995 resultados para confinement


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This work reports the investigation on the structural differences between InAs quantum rings and their precursor quantum dots species as well as on the presence of piezoelectric fields and asymmetries in these nanostructures. The experimental results show significant reduction in the ring dimensions when the sizes of capped and uncapped ring and dot samples are compared. The iso-lattice parameter mapped by grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction has revealed the lateral extent of strained regions in the buried rings. A comparison between strain and composition of dot and ring structures allows inferring on how the ring formation and its final configuration may affect optical response parameters. Based on the experimental observations, a discussion has been introduced on the effective potential profile to emulate theoretically the ring-shape confinement. The effects of confinement and strain field modulation on electron and hole band structures are simulated by a multiband k.p calculation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4733964]


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Final Gondwana amalgamation was marked by the closure of the Neoproterozoic Clymene ocean between the Amazonia craton and central Gondwana. The events which occurred in the last stage of this closure were recorded in the upper Alto Paraguai Group in the foreland of the Paraguay orogen. Outcrop-based fades analysis of the siliciclastic rocks of upper Alto Paraguai Group, composed of the Sepotuba and Diamantino Formations, was carried out in the Diamantino region, within the eastern part of the Barra dos Bugres basin, Mato Grosso state, central-western Brazil. The Sepotuba Formation is composed of sandy shales with planar to wave lamination interbedded with fine-grained sandstone with climbing ripple cross-lamination, planar lamination, swaley cross-stratification and tangential to sigmoidal cross-bedding with mud drapes, related to marine offshore deposits. The lower Diamantino Formation is composed of a monotonous, laterally continuous for hundreds of metres, interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone succession with regular parallel lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination and ripple-bedding interpreted as distal turbidites. The upper part of this formation consists of fine to medium-grained sandstones with sigmoidal cross-bedding, planar lamination, climbing ripple cross-lamination, symmetrical to asymmetrical and linguoid ripple marks arranged in lobate sand bodies. These fades are interbedded with thick siltstone in coarsening upward large-scale cycles related to a delta system. The Sepotuba Formation characterises the last transgressive deposits of the Paraguay basin representing the final stage of a marine incursion of the Clymene ocean. The progression of orogenesis in the hinterland resulted in the confinement of the Sepotuba sea as a foredeep sub-basin against the edge of the Amazon craton. Turbidites were generated during the deepening of the basin. The successive filling of the basin was associated with progradation of deltaic lobes from the southeast, in a wide lake or a restricted sea that formed after 541 +/- 7 Ma. Southeastern to east dominant Neoproterozoic source regions were confirmed by zircon grains that yielded ages around 600 to 540 Ma, that are interpreted to be from granites in the Paraguay orogen. This overall regressive succession recorded in the Alto Paraguai Group represents the filling up of a foredeep basin after the final amalgamation of westem Gondwana in the earliest Phanerozoic. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examined whether pintado catfish (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) can discriminate between scents of non-injured conspecifics stressed by a predator or by confinement and how fish use this information in the trade-off between feeding and predator avoidance. In the confinement stress condition, fish ingested the food, whereas in the predator stress condition, fish did not eat. This finding and comparisons of the latency to food ingestion and the time spent swimming between the confinement and predator-stress conditions indicated that pintado catfish can discriminate between conspecifics stressed by a predator or confinement using chemical cues, and use this information for adjusting the trade-off between food intake and predator avoidance.


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We study general properties of the Landau-gauge Gribov ghost form factor sigma(p(2)) for SU(N-c) Yang-Mills theories in the d-dimensional case. We find a qualitatively different behavior for d = 3, 4 with respect to the d = 2 case. In particular, considering any (sufficiently regular) gluon propagator D(p(2)) and the one-loop-corrected ghost propagator, we prove in the 2d case that the function sigma(p(2)) blows up in the infrared limit p -> 0 as -D(0) ln(p(2)). Thus, for d = 2, the no-pole condition sigma(p(2)) < 1 (for p(2) > 0) can be satisfied only if the gluon propagator vanishes at zero momentum, that is, D(0) = 0. On the contrary, in d = 3 and 4, sigma(p(2)) is finite also if D(0) > 0. The same results are obtained by evaluating the ghost propagator G(p(2)) explicitly at one loop, using fitting forms for D(p(2)) that describe well the numerical data of the gluon propagator in two, three and four space-time dimensions in the SU(2) case. These evaluations also show that, if one considers the coupling constant g(2) as a free parameter, the ghost propagator admits a one-parameter family of behaviors (labeled by g(2)), in agreement with previous works by Boucaud et al. In this case the condition sigma(0) <= 1 implies g(2) <= g(c)(2), where g(c)(2) is a "critical" value. Moreover, a freelike ghost propagator in the infrared limit is obtained for any value of g(2) smaller than g(c)(2), while for g(2) = g(c)(2) one finds an infrared-enhanced ghost propagator. Finally, we analyze the Dyson-Schwinger equation for sigma(p(2)) and show that, for infrared-finite ghost-gluon vertices, one can bound the ghost form factor sigma(p(2)). Using these bounds we find again that only in the d = 2 case does one need to impose D(0) = 0 in order to satisfy the no-pole condition. The d = 2 result is also supported by an analysis of the Dyson-Schwinger equation using a spectral representation for the ghost propagator. Thus, if the no-pole condition is imposed, solving the d = 2 Dyson-Schwinger equations cannot lead to a massive behavior for the gluon propagator. These results apply to any Gribov copy inside the so-called first Gribov horizon; i.e., the 2d result D(0) = 0 is not affected by Gribov noise. These findings are also in agreement with lattice data.


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This work reports on the results of magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements carried out in a sample containing two Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs, coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs), with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, which have the heterointerfaces characterized by a distribution of bimodal roughness. The MPL measurements were performed at 4 K, with magnetic fields applied parallel to the growth direction, and varying from 0 to 12 T. The diamagnetic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) peaks is more sensitive to changes in the confinement potential, due to monolayer variations in the mini-well thickness, rather than to the exciton localization at the local potential fluctuations. As the magnetic field increases, the relative intensities of the two peaks in each PL band inverts, what is attributed to the reduction in the radiative lifetime of the delocalized excitons, which results in the radiative recombination, before the excitonic migration between the higher and lower energy regions in each CDQW occurs. The dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) on magnetic field shows different behaviors for each PL peak, which are attributed to the different levels and correlation lengths of the potential fluctuations present in the regions associated with each recombination channel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The exploration of novel synthetic methodologies that control both size and shape of functional nanostructure opens new avenues for the functional application of nanomaterials. Here, we report a new and versatile approach to synthesize SnO2 nanocrystals (rutile-type structure) using microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Broad peaks in the X-ray diffraction spectra indicate the nanosized nature of the samples which were indexed as a pure cassiterite tetragonal phase. Chemically and physically adsorbed water was estimated by TGA data and FT-Raman spectra to account for a new broad peak around 560 cm(-1) which is related to defective surface modes. In addition, the spherical-like morphology and low dispersed distribution size around 3-5 nm were investigated by HR-TEM and FE-SEM microscopies. Room temperature PL emission presents two broad bands at 438 and 764 nm, indicating the existence of different recombination centers. When the size of the nanospheres decreases, the relative intensity of 513 nm emission increases and the 393 nm one decreases. UV-Visible spectra show substantial changes in the optical absorbance of crystalline SnO2 nanoparticles while the existence of a small tail points out the presence of localized levels inside the forbidden band gap and supplies the necessary condition for the PL emission.


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Gold plasmonic lenses consisting of a planar concentric rings-groove with different periods were milled with a focused gallium ion beam on a gold thin film deposited onto an Er3+-doped tellurite glass. The plasmonic lenses were vertically illuminated with an argon ion laser highly focused by means of a 50x objective lens. The focusing mechanism of the plasmonic lenses is explained using a coherent interference model of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) generation on the circular grating due to the incident field. As a result, phase modulation can be accomplished by the groove gap, similar to a nanoslit array with different widths. This focusing allows a high confinement of SPPs that can excite the Er3+ ions of the glass. The Er3+ luminescence spectra were measured in the far-field (500-750 nm wavelength range), where we could verify the excitation yield via the plasmonic lens on the Er3+ ions. We analyze the influence of the geometrical parameters on the luminescence spectra. The variation of these parameters results in considerable changes of the luminescence spectra.


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Particle tracking of microbeads attached to the cytoskeleton (CSK) reveals an intermittent dynamic. The mean squared displacement (MSD) is subdiffusive for small Δt and superdiffusive for large Δt, which are associated with periods of traps and periods of jumps respectively. The analysis of the displacements has shown a non-Gaussian behavior, what is indicative of an active motion, classifying the cells as a far from equilibrium material. Using Langevin dynamics, we reconstruct the dynamic of the CSK. The model is based on the bundles of actin filaments that link themself with the bead RGD coating, trapping it in an harmonic potential. We consider a one- dimensional motion of a particle, neglecting inertial effects (over-damped Langevin dynamics). The resultant force is decomposed in friction force, elastic force and random force, which is used as white noise representing the effect due to molecular agitation. These description until now shows a static situation where the bead performed a random walk in an elastic potential. In order to modeling the active remodeling of the CSK, we vary the equilibrium position of the potential. Inserting a motion in the well center, we change the equilibrium position linearly with time with constant velocity. The result found exhibits a MSD versus time ’tau’ with three regimes. The first regime is when ‘tau’ < ‘tau IND 0’, where ‘tau IND 0’ is the relaxation time, representing the thermal motion. At this regime the particle can diffuse freely. The second regime is a plateau, ‘tau IND 0’ < ‘tau’ < ‘tau IND 1’, representing the particle caged in the potential. Here, ‘tau IND 1’ is a characteristic time that limit the confinement period. And the third regime, ‘tau’ > ‘tau IND 1’, is when the particles are in the superdiffusive behavior. This is where most of the experiments are performed, under 20 frames per second (FPS), thus there is no experimental evidence that support the first regime. We are currently performing experiments with high frequency, up to 100 FPS, attempting to visualize this diffusive behavior. Beside the first regime, our simple model can reproduce MSD curves similar to what has been found experimentally, which can be helpful to understanding CSK structure and properties.


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In this work, we have used a combined of atomistic simulation methods to explore the effects of confinement of water molecules between silica surfaces. Firstly, the mechanical properties of water severe confined (~3A) between two silica alpha-quartz was determined based on first principles calculations within the density functional theory (DFT). Simulated annealing methods were employed due to the complex potential energry surface, and the difficulties to avoid local minima. Our results suggest that much of the stiffness of the material (46%) remains, even after the insertion of a water monolayer in the silica. Secondly, in order to access typical time scales for confined systems, classical molecular dynamics was used to determine the dynamical properties of water confined in silica cylindrical pores, with diameters varying from 10 to 40A. in this case we have varied the passivation of the silica surface, from 13% to 100% of SiOH, and the other terminations being SiOH2 and SiOH3, the distribution of the different terminations was obtained with a Monte Carlo simulation. The simulations indicates a lowering of the diffusion coefficientes as the diameter decreases, due to the structuration of hydrogen bonds of water molecules; we have also obtained the density profiles of the confined water and the interfacial tension.


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Reinforced concrete columns might fail because of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bar when exposed to earthquake motions. Depending on the hoop stiffness and the length-over-diameter ratio, the instability can be local (in between two subsequent hoops) or global (the buckling length comprises several hoop spacings). To get insight into the topic, an extensive literary research of 19 existing models has been carried out including different approaches and assumptions which yield different results. Finite element fiberanalysis was carried out to study the local buckling behavior with varying length-over-diameter and initial imperfection-over-diameter ratios. The comparison of the analytical results with some experimental results shows good agreement before the post buckling behavior undergoes large deformation. Furthermore, different global buckling analysis cases were run considering the influence of different parameters; for certain hoop stiffnesses and length-over-diameter ratios local buckling was encountered. A parametric study yields an adimensional critical stress in function of a stiffness ratio characterized by the reinforcement configuration. Colonne in cemento armato possono collassare per via dell’instabilità dell’armatura longitudinale se sottoposte all’azione di un sisma. In funzione della rigidezza dei ferri trasversali e del rapporto lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro, l’instabilità può essere locale (fra due staffe adiacenti) o globale (la lunghezza d’instabilità comprende alcune staffe). Per introdurre alla materia, è proposta un’esauriente ricerca bibliografica di 19 modelli esistenti che include approcci e ipotesi differenti che portano a risultati distinti. Tramite un’analisi a fibre e elementi finiti si è studiata l’instabilità locale con vari rapporti lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro e imperfezione iniziale-diametro. Il confronto dei risultati analitici con quelli sperimentali mostra una buona coincidenza fino al raggiungimento di grandi spostamenti. Inoltre, il caso d’instabilità globale è stato simulato valutando l’influenza di vari parametri; per certe configurazioni di rigidezza delle staffe e lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro si hanno ottenuto casi di instabilità locale. Uno studio parametrico ha permesso di ottenere un carico critico adimensionale in funzione del rapporto di rigidezza dato dalle caratteristiche dell’armatura.


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The progresses of electron devices integration have proceeded for more than 40 years following the well–known Moore’s law, which states that the transistors density on chip doubles every 24 months. This trend has been possible due to the downsizing of the MOSFET dimensions (scaling); however, new issues and new challenges are arising, and the conventional ”bulk” architecture is becoming inadequate in order to face them. In order to overcome the limitations related to conventional structures, the researchers community is preparing different solutions, that need to be assessed. Possible solutions currently under scrutiny are represented by: • devices incorporating materials with properties different from those of silicon, for the channel and the source/drain regions; • new architectures as Silicon–On–Insulator (SOI) transistors: the body thickness of Ultra-Thin-Body SOI devices is a new design parameter, and it permits to keep under control Short–Channel–Effects without adopting high doping level in the channel. Among the solutions proposed in order to overcome the difficulties related to scaling, we can highlight heterojunctions at the channel edge, obtained by adopting for the source/drain regions materials with band–gap different from that of the channel material. This solution allows to increase the injection velocity of the particles travelling from the source into the channel, and therefore increase the performance of the transistor in terms of provided drain current. The first part of this thesis work addresses the use of heterojunctions in SOI transistors: chapter 3 outlines the basics of the heterojunctions theory and the adoption of such approach in older technologies as the heterojunction–bipolar–transistors; moreover the modifications introduced in the Monte Carlo code in order to simulate conduction band discontinuities are described, and the simulations performed on unidimensional simplified structures in order to validate them as well. Chapter 4 presents the results obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations performed on double–gate SOI transistors featuring conduction band offsets between the source and drain regions and the channel. In particular, attention has been focused on the drain current and to internal quantities as inversion charge, potential energy and carrier velocities. Both graded and abrupt discontinuities have been considered. The scaling of devices dimensions and the adoption of innovative architectures have consequences on the power dissipation as well. In SOI technologies the channel is thermally insulated from the underlying substrate by a SiO2 buried–oxide layer; this SiO2 layer features a thermal conductivity that is two orders of magnitude lower than the silicon one, and it impedes the dissipation of the heat generated in the active region. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of thin semiconductor films is much lower than that of silicon bulk, due to phonon confinement and boundary scattering. All these aspects cause severe self–heating effects, that detrimentally impact the carrier mobility and therefore the saturation drive current for high–performance transistors; as a consequence, thermal device design is becoming a fundamental part of integrated circuit engineering. The second part of this thesis discusses the problem of self–heating in SOI transistors. Chapter 5 describes the causes of heat generation and dissipation in SOI devices, and it provides a brief overview on the methods that have been proposed in order to model these phenomena. In order to understand how this problem impacts the performance of different SOI architectures, three–dimensional electro–thermal simulations have been applied to the analysis of SHE in planar single and double–gate SOI transistors as well as FinFET, featuring the same isothermal electrical characteristics. In chapter 6 the same simulation approach is extensively employed to study the impact of SHE on the performance of a FinFET representative of the high–performance transistor of the 45 nm technology node. Its effects on the ON–current, the maximum temperatures reached inside the device and the thermal resistance associated to the device itself, as well as the dependence of SHE on the main geometrical parameters have been analyzed. Furthermore, the consequences on self–heating of technological solutions such as raised S/D extensions regions or reduction of fin height are explored as well. Finally, conclusions are drawn in chapter 7.


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The doctorate’s theme of research - Abstract My doctorate’s theme of research is about the Investigation in the Italian criminal proceedings. The Italian Code of criminal procedure of 1988 is the fruit of a new ideology that marks a departure from Italy’s prior inquisitorial tradition. According to criminal procedure Code of 1988, an accusatorial system separates the investigation and trial stages and the judge’s decision is based only on evidence collected in oral form in his presence in a public trial containing adversarial dynamics. The Italian Code of 1988 created a separation between criminal investigations and trial. Investigations are conducted by Public Prosecutor: he conducts the investigation phase in order to deem whether to file a formal charge against the defendant or to dismiss the case and the investigative evidence collected should serve only for this purpose. According to so called “inutilizzabilità fisiologica”’s rule, the evidence collected during investigations by prosecutor is not usable during trial by the judge: the results of the investigative efforts displayed by the parties should be kept outside of court. If the proceedings go on to trial, the case shall be deemed with only evidence collected in front of the judge. To create the separation of the trial phase from the investigation stage, there is the double-dossier system. During the investigations, evidence are collected in an investigation dossier. The trial judge will never see the investigation dossier and the trial judge’s decision is based on a new dossier, the trial dossier, with the evidence collected during the trial. The issue of my research is about the investigation, the so called “inutilizzabilità fisiologica”’s rule and also the exclusionary rules that concern the investigative phase and the decisions pronounced during the investigations (for example, the decisions concerning pre-trial confinement). 2 In fact, the exclusionary rule system (so called “inutilizzabilità patologica”) provides that evidence cannot be used in Italian criminal proceedings if it was the result of illegal inquiry.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde das lokale Relaxationsverhalten niedermolekularer glasbildender Materialien mit der Methode der Solvatationsdynamik untersucht. Bei dieser Methode werden phosphoreszente Farbstoffe als molekulare Sonden für die lokale Dynamik im Glasbildner eingesetzt. Je nach verwendeter Sonde sind unterschiedliche Eigenschaften zugänglich:Mit Farbstoffen, die ihr Dipolmoment bei optischer Anregung nicht ändern, wird eine mechanische Solvatation gemessen, die die lokale viskoelastische Antwort des Materials widerspiegelt. Mit Farbstoffen, die eine Änderung des Dipolmoments bei optischer Anregung aufweisen,sind zusätzlich lokale dielektrische Eigenschaften des Materials zugänglich, die bei endlicher Polarität des Lösungsmittels dominieren. Das heterogene Relaxationsverhalten des Glasbildners 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran wurde quantitativ untersucht.Auf einem Temperaturbereich, auf dem die mittlere Relaxationszeit um mehr als 4 Dekaden variiert, konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Relaxation lokal rein exponentiell verläuft. Zur Abschätzung von Reichweiteneffekten wurden Solvatationsmessungen in einschränkenden Geometrien in Form von porösen Sol-Gel Gläsern mit Porendurchmessern zwischen 7,5-2,5 nm durchgeführt. Der Einfluß der Beschaffenheit der Porenoberfläche wurde durch Vergleichzwischen der Solvatation in nativen und in silanisierten Gläsern untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, daß auch in den kleinsten verwendeten silanisierten Poren alle Charakteristika des jeweiligen Bulk-Systems erhalten bleiben.In den nativen porösen Gläsern dagegen führt der Einfluß der stark polaren Oberfläche zu einer Änderung der Dynamik.


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It is well recognized that the technique of strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets is more effective for circular sections, but less effective for rectangular sections. Indeed the presence of angular corners does not permit a uniform confinement to be provided by the FRP jackets to the columns. While rounded corners can enhance the effectiveness of FRP confinement, it will be more efficient to modify the rectangular section into an elliptical section. In addition to the better confinement effectiveness, from an aesthetical point of view, the shape modification would be a surprise to the built environment. This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of FRP-confined concrete columns with elliptical section. Thirty-two short columns, divided in eight batches, were tested under axial compression. Each batch presents four specimens with different elliptical sections, determined by the aspect ratio a/b, that is the ratio between the minor and mayor axis. By varying this value from 1.0 to 2.0 (1.0, 1.3., 1.7, 2.0), the section becomes more and more elliptical starting from a circular shape. In this way it is possible to study the trend of effectiveness of FRP confinement for different section geometries. It is also interesting to study how the confinement effectiveness may vary by changing the cylinder strength of concrete and the number of the layers of CFRP. For this reason, a cylinder strength of concrete of 25 and 45 MPa have been used for the present research work, and half of the specimens were wrapped by one layer of CFRP, while the remaining specimens were wrapped with two layers. A simple analysis of the results has been carried out for evaluating the experimental work described in the present document. Further studies and analysis on this work should help to achieve a new and more accurate stress-strain model for CFRP-confined concrete columns with an elliptical section.


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The aim of this PhD thesis was to study at a microscopic level different liquid crystal (LC) systems, in order to determine their physical properties, resorting to two distinct methodologies, one involving computer simulations, and the other spectroscopic techniques, in particular electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. By means of the computer simulation approach we tried to demonstrate this tool effectiveness for calculating anisotropic static properties of a LC material, as well as for predicting its behaviour and features. This required the development and adoption of suitable molecular models based on a convenient intermolecular potentials reflecting the essential molecular features of the investigated system. In particular, concerning the simulation approach, we have set up models for discotic liquid crystal dimers and we have studied, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, their phase behaviour and self­-assembling properties, with respect to the simple monomer case. Each discotic dimer is described by two oblate Gay­Berne ellipsoids connected by a flexible spacer, modelled by a harmonic "spring" of three different lengths. In particular we investigated the effects of dimerization on the transition temperatures, as well as on the characteristics of molecular aggregation displayed and the relative orientational order. Moving to the experimental results, among the many experimental techniques that are typically employed to evaluate LC system distinctive features, ESR has proved to be a powerful tool in microscopic scale investigation of the properties, structure, order and dynamics of these materials. We have taken advantage of the high sensitivity of the ESR spin probe technique to investigate increasingly complex LC systems ranging from devices constituted by a polymer matrix in which LC molecules are confined in shape of nano- droplets, as well as biaxial liquid crystalline elastomers, and dimers whose monomeric units or lateral groups are constituted by rod-like mesogens (11BCB). Reflection-mode holographic-polymer dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLCs) are devices in which LCs are confined into nanosized (50­-300 nm) droplets, arranged in layers which alternate with polymer layers, forming a diffraction grating. We have determined the configuration of the LC local director and we have derived a model of the nanodroplet organization inside the layers. Resorting also to additional information on the nanodroplet size and shape distribution provided by SEM images of the H-PDLC cross-section, the observed director configuration has been modeled as a bidimensional distribution of elongated nanodroplets whose long axis is, on the average, parallel to the layers and whose internal director configuration is a uniaxial quasi- monodomain aligned along the nanodroplet long axis. The results suggest that the molecular organization is dictated mainly by the confinement, explaining, at least in part, the need for switching voltages significantly higher and the observed faster turn-off times in H-PDLCs compared to standard PDLC devices. Liquid crystal elastomers consist in cross-linked polymers, in which mesogens represent the monomers constituting the main chain or the laterally attached side groups. They bring together three important aspects: orientational order in amorphous soft materials, responsive molecular shape and quenched topological constraints. In biaxial nematic liquid crystalline elastomers (BLCEs), two orthogonal directions, rather than the one of normal uniaxial nematic, can be controlled, greatly enhancing their potential value for applications as novel actuators. Two versions of a side-chain BLCEs were characterized: side­-on and end­-on. Many tests have been carried out on both types of LCE, the main features detected being the lack of a significant dynamical behaviour, together with a strong permanent alignment along the principal director, and the confirmation of the transition temperatures already determined by DSC measurements. The end­-on sample demonstrates a less hindered rotation of the side group mesogenic units and a greater freedom of alignment to the magnetic field, as already shown by previous NMR studies. Biaxial nematic ESR static spectra were also obtained on the basis of Molecular Dynamics generated biaxial configurations, to be compared to the experimentally determined ones, as a mean to establish a possible relation between biaxiality and the spectral features. This provides a concrete example of the advantages of combining the computer simulation and spectroscopic approaches. Finally, the dimer α,ω-bis(4'-cyanobiphenyl-4-yl)undecane (11BCB), synthesized in the "quest" for the biaxial nematic phase has been analysed. Its importance lies in the dimer significance as building blocks in the development of new materials to be employed in innovative technological applications, such as faster switching displays, resorting to the easier aligning ability of the secondary director in biaxial phases. A preliminary series of tests were performed revealing the population of mesogenic molecules as divided into two groups: one of elongated straightened conformers sharing a common director, and one of bent molecules, which display no order, being equally distributed in the three dimensions. Employing this model, the calculated values show a consistent trend, confirming at the same time the transition temperatures indicated by the DSC measurements, together with rotational diffusion tensor values that follow closely those of the constituting monomer 5CB.