992 resultados para SPATIAL ATTENTION
Overview of early work on Spatial and Temporal hypermeida
Introducción: El TDAH tiene un componente genético importante; el gen de transportador de Dopamina (DAT1) se ha asociado con susceptibilidad al TDAH y con sus endofenotipos. El VNTR de 40pb en la región 3’UTR aumenta la expresión del DAT1. En Colombia no hay ningún estudio previo que indique evidencia de la asociación genética entre TDAH y el gen DAT1. Objetivo: Determinar asociación entre el VNTR del DAT1 y el fenotipo y/o endofenotipos del TDAH. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 73 pacientes con TDAH y 75 controles, se valoró en los casos inteligencia y funciones ejecutivas. Mediante (PCR) se amplificó el VNTR DAT1. Se establecieron estadísticos genético poblacionales, análisis de asociación y de regresión logística entre las pruebas neuropsicológicas y genotipo. Resultado: El polimorfismo del DAT1 no mostró asociación con TDAH, ni con alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas. El genotipo 10/10 del VNTR DAT1 se encontró asociado con el índice de velocidad de procesamiento (p <0,05). En el subgrupo hiperactividad hubo asociación con algunas subpruebas de flexibilidad cognitiva, número de respuestas correctas, total de errores, número de respuestas perseverativas (p ≤ 0.01). En el subgrupo mixto se asoció con índice de comprensión verbal (p <0,05). Conclusiones: No hubo asociación entre el polimorfismo VNTR (DAT1) y el fenotipo de TDAH. Se encontraron asociaciones entre genotipo y algunos test de flexibilidad cognitiva e índice de comprensión verbal. Se establecieron los estadísticos genético poblacionales de este polimorfismo para la población analizada, el cual corresponde al primer reporte de una muestra de nuestro país.
Learning object 38 additional resource
An emerging consensus in cognitive science views the biological brain as a hierarchically-organized predictive processing system. This is a system in which higher-order regions are continuously attempting to predict the activity of lower-order regions at a variety of (increasingly abstract) spatial and temporal scales. The brain is thus revealed as a hierarchical prediction machine that is constantly engaged in the effort to predict the flow of information originating from the sensory surfaces. Such a view seems to afford a great deal of explanatory leverage when it comes to a broad swathe of seemingly disparate psychological phenomena (e.g., learning, memory, perception, action, emotion, planning, reason, imagination, and conscious experience). In the most positive case, the predictive processing story seems to provide our first glimpse at what a unified (computationally-tractable and neurobiological plausible) account of human psychology might look like. This obviously marks out one reason why such models should be the focus of current empirical and theoretical attention. Another reason, however, is rooted in the potential of such models to advance the current state-of-the-art in machine intelligence and machine learning. Interestingly, the vision of the brain as a hierarchical prediction machine is one that establishes contact with work that goes under the heading of 'deep learning'. Deep learning systems thus often attempt to make use of predictive processing schemes and (increasingly abstract) generative models as a means of supporting the analysis of large data sets. But are such computational systems sufficient (by themselves) to provide a route to general human-level analytic capabilities? I will argue that they are not and that closer attention to a broader range of forces and factors (many of which are not confined to the neural realm) may be required to understand what it is that gives human cognition its distinctive (and largely unique) flavour. The vision that emerges is one of 'homomimetic deep learning systems', systems that situate a hierarchically-organized predictive processing core within a larger nexus of developmental, behavioural, symbolic, technological and social influences. Relative to that vision, I suggest that we should see the Web as a form of 'cognitive ecology', one that is as much involved with the transformation of machine intelligence as it is with the progressive reshaping of our own cognitive capabilities.
In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.
Emergent phenomena such as urban sprawl, travel intensification and loss of cohesion in contemporary metropolises, impose stronger constraints on its inhabitants. Among them, travel and location capabilities become a fundamental factor of social integration and a multiplier of income inequalities. The simultaneous analysis of housing-travel efforts and accessibility to urban opportunities in Greater Santiago shows that these dimensions are closely related and exert an important influence on spatial mobility and inequalities among its inhabitants. Furthermore, a theoretical model of displacements, considering income and location, confirms the importance of proximity and non-motorized transport in order to optimize daily mobility strategies of households. Overall, the empirical and theoretical results presented show the need to implement coordinated planning strategies between the housing and transport sectors, addressing not only travel acceleration, but mainly the consistency between accommodation and opportu ties location. The creation of such planning tools could be a more sustainable alternative than current growth trends in Greater Santiago.
Using a unique neighborhood crime dataset for Bogotá in 2011, this study uses a spatial econometric approach and examines the role of socioeconomic and agglomeration variables in explaining the variance of crime. It uses two different types of crime, violent crime represented in homicides and property crime represented in residential burglaries. These two types of crime are then measured in non-standard crime statistics that are created as the area incidence for each crime in the neighborhood. The existence of crime hotspots in Bogotá has been shown in most of the literature, and using these non-standard crime statistics at this neighborhood level some hotspots arise again, thus validating the use of a spatial approach for these new crime statistics. The final specification includes socioeconomic, agglomeration, land-use and visual aspect variables that are then included in a SARAR model an estimated by the procedure devised by Kelejian and Prucha (2009). The resulting coefficients and marginal effects show the relevance of these crime hotspots which is similar with most previous studies. However, socioeconomic variables are significant and show the importance of age, and education. Agglomeration variables are significant and thus more densely populated areas are correlated with more crime. Interestingly, both types of crimes do not have the same significant covariates. Education and young male population have a different sign for homicide and residential burglaries. Inequality matters for homicides while higher real estate valuation matters for residential burglaries. Finally, density impacts positively both crimes.
We look at at the empirical validity of Schelling’s models for racial residential segregation applied to the case of Chicago. Most of the empirical literature has focused exclusively the single neighborhood model, also known as the tipping point model and neglected a multineighborhood approach or a unified approach. The multi-neighborhood approach introduced spatial interaction across the neighborhoods, in particular we look at spatial interaction across neighborhoods sharing a border. An initial exploration of the data indicates that spatial contiguity might be relevant to properly analyse the so call tipping phenomena of predominately non-Hispanic white neighborhoods to predominantly minority neighborhoods within a decade. We introduce an econometric model that combines an approach to estimate tipping point using threshold effects and a spatial autoregressive model. The estimation results from the model disputes the existence of a tipping point, that is a discontinuous change in the rate of growth of the non-Hispanic white population due to a small increase in the minority share of the neighborhood. In addition we find that racial distance between the neighborhood of interest and it surrounding neighborhoods has an important effect on the dynamics of racial segregation in Chicago.
Los niños con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ADHD) pueden experimentar a menudo fracaso escolar, expulsión escolar y problemas emocionales, conductuales y sociales. Para desmitificar esta disfunción, este manual ayuda a comprenderla y a manejarla, a adoptar las estrategias educativas y los enfoques de gestión del comportamiento más adecuados para cada niño. También explora el uso de los tratamientos alternativos, tales como estrategias psicológicas y psiquiátricas, medicamentos, asesoramiento, entrenamiento y cambios en la dieta, lo que permite ofrecer a los niños un futuro más positivo.
Recurso para padres, profesores y todo el personal de la escuela que trata con jóvenes con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ADHD), o que presentan un tipo de comportamiento ADHD. Su objetivo es desmitificar el ADHD, permitir entender un poco más sobre este tipo de personalidad, facilitar a estos alumnos una mayor comprensión de su propio estado, proporcionar un método para adultos que trabajan con estos jóvenes y mostrar que si en personas con ADHD se dan las condiciones óptimas para su desarrollo pueden convertirse en los miembros más productivos e innovadores de nuestra sociedad. Contiene actividades y ejercicios para alumnos diagnosticados, o que presenta muchas de las características de esta disfunción. Incluye secciones sobre tratamiento médico y alternativas para el tratamiento, ejercicios de muchas disciplinas, por ejemplo yoga terapia de arte, diseñadas para mejorar la organización y la concentración.
Manual que ofrece numerosas recomendaciones para hacer frente a los múltiples síntomas del bajo auto-control y gestión del tiempo, la falta de atención y desorganización, y el comportamiento impulsivo y descuidado que afecta a casi todos los ámbitos de las principales actividades de la vida de los adultos con TDAH. Describe cómo el cerebro de la persona con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) procesa la información y cómo se producen los típicos desafíos que estas personas experimentan, así como por qué ciertas estrategias son efectivas y otras no. Explica detalladamente el tratamiento, tipo de medicamentos, terapia y entrenamiento, además de los tratamientos alternativos. Proporciona una amplia colección de estrategias prácticas en las áreas de la autoestima, trabajo, relaciones, amistad, paternidad y la vida cotidiana. Incluye la gestión de tiempo para organizarse. Está estructurado en ciento ochenta y nueve artículos independientes entre si que tratan sobre un tema en particular.
El libro presenta un conjunto de tests de aptitud (para medir el potencial de éxito de una persona) y tests de inteligencia normalizados, cada vez más utilizados en procesos de contratación, selección y evaluación de personal. Organizados en cuatro apartados, tests de aptitud verbal, espacial, numérica y tests de inteligencia, permiten trabajar distintas áreas (significado de palabras, gramática y comprensión, aptitud verbal avanzada, análisis lógico, cálculo mental, secuencias numéricas y problemas numéricos) para mejorar las habilidades verbales, numéricas y de razonamiento del lector.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Con el apoyo econ??mico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
Resumen basado en el del autor