999 resultados para Road materials Permeability
Rasvankestävyydellä tarkoitetaan sitä, että materiaali hylkii tai kestää rasvaa tietyn ajan läpäisemättä sen pintaa. Rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja löytyy kaikkialta. Erilaiset ruuanvalmistuspaperit, kuten esimerkiksi leivinpaperi ja voipaperi, ovat rasvankestäviä. Myös pakkauksissa käytetään paljon rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja. Rasvankestäviltä tuotteilta vaaditaan erilaisia ominaisuuksia riippuen niiden käyttötarkoituksesta. Pakkausmateriaaleilta vaaditaan esimerkiksi lujuutta ja kestävyyttä fyysistä rasitusta, valoa, hajuja ja mikrobeja vastaan. Ruuanvalmistusmateriaaleilta vaaditaan puolestaan lujuutta ja kestävyyttä lämpöä, kosteutta ja fyysistä rasitusta vastaan. Rasvankestäviltä papereilta vaaditaan rasvankestävyyden lisäksi hyvää vetolujuutta, märkälujuutta ja hyviä optisia ominaisuuksia. Neliömassan tulee asettua 20─80 g/m2 välille ja metallipitoisuudet eivät saa olla liian korkeat. Myös tuotteiden kierrätettävyys on nostanut asemaansa viimeaikoina. Tuotteen tuotannon ja itse tuotteen ympäristöystävällisyys ovat todella arvostettuja kuluttajan, tuottajan, Suomen, EU:n ja koko maailman näkökulmista. Jotta tuotteesta saadaan rasvankestävää, vaaditaan siltä erilaisia barrier-ominaisuuksia. Rasvankestävällä paperilla vaaditaan hyviä barrier-ominaisuuksia esimerkiksi rasvan, ilman, veden, vesihöyryn sekä hapen läpäisevyyksissä. Rasvankestäviä papereita ja kartonkeja voidaan valmistaa kemiallisilla ja mekaanisilla tavoilla. Happokäsittely ja fluorokemikaalien lisääminen ovat kemiallisia tapoja, kun taas sellun jauhaminen pitkään matalassa lämpötilassa on mekaaninen tapa valmistaa rasvankestävää paperia. Näiden tapojen lisäksi rasvankestäviä papereita voidaan tehdä erilaisten pinnoitusten avulla. Erilaiset muovit ovat yleisemmin käytettyjä pinnoitemateriaaleja. Esimerkiksi PE- ja PET-päällysteet ovat käytettyjä rasvankestävissä tuotteissa. Viime aikoina on kehitetty paljon erilaisia biomateriaaleja, joista voidaan tehdä rasvankestävä pinnoite. Lipideistä, hydrokolloideista ja erilaisista komposiiteista voidaan luoda uusien tekniikoiden avulla rasvankestäviä pinnoitteita. Rasvankestävyydestä voidaan saada jonkinlainen käsitys WVTR-asteen, Cobb-arvon ja kontaktikulman mittausten avulla. Rasvankestävyyttä voidaan myös mitata erilaisten standarditestien avulla. TAPPI:lla, ISO:lla ja ASTM:llä on useita erilaisia standardeja. Lähes kaikissa rasvankestävyysstandardeissa tuloksen saaminen perustuu visuaaliseen havaintoon, mikä aiheuttaa välillä hankaluuksia tulosten luotettavuuteen, koska tuloksen määrittää ihmissilmä, ja kaikilla testin tekijöillä on erilainen silmä, joka aistii eri tavalla.
The aim of this study is to explore longing and its implication for health. The overall purpose is to develop a theory model of longing. The research question is: What is the substance of longing in a caring science perspective? The model is developed based on theoretical and empirical studies, which contains three different research materials; hermeneutic reading of texts by Augustine and Kierkegaard, and interpretation of research interviews with nine women in a cancer context. The design of the study is explorative and the ontological hermeneutics of Gadamer is chosen as a guidance for understanding. The main standpoint of the study is performed within the systematic caring science, which through basic research, generates knowledge about the human desire as crucial for the deeper health processes. Through the contextual study there is a link to the clinical caring science. In the ontology of the systematic caring science, the character of longing is in touch with two different aspects. Longing is rooted in the inner source of love of the ethos of the human where the inscrutable depth exists and contains the reality beyond the visible. Further, longing is essential for human being becoming in health and suffering, through holiness as a unit of body, soul and spirit. The results of the study are presented in a theory model. The model has by abduction provided new and deeper understanding of dimensions of longing related to health. On a general level the forces in longing unfolds in two perspectives; suffering and the basis of love. There appears to be a relationship between human and the source of love in all three materials. When human opens up his life in a larger perspective, resting in love, he can manage to stand in the thrill, and acknowledge loss and emptiness. In the transparency of an inner dialogue unfolding dispair, deeper longing can be opened up so that lives are released from the source of love. The holiness of the human desire has such appeal because the holiness of the source of love is always more than the suffering and the particular. The holiness in longing seems to satisfy the hearts deepest searching. The directon of longing is performed in relation to human and the source of love. The study reveals how longing is associated with the source of love, where the holiness of longing seems to drag the human and by that gives the answer to the seeking of the heart. Dynamics forces have direction from the human suffering in the foundation and a release of the power is given back to transform, deepen and reconcile life and suffering. The movements of the power released by longing are keys to understand the suffering of human in relation to the source of love, becoming in health. By this study, results contribute to deepen the ontological core of caring science. Firstly, human in his longing is connected to the inner ethos and by that the most sacred and absolute in itself so that parts of the potential of love can be released to health. Secondly, longing is the road of reconciliation and can further expand to authentic reconciliation, where human is becoming towards unity and holiness. Thirdly, the spirituality is unfolding through longing and the transcendental is received. In longing, human is in touch with the mystery, the longing exceeds the present and moving towards eternity and infinity, and is in what is yet to come. Such deep experience of longing moments leave an impression and show the longing fulfilled.
Electrochemical double-layer supercapacitors have an intermediate position between rechargeable batteries, which can store high amounts of energy, and dielectric capacitors, which have high output power. Supercapacitors are widely suggested to be used in automobiles (recuperation during braking, facilitate engine starting, electric stabilization of the system), industry (forklifts, elevators), hybrid off-road machinery and also in consumer electronics. Supercapacitor electrodes require highly porous material. Typically, activated carbon is used. Specific surface area of activated carbon is approximately 1000 m2 per gram. Carbon nanotubes represent one of prospective materials. According to numerous studies this material allows to improve the properties of supercapacitors. The task of this Master‘s Thesis was to test multiwalled carbon nanotubes and become confident with the testing methods.
The development of biopolymers has been rapid in recent years and the range of available bioplastics is increasing continuously, driven by a growing demand for sustainable solutions. There are several key drivers behind this growth. The oil reservoirs are decreasing which is causing a price increase for the traditional plastic materials and therefore the gap to bioplastics’ price is getting smaller. In addition, other environmental topics, such as waste disposal and green production, have become more and more important factors for institutes, companies and consumers. Legislation and directives have to be taken into account as well in decision making concerning different packaging materials. The new environmental law with waste disposal responsibility will also have an effect on the packaging business. Therefore a need has risen to study closer the current offering closer of bio-based materials that could be used in chocolate packaging. In this Master’s Thesis the bioplastics’, and especially biodegradable materials’ technical properties and their development, availability, possible existing products in the markets, waste disposal possibilities and consumers attitude towards environmental friendly packaging is studied. This is a case study where the offering of biodegradable materials was investigated during March 2013 for Fazer Confectionary.
Väisälän palkinnon 2012 saaja.
The flow of Bingham liquids through porous media has been studied. Experiments have been performed to determine the flow rate / pressure drop relationship for the flow of a grease of Binghamian rheological behavior through an array of rods of circular cross section. The yield stress and plastic viscosity of the grease have been determined with the aid of a controlled stress rotational rheometer. To investigate a wider range of the flow parameters, the mass and momentum conservation equations have been solved numerically, in conjunction with the generalized Newtonian constitutive law and the bi-viscosity model. The finite volume method has been employed to obtain the numerical solution. These numerical results also yielded a flow rate / pressure drop relationship, which is in very good agreement with the experimental results. A capillaric theory has been developed to determine an analytical relationship between the flow rate and pressure drop for flows of Bingham liquids through porous media. It is shown that the predictions of this theory are in good agreement with the experimental and numerical results.
The Lutheran Church of El Salvador made a decision, in 1986, to open the ministry to women. How was it possible in the midst of a Latin American macho culture and after having been influenced by the theologically conservative, North American mission work? This research examines the kinds of internal and external factors which led women to leadership and ministry, and the context in which this development occurred. The roles of women have been scrutinised during several time periods. During 1952-1974 the focus was on women as missionary wives and fundadoras (founding mothers). Women’s roles as laywomen grew in 1975-1985. After the outburst of the civil war in 1980, women advanced to lay leaders. The ministry was opened for women and the first deacon pastors were installed in 1986 and the first presbyter pastors were ordained in 1994. In 2009, more women than ever were working in different levels – from laywomen to leaders – in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador. The research shows that the reasons for the development and changes concerning women’s positions and roles lie in the impact of significant individuals, liberation theology, the feminist and women’s movement, civil war and the theology of life.
Inhibition of global warming has become one of the major goals for the coming decades. A key strategy is to replace fossil fuels with more sustainable fuels, which has generated growing interest in the use of waste-derived fuels and of biomass fuels. However, from the chemical point of view, biomass is an inhomogeneous fuel, usually with a high concentration of water and considerable amounts of potassium and chlorine, all of which are known to affect the durability of superheater tubes. To slow down or reduce corrosion, power plants using biomass as fuel have been forced to operate at lower steam temperatures as compared to fossil fuel power plants. This reduces power production efficiency: every 10°C rise in the steam temperature results in an approximate increase of 2% in power production efficiency. More efficient ways to prevent corrosion are needed so that power plants using biomass and waste-derived fuels can operate at higher steam temperatures. The aim of this work was to shed more light on the alkali-induced corrosion of superheater steels at elevated temperatures, focusing on potassium chloride, the alkali salt most frequently encountered in biomass combustion, and on potassium carbonate, another potassium salt occasionally found in fly ash. The mechanisms of the reactions between various corrosive compounds and steels were investigated. Based on the results, the potassium-induced accelerated oxidation of chromia protected steels appears to occur in two consecutive stages. In the first, the protective chromium oxide layer is destroyed through a reaction with potassium leading to the formation of intermediates such as potassium chromate (K2CrO4) and depleting the chromium in the protective oxide layer. As the chromium is depleted, chromium from the bulk steel diffuses into the oxide layer to replenish it. In this stage, the ability of the material to withstand corrosion depends on the chromium content (which affects how long it takes the chromium in the oxide layer to be depleted) and on external factors such as temperature (which affects how fast the chromium diffuses into the protective oxide from the bulk steel). For accelerated oxidation to continue, the presence of chloride appears to be essential.
Wastes and side streams in the mining industry and different anthropogenic wastes often contain valuable metals in such concentrations their recovery may be economically viable. These raw materials are collectively called secondary raw materials. The recovery of metals from these materials is also environmentally favorable, since many of the metals, for example heavy metals, are hazardous to the environment. This has been noticed in legislative bodies, and strict regulations for handling both mining and anthropogenic wastes have been developed, mainly in the last decade. In the mining and metallurgy industry, important secondary raw materials include, for example, steelmaking dusts (recoverable metals e.g. Zn and Mo), zinc plant residues (Ag, Au, Ga, Ge, In) and waste slurry from Bayer process alumina production (Ga, REE, Ti, V). From anthropogenic wastes, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), among them LCD screens and fluorescent lamps, are clearly the most important from a metals recovery point of view. Metals that are commonly recovered from WEEE include, for example, Ag, Au, Cu, Pd and Pt. In LCD screens indium, and in fluorescent lamps, REEs, are possible target metals. Hydrometallurgical processing routes are highly suitable for the treatment of complex and/or low grade raw materials, as secondary raw materials often are. These solid or liquid raw materials often contain large amounts of base metals, for example. Thus, in order to recover valuable metals, with small concentrations, highly selective separation methods, such as hydrometallurgical routes, are needed. In addition, hydrometallurgical processes are also seen as more environmental friendly, and they have lower energy consumption, when compared to pyrometallurgical processes. In this thesis, solvent extraction and ion exchange are the most important hydrometallurgical separation methods studied. Solvent extraction is a mainstream unit operation in the metallurgical industry for all kinds of metals, but for ion exchange, practical applications are not as widespread. However, ion exchange is known to be particularly suitable for dilute feed solutions and complex separation tasks, which makes it a viable option, especially for processing secondary raw materials. Recovering valuable metals was studied with five different raw materials, which included liquid and solid side streams from metallurgical industries and WEEE. Recovery of high purity (99.7%) In, from LCD screens, was achieved by leaching with H2SO4, extracting In and Sn to D2EHPA, and selectively stripping In to HCl. In was also concentrated in the solvent extraction stage from 44 mg/L to 6.5 g/L. Ge was recovered as a side product from two different base metal process liquors with Nmethylglucamine functional chelating ion exchange resin (IRA-743). Based on equilibrium and dynamic modeling, a mechanism for this moderately complex adsorption process was suggested. Eu and Y were leached with high yields (91 and 83%) by 2 M H2SO4 from a fluorescent lamp precipitate of waste treatment plant. The waste also contained significant amounts of other REEs such as Gd and Tb, but these were not leached with common mineral acids in ambient conditions. Zn was selectively leached over Fe from steelmaking dusts with a controlled acidic leaching method, in which the pH did not go below, but was held close as possible to, 3. Mo was also present in the other studied dust, and was leached with pure water more effectively than with the acidic methods. Good yield and selectivity in the solvent extraction of Zn was achieved by D2EHPA. However, Fe needs to be eliminated in advance, either by the controlled leaching method or, for example, by precipitation. 100% Pure Mo/Cr product was achieved with quaternary ammonium salt (Aliquat 336) directly from the water leachate, without pH adjustment (pH 13.7). A Mo/Cr mixture was also obtained from H2SO4 leachates with hydroxyoxime LIX 84-I and trioctylamine (TOA), but the purities were 70% at most. However with Aliquat 336, again an over 99% pure mixture was obtained. High selectivity for Mo over Cr was not achieved with any of the studied reagents. Ag-NaCl solution was purified from divalent impurity metals by aminomethylphosphonium functional Lewatit TP-260 ion exchange resin. A novel preconditioning method, named controlled partial neutralization, with conjugate bases of weak organic acids, was used to control the pH in the column to avoid capacity losses or precipitations. Counter-current SMB was shown to be a better process configuration than either batch column operation or the cross-current operation conventionally used in the metallurgical industry. The raw materials used in this thesis were also evaluated from an economic point of view, and the precipitate from a waste fluorescent lamp treatment process was clearly shown to be the most promising.
The iron and steelmaking industry is among the major contributors to the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide in the world. The rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and the global concern about the greenhouse effect and climate change have brought about considerable investigations on how to reduce the energy intensity and CO2 emissions of this industrial sector. In this thesis the problem is tackled by mathematical modeling and optimization using three different approaches. The possibility to use biomass in the integrated steel plant, particularly as an auxiliary reductant in the blast furnace, is investigated. By pre-processing the biomass its heating value and carbon content can be increased at the same time as the oxygen content is decreased. As the compression strength of the preprocessed biomass is lower than that of coke, it is not suitable for replacing a major part of the coke in the blast furnace burden. Therefore the biomass is assumed to be injected at the tuyere level of the blast furnace. Carbon capture and storage is, nowadays, mostly associated with power plants but it can also be used to reduce the CO2 emissions of an integrated steel plant. In the case of a blast furnace, the effect of CCS can be further increased by recycling the carbon dioxide stripped top gas back into the process. However, this affects the economy of the integrated steel plant, as the amount of top gases available, e.g., for power and heat production is decreased. High quality raw materials are a prerequisite for smooth blast furnace operation. High quality coal is especially needed to produce coke with sufficient properties to ensure proper gas permeability and smooth burden descent. Lower quality coals as well as natural gas, which some countries have in great volumes, can be utilized with various direct and smelting reduction processes. The DRI produced with a direct reduction process can be utilized as a feed material for blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace. The liquid hot metal from a smelting reduction process can in turn be used in basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace. The unit sizes and investment costs of an alternative ironmaking process are also lower than those of a blast furnace. In this study, the economy of an integrated steel plant is investigated by simulation and optimization. The studied system consists of linearly described unit processes from coke plant to steel making units, with a more detailed thermodynamical model of the blast furnace. The results from the blast furnace operation with biomass injection revealed the importance of proper pre-processing of the raw biomass as the composition of the biomass as well as the heating value and the yield are all affected by the pyrolysis temperature. As for recycling of CO2 stripped blast furnace top gas, substantial reductions in the emission rates are achieved if the stripped CO2 can be stored. However, the optimal recycling degree together with other operation conditions is heavily dependent on the cost structure of CO2 emissions and stripping/storage. The economical feasibility related to the use of DRI in the blast furnace depends on the price ratio between the DRI pellets and the BF pellets. The high amount of energy needed in the rotary hearth furnace to reduce the iron ore leads to increased CO2 emissions.
Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical process used in the production of charred matter similar in composition to coal. It involves the use of wet, carbohydrate feedstock, a relatively low temperature environment (180 °C-350 °C) and high autogenous pressure (up to 2,4 MPa) in a closed system. Various applications of the solid char product exist, opening the way for a range of biomass feedstock materials to be exploited that have so far proven to be troublesome due to high water content or other factors. Sludge materials are investigated as candidates for industrial-scale HTC treatment in fuel production. In general, HTC treatment of pulp and paper industry sludge (PPS) and anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge (ADS) using existing technology is competitive with traditional treatment options, which range in price from EUR 30-80 per ton of wet sludge. PPS and ADS can be treated by HTC for less than EUR 13 and 33, respectively. Opportunities and challenges related to HTC exist, as this relatively new technology moves from laboratory and pilot-scale production to an industrial scale. Feedstock materials, end-products, process conditions and local markets ultimately determine the feasibility of a given HTC operation. However, there is potential for sludge materials to be converted to sustainable bio-coal fuel in a Finnish context.
The steel industry produces, besides steel, also solid mineral by-products or slags, while it emits large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Slags consist of various silicates and oxides which are formed in chemical reactions between the iron ore and the fluxing agents during the high temperature processing at the steel plant. Currently, these materials are recycled in the ironmaking processes, used as aggregates in construction, or landfilled as waste. The utilization rate of the steel slags can be increased by selectively extracting components from the mineral matrix. As an example, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts such as ammonium acetate, chloride and nitrate extract calcium quite selectively already at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. After the residual solids have been separated from the solution, calcium carbonate can be precipitated by feeding a CO2 flow through the solution. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used in different applications as a filler material. Its largest consumer is the papermaking industry, which utilizes PCC because it enhances the optical properties of paper at a relatively low cost. Traditionally, PCC is manufactured from limestone, which is first calcined to calcium oxide, then slaked with water to calcium hydroxide and finally carbonated to PCC. This process emits large amounts of CO2, mainly because of the energy-intensive calcination step. This thesis presents research work on the scale-up of the above-mentioned ammonium salt based calcium extraction and carbonation method, named Slag2PCC. Extending the scope of the earlier studies, it is now shown that the parameters which mainly affect the calcium utilization efficiency are the solid-to-liquid ratio of steel slag and the ammonium salt solvent solution during extraction, the mean diameter of the slag particles, and the slag composition, especially the fractions of total calcium, silicon, vanadium and iron as well as the fraction of free calcium oxide. Regarding extraction kinetics, slag particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and molar concentration of the solvent solution have the largest effect on the reaction rate. Solvent solution concentrations above 1 mol/L NH4Cl cause leaching of other elements besides calcium. Some of these such as iron and manganese result in solution coloring, which can be disadvantageous for the quality of the PCC product. Based on chemical composition analysis of the produced PCC samples, however, the product quality is mainly similar as in commercial products. Increasing the novelty of the work, other important parameters related to assessment of the PCC quality, such as particle size distribution and crystal morphology are studied as well. As in traditional PCC precipitation process, the ratio of calcium and carbonate ions controls the particle shape; a higher value for [Ca2+]/[CO32-] prefers precipitation of calcite polymorph, while vaterite forms when carbon species are present in excess. The third main polymorph, aragonite, is only formed at elevated temperatures, above 40-50 °C. In general, longer precipitation times cause transformation of vaterite to calcite or aragonite, but also result in particle agglomeration. The chemical equilibrium of ammonium and calcium ions and dissolved ammonia controlling the solution pH affects the particle sizes, too. Initial pH of 12-13 during the carbonation favors nonagglomerated particles with a diameter of 1 μm and smaller, while pH values of 9-10 generate more agglomerates of 10-20 μm. As a part of the research work, these findings are implemented in demonstrationscale experimental process setups. For the first time, the Slag2PCC technology is tested in scale of ~70 liters instead of laboratory scale only. Additionally, design of a setup of several hundreds of liters is discussed. For these purposes various process units such as inclined settlers and filters for solids separation, pumps and stirrers for material transfer and mixing as well as gas feeding equipment are dimensioned and developed. Overall emissions reduction of the current industrial processes and good product quality as the main targets, based on the performed partial life cycle assessment (LCA), it is most beneficial to utilize low concentration ammonium salt solutions for the Slag2PCC process. In this manner the post-treatment of the products does not require extensive use of washing and drying equipment, otherwise increasing the CO2 emissions of the process. The low solvent concentration Slag2PCC process causes negative CO2 emissions; thus, it can be seen as a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) method, which actually reduces the anthropogenic CO2 emissions compared to the alternative of not using the technology. Even if the amount of steel slag is too small for any substantial mitigation of global warming, the process can have both financial and environmental significance for individual steel manufacturers as a means to reduce the amounts of emitted CO2 and landfilled steel slag. Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the carbon dioxide directly into the mixture of steel slag and ammonium salt solution. The process would generate a 60-75% pure calcium carbonate mixture, the remaining 25-40% consisting of the residual steel slag. This calcium-rich material could be re-used in ironmaking as a fluxing agent instead of natural limestone. Even though this process option would require less process equipment compared to the Slag2PCC process, it still needs further studies regarding the practical usefulness of the products. Nevertheless, compared to several other CO2 emission reduction methods studied around the world, the within this thesis developed and studied processes have the advantage of existing markets for the produced materials, thus giving also a financial incentive for applying the technology in practice.
In the framework of the biorefinery concept researchers aspire to optimize the utilization of plant materials, such as agricultural wastes and wood. For most of the known processes, the first steps in the valorisation of biomass are the extraction and purification of the individual components. The obtained raw products by means of a controlled separation can consecutively be modified to result in biofuels or biogas for energy production, but also in value-added products such as additives and important building blocks for the chemical and material industries. Considerable efforts are undertaken in order to substitute the use of oil-based starting materials or at least minimize their processing for the production of everyday goods. Wood is one of the raw materials, which have gained large attention in the last decades and its composition has been studied in detail. Nowadays, the extraction of water-soluble hemicelluloses from wood is well known and so for example xylan can be obtained from hardwoods and O-acetyl galactoglucomannans (GGMs) from softwoods. The aim of this work was to develop water-soluble amphiphilic materials of GGM and to assess their potential use as additives. Furthermore, GGM was also applied as a crosslinker in the synthesis of functional hydrogels for the removal of toxic metals and metalloid ions from aqueous solutions. The distinguished products were obtained by several chemical approaches and analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope SEM, among others. Bio-based surfactants were produced by applying GGM and different fatty acids as starting materials. On one hand, GGM-grafted-fatty acids were prepared by esterification and on the other hand, well-defined GGM-block-fatty acid derivatives were obtained by linking amino-functional fatty acids to the reducing end of GGM. The reaction conditions for the syntheses were optimized and the resultant amphiphilic GGM derivatives were evaluated concerning their ability to reduce the surface tension of water as surfactants. Furthermore, the block-structured derivatives were tested in respect to their applicability as additives for the surface modification of cellulosic materials. Besides the GGM surfactants with a bio-based hydrophilic and a bio-based hydrophobic part, also GGM block-structured derivatives with a synthetic hydrophobic tail, consisting of a polydimethylsiloxane chain, were prepared and assessed for the hydrophobization of surface of nanofibrillated cellulose films. In order to generate GGM block-structured derivatives containing a synthetic tail with distinguished physical and chemical properties, as well as a tailored chain length, a controlled polymerization method was used. Therefore, firstly an initiator group was introduced at the reducing end of the GGM and consecutively single electron transfer-living radical polymerization (SET-LRP) was performed by applying three different monomers in individual reactions. For the accomplishment of the synthesis and the analysis of the products, challenges related to the solubility of the reactants had to be overcome. Overall, a synthesis route for the production of GGM block-copolymers bearing different synthetic polymer chains was developed and several derivatives were obtained. Moreover, GGM with different molar masses were, after modification, used as a crosslinker in the synthesis of functional hydrogels. Hereby, a cationic monomer was used during the free radical polymerization and the resultant hydrogels were successfully tested for the removal of chromium and arsenic ions from aqueous solutions. The hydrogel synthesis was tailored and materials with distinguished physical properties, such as the swelling rate, were obtained after purification. The results generated in this work underline the potential of bio-based products and the urge to continue carrying out research in order to be able to use more green chemicals for the manufacturing of biorenewable and biodegradable daily products.
Electrokinetics has emerged as a potential technique for in situ soil remediation and especially unique because of the ability to work in low permeability soil. In electrokinetic remediation, non-polar contaminants like most organic compounds are transported primarily by electroosmosis, thus the process is effective only if the contaminants are soluble in pore fluid. Therefore, enhancement is needed to improve mobility of these hydrophobic compounds, which tend to adsorb strongly to the soil. On the other hand, as a novel and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared to conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as environmental friendliness (no toxic chemical are used or produced), low cost, and compact instrumentation. It also can be applied onsite. Ultrasonic energy applied into contaminated soils can increase desorption and mobilization of contaminants and porosity and permeability of soil through developing of cavitation. The research investigated the coupling effect of the combination of these two techniques, electrokinetics and ultrasonication, in persistent organic pollutant removal from contaminated low permeability clayey soil (with kaolin as a model medium). The preliminary study checked feasibility of ultrasonic treatment of kaolin highly contaminated by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The laboratory experiments were conducted in various conditions (moisture, frequency, power, duration time, initial concentration) to examine the effects of these parameters on the treatment process. Experimental results showed that ultrasonication has a potential to remove POPs, although the removal efficiencies were not high with short duration time. The study also suggested intermittent ultrasonication over longer time as an effective means to increase the removal efficiencies. Then, experiments were conducted to compare the performances among electrokinetic process alone and electrokinetic processes combined with surfactant addition and mainly with ultrasonication, in designed cylinders (with filtercloth separating central part and electrolyte parts) and in open pans. Combined electrokinetic and ultrasonic treatment did prove positive coupling effect compared to each single process alone, though the level of enhancement is not very significant. The assistance of ultrasound in electrokinetic remediation can help reduce POPs from clayey soil by improving the mobility of hydrophobic organic compounds and degrading these contaminants through pyrolysis and oxidation. Ultrasonication also sustains higher current and increases electroosmotic flow. Initial contaminant concentration is an essential input parameter that can affect the removal effectiveness.