993 resultados para lenti di Laue,Raggi X,Radioterapia,Diffrazione


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New arguments proving that successive (repeated) measurements have a memory and actually remember each other are presented. The recognition of this peculiarity can change essentially the existing paradigm associated with conventional observation in behavior of different complex systems and lead towards the application of an intermediate model (IM). This IM can provide a very accurate fit of the measured data in terms of the Prony's decomposition. This decomposition, in turn, contains a small set of the fitting parameters relatively to the number of initial data points and allows comparing the measured data in cases where the “best fit” model based on some specific physical principles is absent. As an example, we consider two X-ray diffractometers (defined in paper as A- (“cheap”) and B- (“expensive”) that are used after their proper calibration for the measuring of the same substance (corundum a-Al2O3). The amplitude-frequency response (AFR) obtained in the frame of the Prony's decomposition can be used for comparison of the spectra recorded from (A) and (B) - X-ray diffractometers (XRDs) for calibration and other practical purposes. We prove also that the Fourier decomposition can be adapted to “ideal” experiment without memory while the Prony's decomposition corresponds to real measurement and can be fitted in the frame of the IM in this case. New statistical parameters describing the properties of experimental equipment (irrespective to their internal “filling”) are found. The suggested approach is rather general and can be used for calibration and comparison of different complex dynamical systems in practical purposes.


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A comunicação é essencial nas relações interpessoais, quer ao nível das organizações em geral, quer na organização escolar em particular. As funções de administração, como planeamento, organização, liderança e controle, são levadas a cabo com sucesso, dentro de uma organização quando apoiadas num processo de comunicação eficaz. O objectivo deste estudo foi procurar soluções para a ineficácia relativa do processo de comunicação entre o Diretor e os professores no Agrupamento X. Metodologicamente desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, onde se recorreu a instrumentos de recolha de dados como entrevistas e ‘focus group’. Desta forma identificou-se e descreveu-se o processo de comunicação adotado no Agrupamento X entre o Diretor e os professores, bem como se recolheram as opiniões dos docentes e do Diretor sobre a comunicação e a gestão da informação no Agrupamento. Este estudo permitiu reconhecer que a fraca internalização de alguns conceitos e mecanismos do processo comunicacional por parte dos atores contribui para ineficácia relativa deste processo. Na criação do plano de ação retomámos e valorizamos a ideia de que um modelo de comunicação assente nas principais funções da comunicação poderá ser a chave para o maior envolvimento dos docentes na consecução dos objetivos do Projeto Educativo do Agrupamento, ou seja, é dada a resposta à pergunta partida deste projeto – como melhorar o processo de comunicação entre o Diretor e os professores no Agrupamento X?


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Pericardial cysts are rare benign congenital malformations, usually small, asymptomatic and detected incidentally on chest X-ray as a mass located in the right costophrenic angle. Giant pericardial cysts are very uncommon and produce symptoms by compressing adjacent structures. In this report, the authors present a case of a symptomatic giant pericardial cyst incorrectly diagnosed as dextrocardia on chest X-ray.


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Introdução:A miopatia miotubular ligada ao cromossoma X e uma miopatia congénita grave neonatal que afecta o sexo masculino, com prognóstico reservado. Relato de Caso: Lactente com hipotonia generalizada grave detectada após o nascimento, atrofia muscular generalizada e abolição dos reflexos osteotendinosos, cujo estudo etiológico específico (biópsia muscular e estudo de genética molecular) revelo tratar-se de miopatia miotubular ligada ao cromossoma X. Internado em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos até aos oito meses, foi submetido a traqueostomia e gastrotomia, tendo alta para domicílio. Faleceu aos dez meses, subitamente, de causa indeterminada. Discussão: Este caso mostra que, apesar da terapêutica actual ser apenas paliativa, a importância do conhecimento do mecanismo genético é enorme, abrindo novos horizontes para uma terapia génica no futuro.


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Acquired factor X deficiency is an extremely rare situation. It has shown to be associated with systemic amyloidosis, respiratory mycoplasma infection, factor X inhibitors, antiphospholipid antibodies, vitamin K defi ciency/liver disease as well as the use of certain medications (meropenem, valproic acid). The pathogenesis and transient nature of this deficit remain poorly understood. The authors describe the case of a teenager hospitalised for extensive burns that developed active bleeding after removal of central venous catheter. He was diagnosed with transient factor X deficiency. Normalisation of coagulation status and factor X levels occurred spontaneously 10 days after the bleeding episode.


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Ligand K-edge XAS of an [Fe3S4]0 model complex is reported. The pre-edge can be resolved into contributions from the í2Ssulfide, í3Ssulfide, and Sthiolate ligands. The average ligand-metal bond covalencies obtained from these pre-edges are further distributed between Fe3+ and Fe2.5+ components using DFT calculations. The bridging ligand covalency in the [Fe2S2]+ subsite of the [Fe3S4]0 cluster is found to be significantly lower than its value in a reduced [Fe2S2] cluster (38% vs 61%, respectively). This lowered bridging ligand covalency reduces the superexchange coupling parameter J relative to its value in a reduced [Fe2S2]+ site (-146 cm-1 vs -360 cm-1, respectively). This decrease in J, along with estimates of the double exchange parameter B and vibronic coupling parameter ì2/k-, leads to an S ) 2 delocalized ground state in the [Fe3S4]0 cluster. The S K-edge XAS of the protein ferredoxin II (Fd II) from the D. gigas active site shows a decrease in covalency compared to the model complex, in the same oxidation state, which correlates with the number of H-bonding interactions to specific sulfur ligands present in the active site. The changes in ligand-metal bond covalencies upon redox compared with DFT calculations indicate that the redox reaction involves a two-electron change (one-electron ionization plus a spin change of a second electron) with significant electronic relaxation. The presence of the redox inactive Fe3+ center is found to decrease the barrier of the redox process in the [Fe3S4] cluster due to its strong antiferromagnetic coupling with the redox active Fe2S2 subsite.


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SUMMARY We describe the case of an eight-year-old boy with X-linked agammaglobulinemia who developed mild varicella despite regular intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. He maintained protective antibody levels against varicella and the previous batches of IVIG that he received had adequate varicella-specific IgG levels. The case illustrates that IVIG may not prevent VZV infection.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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Introduction: The essential oil Mentha x villosa (MVEO) has a wide range of actions, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and schistosomicidal actions. The present study aimed to investigate the ultrastructural changes of MVEO on the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni. Materials and Methods: Different concentrations of MVEO were tested on S. mansoni adult worms in vitro. Ultrastructural changes on the tegument of these adult worms were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: The MVEO caused the death of all worms at 500 μg mL-1 after 24 h. After 24h of 500 μg mL-1 MVEO treatment, bubble lesions were observed over the entire body of worms and they presented loss of tubercles in some regions of the ventral portion. In the evaluation by TEM, S. mansoni adult worms treated with MVEO, 500 μg mL-1, presented changes in the tegument and vacuoles in the syncytial matrix region. Glycogen granules close to the muscle fibers were visible. Conclusion: The ability of MVEO to cause extensive ultrastructural damage to S. mansoni adult worms correlates with its schistosomicidal effects and confirms earlier findings with S. mansoni.


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A exposição a radiações ionizantes na mulher grávida suscita sempre preocupação na grávida, nos seus familiares e, nos profissionais de saúde que podem não estar ao corrente das doses de exposição nos exames de diagnóstico com raios X ou radionuclidos, nem das doses terapêuticas da Radioterapia e da Medicina Nuclear.