986 resultados para Somali writings


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Há uma gota de sangue em cada museu: a ótica museológica de Mário Andrade (M.A.) é uma dissertação de mestrado que aborda o pensamento museológico do autor de Macunaíma através da análise de seus escritos, de sua coleção particular e de suas práticas à frente do Departamento de Cultura da cidade de São Paulo e do Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. Três questões orientam a presente dissertação: 1a. Até que ponto as propostas museológicas de M.A. representam consolidação ou rompimento com o pensamento modernista? 2a. Como se colocam na obra de M.A. as questões referentes à identidade nacional e cultura popular? 3a. Sendo o museu um lugar privilegiado de construção de memória, não seria também um baluarte da tradição? Em que sentido um museu pode ser ruptura? Como são tratadas as idéias de coleção e museu pelo poeta modernista? O enfrentamento destas questões, aliado ao entendimento de que a gota de sangue é gota de humanidade e sinal de historicidade presente nos museus, constitui a base desse estudo.


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Spontaneous writing samples of deaf children with cochlear implants were analyzed for syntactic errors and other descriptive characteristics. These results were compared to a small sample of writings from hearing children.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Socjologii


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El autor comenta la vocación de historiador de Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco, resaltando sus fortalezas: la narratividad de los textos y la presentación humana de los personajes. Menciona, asimismo, que su límite radica en haber renunciado expresamente a los instrumentos metodológicos de análisis, lo que conduce a una interpretación maniquea sobre un tema central de la historia reciente del país, la polémica liberal-conservadora. Por otro lado, el autor resalta la vocación democrática de Pareja Diezcanseco. Su defensa de la soberanía nacional y la democracia lo ubican entre los forjadores de la nación ecuatoriana, por su preocupación en reflexionar sobre la identidad, sobre el mestizaje y su función en la construcción del país, su insistencia en la defensa y consolidación de la democracia se radicalizaron con el tiempo, como lo muestran su crítica de las dictaduras, su defensa de las garantías políticas, y sus postulados de cierta reforma social.


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El autor analiza y comenta varias de las características atribuidas a la literatura de la llamada Generación de Transición en Ecuador, la cual constituye, a su criterio, el segundo esfuerzo por superar las coordenadas estéticas de la literatura de la década de 1930. Señala los vínculos y rasgos diferenciales de los narradores de los 50 respecto de los del 30, y remarca el rol de Pablo Palacio y Humberto Salvador –autores que realizaron el primer esfuerzo de distanciamiento de la literatura del 30. El análisis considera cuentos de cinco narradores de los 50, poniendo énfasis en la nueva actitud ante el lenguaje, entre otros aspectos. Los textos que analiza son: «Locura» de Alfonso Cuesta y Cuesta, «Vinatería del Pacífico» de César Dávila Andrade, «Una sombra protectora» de Arturo Montesinos Malo, «La manzana dañada» de Alejandro Carrión, y «Tangos» de Pedro Jorge Vera.


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A lo largo del siglo XIX, el pensamiento de Thomas Jefferson fue un punto de encuentro entre Hispanoamérica y los Estados Unidos. Esas aproximaciones estuvieron cruzadas al mismo tiempo por un sentido de admiración y por una serie de temores. Este ensayo reúne y analiza algunos de los fragmentos en que la imagen de Jefferson, su pensamiento y sus escritos evidencian esa relación ambigua en escritores decimonónicos clave como Andrés Bello, Domingo Sarmiento y Esteban Echeverría. Por otra parte, el ensayo reúne fragmentos de las cartas escritas por Jefferson a Alexander von Humboldt, en las que manifiesta su escaso interés por las independencias hispanoamericanas y su desconocimiento sobre los procesos ilustrados que allí se habían desarrollado.


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The thesis which follows, entitled ''The Postoccidental Deconstruction and Resignification of 'Modemity': A Critical Analysis", is an exposition and criticism of the critique of occidental modemity found in a group of writings which identify their critique with a "postoccidental" point of view with respect to postcolonial studies. The general problem ofthe investigation concems the significance and reach ofthis critique of modemity in relation to the ongoing debate, in Latín American studies, about the historical relationship between Latín America, as a mu1ticultural/ structurally heterogeneous region, and the industrial societies of Euro pe and North America. A brief Preface explains the genealogy of the author's ideas on this subject Following this preface, the thesis proceeds to analyze the writings in this corpus through an intertextual, schematic approach which singles out two rnajor elements of the postoccidental critique: "coloniality" and "eurocentrism". These two main elements are investigated in the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, in terms of how they distinguish postoccidental analysis from other theoretical tendencias with which it has affinities but whose key concepts it reformu1ates in ways that are key to the unique approach which postoccidental analysis takes to modemity, the nature of the capitalist world system, colonialism, subaltemization, center/periphery and development . Chapter Three attempts a critical analysis of the foregoing postoccidentalist deconstruction according to the following question: to what extent does it succeed in deconstructing "modernity" as a term which refers to a historically articulated set of discourses whose underlying purpose has been to justify European and North American hegemony and structural asymmetries vis-a-vis the peripheries of the capitalist world system, based on an ethnocentric, racialist logic of exploitation and subalternization of non-European peoples? A Conclusion follows Chapter Three.


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A partir de los escritos de José Carlos Mariátegui sobre Oriente, este artículo aborda el análisis del pensador peruano sobre la importancia de los movimientos independentistas de las colonias orientales de Asia y África posteriores a la Primera Guerra Mundial, y su interés en el caso de India. Se resalta la mirada crítica de Mariátegui respecto a la hegemonía de Occidente y el valor de las luchas por la independencia, vistas como la posibilidad de un cambio de orden político y social y, con ello, del surgimiento de una nueva conciencia.


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This paper provides an overview of the ‘state of the art’ in the academic literature on EU labour migration policies. It forms part of the research agenda of Work Package 18 of the NEUJOBS project, which aims at reviewing legislation and practices regarding the labour market inclusion and protection of rights of different categories of foreign workers in European labour markets. Accordingly, particular attention is paid to the works of scholars who evaluate the status of rights of third-country national workers in relation to labour market access, employment security, social integration, etc., in European legislation on labour immigration. More specifically, the review has selected those scholarly works that focus specifically on analysing the manner in which policy-makers have addressed the granting of rights to non-EU migrant workers, and the manner in which policy agendas – through the relevant political and institutional dynamics – have found their translation in the legislation adopted. This paper consists of two core parts. In the first section, it reviews the works of scholars who have touched on these research questions with respect to the internal dimensions of EU labour migration policies. The second section does the same for the external dimensions of these policies. Both sections start off by analysing the main trends in the literature that reviews these questions for the internal and external dimensions of European migration policies as a whole, and then move on to how these ‘trends’ can (or cannot) be found translated in scholarly writings on labour migration policies more specifically. In the final section, the paper concludes by summarising the main trends and gaps in the literature reviewed, and indicates avenues for further research.


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In this article I provide a critical account of the 'placing' of England's M1 motor-way. I start by critiquing Marc Auge's anthropological writings on 'non-places' which have provided a common point of reference for academics discussing spaces of travel, consumption and exchange in the contemporary world. I argue that Auge's ethnology of supermodernity results in a rather partial account of these sites, that he overstates the novelty of contemporary experiences of these spaces, and that he fails to acknowledge the heterogeneity and materiality of the social networks bound up with the production of non-places/places. I suggest that, rather than focusing on the presences and absences associated with the polarities of place and non-place, academics should examine the multiple, partial, dynamic and relational 'placings' which arise through the diverse performances and movements associated with travel, consumption and exchange. I then trace the topologies of England's M1 motorway, examining some of the different ways in which the motorway has been assembled, performed and placed over the past 45 years.


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Second-generation British-Barbadians ("Bajan-Brits'') returning to the land of their parents are frequently accused by indigenous Barbadian nationals of being mad. Narratives of the migrants reflect four major sets of factors: (1) madness as perceived behavioral and cultural differences; (2) explanations that relate to the historical-clinical circumstances surrounding the incidence of mental ill health among first-generation West Indian migrants to the United Kingdom; (3) madness as a pathology of alienation that is attendant on living in Barbados; and (4) madness as "othering,'' "outing,'' and "fixity.'' British second-generation "returning nationals'' to the Caribbean, living as they do in the plural world of the land of their parents' birth, after having been raised in the colonial "Mother Country,'' exhibit hybridity and in-betweenness. Accusations of madness serve to fix the position of these young migrants outside the mainstream of indigenous Barbadian society. Our analysis invokes recent postcolonial writings dealing with "strange encounters'' to theorize that the madness accusation serves to "other'' the young Bajan-Brit migrants in a strongly postcolonial context.