995 resultados para dry process board
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2008
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2008
Ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the seasonally dry tropical forest of northeastern Brazil: a compilation from field surveys in Bahia and literature records. The Caatingas occur predominantly in northeastern Brazil and comparatively it is the biome that received less attention than any other ecosystem in Brazil, representing the region where invertebrate groups are less known. We present here the first list of ant species of the Caatingas, compiling information from the literature, from a study of samples preserved in alcohol in the Laboratory of Entomology (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana), and from a field survey conducted in Milagres, Bahia, submitting standardized 1-m² samples of the leaf-litter to Winkler extractors. Summing all information, 11 subfamilies, 61 genera and 173 species (plus one subspecies) of ants are recognized in the biome. This species number does not consider morphospecies that could not be named due to the lack of reliable recent taxonomic information for some Neotropical ant genera. The list presented here for ant species of the Caatingas is therefore underestimated, but it is relevant because it allows the identification of areas to be sampled in order to improve our knowledge of the diversity of ants in this biome.
The annual report of the Iowa Board of Nursing includes information on legislation, administrative rules, nursing education, nursing practice, continuing education, licensing, enforcement, administration, financial report, statistics and general nursing demographics.
The annual report of the Iowa Board of Nursing includes information on legislation, administrative rules, nursing education, nursing practice, continuing education, licensing, enforcement, administration, financial report, statistics and general nursing demographics.
The annual report of the Iowa Board of Nursing includes information on legislation, administrative rules, nursing education, nursing practice, continuing education, licensing, enforcement, administration, financial report, statistics and general nursing demographics.
Adapting the Process Writing Approach to English Language Learners with Special Needs: Using Visuals
The available literature on the writing characteristics and best practices to teach writing to English Language Learners who also present some disability is scarce. In order to understand and provide some insight on the developments in this field, I propose an adaptation of the Process Writing Approach based on a literature review of the existing bibliography about the writing characteristics of English Language Learners, Special Needs Learners, and English Language Learners with Special Needs’ writing, the effects of the Process Writing Approach in teaching writing to these groups, and the use of visuals in writing instruction. The main assumptions of this study are: a) The Process Writing Approach provides an opportunity to differentiate instruction to ELLs with special needs and gives them additional opportunities to bring their funds of knowledge to the classroom, improving their writing, and b) By allowing students to rely on visuals in different phases of the writing process teachers will be addressing the needs of both visual and verbal learners, therefore allowing students more options to develop writing skills. The main pedagogical implication is that by dividing writing in recursive stages and inserting visuals as scaffolding throughout the entire writing process, teachers will provide an alternative approach to writing instruction that may be more effective to English Language Learners with Special Needs.
Abandonment and discontinuance of railroad service is allowed by federal law which permits a carrier to end its obligation to provide common carrier service over a particular rail line. Although a number of specific reasons may be given for the abandonment, it is generally based on economic factors. This booklet is intended to provide information about the abandonment process and some guidance concerning how to prepare for an abandonment. This information is based on rules established by the Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act of 1995, the Surface Transportation Board (successor to the former Interstate Commerce Commission), and the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, and the policies and procedures of the Iowa Department of Transportation.
ABSTRACT A detailed protocol for chemical clearing of bee specimens is presented. Dry specimens as well as those preserved in liquid media can be cleared using this protocol. The procedure consists of a combined use of alkaline solution (KOH or NaOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), followed by the boiling of the cleared specimens in 60–70% EtOH. Clearing is particularly useful for internal skeletal morphological research. This procedure allows for efficient study of internal projections of the exoskeleton (e.g., apodemes, furcae, phragmata, tentoria, internal ridges and sulci), but this process makes external features of the integument, as some sutures and sulci, readily available for observation as well. Upon completion of the chemical clearing process the specimens can be stored in glycerin. This procedure was developed and evaluated for the preparation of bees and other Apoidea, but modifications for use with other insect taxa should be straightforward after some experimentation on variations of timing of steps, concentration of solutions, temperatures, and the necessity of a given step. Comments on the long-term storage, morphological examination, and photodocumentation of cleared specimens are also provided.
Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2008
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled "Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2008" is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 3 I2.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in progress on June 30, 2008; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation. IOWA HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD In developing a progressive, continuing and coordinated program of research and development, the Highway Division is assisted by the Iowa Highway Research Board. This advisory group was established in 1949 by the Iowa State Highway Commission to respond to the research denoted in Section 310.36 of the Code of Iowa and now is denoted by 312.3A. The Research Board consists of 15 regular members: seven Iowa county engineers, four Iowa DOT engineers, one representative from Iowa State University, one from The University of Iowa, and two engineers employed by Iowa municipalities. Each regular member may have an alternate who will serve at the request of the regular member. The regular members and their alternates are appointed for a three-year term. The membership of the Research Board as of June 30, 2008, is listed in Table I. The Research Board held nine regular meetings during the period ofJuly 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008. Suggestions for research and development were reviewed at these meetings and recommendations were made by the Board.
Digital holography microscopy (DHM) is an optical technique which provides phase images yielding quantitative information about cell structure and cellular dynamics. Furthermore, the quantitative phase images allow the derivation of other parameters, including dry mass production, density, and spatial distribution. We have applied DHM to study the dry mass production rate and the dry mass surface density in wild-type and mutant fission yeast cells. Our study demonstrates the applicability of DHM as a tool for label-free quantitative analysis of the cell cycle and opens the possibility for its use in high-throughput screening.
Accomplish high quality of final products in pharmaceutical industry is a challenge that requires the control and supervision of all the manufacturing steps. This request created the necessity of developing fast and accurate analytical methods. Near infrared spectroscopy together with chemometrics, fulfill this growing demand. The high speed providing relevant information and the versatility of its application to different types of samples lead these combined techniques as one of the most appropriated. This study is focused on the development of a calibration model able to determine amounts of API from industrial granulates using NIR, chemometrics and process spectra methodology.
Se presenta la escala de madurez gonadal de anchoveta blanca Anchoa nasus. El proceso de maduración y desove se ha clasificado en seis estadios tanto para hembras como para machos. Se examinaron cortes histológicos de 442 individuos de anchoveta blanca colectados a bordo del BIC J. Olaya, durante las operaciones de verano del 2008 y 2009 y del invierno primavera del 2012 y 2013. Se describe las características visuales externas y las microscópicas que definen cada uno de los estadios.