inundation mapping because the presence of mixed pixels in the images. To solve the mixed pixel problem advanced image processing techniques are adopted and Linear Spectral unmixing method is one of the most popular soft classification technique used for mixed pixel analysis. The good performance of linear spectral unmixing depends on two important issues, those are, the method of selecting endmembers and the method to model the endmembers for unmixing. This paper presents an improvement in the adaptive selection of endmember subset for each pixel in spectral unmixing method for reliable flood mapping. Using a fixed set of endmembers for spectral unmixing all pixels in an entire image might cause over estimation of the endmember spectra residing in a mixed pixel and hence cause reducing the performance level of spectral unmixing. Compared to this, application of estimated adaptive subset of endmembers for each pixel can decrease the residual error in unmixing results and provide a reliable output. In this current paper, it has also been proved that this proposed method can improve the accuracy of conventional linear unmixing methods and also easy to apply. Three different linear spectral unmixing methods were applied to test the improvement in unmixing results. Experiments were conducted in three different sets of Landsat-5 TM images of three different flood events in Australia to examine the method on different flooding conditions and achieved satisfactory outcomes in flood mapping.


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Two new alkali metal borophosphates, K-3[BP(3)o(9)(OH)(3)] and Rb-3[B2P3O11(OH)(2)], were synthesized by applying solvothermal techniques using ethanol as solvent. The crystal structures were solved by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction (K-3[BP3O9(OH)(3)], monoclinic, C2/c (No. 15), a = 2454.6(8) pm, b = 736.3(2) pm, c = 1406.2(4) pm, beta = 118.35(2)degrees, Z = 8; Rb-3[B2P3O11(OH)(2)], monoclinic, P2(1)/c (No. 14), a = 781.6(2) pm, b:= 667.3(2) pm, c = 2424.8(5) pm, beta = 92.88(1)degrees, Z = 4). Both crystal structures comprise borophosphate chain anions. While for the rubidium compound a loop-branched chain motif is found as common for most of the chain anions in alkali metal borophosphates, the crystal structure of the potassium phase comprises the first open-branched chain with the highest phosphate content found so far in this group of compounds. Both chain anions are Closely related to known anhydrous or hydrated phases, and the structural relations are discussed in terms of how the presence of OH groups and hydrogen bonds as well as number, charge, and size of charge balancing cations influence the 3D structural arrangement. The anionic entities are classified in terms of general principles of structural systematics for borophosphates.


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An ad hoc network is composed of mobile nodes without any infrastructure. Recent trends in applications of mobile ad hoc networks rely on increased group oriented services. Hence multicast support is critical for ad hoc networks. We also need to provide service differentiation schemes for different group of users. An efficient application layer multicast (APPMULTICAST) solution suitable for low mobility applications in MANET environment has been proposed in [10]. In this paper, we present an improved application layer multicast solution suitable for medium mobility applications in MANET environment. We define multicast groups with low priority and high priority and incorporate a two level service differentiation scheme. We use network layer support to build the overlay topology closer to the actual network topology. We try to maximize Packet Delivery Ratio. Through simulations we show that the control overhead for our algorithm is within acceptable limit and it achieves acceptable Packet Delivery Ratio for medium mobility applications.


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At the time of restoration transmission line switching is one of the major causes, which creates transient overvoltages. Though detailed Electro Magnetic Transient studies are carried out extensively for the planning and design of transmission systems, such studies are not common in a day-today operation of power systems. However it is important for the operator to ensure during restoration of supply that peak overvoltages resulting from the switching operations are well within safe limits. This paper presents a support vector machine approach to classify the various cases of line energization in the category of safe or unsafe based upon the peak value of overvoltage at the receiving end of line. Operator can define the threshold value of voltage to assign the data pattern in either of the class. For illustration of proposed approach the power system used for switching transient peak overvoltages tests is a 400 kV equivalent system of an Indian southern gri


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Metal nanoparticles (NPs) of Cu(air-stable),Ag,and Au have been prepared using an atom-economy green approach Simple mechanical stirring of solid mixtures (no solvent) of a metal salt and ammonia borane at 60 degrees C resulted in the formation of metal NPs. In this reaction, ammonia borane is transformed into a BNHx polymer, which protects the NPs formed and halts their growth. This results in the formation of the BNHx polymer protected monodisperse NPs Thus, ammonia borane used in these reactions plays a dual role (reducing agent andprecursor for the stabilizing agent).